CCC (Closed Group) CORRECTED - WEEK #5



  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    CW: 168.0

    Chest: 42.5
    Waist: 39.25
    Hips: 41
    Thigh: (R)25 (L)24.25
    Arm: (R)13.75 (L)13.75
  • shaverkl191
    Ok so here is my compliment for the challenge...

    I noticed on Facebook that a girl who works for my dad was writing about wanting to lose weight and get in shape and how she feels like it will be a lot of work and difficult. I have never spoken directly to her, but I sent her a private message encouraging her to start her journey into fitness and even suggested that she check out this website!!
  • Cmuehe
    Cmuehe Posts: 40 Member
    Hellooooooooo! This week STINKS for me. Bleh! :grumble: TOM is here, but not here. Did that make sense? In other words, he's 'supposed' to be here, and the symptoms of him are here, except for one key thing, nothing is happening! Great, it's just all bundled up inside. What's it waiting for? No idea. I have the bloating, the cramps, the irritability, the 'man, I'm so tired I could sleep for 40 days' feeling, the 'how many potato chips and how much chocolate can I eat' feeling. It was all I could do to keep up with Zumba this morning. My arms were dragging, my legs were dragging, my everything was dragging.

    So, I'm not very happy. I'd like for TOM to just go away, but until Aunt Flo arrives, TOM isn't going anywhere! :sad:

    Will post my weight and measurements tomorrow, as usual. Thanks for letting me vent! :smile:

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    CW: 227.8
    I am finally out of the 230's!!!!

    N: 13.25
    B: 46
    W: 40
    A: 14.5
    T: 24.5

    I have had a great week this week and am even making progress getting my son to eat vegetables! (No small feat with him!) I have been challenging my body to slowly do more and more exercise since the dr.'s released me to do whatever I can tolerate. I will be starting physical therapy soon and plan to use the physical therapist as my own personal trainer since they will be working on my back and legs anyway (I have 0 core strength thanks to a recent pregnancy and several bulging and torn discs). I also found out that I do not (currently) have MS and it looks like they are just tumors on my spinal cord. Still have to see a neurologist to make sure they don't have to do anything about them right now, but things are looking much better than a week ago.

    I complimented a woman yesterday while I was at my son's Kindergarten Readiness program about her hair and her sons behavior (he had behavior problems). She was beaming the rest of the time! I am pretty free with compliments and it feels great to see how much better they can make others feel!

    Gosh Sarah ~ Sorry to hear about your health challenges!!! Hang in there - Good luck with PT, I'm sure they will give you good advise. So glad you are getting results...keep eating those veggies :bigsmile:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey Friends:happy: This goes out to all of you who are struggling!!!!! Hang in there:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I have been working hard since the week before our challenge started. Ok vacation set me back, but I got right back on the horse and lost that weight. As of last week I had lost only 1.4 :frown: Then TOM was here last week etc etc. I kept going to the gym and eating right, logging food and IT WORKED!!!!!!!! I lost 4.7 this week and 4" off my body :bigsmile:

    CW 192.1
    Bust 38.5
    Waist 36
    Hips 43.5
    Arm 12
    Thigh 24.5

    So as they say "When the Going Gets Tough the Tough Get Going!!!!!!" Let's Go!!!
  • Cmuehe
    Cmuehe Posts: 40 Member
    My compliment story:
    So Tuesday night my 3 year old daughter fell down the stairs at our house and broke her arm. So of course I run her to the ER. Anyways the staff at the ER was great I kept telling all of the staff thanks for all you do. They had true empathy for us and my little one.. I thanked the orthopedic dr for helping my little girl and he got the biggest smile on his face. I know he is doing his job but what a difference the amazing medical staff do for us... I couldn't be more grateful for how they helped my little one... It was a tramstic night for all Of us an they were all great!!

    I hope your little girl is doing better! My son broke his arm when he was that age! It is a traumatic event when something like that happens, but it sounds like you handled it really well. :-) Have a great week! ~ Christine
  • athederan
    athederan Posts: 61 Member
    I feel like just giving up completely. My weight is back up to my starting weight of the challenge and there wasn't any change in my measurements. I was doing good for the first couple weeks but I kind of gave up and now look at me. Back in the same spot. :(

    CW: 225
    Bust 42 on 08/26/11
    Waist 38 on 08/26/11
    Hips 44 on 08/26/11
    Arms 15 on 08/26/11
    Thighs 28 on 08/26/11
  • julietsingleton
    julietsingleton Posts: 126 Member
    Ok, not quite so good this week although i have lost a bit! I have been on night shifts, which usually messes my body about, plus i find it hard to get in my exercise before work when on nights! Oh well hopefully i will do better next week although am on nights again!

    CW: 195.1
    H: 39.5
    T: 23
    A: 10.5
    B: 38.5

    I think these are all lower than last time so at least that is something x
    :drinker: thanks jenn :drinker:
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    Ok... I am up I knew I would be :cry:
    CW: 168.4 I think it is Tom,but?? No :noway:
    here are my measurment are:
    bust: 38 same
    waist: 33 -1
    fat/hips 37.5 -1
    thigh: 21 same
    arm: 12.5 -1
    So I guess thats good, I lost 3 total inches...I just wish I could figure out the scale better..

    Anyways Last night I took my daughter shopping and we ended up in Cato's (clothing store) and I keep looking at clothes and looking but nothing really jumped out at me and a sales lady came over and asked if I needed help and I nicely said no..I just cant find anything...I think its just me I have lost some weight and now I dont know what clothes to wear..and she looked at me and said I totally know what your going through! I have just lost 50lbs! and thats why some of my clothes are so baggy, and she pulled on her shirt to show me! I told her congradulations and told her how great she looked! I really would have never guessed she was ever bigger she looked great! I told her that, and that I just thought she was like those pretty teenage girls they usually hire..her face lit up like a Christmas tree!!! It felt great! I know she had to work hard, so I am glad she told me!! and I could compliment her!!
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    I feel like just giving up completely. My weight is back up to my starting weight of the challenge and there wasn't any change in my measurements. I was doing good for the first couple weeks but I kind of gave up and now look at me. Back in the same spot. :(

    CW: 225
    Bust 42 on 08/26/11
    Waist 38 on 08/26/11
    Hips 44 on 08/26/11
    Arms 15 on 08/26/11
    Thighs 28 on 08/26/11

    Dont give up!!! I feel completely discouraged too, but trust me you'll get there....its just day by day I just keep telling myself I have already lost over 30 so I can do it..and I dont know what your totals are but I was there..I had 55 pounds to lose so You can do it to!!
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Ok so here we go!! My weight as of this morning was 158.6lbs!! Woohoo! I surpassed my mini goal of 160lbs!! I forgot to measure myself, so I'll post that tomorrow morning!! Hope everyone is having an awesome day!!
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    My compliment story:
    So Tuesday night my 3 year old daughter fell down the stairs at our house and broke her arm. So of course I run her to the ER. Anyways the staff at the ER was great I kept telling all of the staff thanks for all you do. They had true empathy for us and my little one.. I thanked the orthopedic dr for helping my little girl and he got the biggest smile on his face. I know he is doing his job but what a difference the amazing medical staff do for us... I couldn't be more grateful for how they helped my little one... It was a tramstic night for all Of us an they were all great!!
    It was nice of you to compliment him. He got a big smile because ER is a stressful place and after nursing in a busy one for 10 years...I can tell you one gets sworn at a lot...esp by drunk people...called every name in the book. So when you get a compliment passed on by means a lot. Glad your little one got good care and is doing well :)
  • lauralu71
    I feel like just giving up completely. My weight is back up to my starting weight of the challenge and there wasn't any change in my measurements. I was doing good for the first couple weeks but I kind of gave up and now look at me. Back in the same spot. :(

    CW: 225
    Bust 42 on 08/26/11
    Waist 38 on 08/26/11
    Hips 44 on 08/26/11
    Arms 15 on 08/26/11
    Thighs 28 on 08/26/11

    Dont give up!!! I feel completely discouraged too, but trust me you'll get there....its just day by day I just keep telling myself I have already lost over 30 so I can do it..and I dont know what your totals are but I was there..I had 55 pounds to lose so You can do it to!!

    I agree - I am in the same spot. I started out great, lost 5 lbs, and am now back where I was. It's challenging and it's easy to get discouraged. Try to focus on other things that you have accomplished instead of just looking at the numbers on the scale. For example - I know I notice myself reading labels more and actually looking at calories to see if something is worth eating; I have been more consistent with tracking; and I have probably exercised more in the last few weeks than I ever have in my life! You will get there - we all will. We have an amazing group supporting us!

    Take care of you!
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    My compliment story:

    I have a coworker who is always hating on herself. I've known her for 9 years and this is the way she's always been. We were talking about nothing really and all of a sudden I told her that her face was glowing. She has acne scars which she had laser on about 3 years ago. She was blushing so that she had to walk away because she doesn't accept compliments very well!!! She's really a very pretty lady and I told her so!!!
  • joyfulmom4him
    My compliment story:

    I have a coworker who is always hating on herself. I've known her for 9 years and this is the way she's always been. We were talking about nothing really and all of a sudden I told her that her face was glowing. She has acne scars which she had laser on about 3 years ago. She was blushing so that she had to walk away because she doesn't accept compliments very well!!! She's really a very pretty lady and I told her so!!!

    that is awesome! I bet it made her day. Sometimes it is hard to see what others see. Good job!
  • angiemcnett
    CW: 225 Loss of 2!
    My measurements:
    Bust: 46
    Waist: 43
    Hips: 53
    Arm: 15
    Thigh: 27.25

    Yeah losing inches!!
  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    Bump for later~!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i can't do the exercise challenge :sad: i can't do anything like squats or lunges cuz my left knee is all messed up, but i DID to 20 minutes of zumba today, and that was lots of fun! :bigsmile:

    i'll be back on Sunday with my weight and measurements! :flowerforyou:
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    Well....I don't know if I complemented...but I tried to encourage. Was entering a rest stop building to use the bathroom when I noticed an older couple...she was very frail and he was helping her in...using a gait belt to help. I heard him say..."I'm sorry are going to have to come into the men's room...I think that is better than me going into the women's". She looked I went over and told them I was a nurse and could help her in and out of the ladies. She was relieved....explained that they had been on trip and fallen and had to have hip pinned. Now they were on a 5 hour trip home and she really needed the rest room. She was really discouraged about being weak. I told her she was doing great and to hang in there...that rehab would be hard...but would get her back to being independent. She was a perfect stranger...but today I'm wondering about her and hoping that she is staying encouraged.
  • yramesor333
    Well....I don't know if I complemented...but I tried to encourage. Was entering a rest stop building to use the bathroom when I noticed an older couple...she was very frail and he was helping her in...using a gait belt to help. I heard him say..."I'm sorry are going to have to come into the men's room...I think that is better than me going into the women's". She looked I went over and told them I was a nurse and could help her in and out of the ladies. She was relieved....explained that they had been on trip and fallen and had to have hip pinned. Now they were on a 5 hour trip home and she really needed the rest room. She was really discouraged about being weak. I told her she was doing great and to hang in there...that rehab would be hard...but would get her back to being independent. She was a perfect stranger...but today I'm wondering about her and hoping that she is staying encouraged.
    this is so perfect,so heart waRMING !!!!! :drinker: totally awsome!!!