CCC (Closed Group) CORRECTED - WEEK #5



  • johanna_elaine
    Hey guys,

    I'll have my current weight up tomorrow AF decIded to come visit and the first day is the worst. I should be starting the 30 ds Monday and I'm hoping it helps menget the results I want and I had a bad night last night and it's caring over to a bad day. I'm trying not to overeat like I usually do, but as we all know old habits are hard to break. I'm taking it one hour at a time (lol)
  • shelly650
    Still no change weight wise!! Thats 3 weeks with no change!! Please weight just disappear!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    CW 194.1

    Lost .6... it's a loss, I'll take it. Did something today we all need to try to do!!! It wasn't easy. I had a long day so far - left at 5am got home at 2. I stopped and got a chicken torta from baja fresh, got my son a burrito. I was starving...infact I ate his chips on the way home!! I gave him my chips, got my sandwich out and cut it in half. I tried to eat it slow and enjoy, but it went down kind of fast. Sooooo good I wanted more!!!!!! I got up and left the table sat in the living room and watched a tv show with my son. After a few minutes and some water I felt GREAT. Wrapped up the rest of my lunch and it is in the fridge!!!!!

    I'm going to take a power nap and hit the gym!

    Happy Friday:flowerforyou:
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 198 Member
    I broke through my plateau and into the 220s!! I'm 228.6 which means I lost a grand total of 4.2 lbs this week:bigsmile: :bigsmile: !!!! YAY I'm soooooo happy!! I tried on some of my tops that I couldn't fit into b4 and they fit!!! A few of them are still a little bit tight but in a couple of weeks they should fit perfectly. I'm the lightest I've been since my wedding three years ago.

    I'm also starting bootcamp on Monday and I have joined a biggest loser competition, I'm in a team with my husband. We have 12 weeks to loose as much as we can and gain muscle. I'm excited to start but also really nervous as I know that bootcamp is going to kill me. I'm not very fit BUT by the end of 12 weeks I'll be looking really hot:wink: . This competition will help me get to my CCC goal as I still have a long way to go.

    TO those who are lacking in motivation YOU CAN DO IT!!!! You are totally stronger than what you think. Remember why you started! In fact I challenge everyone to write a post about why they set this goal of loosing weight before Christmas and the reason they entered this challenge.

    One of my reasons is my family. I never thought it would be possible to loose weight and my family thinks the same. They think I will always be big. Well this is my time to shine! This is my time to kick some *kitten* and show them what I'm made of. I'm not telling them that I'm loosing weight and I can't wait to see their faces when I arrive back home on the 22nd of Dec. I want to go up to my mum and say "see I told you I could do it, you had no faith in me but I did it anyway!!!"

    The other reason I want to loose weight is because my husband and I are planning on starting a family early next year. My DH said we cant' start trying until we are both healthy and fit. So here I am thinking of the future.

    Everybody take a look at how far you have come and give yourselves a pat on the back for doing so. Only you can make a difference and on the flipside only you can stop yourself from loosing weight!! Believe in yourself!!!! Take one day at a time. Forget about the past and think about what you can change today to make your life better.

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey guys,

    I'll have my current weight up tomorrow AF decIded to come visit and the first day is the worst. I should be starting the 30 ds Monday and I'm hoping it helps menget the results I want and I had a bad night last night and it's caring over to a bad day. I'm trying not to overeat like I usually do, but as we all know old habits are hard to break. I'm taking it one hour at a time (lol)

    Wow = hang in know what to do...try to hit the healthy snacks. I love POP chips you get a good amount for a serving. good old water, maybe with lemon to zip it up. Old habits suck, lets break them so we can be skinny :wink: You can do it!!!

    Shelly = don't give up!!! you will have a drop all at once if you stay on track and do the right thing!!! How much are you moving your body??? How much water are you drinking??? Keep going!!! You'll be glad you did
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    CW: 225.6

    so excited that the scale went down this week!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    I broke through my plateau and into the 220s!! I'm 228.6 which means I lost a grand total of 4.2 lbs this week:bigsmile: :bigsmile: !!!! YAY I'm soooooo happy!! I tried on some of my tops that I couldn't fit into b4 and they fit!!! A few of them are still a little bit tight but in a couple of weeks they should fit perfectly. I'm the lightest I've been since my wedding three years ago.

    I'm also starting bootcamp on Monday and I have joined a biggest loser competition, I'm in a team with my husband. We have 12 weeks to loose as much as we can and gain muscle. I'm excited to start but also really nervous as I know that bootcamp is going to kill me. I'm not very fit BUT by the end of 12 weeks I'll be looking really hot:wink: . This competition will help me get to my CCC goal as I still have a long way to go.

    TO those who are lacking in motivation YOU CAN DO IT!!!! You are totally stronger than what you think. Remember why you started! In fact I challenge everyone to write a post about why they set this goal of loosing weight before Christmas and the reason they entered this challenge.

    One of my reasons is my family. I never thought it would be possible to loose weight and my family thinks the same. They think I will always be big. Well this is my time to shine! This is my time to kick some *kitten* and show them what I'm made of. I'm not telling them that I'm loosing weight and I can't wait to see their faces when I arrive back home on the 22nd of Dec. I want to go up to my mum and say "see I told you I could do it, you had no faith in me but I did it anyway!!!"

    The other reason I want to loose weight is because my husband and I are planning on starting a family early next year. My DH said we cant' start trying until we are both healthy and fit. So here I am thinking of the future.

    Everybody take a look at how far you have come and give yourselves a pat on the back for doing so. Only you can make a difference and on the flipside only you can stop yourself from loosing weight!! Believe in yourself!!!! Take one day at a time. Forget about the past and think about what you can change today to make your life better.

    WE DO THIS!!!!!!!

    KJ ~ You are speaking my language!!!!!!!!! Great job! I am sooooo happy that you and your hubby are working together. You will only WIN from here on out!!! So sorry your family isn't supportive!!!! You have the right idea SHOW THEM!!! They will be green with envy when they see you and your husband!

    LOVE IT!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    OK gang ~ one more post for the night. :laugh: Any suggestions on how we should go forward??? WE are doing a great job checking in, but should we post between Friday and Monday our current weight, the weeks loss and total loss, then inches on the 25th? We can all post our own. I am lucky to have learned how to do smileys :tongue: I sure can't figure out the chart.

    I would love it if Jenn came back!!!:heart: But until she does we need to keep checking in, supporting each other etc. Maybe we should go back to plies for a week.. I kind of liked those. Also deposit your $5 that will come in handy for that new holiday outfit!!!

    How about if everyone shares a snack or recipe that they love during this next week. I love trying new things and mixing it up:bigsmile:

    Well it is wine night for me = so Cheers and have a Great Night :drinker:
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    I have keeping up with the plie kicks & I planned to send in my weigh in results. I am missing Jenn and hoping she will be back in gear soon. Sharing a recipe sounds like a good idea. Let me see... hmmm... I'll have to get to thinking on that one.
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    CW 194.2 stayed the same this week... thats ok I lost a lot last week so I was a bit nervous this week... As I tend to gain After a bigger than 2 pound loss...
    Hope every one is doing well... I'm loving the cooler weather in Utah I can go outside now without melting!! Yippee!!
  • jiminyc
    jiminyc Posts: 63 Member
    CW - 249
    That's another pound gone. It's moving a little slower than I'd like, but at least it's in the right direction, right?

    I am remembering the first time the nurse at the doctor's office had to push that first scale marker to the 250 mark and how it made me feel so bad. One of the things that motivated me to start this was watching that second marker move closer and closer to the end and the realization that if I kept it up, one day she would have to move the big marker to 300. So I started on this road, hoping this time would be the time I stuck to it and made a real change.

    And now I'm more motivated than ever, because now that I've moved that marker down to the 200 point, I am looking forward to the incredible feeling of reaching Onederland and moving it down to the 150 point.

    Keep up the hard work, my friends! Have a great week!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    CW 194.2 stayed the same this week... thats ok I lost a lot last week so I was a bit nervous this week... As I tend to gain After a bigger than 2 pound loss...
    Hope every one is doing well... I'm loving the cooler weather in Utah I can go outside now without melting!! Yippee!!

    Keeping that gap between you and the 200 mark is great! It does make one a bit nervous after reaching a landmark to keep the trend going. We just have to keep reminding ourselves to give our bodies a chance to get used to being smaller. WTG on keeping your loss.:flowerforyou:
  • woodyschic
    CW 178

    I was having some motivation issues just b/c the weight isn't coming off as fast as I'd like, but I know slow and steady losses will get me to where I want/need to be and help me to maintain once I do. It's also been a boost to see people recently that I haven't seen since I started losing weight...the compliments have been wonderful and it's a driving force for me. It's also been great for my doctor to compliment me on my efforts and loss, as well as one of my RN instructors telling me how great it is that I want to do this for the right reasons (she told me I was looking great and I told her that I realized that I didn't want to be a hypocrite with my patients when I become an RN). I did the math this week and I have 18 more lbs to go...that's just a little over a lb a week, so I'm stoked that my goal is definitely attainable and I can't wait for Christmas!! I've also been sticking that $5 back b/c I am SOO going to be needing some new clothes...I'm looking a bit homely some days b/c so many of my clothes are too big!! lol I'm thinking that for Christmas I'll definitely be asking for some gift cards to go shopping!!!! :) Hope all of you have a great weekend and keep on losing!!!
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    CW: 190.4....had crept up a couple of pounds, but then was motivated by my clothes being so tight to get back on the wagon. I am leaving in exactly 2 weeks (from yest) for Italy for 17 days. I don't want to not be able to breathe because my pants are so am aiming to be really good and hopefully lose at least 5 lbs which will help immensly.
    Hope you are all doing well. Reading the posts is an inspirational thing for me. I see people celebrating victories...makes me want to strive for that....I see people struggling and makes me know I'm not alone or the only person struggling with weight and motivation. Keep on the good fight everyone.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Ok, I'll have to admit that I'm losing motivation plus I am fighting some kind of cold... although I keep telling myself that I don't get sick. So, I need the motivantionof the chart. I can give it a shot. I know how to do chats on my computer, but getting it on here is a different story. I'm off tomorrow, my only day off, so if we have not heard back from Jenn by then, I will try to do it then.
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    CW 158.2
    Lost 1.2 so I am happy.
    Sorry to hear about the hard time some of you are having. You are in my thoughts and prayers. We have to keep going forward one day at a time. I feel very fortunate that at this time things are going well in my life and I am moving in the right direction. We all go thru some difficult times but you will come out of it and things will turn around. Just keep moving even if it is tiny steps.
    Congrats to all of us losers out there
  • johanna_elaine
    So yesterdays putty party was horrible, but to hold myself accountable I still logged all my food and posted in my diary. I started the 30 day shred last night and wow it kicked my butt!!! I wasnt Guna statt it til moday but after rating everything i ate yesturday i decided i had to get off my *kitten* I'm going to log my current weight at 189 (yesterdays) because I didn't weigh in today. It's a gain, but the only thing I can be disappointed in is myself.
  • Mommyof3loves
    Hey ladies...sorry I haven't been on cable/internet is currently off until next week. So I since I had to go to the library figured I would log in and check in. Hope you are all good.
    My CW is 168!!
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    CW as of today 317
    I feel I have gained and lose this 10 pounds so many times I could make another person!