CCC (Closed Group) CORRECTED - WEEK #5



  • CW...178.5 so excited to be back in the 170s...been a very long time since I've seen them. Have seen several folks this week that I haven't seen since I started losing and they flooded me w/compliments. it felt so good!!!! definitely motiviation to keep it all up!!! have a great weekend everyone!!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Well I did my xray this morning and NO FRACTURE! I'm so relieved! My doc recommended that I not exercise this weekend, which will be really hard since I was looking forward to some nice long walks this weekend, but I'm very grateful that I'm not injured. Thanks for your good wishes! :)

    Jenn, nice to hear from you! :)
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    CW 194.2
    Loss of 3.4 pounds... :) Honestly I'm surprised... But I'll take it!!! I get nervous losing so much in a week because I usually gain the next week.. Going to make every effort not to gain next week...
    I hope everyone has a great long weekend!!!
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 192 Member
    weigh in: 232.8, slowly but surely getting there.
  • Still no difference!! Why is my weight loss so slow!!! :sad:
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    had my pity party yesterday and now back to it!

    CCC W:320
    CW today 319.
    1 pound lost.
    measurements were back many pages ago :)

    Thank you Jen for all your hard work. :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 527 Member
    Today, I'm quite excited! My first ultimate goal, was to get below 200. That's what the doctor at the fertility clinic asked me to do, before he would even consider helping me. I've gotten as close as 200.5 before, but never below 200. Then, I had started going up again, and I had given up. That's until I found this group. So, today I weighed myself and I was 199.5!!!! Thank you sooooooooooooo much for starting this group Jen! It has given me the motivation to start taking care of myself again, no matter what emotional roller coaster I'm on!!!

    CW: 199.5
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    CW 167,

    nervous because today is first day of college football and we're going to a watch party...this is a big weakness of mine is football/snack food......
  • Today, I'm quite excited! My first ultimate goal, was to get below 200. That's what the doctor at the fertility clinic asked me to do, before he would even consider helping me. I've gotten as close as 200.5 before, but never below 200. Then, I had started going up again, and I had given up. That's until I found this group. So, today I weighed myself and I was 199.5!!!! Thank you sooooooooooooo much for starting this group Jen! It has given me the motivation to start taking care of myself again, no matter what emotional roller coaster I'm on!!!

    CW: 199.5

    That is awesome! I'm glad you found this group too. I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to hear future baby news:-)!
  • Hey guys! Sorry I've been Mia, but things have been a tad hectic. Tropical storm Lee is letting his presence be known :-( it's not to bad yet, but the worst is supposed to be tonight / tomorrow.

    Current weight 188.8, not down much, but it's a loss so I won't complain. I hope all of you who were affected by Irene are getting things back in order
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Today, I'm quite excited! My first ultimate goal, was to get below 200. That's what the doctor at the fertility clinic asked me to do, before he would even consider helping me. I've gotten as close as 200.5 before, but never below 200. Then, I had started going up again, and I had given up. That's until I found this group. So, today I weighed myself and I was 199.5!!!! Thank you sooooooooooooo much for starting this group Jen! It has given me the motivation to start taking care of myself again, no matter what emotional roller coaster I'm on!!!

    CW: 199.5

    Party Time!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: With Carrots and Hummus :wink: Great job I am sooooo happy for your. Keep you focus on over this holiday, one meal at a time! You are going to make it and feel great :drinker:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hello Jenn :huh: I am alittle worried about you. Boy oh boy do I know what it is like to stress out with a big job before you!!! I hope you are taking care of your family and yourself and not worrying about us and the posting of our weights. We are all here supporting each other.. I have an idea to take some stress off you. Why don't you work on the measurments since those are due again for a few more weeks and then just take our current weights this week or even next week. That will still show some good losses!!! That way you don't have to go back and do week by week searching through the posts. Just start fresh :bigsmile: Just offering an idea :wink:

    WE want you to succeed with us!!!!! I can't wait to hear that everything in your world is back to normal and we can be asking you.....did you make good choices and what did you do to move your body :happy:

    Hang in There :flowerforyou:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :angry: :angry: I just wrote a post and hit a button and it is gone forever!!! So Positive Power is Positively frustrated:explode: :angry: :mad: :grumble: I have gained:noway: Exercising 5-6 times per week and making good choices....why??? My age????? OMG!!!!!

    Ok I'm done... I think it is water weight I am feeling puffy....last week my stomach felt flatter and my rings were loose what a GREAT feeling!!! Today big belly tight rings...TOM not for a couple weeks. Is it just my age????? It sucks getting old. But my goal is to be an active fun girl in my ffffffffffifty's ick I can't believe I am there... I feel 30 :bigsmile:

    Anyway that's it Thanks Gang for listening :flowerforyou:

  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 527 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Positive power. Ok, I've been trying to write you a message and my old cat who's been sick suddenly wants lots and lots of attention. Quite funny! Anyhow, don't worry about one week. Maybe you platteaud and need to spice things up. Hang in there you can do it!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Today's wt: 199

    Same as last week, but I'm counting my blessings--thankful that my foot isn't broken and that I'll be able to resume working out on Monday :) Plus I seem to do better with measurements than what the number says on the scale, so I'll look forward to the end of this month when we all take our measurements again.

    Happy Labor Day Weekend to all!
  • Mary_Kate
    Mary_Kate Posts: 25 Member
    CW: 180

    Down 1 this week so thats the right direction!!
    Hope everyone is okay this week, some of you guys in the US have had a rough time of it lately but I do hope everyone is safe and sound.

    Good luck with next week peeps! I'm so excited for our next challenge, I really wanna see the 170's next week!
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    cw: 179.2lbs!!!!!!!! woo!
  • CW - 138

    Hope everyone is having a safe and fun weekend!
  • CW: 127.4
    Finally broke through my plateau!!! I've been stuck between 128-129 for weeks! I started Insanity this week so I'm thinking it is working!

    Good for you -- that is so awesome!!! I keep fighting with the same few pounds (up 2 lbs, down 1/2 lb, up 1 lb, down 1.5 lbs, etc.), and it really gets frustrating!! I wish you much continued success!!! :-)
  • chrisraem
    chrisraem Posts: 31 Member
    CW: 189.6