New Rules of Lifting (for Women) Group - Part 2



  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    For those who have reached Level 2 when doing the dead lift from the box did you use the same weight you were using in Level 1 or did you go lower? I'll be moving onto Level 2 after next week. I'm taking a rest as recommended by the book.

    I just did it yesterday, and I kept the same weight. I didn't notice a whole lot of difference, personally. I'd love to hear what you think of it!
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    I did it! I'm exhausted but feel great! Today was the first day of doing 3 sets. I kept my weight pretty much the same as last time just to see how I could handle three sets. I did pretty well but I am confident I can increase weight on the squats, which means I will be up to using the regular 45lb barbell.

    That's awesome!

    I did my last official workout of Stage 1 today! I joined a real gym with proper equipment and was able to do the lateral pull downs for the first time - a world of difference from pullovers! I was doing pullovers with a 25 lb. dumbbell, but did 50 lbs. on the pull down machine. I know I'll be sore. I am in love with my new gym, cannot wait to figure out what everything is and how it works!

    Oh - the bad thing is - there aren't any exercise balls! I'll have to buy one for home because I"m not giving up my prone jackknives!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I did it! I'm exhausted but feel great! Today was the first day of doing 3 sets. I kept my weight pretty much the same as last time just to see how I could handle three sets. I did pretty well but I am confident I can increase weight on the squats, which means I will be up to using the regular 45lb barbell.

    That's awesome!

    I did my last official workout of Stage 1 today! I joined a real gym with proper equipment and was able to do the lateral pull downs for the first time - a world of difference from pullovers! I was doing pullovers with a 25 lb. dumbbell, but did 50 lbs. on the pull down machine. I know I'll be sore. I am in love with my new gym, cannot wait to figure out what everything is and how it works!

    Oh - the bad thing is - there aren't any exercise balls! I'll have to buy one for home because I"m not giving up my prone jackknives!

    The one thing I wish I had a gym membership for is the lat pulldowns. I find the pullovers a little difficult in that I can't go all the way back. The book does say that you won't be able to because you're hindered by your shoulder blades. The other day when I was doing them I went back too far and I almost couldn't pull the bar back up. I had to put it to the side until I could get a better handle on it again. Of course my kids were in the room to see this and my older daughter said that I almost smushed my head.
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Well my schedule looks basically like this.

    Monday - Cardio, Abs, Chin/Pulls
    Tuesday - Chest, Tricep, Abs
    Wed - Chest, Cardio
    Thursday - Legs, Abs
    Friday - Shoulders
    Saturday - Off
    Sunday - Back/Abs

    Sometimes I rotate the cardio and days off but its been working okay for me. Before I started I did one full body routine 2-3x a week. Then after a few years I split it into 2. 1/Upper 1/Lower.. About 1-2x a week. Thennnn as I wanted to add in more isolations and compunds I did a 3 day split... Latley I did that but my Shoulders.were just too damn tired to hit he levels they normally could so I took them from Chest and Tricep days last week and will see how that goes...

    I like the time I save with the splits too overall.. If shoulders grow and work out I will def. Keep this routine.. If not ill try shuffling stuff around. I KNOW legs need their own day though.. Lol for me anyways. I csnt properly stand for curls.or whatnot after those.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Hi nokittyno! It's great to see another woman lifter! Have you already completed NROLFW? I'm just about done with the program and love hearing from others at all stages what they think/loved/hated/got the best results from.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi nokittyno! It's great to see another woman lifter! Have you already completed NROLFW? I'm just about done with the program and love hearing from others at all stages what they think/loved/hated/got the best results from.

    So now that you are done, have you noticed a large difference in your body? I am three weeks in and haven't noticed any changes yet and am getting discouraged. I made the mistake of weighing myself this morning and saw no change again. I know you can go up in weight a day after lifting so maybe that's the reason. At least it's not up. I am hoping by doing this program my metabolism will increase and burn fat.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Hi nokittyno! It's great to see another woman lifter! Have you already completed NROLFW? I'm just about done with the program and love hearing from others at all stages what they think/loved/hated/got the best results from.

    So now that you are done, have you noticed a large difference in your body? I am three weeks in and haven't noticed any changes yet and am getting discouraged. I made the mistake of weighing myself this morning and saw no change again. I know you can go up in weight a day after lifting so maybe that's the reason. At least it's not up. I am hoping by doing this program my metabolism will increase and burn fat.

    Maybe you do not eat enought to see changes. What does to book gives you for the calories?
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Yes I do see an enormous difference in strength and muscle mass. I did *not* see those changes until I got comfortable with eating *way more*. With additional calories, came additional strength which brought consistent upping of the weights at the gym. My actual bodyweight has not dropped in weeks but I know my fat has since my jeans are getting smaller in the waist, my arms are bumpier, *kitten* is higher up, etc.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    The book gives me(these are approximates since the book is upstairs and I'd have it written down in there) around 1500 for non lifting days and 1700 for lifting days. I am probably not eating that much on lifting days. Honestly I have a small appetite and my meals are usually around 300-350 cals and I do have a couple of snacks as well. I am definitely struggling with how much to eat. I am still stuck in the mindset of deficit to lose weight. All I know is I just put on a pair of jeans for the first time in months(it's freezing here today!) and I do not like the muffin top I have going on.
  • Finished the last official workout of Stage 1. I am going to do the two special workouts in the book - just to see how I do.

    Here's where I ended up: (and I finally weighed my bar - only 15 pounds so I'm not doing as much weight as I thought. The weights below include the bar).

    Squat: 60
    Bent over row: 60
    Step: 21" step w/5 lb weights

    Deadlift: 65
    Dumbbell shoulder press: 12.5 on adjustible little bar (+2-3 pounds?)
    Pullover: 10
    Lunges: 10

    Lunges ended up being my absolute least favorite - hate them. I think I like squats the best.

    I started Aug 13 and weighed 126.1 - the next two weeks I gained up to 127.2 and then am now back down to 124.6. I'll need to measure myself tomorrow morning when I get up (I alwasy measure in the morning b/c I can actually see that my waist is smaller in the morning than at the end of the day!) but I know I'm smaller in the waist at least - I'm wearing pants that were my "goal" pants when I started. My belly fat is shrinking, too - I can tell when I look in the mirror. And my waist is changing shape - I'm getting some definition that looks like this around my belly button: ( ) So YAY for that!

    I'll read Stage 2 tonight to see if I need to buy anything since I do everything at home in the basement!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Has anyone used NROLFW for weight loss?
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Has anyone used NROLFW for weight loss?

    Weight loss no, fat loss absolutly!!!!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Finished the last official workout of Stage 1. I am going to do the two special workouts in the book - just to see how I do.

    Here's where I ended up: (and I finally weighed my bar - only 15 pounds so I'm not doing as much weight as I thought. The weights below include the bar).

    Squat: 60
    Bent over row: 60
    Step: 21" step w/5 lb weights

    Deadlift: 65
    Dumbbell shoulder press: 12.5 on adjustible little bar (+2-3 pounds?)
    Pullover: 10
    Lunges: 10

    Lunges ended up being my absolute least favorite - hate them. I think I like squats the best.

    I started Aug 13 and weighed 126.1 - the next two weeks I gained up to 127.2 and then am now back down to 124.6. I'll need to measure myself tomorrow morning when I get up (I alwasy measure in the morning b/c I can actually see that my waist is smaller in the morning than at the end of the day!) but I know I'm smaller in the waist at least - I'm wearing pants that were my "goal" pants when I started. My belly fat is shrinking, too - I can tell when I look in the mirror. And my waist is changing shape - I'm getting some definition that looks like this around my belly button: ( ) So YAY for that!

    I'll read Stage 2 tonight to see if I need to buy anything since I do everything at home in the basement!

    Awesome stats! I can't wait to get there myself. Lunges have always been my least favorite thing but I am starting to like them more. I am actually think I need to drop weight for the pullovers and barbell rows because I am not able to get the full motion. I think I'm adding weight too quickly. I guess I feel like I have to go up every workout or somehow I am failing. But I think for some exercises it might just take longer. It doesn't necessarily mean I am doing something wrong or somehow weak. At least that's what I'm trying to convince myself of!
  • Awesome stats! I can't wait to get there myself. Lunges have always been my least favorite thing but I am starting to like them more. I am actually think I need to drop weight for the pullovers and barbell rows because I am not able to get the full motion. I think I'm adding weight too quickly. I guess I feel like I have to go up every workout or somehow I am failing. But I think for some exercises it might just take longer. It doesn't necessarily mean I am doing something wrong or somehow weak. At least that's what I'm trying to convince myself of!

    thanks! And the pullovers - I only moved from 5 pounds to 10 pounds over the 5 weeks. I also tried to up the weight too fast but lost range of motion, so I backed it down.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Awesome stats! I can't wait to get there myself. Lunges have always been my least favorite thing but I am starting to like them more. I am actually think I need to drop weight for the pullovers and barbell rows because I am not able to get the full motion. I think I'm adding weight too quickly. I guess I feel like I have to go up every workout or somehow I am failing. But I think for some exercises it might just take longer. It doesn't necessarily mean I am doing something wrong or somehow weak. At least that's what I'm trying to convince myself of!

    thanks! And the pullovers - I only moved from 5 pounds to 10 pounds over the 5 weeks. I also tried to up the weight too fast but lost range of motion, so I backed it down.

    Ok good, I'm glad I'm not the only one with range of motion issues! I'll back down for a while and see where it takes me.
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Hi nokittyno! It's great to see another woman lifter! Have you already completed NROLFW? I'm just about done with the program and love hearing from others at all stages what they think/loved/hated/got the best results from.

    So now that you are done, have you noticed a large difference in your body? I am three weeks in and haven't noticed any changes yet and am getting discouraged. I made the mistake of weighing myself this morning and saw no change again. I know you can go up in weight a day after lifting so maybe that's the reason. At least it's not up. I am hoping by doing this program my metabolism will increase and burn fat.

    1) Hi! No I haven't completed it. Yeah, with everything else in life - it's all trial and error, lol.

    2) My body is way different that it was before. I use to do strictly cardio 6-7x a week, but that didn't really aid in anything. I love weight lifting, (except today.. was Back day.. and I think i'm coming down with something.. soar throat.. stomach rumbly.. lol) BUT I'm not done tinkering with food intake,,, It just takes alot of guess work what works for me and what doesn't.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Today was workout B5, level 1. I maintained weight on everything since I added a set. I actually decreased weight on the pullovers and had a much better time with it. I'm going to keep it at 30 pounds until it becomes easy. 3 sets of lunges with 20lb dumbbells were killer! My arms are feeling it just from holding the weights. I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to increase the weight.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Finished the last official workout of Stage 1. I am going to do the two special workouts in the book - just to see how I do.

    Here's where I ended up: (and I finally weighed my bar - only 15 pounds so I'm not doing as much weight as I thought. The weights below include the bar).

    Squat: 60
    Bent over row: 60
    Step: 21" step w/5 lb weights

    Deadlift: 65
    Dumbbell shoulder press: 12.5 on adjustible little bar (+2-3 pounds?)
    Pullover: 10
    Lunges: 10

    Lunges ended up being my absolute least favorite - hate them. I think I like squats the best.

    I started Aug 13 and weighed 126.1 - the next two weeks I gained up to 127.2 and then am now back down to 124.6. I'll need to measure myself tomorrow morning when I get up (I alwasy measure in the morning b/c I can actually see that my waist is smaller in the morning than at the end of the day!) but I know I'm smaller in the waist at least - I'm wearing pants that were my "goal" pants when I started. My belly fat is shrinking, too - I can tell when I look in the mirror. And my waist is changing shape - I'm getting some definition that looks like this around my belly button: ( ) So YAY for that!

    I'll read Stage 2 tonight to see if I need to buy anything since I do everything at home in the basement!

    That's awesome! We're at the exact same place. I brought NROLFW into work today to copy exercises for Stage 2, but I'm doing the AMRAP workouts this week. I'm also starting the 30 Day Shred (again) and hoping that since I"m stronger than the first time I tried it, my knees won't give me issues. If they do, I'll find something else to do - I'm determined to up my cardio so I can fit into my too-tight jeans when we go on vacation in a month!

    Since you put up your numbers, I'll do the same:

    Squats - 50# DB (would have benefited from having a squat rack here)
    Push-ups - body weight, 4 risers on step bench
    Bent over row - 50# DB
    Step-ups - 50# DB, 4 risers on step bench
    Deadlift - 75# BB
    Shoulder press - 25# DB (hard!)
    Pullover - 25# DB, but finally got a lat pull down machine and did 50#
    Lunges - 25# DB, finally got access to an Olympic bar, so I used that for the last workout

    I'm taking a picture tonight of me squeezed into my too-tight jeans for a before/after for the 30 Day Shred, and it will also serve as a marker for where I am at the end of Stage 1. I'll take pictures at the end of each stage and post when finished!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Push-ups - body weight, 4 risers on step bench

    What kind of pushups are you doing - incline or decline? I found that regular pushups weren't challenging anymore so I started putting my feet up on my step up risers and doing it that way. I also started doing the T-pushups as shown in the book and I was sore for 2 days! I am going to stick with those.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Push-ups - body weight, 4 risers on step bench

    What kind of pushups are you doing - incline or decline? I found that regular pushups weren't challenging anymore so I started putting my feet up on my step up risers and doing it that way. I also started doing the T-pushups as shown in the book and I was sore for 2 days! I am going to stick with those.

    hahahahahahahahaha! Pardon me while I laugh hysterically! ;o)

    I'm doing incline pushups, I think it'll be awhile before I'm doing decline or T-pushups! But then again, I haven't even looked at the future stages yet, so maybe not! Good on you!