New Rules of Lifting (for Women) Group - Part 2



  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I drink Diet Coke, eat chocolate chips, peanut butter, and mayo on a pretty much daily basis. I find "clean" eating to be a definition that varies maddeningly depending on who you ask. I think I eat "clean enough"--certainly following the ol' 80/20 rule--but I've still seen improvement that pleases me incredibly. I came from a standard where I ate probably 10 percent "clean" and 90 percent crap so keep that in mind too!

    I think that patience and consistency are key. Kindness to yourself is essential. I read some posts (not so much on this thread, thankfully) where people use exercise as some crazy hairshirt penance for eating a candy bar or having too many carbs and it's just nutty to me. I'm looking for something that I can sustain for the rest of my life. I am going to be the old lady in the power cage PR'ing my squat and going home to my Newcastle and shot glass of chocolate chips!

    That is encouraging to hear. My diet really isn't that bad. I don't eat a lot of processed stuff. I had a turkey on whole wheat bread for dinner. I know that's anathema for some but I can't totally live without carbs. Sometimes you just want a sandwich, ya know? I did have a big salad for lunch so I figured carbs with dinner is ok. I had a handful of pretzel m&ms today, but I kept it at that. Sometimes I really blow it by having a slice of cake or icecream after dinner. But I think most of the time my diet isn't all that bad, which is why it is frustrating to me why my body isn't doing what I want it to. I can't live with a restrictive diet, I go insane. I eat sensibly and treat myself. I know when I totally deprive myself of the things I like I will totally binge and go off the deep end. That's not good for anyone.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'm lifting at home with dumbbells and am running into a hand strength issue. If it were all up to my arm muscles I could eek out 10-12 reps with 20lb dumbbells, but my hands cannot. They cramp and fatigue on the 4th or 6th rep. :frown: NOTE: I'm wearing gloves and try to be very aware of not over-gripping.

    1. Do I need more hand strength - should I buy a pair of those hand exercise squeezing things?
    2. Is this normal, will it get better?

    My hands are always killing me - HELP!

    It was my main problem too. After 2 weeks and a half, I can say that my hands are getting stronger!!! It's like everyth8ing else, it need time to adapt do not despair ;) just do your best.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    OK this is the first time I have EVER been sore after lifting. It's only legs and it's a dull ache but it's a new experience! I've only ever been sore after pitching before. (either first go for the year or a weekend of it)

    Doing workout b tonight. I'm a little scared of the lunges but I've done them before just hate them!

    Is it normal for the scale to increase the day after lifting? First gain and since I have so much to lose I didn't think it would effect me. I'm going to try next week lifting two days before and see. I have too much to lose to gain!
  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, I'm Caroline! Just wanted to introduce myself to everyone.
    I just finished my first week of NROLFW. I'm no stranger to the weight room, nor to lifting heavy, but it's been awhile. Boy, am I sore! But definitely the good sore!

    So glad I found this thread of other women who are doing the same program!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    OK this is the first time I have EVER been sore after lifting. It's only legs and it's a dull ache but it's a new experience! I've only ever been sore after pitching before. (either first go for the year or a weekend of it)

    Doing workout b tonight. I'm a little scared of the lunges but I've done them before just hate them!

    Is it normal for the scale to increase the day after lifting? First gain and since I have so much to lose I didn't think it would effect me. I'm going to try next week lifting two days before and see. I have too much to lose to gain!

    Yes it is normal for the scale to go up the day after. Your muscles are repairing themselves and retaining water. The scale will go back down.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi, I'm Caroline! Just wanted to introduce myself to everyone.
    I just finished my first week of NROLFW. I'm no stranger to the weight room, nor to lifting heavy, but it's been awhile. Boy, am I sore! But definitely the good sore!

    So glad I found this thread of other women who are doing the same program!

    Hi Caroline! I am into week three of the workout. I am no stranger to weights either but I never increased my weights as rapidly as this or done a program this intense. It's definitely challenging but in a good way!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    OK this is the first time I have EVER been sore after lifting. It's only legs and it's a dull ache but it's a new experience! I've only ever been sore after pitching before. (either first go for the year or a weekend of it)

    Doing workout b tonight. I'm a little scared of the lunges but I've done them before just hate them!

    Is it normal for the scale to increase the day after lifting? First gain and since I have so much to lose I didn't think it would effect me. I'm going to try next week lifting two days before and see. I have too much to lose to gain!

    I can always expect up to one pounds gain the day after lifting. That is how I know I did push enought LOL
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Doing workout b tonight. I'm a little scared of the lunges but I've done them before just hate them!

    I really recommend following the book's suggestions of doing a set of each exercise with reduced weight or body weight before doing the "official" set. It may not be super-important with some exercises, but if you have any history of knee problems (raises hand), it will help warm up your legs for the lunges.

    I am super bummed. The gym in our office building has flooded and is closed until Monday. So - no cardio today! :o( BUT - I'm using my lunch hour to tour the gym across the street, that is only $15 more than the one in my building, HAS A SQUAT RACK and much newer cardio machines, and provides towels! I'm excited!
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    OK this is the first time I have EVER been sore after lifting. It's only legs and it's a dull ache but it's a new experience! I've only ever been sore after pitching before. (either first go for the year or a weekend of it)

    Doing workout b tonight. I'm a little scared of the lunges but I've done them before just hate them!

    Is it normal for the scale to increase the day after lifting? First gain and since I have so much to lose I didn't think it would effect me. I'm going to try next week lifting two days before and see. I have too much to lose to gain!

    Yes, totally normal even if you have a lot to lose (raises hand). It's just water or whatever fluids your body uses to repair your muscles. I like to do my weekly weigh in after a rest/cardio day.

    I'm in the home stretch of stage 1. Started the 8 rep sets yesterday. Feeling pretty ready to say bye-bye to stage 1, but I have a few more workouts to go yet. Can't wait to post my strength gains from start of stage 1 to finish - it's been pretty significant for some of them, although I am sure part of that was me being conservative in the beginning.
  • pepperdine
    pepperdine Posts: 26 Member
    Hello all!!!

    I'm so sorry if this topic has already been covered, but I was overwhelmed at the length of this thread!!! :embarassed:

    I just started the NROLFW this morning and so far so good. I have been following a different strength training plan for the last 2-3 months so I did fine today. My question is around cardio.

    I also been doing the Run Your Butt Off program, which is similar to C25K. I am up to running for 9 mins straight and then a 2 min break, repeat twice. I do not want to give up the running because I do really enjoy it.

    However, I want to follow NROLFW as closely as possible to get the best results - aside from the prescribed cardio at the end of some of the workouts, do you guys do additional cardio on non-weight days?

    If so, what are you doing and what does your weekly schedule look like?

    Thanks so much! I look forward to reading through this whole thread in the next couple weeks!!!!
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    Hello all!!!

    I'm so sorry if this topic has already been covered, but I was overwhelmed at the length of this thread!!! :embarassed:

    I just started the NROLFW this morning and so far so good. I have been following a different strength training plan for the last 2-3 months so I did fine today. My question is around cardio.

    I also been doing the Run Your Butt Off program, which is similar to C25K. I am up to running for 9 mins straight and then a 2 min break, repeat twice. I do not want to give up the running because I do really enjoy it.

    However, I want to follow NROLFW as closely as possible to get the best results - aside from the prescribed cardio at the end of some of the workouts, do you guys do additional cardio on non-weight days?

    If so, what are you doing and what does your weekly schedule look like?

    Thanks so much! I look forward to reading through this whole thread in the next couple weeks!!!!

    First of all, I think if you like doing some sort of exercise, you would be insane to stop doing it. Do what you enjoy and are willing to stick with!

    I'm still playing around to see what works for me. I think this is going to be a moving target. Currently I do NROLW m/w/f and cardio of my choice on T/Th. I am actually thinking that I should add more cardio in, but haven't figured out the logistics of that yet. I'm just wrapping up stage 1. I know they add more cardio in other stages, so I might have to change things around if I am feeling burnt.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Hello all!!!

    I'm so sorry if this topic has already been covered, but I was overwhelmed at the length of this thread!!! :embarassed:

    I just started the NROLFW this morning and so far so good. I have been following a different strength training plan for the last 2-3 months so I did fine today. My question is around cardio.

    I also been doing the Run Your Butt Off program, which is similar to C25K. I am up to running for 9 mins straight and then a 2 min break, repeat twice. I do not want to give up the running because I do really enjoy it.

    However, I want to follow NROLFW as closely as possible to get the best results - aside from the prescribed cardio at the end of some of the workouts, do you guys do additional cardio on non-weight days?

    If so, what are you doing and what does your weekly schedule look like?

    Thanks so much! I look forward to reading through this whole thread in the next couple weeks!!!!

    I try to, but usually my muscles are weak/sore and it just feels like they need a break. But..... on my lifting days (Tuesday and Thursday anyway), I lift in the morning, then try to get in some cardio immediatly after, usually in the form of intervals since I'm short on time. And then I go back to the gym a couple hours later for my move & groove class. So I'm seriously exhausting my muscles all the way around those days, so on Wed and Friday, they are really crying and I I just feel they need to recover and I don't want to go backwards by not giving them a break. Here's what my typical schedule looks like (well - this is what I strive for, anyway):

    Monday: Cardio - either elliptical or DVD (Cathe Intensity is my current fav)
    Tuesday: Lift then Intervals then Move & Groove class
    Wed: Rest (if I feel up to it, I'll do the elliptical - but that's rare)
    Thursday: Lift then Intervals then Move & Groove class
    Friday: Rest (if I feel up to it, I'll do the elliptical - but that's rare)
    Saturday: Lift (or I do it on Sunday) or run or elliptical or DVD. I do both lift and cardio if I have time and feel up to it
    Sunday: Lift (or I do it on Saturday) or run or elliptical or DVD. I do both lift and cardio if I have time and feel up to it

    My weekend workouts of course depend on if I have someone to watch the kids while I do it and whatever else is going on.

    Usually my weekend lift session isn't as intense since I can't do things as heavy as at the gym - I just don't have the equipment (no squat rack, no bench, no heavy weight plates or dummbells, although I do have a ball, step, barbell and some lighter weight plates and up to 15# dumbbells - but it's not the same - when we build, I'm getting myself a workout room with everything I need!!). I wish my gym was closer to home (it's over an hour away - at my work).

    Welcome and good luck!!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    So today I did 2B1 and I wasn't really impressed. Since you guys are all familiar, I wanted to share my toughts:

    * The deadlift with the step didn't seem any different than without to me.

    * I loved the bulgarian split squat!!! I did it with a 25 lb weight plate for my first set then did two 15# dumbbells for the 2nd. I prefer the plate becasue it's easier to handle, but didn't think I could jump up to the next size yet.

    * I was surprised that I could lift the same amount with the underhand grip lat pull down as the overhand.

    * That reverse lunge from the box.... I don't get it. I like the leg part, but I don't see what my arms are supposed to get out of it. Maybe I did it wrong, but they didn't seem to really have to "lift" anything. There just wasn't much range of motion for the arms - how did it work for you guys?

    * I really liked the dumbell prone cuban snatch too - I apparently have a weak area there and I'm totally looking forward to getting better at that!!!

    * I'm still not getting much out of the swiss ball crunch, and I didn't get much out of the reverse crunch either. I'll have to work on them.

    * The lateral flexion????? What the heck - I don't get that one at all. If I did it right, I felt nothing (well - except cramping). And same with the prone cobra.

    * I also felt sort of cheated with only 2 sets.

    I do know that I need to stretch more - I'm getting really tight and will have to work on that too... Now I have this HORRIBLE kink in the side of my back - ouch!!! Didn't start until after my move & groove class - felt it in the shower - so I don't know what the heck happened, but it sucks!!

    Anyway - it's nice to have people who know what I'm talking about to share my thoughts with!!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Hello all!!!

    I'm so sorry if this topic has already been covered, but I was overwhelmed at the length of this thread!!! :embarassed:

    I just started the NROLFW this morning and so far so good. I have been following a different strength training plan for the last 2-3 months so I did fine today. My question is around cardio.

    I also been doing the Run Your Butt Off program, which is similar to C25K. I am up to running for 9 mins straight and then a 2 min break, repeat twice. I do not want to give up the running because I do really enjoy it.

    However, I want to follow NROLFW as closely as possible to get the best results - aside from the prescribed cardio at the end of some of the workouts, do you guys do additional cardio on non-weight days?

    If so, what are you doing and what does your weekly schedule look like?

    Thanks so much! I look forward to reading through this whole thread in the next couple weeks!!!!

    I am also running while doing this program - my schedule is lifting Wednesday and Friday evenings, running Sunday/Tuesday AM and Thursday evening, and then as much yoga as I can squeeze in (sometimes the same day as a run).
  • trini14
    trini14 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, can anyone explain the schedule to me? I borrowed the book from the library but the charts are confusing me, I wish I brought the book with me to work today, or I would explain what I'm talking about. I plan on buying the book tomorrow, would someone/anyone help explain the schedule via PM? Thanks, I'm having a moment here......
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    For those who have reached Level 2 when doing the dead lift from the box did you use the same weight you were using in Level 1 or did you go lower? I'll be moving onto Level 2 after next week. I'm taking a rest as recommended by the book.
  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    I can always expect up to one pounds gain the day after lifting. That is how I know I did push enought LOL

    So good to know! I was worried when I stepped on the scale this morning!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I need motivation to workout this morning. I didn't sleep well at all last night and then my daughter woke me up at 6. So tired and this dreary weather isn't helping!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Think how much better you'll feel after doing the program. Maybe it's just me but once I've finished the gm I walk out with a huge goofy grin on my face and my step is very bouncy!
    Yes, totally normal even if you have a lot to lose (raises hand). It's just water or whatever fluids your body uses to repair your muscles. I like to do my weekly weigh in after a rest/cardio day.

    Very relieved for all this. I'll make sure not to lift on Tuesdays anymore.

    While cleaning my house I found my old personal training book (barely used, it's this one) and I need to write my program in it. Much easier than using my iPhone!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I did it! I'm exhausted but feel great! Today was the first day of doing 3 sets. I kept my weight pretty much the same as last time just to see how I could handle three sets. I did pretty well but I am confident I can increase weight on the squats, which means I will be up to using the regular 45lb barbell.