Do you get mistaken for looking older or younger than you re

ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
After instructing, someone asked me how long I've been into fitness and when I told them 28 years, they said that I must have been doing this since I was 10! At 47, I always my age guessed at mid 30's to early 40's.

My cousin, who is 6 years younger than me and in horrible shape, always gets the "you look older" remark when we hang out together.

Another reason that being fit and in shape is a great goal to strive for.

How about you?


  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Good for you!! I was carded when I ordered alcoholic drinks until I was 29-30. Then, I don't know wth happened! Anyway, I don't get carded anymore. :-) I do occasionally get the "I thought you were younger" comment… but they're only guessing a few years younger than I actually am. We'll see what happens after I lose the "insulation" currently protecting my "muscles". :bigsmile:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    With the amount of gray hair I have...I'm not foolin' anyone really lol :indifferent:
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    i got carded the other day. but it was dark, and the bartender was a ****
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    With the amount of gray hair I have...I'm not foolin' anyone really lol :indifferent:

    there are products for that. :happy:
  • Dylanzmom
    Dylanzmom Posts: 120
    All the time especially at my job. I have clients ask me all the time if I'm even old enough to be working there.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    i am a college student and i still get carded to see rated R movies!!
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    People are never shocked when I tell them my age, but I'm 33 and still get carded about half the time, so that's nice.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I get mistaken for a college student all the time since my office building is right across from a local junior college. When I'm walkin from my admin office to our performing arts theater (one of the venues we represent), people always ask me about profs or classes or parking LOL. I tell them I'm not a student and they look at me like I'm some skank out man hunting on campus... then I tell them I'm 32, work for the office across the street & have 2 kids!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    With the amount of gray hair I have...I'm not foolin' anyone really lol :indifferent:

    there are products for that. :happy:

    Yeah but it's all good...most women say it looks good so I can live with it. I'll flip my profile pic so you can see...
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I'm told that I look like I'm 16 A LOT. Seriously, like twice a week. Ever since I dropped the first 40 lbs. People get really weirded about seeing me with my 2 kids. "Those aren't your's are they?" "Are you babysitting?" Etc. Trying to buy alcohol: SUCKS.

    Oh... BTW... I'm 25.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Half of the people who meet me wonder if I should be 'skipping school' (high school)

    and the other half decide that I look 'over 40' so they don't card me for alcohol

    I really don't know what to think. I'll be 26 soon. I am just baffled.
  • change_happens
    When my hair is cut short and sits atop of my head like a curly bush, I am told that I look like much younger than what I am. However, when my hair is long, I am told that I look my age. When I am with my sister, who dresses much younger than I, they think she is my daughter. Maybe I should cut my hair and get some younger looking clothes :)
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    My "kid" sister who is 6 years younger always gets told she looks older than me. I also get asked if I had my kids really young. Um, no.
  • hanaibo
    hanaibo Posts: 42
    For me, it seems to depend on the person. When I was twenty pounds overweight, I was mistaken for being my younger sister's (4 years younger, mind you) mother. Some guy asked my age a few weeks back at the laundromat, and didn't believe I was 21 (thought I was much younger...16, 17 or so). Weird...
  • 1_up
    1_up Posts: 1,414 Member
    I get told I look like I'm in my mid 20s when I'm clean shaven and mid 30s when I grow out my gotee. I'm 31 :P
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Most people seem to be surprised that I am as old as I am. They are either very polite or they haven't renewed their prescription lenses lately.

    Also, the darker it is, the younger I look.:laugh:
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    People always mistake me for a high school student, at least until I talk. Then they mistake me for a college student. Funnily enough, I still rarely get carded, anymore.

    That won't last for long, though, I'm sure, as I've already started getting grey hairs at 26.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    At every age, I've always been told I looked younger. I'm 25 now and people finally think I'm 18 but still sometimes younger.
  • WattsJA
    WattsJA Posts: 160 Member
    clean shaven .. people guess I am younger

    scruffy .. people guess I am younger, but not by as much.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Legal age is 19 here, and I still get carded occasionally (I'm 30). Not happening as often anymore, though!

    When I was in my early 20s, people often asked what highschool I went to. :\