Live with someone first or just take the dive?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    another good topic necro thread
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    liftingbro wrote: »
    Statistics show the couples that live together get divorced at a higher rate than those that don't. Also, only 50% of couples that move in together end up getting married.

    So, I'd say don't live together first. You should be visiting each other's homes enough and being around each other enough without living together to be able know their habits.

    This. 100% this for me, no judgement on what everyone else does.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    I've done it both ways. I have to say since the marriage resulting from living together first has lasted more than three times longer than the first non living together together is the way to go. That being said if I have to do it again I'm.just shacking up...I've had enough weddings
  • Cup_
    Cup_ Posts: 43 Member
    Married for a near decade here. And VERY happily I might add. Maybe I got lucky, but when I met this guy, I KNEW that I wanted to do things different this go. And we both expressed this to each other. So, we courted the old-fashioned way for a little over a year before getting married. Was hard cause he is SO damn hot. We even had to limit kissing to just a few pecks when together so as to avoid getting into trouble. lol Whew! Wedding night was off the charts....and he STILL melts me.

    I don't know if one choice is better than the other. I think you have to figure that out for yourself. I have lived with guys, and for multiple years at a time. The one time I didn't, I got lucky I guess.