Women strength training... for real



  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Thanks Chris.

    I feel like I haven't lost much since Christmas, but when I actually look at the numbers, I've lost a 2 kilos in 2mths.

    In those 2mths, I've had surgery, and been at maintenance/not worked out for 2 of those weeks... so 2kgs is probably a good number.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Thanks Chris.

    I feel like I haven't lost much since Christmas, but when I actually look at the numbers, I've lost a 2 kilos in 2mths.

    In those 2mths, I've had surgery, and been at maintenance/not worked out for 2 of those weeks... so 2kgs is probably a good number.

    If you lost 2kg then you aren't at maintenance :smile: But yeah, sounds like you're still heading in the right direction.

    Basically, just remember that as you lose the weight you will at some stage have to reduce the calorie deficit. Larger people can get away with larger deficits without losing LBM (provided adequate training & protein intake) and as you get closer to goal weight deficit needs to be smaller to preserve LBM.

    I really wish I knew that when I went through my large weight loss stage! Would have saved me 2 years of skinny fatness!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Thanks Chris.

    I feel like I haven't lost much since Christmas, but when I actually look at the numbers, I've lost a 2 kilos in 2mths.

    In those 2mths, I've had surgery, and been at maintenance/not worked out for 2 of those weeks... so 2kgs is probably a good number.

    If you lost 2kg then you aren't at maintenance :smile: But yeah, sounds like you're still heading in the right direction.

    I was only at maintenance for two weeks of the two months.

    I've still got 40kgs to lose, I'm at 102.5kg currently. I lift heavy with a PT once a week, and do Body Pump twice a week, plus a 20min or so cardio session once a week.

    I've had two tears in the cartilage in my knee, so I was on a modified program for the past 4-5months (no squats/lunges/stairs/high impact), but now that's fixed I should be back into things soon, I have my follow-up with the surgeon tomorrow, so I think I'll be on the modified program for another 2-4wks, and then back at full training after that. Huzzah!
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Chris is a champion. I train with Chris which I have only really started in the last few weeks. I am really only doing lifting with a small amount of metabolic stuff. I have gone from not doing much, just regular day to day work related movement to working out 3 days a week and doing something light most rest days. I lost 1.8kgs or 4lbs in a week. Obviously this loss will slow down as I get closer to my goal weight of about 84kg... Maybe my body can go lower, thats the lowest I have been in the last 5 years but I was never working out this hard before.

    I have already noticed a change in my upper body strength and appearance. I never thought I would say this but im looking forward to getting into the heavier lifting and challenging myself. have just started out light and have gone up in weight in every exercise every workout except for over head press. Im looking forward to when im repping my body weight in bench etc instead of it as just a 1rep max.

    I have ****ty ankles and hips so running and doing major cardio stuff was never going to be a strong point of mine.. plus I hate the idea of running lol. I dont understand why anyone wouldnt want to get into lifting!

    Looking forward to deadlifting over 220lbs! Will get there one day!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Great post :) Must save the info for later review!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    NZ_deevaa: At 102kg, I'd estimate maintenance cals around 3100 cals or so. I had a look at you're diary and looks like avg around 2000 or so which seems like a good deficit at this stage. 1000/day is sustainable until you get closer to you're goal weight. I'd probably reassess every 5kg or so :) Good luck at the surgeon and for the recovery! I HATE injuries!

    Nugget: thanks brother :) I'm pretty sure you could deadlift 220lbs today but we will take it slowly as no need to rush.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    LOL you aren't listening! 2000cals have only been the past two weeks :) Don't look too closely at those two weeks either, my 14yr old son did a lot of cooking while I was off my feet.

    I've been at 1200 - 1400 for appox 10mths.

    My question was, should I go up to closer to 1700 as that's my estimated BMR.

    BTW, I've seen what you eat in the food photos thread, that makes you hero status here too. ;)
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    LOL you aren't listening! 2000cals have only been the past two weeks :) Don't look too closely at those two weeks either, my 14yr old son did a lot of cooking while I was off my feet.

    I've been at 1200 - 1400 for appox 10mths.

    My question was, should I go up to closer to 1700 as that's my estimated BMR.

    BTW, I've seen what you eat in the food photos thread, that makes you hero status here too. ;)

    Yes. You really should always eat at least your BMR+most exercise calories. (I only say most instead of all to allow wiggle room for miscalculations.)
  • melanieparker13
    melanieparker13 Posts: 110 Member