What was your wake-up call to lose weight?



  • Laoghaire
    Laoghaire Posts: 4 Member
    I call it "The tipping point". That point in time when I didn't recognize the lard *kitten* in the mirror, the point in space when that lard *kitten* could not be crammed into a 2x, that point in physics where that lard *kitten* over came the fulcrum of the picnic table and actually tipped it over. The real tipping point was a number on a scale..... 225. I simply could not comprehend a number that large, at least in relation to my weight (IQ maybe). It was enough to start me on this journey, to better health, lower blood pressure and cholesterol and hopefully to that point in time and space where I can achieve perect balance and not tip anything over, ever again!
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    For me it had been incremental. I knew where I was heading, I just didn't care enough to do anything about it. Now that I look back I realize that I was eating more than 3000 calories a day, which is pretty ridiculous.

    One day I saw a picture of myself and realized that I wasn't as "ok" as I thought I was. Then I stepped on the scale and saw the number go past 200. Since then I've been dieting and recently I realized that it HAS to be diet and exercise, not just one or the other.

    Here's hoping I don't regress back into my former self.
  • justaxletdown
    The point I knew was when I just saw pictures of myself and wanted to cry. I was already depressed about other aspects of my life, and that was an extra terrible realization... Being the fattest of a group of four girls, the other three being incredibly stunning/thin, wasn't fun and I knew if I wanted to ever feel better I needed to change. I'm not as good friends with them now, but it's still motivation. But it was basically a switch went off in my head one day that I didn't wanna be "that" girl anymore. I wanted to be so much more than that.
  • momtimesone
    momtimesone Posts: 85 Member
    Mine was two fold losing both my parents within these past 2 years Dad heart attack mom after a stroke both where under the age of 60. I was ok with everything until I reconnected with a childhood friend and the sparks where there until he admitted to me that he was attracted to my personality but not physically, It hurt but its my motivation now to lose the weight and be able to find someone who will love me for who I am and not what I am.
  • Peque1130deleted
    Last year I lost 45lbs for a friends wedding, no where near where I wanted to be but at least I was under the 200 mark(185)..I slowly started to creep back up to the 200's and I just couldnt let myself get there anymore...The day I started I was 198 (still under 200!!!!)I refuse to go anywhere near the 200's anymore!!

    I am tired of hearing the words 'señora' or ma'am!! I look way older than 29 and I know its the extra lbs...so here goes to a healthier, younger looking me! :wink:

    Oh, and I will be turning 30 next month... I need to start my dirty 30's in better shape :happy:
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    When I went to the doctor (I was at my highest weight) and she said, "Hmm..you keep gaining weight....I think it is time to run some test." That was in 2010, freaked me out, I cried for weeks, and has lost 20ish pounds since....Scariest moment ever for me.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    When my blood pressure was 170/110 and I saw a pic of myself looking the way I looked :(
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    I previously lost about 40lbs on Nutrisystem with very minimal exercise. I kept it off for a while but the weight crept back up since I stopped dieting. I gained an additional 20lbs(So I gained liike 60lbs total). Which tipped me just over 200lbs. The heaviest I have ever been. I hate having my picture taken now. I looks so fat in every one of them. I feel very unattractive and don't get compliments from strangers any more. I never want to go out any more because I feel like I look so horrid. High blood pressure runs in my family...last time I went to the doctors they said my blood pressure was at high limits. They said ii was pre-something. Basically my motivation consists of my health and vanity. I just started eating healthier and doing 30 day shred. Day 10 now and I feel healthier, stronger and am down 3lbs.
  • PreacherRam
    I had a pain in my left knee that would not go away. I went ot orthopedic surgeon to find out why. He thought I would need surgery, but he said he would not do surgery till I lost 100 pounds. I was in so much pain, that I starting looking for quick weight loss inculding bariatric surgery.

    The surgeon lied to me, but I started losing weight. After I lost 25 pounds, he fixed a torn mensicus. He also found a stress fracture that was caused by my weight.

    I am not doing bariatric surgery, but I am tracking my caloric intake with MyFitnessPal and plan to reduce weight. This program is a great tool in the battle against the belly.

    I thank the surgeon for lying to me because it put me on the path to a better life and weight loss.
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    Oh yeah, I also forgot to add people asking me if I was pregnant O_____O
  • milowen
    milowen Posts: 40 Member
    My wake up call was 4 weeks ago today. I was told I was too unhealthy to continue in the arthritis medication study I was in. My triglycerides were 622. My liver was failing to get any better. My weight had gone up to it's highest point. I've been taking 4 blood pressure pills a day, most since I was 19 years old. I felt defeated.

    But, I'm 32 and have a lot to live for. So, for the first time, I felt challenged. I took charge.

    In only a few weeks, my liver is almost back to normal. My triglycerides are down 330 points. My blood pressure meds are too strong and I'm dizzy all the time. I've lost 8 lbs. My mood is better. I don't want to harm my husband (as often). I feel hopeful.

    I've tried to lose weight all of my life and it never made it past a passing thought or a few days of Weight Watchers....but this time, it feels like my whole thought process has changed. It's not going to fail b/c I value myself too much :)
  • OutOfBreath
    OutOfBreath Posts: 80 Member
    Weighing myself and seeing I was closer to 300 than I ever wanted to be. I had realized I gained over 60 lbs in a year, because I was eating away my heartache and frustrations.
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    I had always been fit and bodywise looked good. When my bf was killed I gained about 30 lbs...and was fired from being a dance instructor because I was too ugly and fat. I lost the weight only to break my foot and put some of it back. Started losing it and almost two years ago I had a bad knee injury - was bedfast for 6 months - gained a TON of weight, and my dad has been telling me how gross and fat I am since. He took a picture of me and it was awful. Then went out to my grandpa's funeral this summer and took pics with the family - when I got home and saw the pics I said that was it...knee injury or not - the weight HAD to come off.

    Plus Im crazy about my best friend and when he sees me in the spring/summer I want to be my old self again..