Team Nanoose-September Tribal Challenge (Closed Group)



  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    The gym at my apartment down here is...lacking. I won't be able to lift with weights anymore, I'm going to have to suffice with the Insanity, P90X, and P90X+ videos I have on my computer.

    That being said, my commute is now about 20-30 minutes (down from 110), and I'm no longer trying to match my schedule with my fiance's so that we take the same train.

    What that means is that I should be much better equipped now to participate in the October challenges, and will hopefully not complete fall off the map in the second half of the month.

    That is if you guys still need the team mate of course.

    Either way hope this is successful for everyone!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Of course you are all welcome to do the October Challenge. I haven't seen the new ones posted, so I will update you as soon as possible. I had an interview and meetings today so I haven't tallied up our results yet. I'll post that later tonight!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member

    So overall we got 892 points as a team! Since that doesn't mean a whole lot outside of the spreadsheet let me give you some numbers:

    As a team we lost 30.7 pounds!!!! This is an even bigger achievement than it seems because by the end of this we were down 4 teammates!!!! This was 17.6% of our original starting weights lost!! Great work everyone!!

    Tanisha1990 led the team in weightloss with a 5.1% loss! Great work Tanisha!

    Shannonaufman and Scantril led the team in points with the most days completed! Great job you two!!!

    I'm still trying to figure out what the deal is with October...I'll keep you posted!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Ok everyone, I still don't see anything for October so it looks like we're gonna call it quits. Thank you so much for being on my team, I know we didn't all last until the end but you guys did fantastic.

    I'll keep in touch with everyone on here and feel free to do the same. Maybe we can organize another challenge one of these days!!!!

    Great work everyone and good luck on your next goal!!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Ok everyone, I still don't see anything for October so it looks like we're gonna call it quits. Thank you so much for being on my team, I know we didn't all last until the end but you guys did fantastic.

    I'll keep in touch with everyone on here and feel free to do the same. Maybe we can organize another challenge one of these days!!!!

    Great work everyone and good luck on your next goal!!

    Ok guys, if you do want to do October I found the info! The main thread is here ( and we can start a new team thread if you want. This week's challenges have not been posted because Gary had a death in the family. So, let me know if you want to do this....if so we will just take a break until Gary is back and posts the challenges. Or everyone can just try out the new exercises listed on the blog ( and post how they go??

    Let me know what you all want to do!!!!!!
  • moonnstarz83
    moonnstarz83 Posts: 53 Member
    I am sorry to annouce that I am going to have to stop participating in the mission slimpossible challenges. I am so busy working 2 jobs, raising my pup and kitten, and planning a wedding that I just don't have time. I would rather the place is filled with someone who has the time and committment needed. Thanks for the oppurtunity though!
