Calories burned during sex?

Topic says it all... I saw no entry for sex in the cardio database. But dagnabbit, that's cardio, and I'd like to continue burning calories in this manner!

How many calories per minute, estimated? I guess there would be a different estimate for a guy versus a gal... considering guys do all the work. Hee, hee!


  • anony999
    anony999 Posts: 112 Member
    Topic says it all... I saw no entry for sex in the cardio database. But dagnabbit, that's cardio, and I'd like to continue burning calories in this manner!

    How many calories per minute, estimated? I guess there would be a different estimate for a guy versus a gal... considering guys do all the work. Hee, hee!
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    Just wear your HRM next time :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Here is a calculator that you can put your weight into. Like all of them it's probably just a guesstimate.
  • Lisabeth
    Lisabeth Posts: 268
    Well dag gummit back at you! This was 2 minutes of my life I will never get back!!!! I KNOW men burn 90 percent in this area.....:mad: Oh well...good for ya'll! :yawn:

  • anony999
    anony999 Posts: 112 Member
    The ladies totally dig the HRM assist in the bedroom!

    Thanks for the link! I just created an entry, it says 59 calories every 10m. Not too shabby!
  • anony999
    anony999 Posts: 112 Member
    Well dag gummit back at you! This was 2 minutes of my life I will never get back!!!! I KNOW men burn 90 percent in this area.....:mad: Oh well...good for ya'll! :yawn:


    Only 2 minutes?? You should demand your money back.
  • Lisabeth
    Lisabeth Posts: 268
    "Not too shabby" tells me that your not too happy with the "minutes calculator" :laugh:
  • Lisabeth
    Lisabeth Posts: 268
    :noway: I meant the article....ugh! Men!!! :tongue:
    Well dag gummit back at you! This was 2 minutes of my life I will never get back!!!! I KNOW men burn 90 percent in this area.....:mad: Oh well...good for ya'll! :yawn:


    Only 2 minutes?? You should demand your money back.
  • anony999
    anony999 Posts: 112 Member
    "Not too shabby" tells me that your not too happy with the "minutes calculator" :laugh:

    Au contraire! That was more calories than I expected, since it doesn't feel like work. I will tell my gal that MFP requires me to burn a pound a week this way! Wheeee!
  • Lisabeth
    Lisabeth Posts: 268
    My hubbie told me about the 90% thangy...I guess he must be "hinting" around..........:blushing:
    "Not too shabby" tells me that your not too happy with the "minutes calculator" :laugh:

    Au contraire! That was more calories than I expected, since it doesn't feel like work. I will tell my gal that MFP requires me to burn a pound a week this way! Wheeee!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    You guys are just too dang funny!! Keep up the sex and burn more calories! Yay!!!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I hear there is 17g of protein available for us gals too.:drinker: :tongue:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Get your squats done too... Sorry, you got me started...:wink:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Sorry.....been married too long. This topic means nil.:indifferent:

    Anyone got a good topic 'bout nose hair?:bigsmile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Sorry.....been married too long. This topic means nil.:indifferent:

    Anyone got a good topic 'bout nose hair?:bigsmile:

    Yes, thank you soup. I believe the chasing them around with the clippers is 50 cals and then holding them down to do the clipping is another 100. THEN cleaning up the hairs is an addl 25.

    So see, us ol married woman get our exercise in too!!


    :laugh: :laugh:
  • DjBliss05
    I guess there would be a different estimate for a guy versus a gal... considering guys do all the work. Hee, hee!

    Hey, hey, hey... that totally depends on the exercisers involved and what type of exercise they are doing at the time! :huh:
  • tuxedo702
    Two things come to mind here:
    1. This gives guys motivation to take their time. :wink:
    2. I'm reading YOU on a Diet and they say that having sex helps your cravings for food. That our brain's pleasure center doesn't know the difference so if you're satiated in one area you, theoretically, will be satiated in the other. Are there any volunteers out there who would be willing to test this theory? :laugh:
  • anony999
    anony999 Posts: 112 Member
    Two things come to mind here:
    1. This gives guys motivation to take their time. :wink:
    2. I'm reading YOU on a Diet and they say that having sex helps your cravings for food. That our brain's pleasure center doesn't know the difference so if you're satiated in one area you, theoretically, will be satiated in the other. Are there any volunteers out there who would be willing to test this theory? :laugh:

    I will gladly test #2! However, I've noticed the opposite, I'll be more ravenous the next day after a good romp. I've looked up what is lost (for guys) to see if my body is just craving certain things, so I was hoping to just take a supplement (zinc, etc.) to curb the cravings. But I haven't found what (if anything) works just yet... Guess I just need to continually distract myself!
  • douganl
    douganl Posts: 283 Member
    Sorry.....been married too long. This topic means nil.:indifferent:

    I know what you mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    You guys are too confusing, how did nose hair come out of a sex conversation?:yawn Sorry to hear your marriages have made you lose your humor.!
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