September Shred - RED TEAM! **CLOSED GROUP**



  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Weigh in this morning was 177. I am pretty sure I got 40+ minutes each day.
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    195.6lbs today. A loss of 1.4lbs. Wish it was more, but still happy with that! Really struggled with the sodium. Didn't realise I take in so much salt! Met the water goal everday and I exercised for a minimum of 60 mins each day. Most days it was more. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • klsnell1981
    klsnell1981 Posts: 48 Member
    Quick question, does today count as the first day of week 3, or the last day of week 2?

    i think today is day 1
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    does anyone know if the new chart was put up today? I can't seem to find it?
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    Sorry for the latye post, I am at 260, 1.6lbs for the week. I had 5 workouts over 40 minutes. But still not meeting water goals everyday.
    Were this weeks challenges posted?

  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    Great job, everyone! :D
    Sorry for the latye post, I am at 260, 1.6lbs for the week. I had 5 workouts over 40 minutes. But still not meeting water goals everyday.
    Were this weeks challenges posted?


    yep! Here ya go!

    Week 3 Challenge

    1. Burn 500 calories - 5 days this week! Yes I know it's a toughy!!
    2. Keep drinking your water!!! 8 glasses per day
    3. Stay under or at your net calorie limit for each day
    4. Stay FOCUS on your short and long term goals!
    does anyone know if the new chart was put up today? I can't seem to find it?

    I haven't posted it yet, I need more weights still.
    Quick question, does today count as the first day of week 3, or the last day of week 2?

    I count Friday as Day 1
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    Please get your weights in!

  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    30 day shred level 2 is NO JOKE! UGH! I'm a bit scared to see level 3 :/
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    How's everyone doing?

    I met goal #2 today! :D
  • klsnell1981
    klsnell1981 Posts: 48 Member
    I burned my 600cal for the day... halfway there on the water goal, and i still have 1600cal left to eat for the day! (Its already after lunch!! *yay)
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    get your weights in! Happy Friday!! :)

  • BrigettaBennett
    weighed today: 232.4, ugh! Thank goodness my heel spur is better. Gotta step the exercise up next week. I met my water goals, but not my exercise goals
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    How's everyone doing?

    I met goal #2 today! :D

    YAY! Congrats!
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    260.0 no loss :frown: but no gain either! all exercise goals met, still bad on water.
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Week 4 Challenge - Ok shredders it's time to wrap it up! 1. Burn 500 calories - 7 days this week! Yes I know it's a toughy!! That's a total of 3500 - A full pound of burn! 2. Keep drinking your water!!! 8 glasses per day 3. Stay FOCUSED on your short and long term goals! 4.Post the biggest NSV you had this month on the thread.

    Sorry it's late!
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    Friday to Wednesday I did fine with working out, drinking water, etc. Thursday and Friday were a bust and my weight has stayed the same this week. I'm sorry guys, I'm not helping too much with our 10 lbs lost in September goal.
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    195 this week.. Not a huge loss, but apparently I managed to gain 3 pounds this week. Not really sure how as I wasn't going over my calorie limit :( Anyways, lost that and a little bit more so I guess I'm happy with that. Just frustrated because I'm finding it really, really, really hard to get past the 195 mark. Hope everybody had a great week!
  • klsnell1981
    klsnell1981 Posts: 48 Member
    no change this week. :(
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Sorry for the late check in! No change this week, and met all goals.
  • klsnell1981
    klsnell1981 Posts: 48 Member
    my biggest NSV so far... the manager at my gym told me that I was working out TOO much :) and I'm *finally* getting the compliments like "Hey are you losing weight?" FELT AWESOME!!!!! :)