

  • JCS_EVmom
    JCS_EVmom Posts: 14 Member
    I got Insanity yesterday, gonna start it today. Very excited to see what the next 60 days bring.

    I know I should do the fit test but should I do a workout, too today?
  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    I got Insanity yesterday, gonna start it today. Very excited to see what the next 60 days bring.

    I know I should do the fit test but should I do a workout, too today?

    The fit test wipes you out, that's for sure! It's a workout in itself, so I wouldn't do another Insanity workout in the same day. Maybe if you REALLY feel up to it, do something a little different at a separate time of day, like going for a run or something. That's just me though :)
  • mama_monkey333
    Yay! So exciting! Can't wait to see how all you guys are doing. . . just finished Day 5, pure cardio is no joke! Hubby and I pushed through it. . . should've know something was up when Shaun T get's nervous. Still pushing play takin it day by day starting to see little changes in my body already so crazy didn't expect to see changes so soon. Woo Hoo!
  • cleoleigh
    cleoleigh Posts: 76 Member
    9-2-11: Day 5 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Ab

    I am super excited to get home today and rock out day 5. Has anyone done this one yet? ...just noticed it is 55 minutes! YIKES! I may need to keep a mop handy!! I went out last night and bought a really great mat since I am doing this in the garage. Yes, a garage in August/September in FLORIDA!!!! LOL but I put in a high velocity fan too :)

    Happy to see so far that even though I am getting sore....I am not in pain. It has not irritated my bad knee at all. Which I can only guess is because I am watching my form. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!

    Will post before pictures if I can figure out how???
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    pure cardio is super intense but worth it. but yet, a mop WILL be necessary. lol

    today is day 2 for me and i completed plyometric cardio circuit with a 436 calorie burn. :-) yay! i love my body bugg!

    i feel really good. i lost another half a pound which makes me happy. :-) i'm so happy i have a couple people actually keeping me accountable. :-) good luck everyone! DIG DEEPER!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Day 6 for me. Did Upper Body Weight Training instead of Pure Cardio Yesterday and Ran 8 miles this Am. Will do Yoga tonight and have off tomorrow for traveling. Sunday back to schedule of Cardio Power and Resistance.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    9-2-11: Day 5 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Ab

    I am super excited to get home today and rock out day 5. Has anyone done this one yet? ...just noticed it is 55 minutes! YIKES! I may need to keep a mop handy!! I went out last night and bought a really great mat since I am doing this in the garage. Yes, a garage in August/September in FLORIDA!!!! LOL but I put in a high velocity fan too :)

    Happy to see so far that even though I am getting sore....I am not in pain. It has not irritated my bad knee at all. Which I can only guess is because I am watching my form. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!

    Will post before pictures if I can figure out how???

    OH MY! I lived in Florida for about 5 years.. So I know how hot it can get! Doing that in a garage at that heat.. geez! Props to you!
  • shaverkl191
    Ok so here are my fit test results!!

    Switch Kicks - 82
    Power Jacks - 30
    Power Knees - 63
    Power Jumps - 18
    Globe Jumps - 6
    Suicide Jumps - 13
    Push-Up Jacks - 10
    Low Plank Oblique - 35

    Holy cow, I knew it was going to be hard... but that was INSANE!! (haha) I started on Monday and after only 5 days I'm starting to feel some changes in my body. Definitely loving this program so far.
  • mama_monkey333
    Wow! You guys are awesome. . . see some sweating phenoms out there. . . can't thank ya'll enough this extra support helps keep us working hard just knowing other people are doing the same exact thing. I wouldn't say it's starting to get easier but it is definately starting to wear on me . . . in a good way. I was starting to get discouraged haven't seen the scale move in a few days and this morning BAM! <1.3lbs> Woo Hoo! I'll take it. . . Well about it hit day 6 and loving it! :happy: Have an awesome day guys n dig deep!
  • Kenny_K
    Kenny_K Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all! I do insanity late at night after my crazy work days, so I totally didn't write my fit test numbers.... Should I do the fit test over? lol I'm proud of everyone, does everyone else feel stronger and have more energy throughout the day because of the workout?
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    day 3 and i killed it! Cardio power and resistance is one of my all time favs! :-)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Hi all, can I join?!

    I'm planning to start monday 5th...just hope my fit test results aren't too embarassing to post!
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Hi all, can I join?!

    I'm planning to start monday 5th...just hope my fit test results aren't too embarassing to post!

    no such thing as too embarrassing! :-) unless they say 0 all the way down. haha!

    welcome to Insanity!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Hi all! I do insanity late at night after my crazy work days, so I totally didn't write my fit test numbers.... Should I do the fit test over? lol I'm proud of everyone, does everyone else feel stronger and have more energy throughout the day because of the workout?

    Writing your test results aren't a must type thing. But it is fun to look back on when you finish the program. Or later in the year to see how much you improved. So as far as do it over, that is completely your call.Depends how bad you want to compare.
  • mama_monkey333
    Yay! Kenny"s in. . . was starting ta get worried about ya. . . saw you posted right away you were in then didn't hear anything from ya.. . heck no don't do that fit test again until next fit test time. Good ta have ya! Starting ta shape up guys this is awesome.
  • Kenny_K
    Kenny_K Posts: 12 Member
    I'm the life guard... of course im in! lol
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Happy Labor Day everyone!! How is everyone's workouts going?
  • shaverkl191
    I just finished my first week on Insanity and I'm already starting to see some results. Ran a 5k this morning and beat my personal best time, which I think is due to all the intense cardio I've been doing over the past week.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I just did my first fit test and I'm pleased to report it wasn't as bad as I'd feared!!

    Drumroll please, here are my results.........

    Switch Kicks 58
    Power Jacks 62
    Power knees 84
    Power Jumps 34 - don't think the impact of these are good for my back
    Globe Jumps 10
    Suicide Jumps 13
    Push Up Jacks 26
    Low Plank Obliques 54

    I'm looking forward to my first proper workout tomorrow!:bigsmile:

    How's everyone getting on?
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just did my first fit test and I'm pleased to report it wasn't as bad as I'd feared!!

    Drumroll please, here are my results.........

    Switch Kicks 58
    Power Jacks 62
    Power knees 84
    Power Jumps 34 - don't think the impact of these are good for my back
    Globe Jumps 10
    Suicide Jumps 13
    Push Up Jacks 26
    Low Plank Obliques 54

    I'm looking forward to my first proper workout tomorrow!:bigsmile:

    How's everyone getting on?

    Yes be careful with the power jumps! I have some back problems myself. And the one night I was doing power jumps, felt a pain. Well I decided to tough it out and keep going instead of just stopping my workoiut.Well I had some seriously back pain for like 2 weeks.