Butterball Babies~ ! (Closed Group)



  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Morning Ladies!!

    I just wanted to say that I haven't seen ANY team GREEN members?? Strange that a whole team has disappeared. Can some of you help me send them private messages to encourage them?


    You are all doing WONDERFUL!! I'm so very impressed and blessed you have joined me on this mission.

    My hugs to you all.

  • I'm finding that I have to work double the time to burn half the amount of calories as everyone else. There's no way I'll make it to 1000 by Thursday, never mind 5000. Feeling a bit discouraged!
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    I'm finding that I have to work double the time to burn half the amount of calories as everyone else. There's no way I'll make it to 1000 by Thursday, never mind 5000. Feeling a bit discouraged!

    It's okay if you don't make it to 5000. It is a goal and anything you do is a positive..whether it be 50, 500 or 5000! Any exercise is a plus, so don't worry, whatever you do will be great!

  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    Update for Week 1 Challenges:

    ~Cals Burned:
    Thurs, 9/1~1093 (Walking, Stairs, Strength Training & Just Dance 2)
    Sat, 9/3~629 (Walking, Stairs & Strength Training)
    Sun, 9/4~368
    Mon, 9/5~1338 (Jogging/Walking Intervals-8.54 miles)

    Total: 3428
    Remaining: 1572

    Ok, I have to burn 786 cals on Tues & Weds to meet that goal....I can handle that!

    Keep burning ladies!

    Way to go Team Purple...great job, you are doing awesome and you will surely make the 5000 challenge!!
  • 5000 calorie weekly challenge

    9/1- 221
    9/2- 990
    9/3- 135
    9/4- 825
    9/5- 643
    9/6- 859

    3673 caloires burned and 1 day left. Probably won't quite make it to 5000 since I am getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow morning, but it has definitely been a good week of exercise and I am proud of how many calories I did burn.
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    5000 calorie weekly challenge

    9/1- 221
    9/2- 990
    9/3- 135
    9/4- 825
    9/5- 643
    9/6- 859

    3673 caloires burned and 1 day left. Probably won't quite make it to 5000 since I am getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow morning, but it has definitely been a good week of exercise and I am proud of how many calories I did burn.

    Goodluck with your wisdom teeth! Are you going to ask to keep them?! I am a dental assistant and if I ever let them pull my wisdom teeth, I will definitely keep them, but I am lucky and don't need them out!

    You got very far with the calories so great job!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Everyone is doing such a great job this week with meeting the 5000 calories burned . I have to say that i know that i will not meet that but i am going to Zumba again tonight so thats always a good workout !
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Hey ladies, sorry for not updating yesterday. Been soo busy with work etc. Managed to go to zumba yesterday. Will have to rest for next 2-3 days as my ankles playing up. So wont reach 3000+ sorry to let the team down.
    Want to be well rested for my race on sunday :)

    On my phone now butt will catch up with u all later
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    i love everyones logos!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I don't know if I will hit my 5000 cals burned...but I just realized I have todays cals AND tomorrows cals still...so that's good!! I got in 3-30minute walks at work again last night...so that helped! :)


    Thu 9/1-rest
    Fri 9/2-401
    Sat 9/3-240
    Sun 9/4- 640
    Mon 9/5- 700
    Tues 9/6- 240+
    Wed 9/7-

    TOTAL-1981 CALS (so far)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    :heart: I just wanted say CONGRATS to everyone for making such a great effort this week!! whether or not you hit 5000 calories, the point is...you worked hard!! and not only as hard as usual, but harder then usual! be proud of what you have accomplished, know that you did your best, and be ready for next weeks challenge!! You are all doing fab...keep it up!:heart:

    sas-CONGRATS on your new personal best with the 5K! that is a great shed in time!

    Tausha-thanks for keeping the group going here...this is a great way for all of us to meet some great goals! I will try PMing some of the green team tonight from work (as long as I have time of course). OH....when is the new challenge gonna be posted for next week?

    Angelica-I feel your pain girl!! I too have a hard time getting in huge calorie burns! even when I walk at a very brisk pace my HR rarely goes above 95!! so I will NOT be hitting 5000 cals either!! No worries though, the important thing is that YOU pushed YOURSELF, and burned more then you would have before this challenge! keep on moving and shoot for you OWN goal...whether it be 1500 or 5000!! you are doing great!

    sjc-great job with your burn for this week!! and good luck with your teeth tomorrow!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I'm finding that I have to work double the time to burn half the amount of calories as everyone else. There's no way I'll make it to 1000 by Thursday, never mind 5000. Feeling a bit discouraged!

    Hey hun!! I'm sorry I probably set the bar a little high for those of you who are a lot smaller than myself. I didn't really think about that when I made the challenge. I was a little over zealous I think... Next week I will try my best to do a challenge that is better suited for the WHOLE GROUP..... I really didn't even think about how much longer and harder the girls who are close to maintenance would have to work.

    Sorry if I've discouraged you! Keep coming back and maybe I'll get my head on straight and think better for next time! I'm really happy to have you with us. :0)
  • i haven't been keeping up with this as much as i should! eek! i worked out 3 days last week (starting school/homework again is kinda throwing off my schedule!) and i'm starting off this week with laryngitis AND bronchitis! soup and water for this girl!! hopefully i'll be down another lb by the end of the week ;)

    sounds like everyone is doing awesome and grabbing the "butter" by its "balls" ;) ehh? play on words?

    anyway, keep up the good work, everyone! :)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,544 Member
    9/1: 457
    9/2: 665
    9/3: 572
    9/4: 558
    9/5: 560
    9/6: 1243

    to go: 945

    O.K., 3 1/2 hours of house cleaning gave me an additional 618 calories. If it would ever stop raining, I really need to do a quick hour of yard work and clean the pool before people show up at 9:00 a.m. when I need to have the whole house completely picked up after the morning craziness AND have hair, makeup and be dressed up!!! Aaauuggghh! O.K., deep breath. Can't wait for tomorrow afternoon for this to be over and I can get back to normal.

    Girls, don't stress about the 5000. The important thing is you are getting in your workouts and working as hard as you are capable of going! The bigger challenge for me is to log everything I eat. Once I go off the rails I tend to not log anything else that day and that is getting to be a big problem. Let's all think positive thoughts for our weigh-ins on Thursday!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    9/1- 542
    9/2- 898
    9/3- 746
    9/4- 962
    9/5- 935
    9/6- 1032
    Total: 5115 Burned!!! :love:
  • Cuddles2523
    Cuddles2523 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm finding that I have to work double the time to burn half the amount of calories as everyone else. There's no way I'll make it to 1000 by Thursday, never mind 5000. Feeling a bit discouraged!

    Hey teamie! Don't feel down! This was a tough one and there was no way that I was gonna reach it either but as long as we worked our butts to the best of our abilities it's all good :o)
  • Cuddles2523
    Cuddles2523 Posts: 139 Member
    Didn't get a chance to write yesterday but did the 30 day shred level one..burned 149 cals bringing my new total 864. Not a crazy number but I am proud of myself for working out every day and I've been staying under my calorie goal so whoo hoo to that too lol. :O)
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    9/1 95
    9/2 1017
    9/3 283
    9/4 455
    9/5 650
    9/6 300

    Total: 2800...leaving 2200

    So sorry I am not even close...so for my other team mates that didn't quite make 5000, the better question is...did you work harder this week with the challenge than if it wasn't there? IF you said, "yes", and I am a resounding YES!, then we were a success!


    Go Team Orange!!!
  • 9/1 - 271
    9/2 - 733
    9/3 - 856
    9/4 - 858
    9/5 - 892
    9/6 - 897 (at 4507 - woo hoo, 1 more day and only 493 calories left to burn!)
    9/7 -
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    ok I let my team down this week.. sorry.. lots of excuses... but will be on track tomorrow... and how do I get the lady bug saying on my post.. I want it.. it is cool..