Butterball Babies~ ! (Closed Group)



  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    I managed to walk the four miles back after my interview but my legs are killing me so I'm waiting til tomorrow to catch up on C25K.
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    Great job butterball babies!
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    My weekly burn
    Sept 1: 436 calories
    Sept 2: 476 calories
    Sept 3: 861 calories
    Sept 4: 903 calories
    Sept 5: rest day
    Sept 6: 887 calories
    Sept 7: 865 calories

    Weekly total: 4428 calories burned. 572. calories shy of the 5000 calories burned. ~sigh~
    adding an additional 121 calories cleaning tonight! Making it 4549 calories burned ond now 451 calories shy of the 5000 goal. Feelin kinda proud :)
  • 5000 Calorie Challenge:

    9/1 - 271
    9/2 - 733
    9/3 - 856
    9/4 - 858
    9/5 - 892
    9/6 - 897
    9/7 - 617

    Total : 5124 Calories burned!!! Yay! I honestly can't believe I did it - I really didn't think I would make 5000!
  • Week 1 Challenge - Burn 5000 Calories

    9/1 - 0
    9/2 - 647
    9/3 - 727
    9/4 - 339
    9/5 - 568
    9/6 - 379
    9/7- 878
    Total - 3538

    I didn't reach the 5000 goal, but I did better than I thought I would so I am happy!
  • ok help what am I doing wrong to get our team red lady bugs stuff on here..

    Make the IMG lowercase.
  • Kittu125
    Kittu125 Posts: 360 Member
    My Calorie Burn for this week:

    9/1 - 1474
    9/2 - 1300
    9/3 - 508
    9/4 - 546
    9/5 - 400
    9/6 - 801
    9/7 - 620

    Sorry I thought I finished it earlier than I did my excercise calender was adding previous week's cals burned too. But I did it !!! my total weekly claorie burn was 5649. :explode: . wow that was hard being on vacation and stuff. And Being with family sure add to food intake but I resisted some. and That was first for me. Thanks for all the support and I know I haven't been active here but will be as soon as I reach Home.

    Congratulations to everybody !!!! WE DID IT !!! This week was awesome !!

    Tausha you rock girl!! Thanks for your awesome challenge and all the support. The challenge sure did kick *kitten*!! hope you continue to do ti and push us to our goals. Awesome work!! and your cal burn was great too.

    I saw some of the logos and they are absoultely stunning and such cute and crazy names. Lets go girls as Laura would say Let's keep losing.

    Thanks Tausha for another challenge!!! I hope to acheive that too !!!
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    9/1-409 calories
    9/2-744 calories
    9/3-409 calories
    9/4-508 calories
    9/5-612 calories
    9/6-875 calories
    9/7-897 calories

    Total-4554 calories

    As i posted before, i knew i wouldn't make the 5000 goal but i knew i had to make it to 4500, and i did but just barely! Congrats to all of you and i can't wait to see how tomorrow's weigh-in is for everyone!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Ok, I didnt make the 5000 cals burned. Was unable to get a workout in yesterday or today... I only burned 3428 cals :mad: .....Sorry Purple Team! :sad: I will make sure I finish the challenges for next week.

    CONGRATS to everyone for doing their best! :drinker: (water)

    Calorie total burn for the week: 3428

    CW: 184.6

    Calorie burn goal for next week: 5000 (I know its suppose to be according to my weight -1840 but I didnt make the 5000 cals week 1 so I wanna give it another try)
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 584 Member
    Cals burned
    Thurs = 367
    Fri = 186
    Sat = 252
    Sun = 507 might be more
    Mon = sorry i cant remember what did this day
    Tues = 548 most of this was work & i had no energy to do any exercise
    Wed = 691 Wii bl, walking around a day event, gave my daughter piggy back ride while there
    My total is 2551 cals burned this week

    This weeks weigh-in is 181.9lb (82.5kg
    For my burn this week should i drop the 9 & go up to 1820 instead? What do you think everyone?
    I have work today, will exercise later after.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I'll repost just my final cals tomorrow...but thought I would put up my end results (after my cleaning marathon tonight!) I may not have reached the 5000...but I was damn closer than I thought! go me!!!

    Thu 9/1-rest
    Fri 9/2-401
    Sat 9/3-240
    Sun 9/4- 640
    Mon 9/5- 700
    Tues 9/6- 973
    Wed 9/7- 1301


    Suzanne-CONGRATS on your run....that's fantastic!!

    Jenney-great job still!!! you put in a valiant effort...and you should be proud!

    Kate-YAH YOU!!! that is so awesome that your walked home from the interview!! Great job!

    Sandy-congrats on hitting the 5000 mark!!! that rocks!

    KaeChelle-great job...and great attitude!! WTG!

    Kittu-WTG on hitting the goal...especially while on vacay!

    Laura-Great work!!! so close girl!!

    Renee-still a respectable burn girlie...but I should have known that you would go for it again...I'll be cheering you on for sure!!! in the words of JM "come get some!"

    purplebutterfly-i think that 1820 is your best bet...makes the most sense I mean :)

  • Wow, it is so wonderful reading everyone's updates for this week - what a wonderful challenge to get us moving and on track in the fall - I think we're all going to do great in meeting our Thanksgiving weight loss goals. Tausha, thank you again so very much for starting this challenge for us, I think it's just what I needed to help get me back on track. I actually feel more confident after meeting my 5000 calorie goal - I met a goal - yay!

    I can't wait to hear about all of your weight losses this week - I'm sure we will be burning calories doing some happy dances today!
  • Cuddles2523
    Cuddles2523 Posts: 139 Member
    Ok so I finished the week with 962..under 1000 sorry guys!

    Next week my goal is 1240 so hopefully I can kick it up a notch and reach that goal. I'll be on vacation in Myrtle Beach but I do plan on running on the beach so we'll see how it goes!

    Weight check in: 124..didn't lose or gain so I'll take it.

    Good work everybody! :O)
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Thanx all for the "wow's" & WTG to ALL on those AMAZING burns! Show those calories who's boss!!!!

    So, my Grand Total = 5752 calories burned (and Hubby calls me an exercise addict, no clue why! :laugh: )

    My current weight: 149 (sticking with last weeks, no loss, I'm actually bloated really bad due to TOM to where I now have cankles, but that should clear by Saturday - so I'll be able to get a more acurate weigh-in)

    New Challenge Calorie Burn Goal: 1490 (I'm actually going to shoot for a personal goal of 6000 calories burned seeing how close I was last week & now that Hubby & I will be going to the gym at least 3x per week :love: :happy: :love: )

    Water - I usually drink a min. of 180oz a day (Yes, I am a water-drunk!:wink: I rarely drink anything else except wine in the evenings sometimes & seltzer water which counts as water :wink: )

    Good luck to all - I know this coming week may be daunting for those non-water drunks, but just remember, the more water you drink, the less bloated you are, the less tempted you are to eat junk or eat just to eat, the more your skin glows & looks healthy & the less wobbly the cellulite looks thanx to good hydration :happy: Make it a goal to drink a glass of water upon waking, right before & after each meal (tricks body into feeling full & aids digestion) and a glass at least a couple hours before bed. If you're thirsty, drink water or plain seltzer water instead of juice or soda (think of the calories you're saving!!) and drink at least 8oz water for each 30 mins you workout.

    Let's go Team Orange!! Burn up those calories & down that water!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Calories Burned: 1883

    Weight: 133 lbs

    Calorie Goal for Week: 1330

    How I managed a loss, I have no idea. I didn't feel like I had a very good week...but I'll take it!! :wink: Hopefully the trend continues.

    Just want to say great job to EVERYONE!! This group is AWESOME!!!

    Here's to another great week!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Calories burned this week 1300 no where near the 5000 sorry purple team .
    Weight is 183.5 i lost a pound i think .
    Calorie goal for this week 1830
    Lets do this Purple Team !
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    Kristen-way to go! You didn't meet the challenge goal but you still lost!!!! Congrats!!

    I lost 2.2 lbs since last week so i am excited..now i just gotta keep doing what i am doing to keep losing!!! Way to go everyone...and GO TEAM PURPLE!!!!

    Calorie goal: 1730
    Water goal: 45 cups
  • Week 1 - challenge 5000 calories burned - I burned 5124, and lost 2.8 lbs this week!!

    Week 2 - challenge to burn 1860 calories (after reaching my goal in week 1 I feel confident that I can meet 1860 no problem!)
    and 45 cups of water too.

    Congratulations everyone, Posh, Donna, my lovely red team - great job! Good luck for week 2!!
  • WEEK 1: Total Calories burned for the week- 1133.. Not too shabby :)

    Weigh in: I'll have to wait until tonight or tomorrow to weigh.. I use my in-laws scale. Having a scale of my own is dangerous!!

    Calorie Burn: That'll have to wait too :( But it shouldn't be too difficult this week :)

    Water Intake Goal: 45 cups!
  • Calories Burned: 1883

    Weight: 133 lbs

    Calorie Goal for Week: 1330

    How I managed a loss, I have no idea. I didn't feel like I had a very good week...but I'll take it!! :wink: Hopefully the trend continues.

    Just want to say great job to EVERYONE!! This group is AWESOME!!!

    Here's to another great week!!

    Way to go, Anita! :) I'm hoping for a loss as well!