Butterball Babies~ ! (Closed Group)



  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,544 Member
    O.K., checking in.

    Thursday 9/8 796 burned cups water 11
    Friday 9/9 651 burned already at 5 cups of water and it's only 10:30!

    Total calories so far 1447. My personal goal for the week is 5000 so I have 3553 left to go.

    Team Orange, what do you think about team challenges? Nat's gonna win the calorie burn one if we do that! I sure won't win any weight loss ones!

    Great job everybody and Donna I agree, this challenge is what I needed to hopefully get back on track. I"m giving myself the month of September to lift heavy weights but I'm not liking the results so far. People keep telling me that I'll be long and lean but I'm not getting that look. I know it's early (which is why I'm making myself do it all month) but I'm putting on weight, the inches are not coming off and my butt seems like it's getting bigger from all the squats! Not what I wanted!!! We'll see how this goes but I may switch over in October to pure cardio (which I love anyway) and only do some light lifting for my arms to keep them toned.
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    My calorie burn goal for this week is 2,490
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    9/8: 920 calories
    9/9: 474 calories
    Goal: 1760

    Water Intake:
    9/8: 12 cups
    9/9 3 cups so far.
    Goal 70 cups.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    so far this week:

    Thurs 9/8: 275 cals burned *****9 cups H20
    Fri 9/9: 275 cals burned (1475 remaining)

    Mariam-don't drop out of the ripped challenge!!! If you get back at it right after your race...you can still finish with most of us remaining :smile: p.s. great job on the burn last week, and on maintaining!

    Suzanne-great job on surpassing the cal goal...out team is gonna kick it this week! And I am up for a team challenge...so we would do Tausha's challenge plus then each take turns challenging our own teammates to a lil somethin extra?! let's do it! (even if we do it through PMs I'm game!) Lemme know how we wanna start it!?

    Tausha-thaks for keeping us motivated and pushing to achieve MORE then our goals...so awesome!! CONGRATS on your results last week too :flowerforyou:

    Pat (NEcamper)-you did an awesome job this past week!! CONGRATS on your cals burned and you loss....4lbs is fantastic! oh and you almost have the logo on there...just make both to[img]instead! :drinker: Chandra-team green has been MIA for the most part...message Tausha and she may be able to get you on another team if they aren't participating anymore?! Kate-you can do this!!!:wink:[/img]
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hi everyone,

    I just really need to say thank you to Tausha for starting this. I was feeling so discouraged and out of control. I was terrified that I was on the threshold of gaining ALL of my weight back!!! Now, I feel great!! It is amazing what one week of working out really hard can do to all of your hormones and endorphins!

    I worked out last night so normally I wouldn't have gotten up early today, but I did and went to the Y. While I was there I did an extra 20 minutes, because of all of you!!


    AWWW DEE!!!! Thank you so much for this message! I'm so very proud of you and of course EVERYONE who has been working their tooshies off! I'm really so blessed to know that I've helped you in any small way just by suggesting this challenge. Thanks for letting me know I made a difference....whether it be large or small.

    I'm truly blessed to have people like the girls in this challenge on my side!

  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I agree with you Donna, I feel the same way - I've been having problems for months not being able to get back on track but I'm feeling hopeful and positive now. Thanks Tausha!!

    Thank you Sandy! ! You've been one of my supporters for a long time now! Thanks for always encouraging me as well!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 584 Member
    Cals burned
    8/9/11 = forgot to put it in
    9/9/11 = 249

    8/9/11 = 4 bottles 50cl
    9/9/11 = 6 bottles 50cl

    Cals to burn in total 1810
    burnt so far = 249
    I have gone over on my food today, got angry & gave in to double chocolate muffin at work. I will work harder tomorrow.
    Go blue team we can do it.
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Week 2 Calorie Burn Goal: 1330
    Week 2 Water Goal: 45 cups

    Calories Burned & Cups of Water per day:
    9/8 - 0 cals, 12 c water
    9/9 - 1034 cals, 11 c water

    I'm going to shoot for 3500 calories which is equal to a pound and see how that goes. Everyone is doing great!! I finally feel motivated!!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Okay, here is my final update for the night..

    Water+Calories Burned:
    9/8- 920/12c
    9/9- 977/10c
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    9/8: 8 cups of water and 200 calories
    9/9: 8 cups of water and 275 calories

    Needed to reach goal...29 cups and 1695 calories

    I'm really just not feeling the working out this week...ugh.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Hi! Team Orange Update :happy:

    So far, calories burned are total: 2002
    9-7 = 693

    Water Intake: averaging around 200oz p/day :happy:

    I WILL lose some pounds this week :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    So the water thing is harder for me than I thought it would be but I am doing it!

    9/8 330 calories and 5 cups of water
    9/9 765 calories and 8 cups of water: total: 1095 and 13 cups.

    Everyone is doing so great!

  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    9/8- 527 calories, 16 cups of water
    9/9- 548 calories, 18 cups of water

    Total- 1075 calories, 34 cups of water
    Goal- 3500 calories, 90 cups of water

    Keep the awesome work everyone!!!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    OK>..this week's weigh in/check in time is over. Any check in's after this post will not be recorded. You can check in for weigh ins next Thursday through SAturday at noon! :0)

    Teams, I will be assessing whether or not people are dropping out. If so, some teams may combine or get new members. I know that Chandra from the green team has been alone this whole time. It's strange to me that a whole team disappeared. Hopefully some will come back!

    Going to work on the spread sheet! (This is my first one ever, so bear with me!) The goal is to have it up by Tomorrow night!

    Love, Tausha
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,544 Member
    Team orange check in for the day

    9/8: 796 burned; cups water 11
    9/9: 651 burned; cups water 13
    9/10: 498 burned; cups water 11 (so far)

    total calories 1945 left to hit personal challenge of 5000 = 3055
    cups water 35 so far. Can't remember what the challenge total was!

    Tausha, thanks for doing the spreadsheet and keeping on us. You Rock!!
  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    I'm still here for team Green! Only half of her team dissappeared.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    My update for today: I had to take it easy since an old injury just started acting up (I have a ridiculously high pain tolerance so for me to say something hurts means it's beyond just hurt, especially for me to take a day off working out!). I will hopefully get back on track tomorrow AM, or I won't hit my personal 6000 calories burned goal!

    So far, calories burned are total: 2339
    9-7 = 693
    9-9=337 (moderate house cleaning - Hubby helped with the big stuff :happy: )

    Water min 200 oz p/day (or around 25 cups)

    Good news is, after bloating, I'm back to where I was when I started so I didn't gain anything last week: that means I just have to be more cognizant of what I eat this week so I can have a loss :happy:

    Keep up the fantastic work teams (especially Team Orange :flowerforyou: )
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I'm still here for team Green! Only half of her team dissappeared.

    Yay! I'm so sorry I didn't realize you were team green too! Please send Chandra a message! Also, I may add you both to another team together so that you both can receive extra support from ladies.

    However, can you and Chandra send messages to the rest of your team mates and see if they are still participating? If I can be certain, I will for sure add you to another team together! :0)

    We have some awesome girls on here, and I'm sorry your team mates haven't been showing up!

    Talk Soon!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    so far this week:

    Thurs 9/8: 275 cals burned *****9 cups H20
    Fri 9/9: 275 cals burned *****9 cups H20
    Sar 9/10: 275 cals burned (1200 remaining)

    purplebutterfly-we all go over on occassion...it happens! don't get discouraged, just keep on moving forward :)

    Anita-great goal for your cal burn!! you should have no probs hitting it, especially with your huge burn from yesterday!

    Suzanne-great job with your burn and H20 so far...you are gonna kill your goals this week!

    Annie-every little bit counts....just shoot for doing SOMETHING everyday and you may hit the goals this week afterall!

    Rynatat-good luck to us both for a loss this week!! and sorry to hear about your pain isssues...hope you can push past them and kill it this week!

    Donna-you can do it!!! add in some decaf tea or crystal light for some extra water intake if needed!

    Laura-you are doing a great job so far...keep it up!

    Tausha-thanks for keepin us posted...can't wait to see how everyone did this week!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I'm not good at keeping track of everyone, but can see your all doing well and doing your best. Keep staying positive! You can do it, and you are all worth it! :bigsmile:

    9/8- 920/12c
    9/9- 977/10c
    9/10- 1030/10c (might have a few more)