"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    HEYA, sorry for going AWOL...uni has been manic, and trying to stay good with my food and keep my exercise up as much as possible, and sleep in addition to staying on top of coursework has meant that MFP had to give a little...

    But I am pleased to report that in my absence, I have lost tons more weight (I think 5lbs) and am now 3lbs from goal, and my BF% has gone down, and I've kept my activity up as much as possible.

    The last few days have been really cardio intensive...zumba, LOTS of cycling around like a crazy woman, and boxercise, with calorie burns the last few days of
    tues 456 (cycling)
    wed 1217 (zumba and lots of cycling)
    (lots of strength too)
    thurs 552 (boxercise and cycling)
    also massive strength workout (can barely move parts of me, especially my abs)
    fri 780 (loooooots of cycling)

    Overall, I've been really good, and stayed under my net goal every day except for maybe 1 a week...but that has made up for me having a FAR too low net when I've done 1000+cal exercise day and not managed to eat enough back.
    I've upped my veggie proportions, and changed my mfp goals to 30% protein, so I'm trying to get in way more of those, and trying to keep a bit more of a handle on my carbs, coz I'm quite good at letting that skyrocket (as I eat a low fat diet).And I've managed to look at the bigger picture, not stress about it so much, sleep more, and listen to my body when it's simply faaaar too tired to go to the gym...
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member

    Cardio day: 20 minutes of jogging in place with foot fires and jump rope mixed in. Light workout to get ready for flag football games tomorrow.

    Food: a little over.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    HEYA, sorry for going AWOL...uni has been manic, and trying to stay good with my food and keep my exercise up as much as possible, and sleep in addition to staying on top of coursework has meant that MFP had to give a little...

    But I am pleased to report that in my absence, I have lost tons more weight (I think 5lbs) and am now 3lbs from goal, and my BF% has gone down, and I've kept my activity up as much as possible.

    The last few days have been really cardio intensive...zumba, LOTS of cycling around like a crazy woman, and boxercise, with calorie burns the last few days of
    tues 456 (cycling)
    wed 1217 (zumba and lots of cycling)
    (lots of strength too)
    thurs 552 (boxercise and cycling)
    also massive strength workout (can barely move parts of me, especially my abs)
    fri 780 (loooooots of cycling)

    Overall, I've been really good, and stayed under my net goal every day except for maybe 1 a week...but that has made up for me having a FAR too low net when I've done 1000+cal exercise day and not managed to eat enough back.
    I've upped my veggie proportions, and changed my mfp goals to 30% protein, so I'm trying to get in way more of those, and trying to keep a bit more of a handle on my carbs, coz I'm quite good at letting that skyrocket (as I eat a low fat diet).And I've managed to look at the bigger picture, not stress about it so much, sleep more, and listen to my body when it's simply faaaar too tired to go to the gym...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Well we leave for San Diego today for a week! Not sure if I'll have internet access or not because we're staying with a relative and I'm not sure if they even have a computer. If they do, I'll keep logging on and continuing to post. If not, then I need you all to be accountable anyway!!!

    Cardio:run/jog- 3 miles (500 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Had a great day!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Saturday! Football!

    2 games of flag football. I played about 60 minutes total. Estimated burn is 607 calories.

    Food: On target. Won't be eating all the exercise calories back.

    Assessment: Haven't dropped weight for a couple weeks, just holding steady. Need to kick it up a bit to get some more pounds gone. Still 10-15 from goal weight.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Sunday: Cardio

    60 minutes of jogging/sprinting intervals indoors.

    Food: on target.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Zumba 370 cals, cycling 303 cals

    Cleaning the house haaaard 189cal + cycling 303cals

    My abs are still killing me from thursday night's boxercise...not sure whether to go again tonight incase i damage them more, my hamstrings and legs are hurting from all the cycling i've been doing and I know I'm retaining water like craaaazy....So I think I need to go back to drinking water at every opportunity, dropping the exercise a bit? and lowering the carbs a little...argh....
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Saturday! Football!

    2 games of flag football. I played about 60 minutes total. Estimated burn is 607 calories.

    Food: On target. Won't be eating all the exercise calories back.

    Assessment: Haven't dropped weight for a couple weeks, just holding steady. Need to kick it up a bit to get some more pounds gone. Still 10-15 from goal weight.
    You'll get it!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! Here in beautiful San Diego with my BIL and SIL. Am planning to workout each day since they have access for to a tennis club here and gym. So I'll enjoy myself while making sure I don't put on too much weight. Today we go to the Wild Animal park so my daughter can experience the animals.

    Cardio:walk/jog 3 mi (400 calories)

    Strength:R-quatro workout.

    Assessment: My weekend wasn't good, but I'll do some good activity this week.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday!Yesterday was fun at Safari Park and today it's Lego Land! I've never been there before and I'm a nerd so this ought to be fun for me too! Eating has been a challenge, but I haven't laid up on any workouts.

    Cardio:walk/jog- 3 miles (400 calories)


    Assessment: Hamburger and nachos yesterday were in the mix!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Saturday! Football!

    2 games of flag football. I played about 60 minutes total. Estimated burn is 607 calories.

    Food: On target. Won't be eating all the exercise calories back.

    Assessment: Haven't dropped weight for a couple weeks, just holding steady. Need to kick it up a bit to get some more pounds gone. Still 10-15 from goal weight.
    You'll get it!!!

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member


    Running, 5.5 mph - 12 minutes - 141 calories burned

    Stationary bike, general (bicycling, cycling, biking) - 20 minutes - 132 calories burned

    Strength training: 35 total minutes - 127 calories burned

    Standing Calf Press 4x10x40
    Seated Cable Row 4x10x45
    Standing Tricep Extension 4x10x30
    Abdominal Crunches 10x20
    Leg Press 3x10x120
    Toe Press 3x10x30
    Vertical Press 2x10x20
    Seated Lateral Pull 4x10x60

    FOOD: Under goal by 400 calories. Still not feeling great about my food choices for this past week. Have three workouts before Thanksgiving and weigh in, and I'm hoping it works. I want to post another pound dropped! That's the goal!


    Elliptical Trainer - 10 minutes - 68 calories burned
    Stationary bike, general (bicycling, cycling, biking) - 15 minutes - 107 calories burned
    Running, 5.5 mph - 13 minutes - 146 calories burned

    Strength training (weight lifting, weight training) - 35 total minutes - 127 calories burned

    Standing Tricep Extension 3x10x30
    Abdominal Crunches 4x100
    Leg Press 3x10x120
    Toe Press 4x10x30
    Seated Lateral Pull 2x10x60
    Preacher's Bicep Curl 6x8x20
    V-Tricep Extension Nautilus Machine 2x10x50

    FOOD: Well under calorie limits and feeling better about food choices and exercise today.

    OVERALL ASSESSMENT: Another week. I know I'll be fine at Thanksgiving because I have the will power of giants, but I'm still not looking forward to it anyways because I'm sure there will be either 1) massive guilt involved [because I cant seem to control this over normal foods, let alone holiday treats], or 2) the inability to know the exact calorie counts in everything [because yes, I'm obsessed with counting and when I can't accurately guess a casserol or something, it bothers me], or 3) having to answer relatives' questions as to why I'm not eating very much [to them, anyways]. I'd much rather go back to my regularly scheduled program of lean proteins and salads. *Sigh* I'll get through it. I have weigh-in on Thursday morning and then I'll have a whole week before I have to weigh in again, so I'll be able to work all of the guilt off.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member


    Running, 5.5 mph - 12 minutes - 141 calories burned

    Stationary bike, general (bicycling, cycling, biking) - 20 minutes - 132 calories burned

    Strength training: 35 total minutes - 127 calories burned

    Standing Calf Press 4x10x40
    Seated Cable Row 4x10x45
    Standing Tricep Extension 4x10x30
    Abdominal Crunches 10x20
    Leg Press 3x10x120
    Toe Press 3x10x30
    Vertical Press 2x10x20
    Seated Lateral Pull 4x10x60

    FOOD: Under goal by 400 calories. Still not feeling great about my food choices for this past week. Have three workouts before Thanksgiving and weigh in, and I'm hoping it works. I want to post another pound dropped! That's the goal!


    Elliptical Trainer - 10 minutes - 68 calories burned
    Stationary bike, general (bicycling, cycling, biking) - 15 minutes - 107 calories burned
    Running, 5.5 mph - 13 minutes - 146 calories burned

    Strength training (weight lifting, weight training) - 35 total minutes - 127 calories burned

    Standing Tricep Extension 3x10x30
    Abdominal Crunches 4x100
    Leg Press 3x10x120
    Toe Press 4x10x30
    Seated Lateral Pull 2x10x60
    Preacher's Bicep Curl 6x8x20
    V-Tricep Extension Nautilus Machine 2x10x50

    FOOD: Well under calorie limits and feeling better about food choices and exercise today.

    OVERALL ASSESSMENT: Another week. I know I'll be fine at Thanksgiving because I have the will power of giants, but I'm still not looking forward to it anyways because I'm sure there will be either 1) massive guilt involved [because I cant seem to control this over normal foods, let alone holiday treats], or 2) the inability to know the exact calorie counts in everything [because yes, I'm obsessed with counting and when I can't accurately guess a casserol or something, it bothers me], or 3) having to answer relatives' questions as to why I'm not eating very much [to them, anyways]. I'd much rather go back to my regularly scheduled program of lean proteins and salads. *Sigh* I'll get through it. I have weigh-in on Thursday morning and then I'll have a whole week before I have to weigh in again, so I'll be able to work all of the guilt off.
    Very nice workout!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! Legoland was fun! So many cool things there and Mini Land (minature sets of cities and scenes from Star Wars) was really really awesome! My daughter went nuts for the roller coasters and I tried Granny Apple Fries for the first time! The only downer was that I lost my phone, but since I'm a cheap *kitten* it was the free phone I got with my plan and was basic (flip phone just for calling and texting). I'll just get a new one when we upgrade our plan today. Only thing is that I lost all the numbers I had on it.

    Cardio: walk/jog- 3 mi (400 calories)


    Assessment: Ate out all day yesterday so my weight is up.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member

    Got off work at 4pm and got to the gym by 4:26 and they closed at 5 p.m.! NO FAIR! Anyways, did the best I could today.

    Treadmill - 5.5 mph - 30 minutes - 307 calories burned

    FOOD: Under by 283 calories, which is good.

    ASSESSMENT: Made the most of the small amount of time I had and pushed for a huge burn regardless. Glad I was able to do it and did the most efficient workout with the highest calorie output. Wasn't planning on lifting anyways, my laterals and delts are so sore! Am going to have to walk/run on the treadmill tomorrow or something.......Holidays be damned.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Monday: rest day.

    Tuesday: NONE.

    Wednesday: Cardio

    30 minutes of jogging/sprinting in place, plus 15 sprints up a flight of stairs.

    Food: a little over. Company ordered lunch, so hard to track. Still reasonable. Going to enjoy food at Thanksgiving tomorrow. No guilt over one good "cheat" meal. Will be a tough holiday (first one since my mom passed away), so not adding additional stress of worrying about what I eat. Will eat what I want in reasonable amounts. And not bringing home any leftovers, so it's just the one meal.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday and Happy Thanksgiving! Celebrating in San Diego! Haven't been here before for Thanksgiving so this should be fun! Didn't work out this morning so it could be a weight gaining day.



    Assessment: Been a challenging week.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Friday: Shopping: NONE. ;)


    New weights (15lb each) used on tricep work, shoulder work, and for holding on split squats. Sets were either 3x8 (new weight), 3x10, or 3x12.

    Upper: Tricep dips, pushups (2 types-40 pushups total done), scissor kicks (70), leg raises (30), isolated bicep curls, skullcrushers, hammer curls, chest fly, reverse fly, lateral raises, front raises.

    Lower: one-legged hip bridges, squats with quarter raise, squat hold with calf raises, calf raises, forward lunges, split squats, glute kickers, glute kickups.

    Cardio: 30 minutes of EA Active 2 Custom Run/Mix (sprints, foot fires, jump rope).

    Food: On target. Was over for Thanksgiving, but was a controlled meal. Suspect it wasn't worse than 2800 calories. Advantage of gluten/lactose issues is I didn't eat any stuffing or backed mac and cheese. Enjoyed the meal.

    Assessment: Except for Turkey Day (expected to eat over and was okay with that), I've over-eaten all week for no reason. Need to get back on the focus. Workout felt really good today.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF and LCW! Last day here at my BIL's house and back tomorrow to the Bay Area. Had a great time doing Safari Animal park, Legoland, and Balboa Park! Also a great day (with the exception of the 9ers losing) on Thanksgiving family! Back to the grind starting Monday!

    Cardio:walk/jog- 3 miles (460 calories)


    Assessment: I didn't hold back yesterday. Good thing Thanksgiving is only once a year!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Head back up to the Bay Area today, so not much exercising going on. Maybe I can hit the gym later in the evening if I don't feel worn out from all the driving.


    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: After eating like a king, I'm ready to be a pauper again.