How did you meet....



  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Long story, so bare with me. It's worth it though, it's a good one!

    So, he was my college math professor. We had a mutual friend who liked to "push butttons" just because. The mutual friend told me that the professor was saying things about me that were inappropriate. I sent him an email explaining what I heard he's said, and that it was NOT okay with me. I started skipping class and barely scraped by with a C.

    Next semester I showed up to play volleyball with this mutual friend, and the professor showed up and told me the mutual friend had invited him to join our team. I contemplated quitting, but decided I liked volleyball more than I disliked him, so I stayed. I thought I'd just make it hell for him so he'd quit. Well, it's been 9 years and he's still on the team. And my husband of 5 years and father of my 2 children! :-)

    BTW - I also found out he never really said anything about me to our mutual friend! The friend was just trying to get me riled up!
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    We went to high school together but never talked, then a couple years later started talking at the gym. the rest is history, present and future! ;)
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    In BC at July fest consisting of Boccee ball tournaments and beer gardens, we both just put ridiculously hot sauce on our food and were dying cause of it.
  • LaSweetMini
    LaSweetMini Posts: 157 Member
    At church :) He was the church musician and I was one of the worship singers and BAM! Musical Magic! lol
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Online, by chance. I was on (look it up) and posted the link to my profile on mysterygoogle (look it up) so people would ask me questions. My boyfriend happened to be on Mystery Google and had come across many people's links to their stumbleupon, but skipped them. For some reason, he decided to click on mine. He got to asking me questions, and even stood up for me before I knew his name. I asked him to make a profile, so he did. Later we exchanged AIM names and chatted on IM for a few hours. Two days later he put up this blog about me (PM me if you want it, it's really long lol) and I fell head over heels. 2 days after meeting (January 15th 2010) we decided to be in a relationship. He was in CT and I was in FL. He eventually came to visit. My parents LOVE him. So, in December 2010 I moved up here to CT to live with him. Couldn't be happier. We hardly ever argue. We work together. And we never get tired of each other. I love him so very much <3
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    I met my husband in high school!! He was the one I cried to when my "high school love" broke my heart!! After being out of school 2 or 3 years he called the place I was working out of the blue!!! And the rest is history. Together 9 yrs married 5 yrs on Sept 23!!! He is my best friend!! I got so lucky with him!!!
  • matticrew
    these storys are so cute......
    Can't wait till I find someone..someday
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    In a bar. LOL Seriously. Neither of us were looking. Dated a whopping 3 months and got married...been married going on 27 years. I think it might work out. He was my best friend then and is my best friend now.
  • Aireyma
    Aireyma Posts: 55
    he was my work trainer. he had a gf and wanted nothing to do with me. I can home after the first day of work and told my (then) roommate that one day, I was going to kiss him!! We woked together for 5 months before we even hung out. By then I had given up on him...we hung out... and haven't stopped!!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    My wife was my high school English teacher. No lie.

    Why is this so hot?! Win.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    at work! He is a manager at The Home Depot, and I had a part-time job there at the paint counter. Taboo... it was very exciting to "come out" as a couple after I left that job, even though the rumors had been floating around for months!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i got really drunk, and was outside a bar. i spotted her smoking a cigarette, and i figured "hey, if she'll put that to her lips then she'll definetly kiss me."

    last week was the 6 year anniversary of our first date, and next week is our one year marrige anniversary.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    I met my bf/soon to be husband in a musical that we were both in. He had one of the lead roles and I was in the chorus. The choreographer and I were friends at the time, so she hooked us up. We've been inseparable ever since, and we're almost at our 1 yr :)
  • sunnyk8
    sunnyk8 Posts: 125 Member
    High school chemistry class :)
  • CaitlinMyers428
    CaitlinMyers428 Posts: 151 Member
    My freshman year of high school. He was my best guy friend for 7 years. So we know everything about each other. We have been together 7 months now. And he accepts my 8 month old daughter as his own. He's a wonderful man. <3
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    On :-) Best money I ever spent ha ha..

    I tried it at my mother's suggestion and he did at a friend's. After one date we were sold...been together 3 years and got engaged in April. We'll be married August 11, 2012 :-)
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    College dance 2 weeks after he'd been dumped by his GF of 4 years and I'd been dumped by my BF of 2 years. Got along great, saw each other every day; didn't start dating, but kept in touch though we both got tangled up in other relationships. I became adept at stalking him because I knew I was going to marry him one day. The eyes over the windowsill, random e-mails from anonymous senders, the creepy person under the bridge... I kept it subtle, so as not to arouse suspicion and scare off my prey.

    Another 2 years along, and we had deja vu. My BF left me and his foolish GF broke it off within 2 weeks of each other. Bwahaha!!! I moved in for the kill. I literally made a 3 1/2 hr trip from my folks house to my apartment, stopped long enough to feed the cat and shower, then drove another hour to rescue my "friend" at his place in the city. We were married a little over a year later and are almost 8 years strong :)

    BTW ... JK about the stalking... it's just the story we enjoy telling strangers :)
  • Teena15
    Teena15 Posts: 11
    Meet my husband 16 years ago, I just moved into a new apartment and he was my upstairs neighbor. I made sure to borrow sugar =)
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    yahoo spades game/chat room
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    We lived on opposite ends of the Same Street ( he on the West end and me on the East end) in a Very Small town. He was living on the property of a married couple ( friends of his). The wife had been coming over to where I was living to exercise one of our horses. She took every opportuinty to put us together socially (invite me to dinner and he would be there ,etc.) Finally we all went out on a double date to a movie in a nearby small town ( we saw Sleepy Hollow). Soon after he made us all dinner and I stayed behind and we talked well in to the night. I knew I had found someone special as he made me laugh and he loved animals as much as I did. We became fast friends and have been together ever since. That was over 12 yrs ago and this December we will celebrate our 11th Wedding Anniversary. Life with my husband is never boring! We do a lot of laughing . Our relationship started out as friends and grew in to much, much more. I feel truely Blessed.