September Day by Day Challenge (OPEN!)



  • linbee83
    Oh, I want to join!

    Name = Linda B
    I'm 28 year old new-ish mom (9 months), working on losing the baby weight. I live in Florida. And I hate talking about myself too much!

    Goals for today:

    1. 8 glasses of water
    2. C25k Week 4, Day 2 today.
    3. Chargers Challenge - 350 calf raises
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Sept 2:
    1. Water. --Yes.
    2. Exercise for 45 minutes (And attempt Charger's challenge!). Yes (and yes).
    3. Stay on plan!--Yes.

    Got the planting and the mowing done. Now I just need to get the mulch down. I am going to get it done today--just don't know when! (Hopefully before it gets too warm!)

    Welcome to our little group, linbee!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    Goals for Sept 3:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 45 minutes (And attempt Charger's challenge!).
    3. Stay on plan!
  • theaterfan23
    theaterfan23 Posts: 256 Member
    I just came upon this thread today and I think that it is a great idea to set daily challenges!!
    Intro: My name is Kylee and I am 32. I joined MFP about 45 days ago and I went from 223 to my current weight of 208.8. MFP has been my greatest resource and the people here are amazing!! I enjoy participating in local community theater and crafting in my spare time!
    My three goals for today:
    1-Drinking my water goal
    2-Do at least one maybe 2 walking workouts on my Biggest Loser walking dvd
    3-Begin a craft project(either knitting or decoupage
  • greybeh
    greybeh Posts: 72 Member
    Hi there! I'm Heather and I'm 32 (like Kylee!) :smile:

    I'm new to the website and I have some health challenges but I'm really motivated! Some of the things I enjoy: photography, bird-watching, cockatiels (I have one) and just getting out and about as weather/energy allows. Lately, I've been walking the bridge over the river to work in the mornings and it's been a relaxing and pleasant way to start my day. Weekends are a challenge because I have no set routine! (today is Saturday)

    My goals:
    1. Get at least 10 minutes of exercise
    2. Avoid a night-time binge (by choosing low-calorie or healthy, filling foods, by staying busy, by going to bed when my body says I should)
    3. Get some time outside so that I'm not sitting in the house being bored (and eating!)

    1. Pick up 10 things and put them away
  • XiaoRuRu
    I'm Bri, 22, happily done with college, unhappily unemployed, joyfully in a relationship for a year this month, love dogs, hate cats (sorry cat people, I'm allergic and they always scratch me), want to change the world someday, need to lose weight before I do that.

    Goal: JM R30 dvd
    Goal: avoid cookies roommate made
    Goal: eat under calorie goal (without added calories from workout)
  • dturnip1
    dturnip1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm Doris, I have 2 kids and 2 dogs and 1 husband! I really want to have some accountability for September - I know I'm a little late, but here goes nothing.

    Sept 3: Goal, to start tracking food again. To not snack.
  • theaterfan23
    theaterfan23 Posts: 256 Member
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hi, I'm Doris, I have 2 kids and 2 dogs and 1 husband! I really want to have some accountability for September - I know I'm a little late, but here goes nothing.

    Sept 3: Goal, to start tracking food again. To not snack.

    There's never a wrong time to jump into the challenge. this is your challenge, you set the rules, set the pace! welcome! One goal at at time is a perfect way to start!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    9/3's goals: 5k ...DONE
    2. eat sensible, drink water all day.
    3. finish laundry
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    9/2 goals...

    1) chargers challenge - 350 leg raises. - since i am still unable to do much with the right ankle. I will attempt to do 200 single left leg raises. - the link if you wish to participate

    - i did 22 sets of 15 plus 20 more to achieve 350 calf raises on the left leg. I did try the right one, but the ankle on the first one laughed at me... so i'm still not able to use it.

    2) 2 sets of upper cardio

    - i got in both sets.. not all at once though.. still building up them arm muscles ... although, i am noticing some definition starting on the arm muscles.

    3) work related - all my '21 cases done and '13 started.

    - got in half of my 21 cases done and have a list of the 13 cases that need to be done now as well.

    good luck to everyone... the support here is awesome


    1) Do a modified chargers challenge - all 200 jumping jacks... although i shall do it on the floor instead of the real way since the ankle wont allow that. - the link

    2) grocery shopping

    3) finish the weeds in the large small area... - seriously need to get the weeds gone, look really ghetto right now.

    4) fight with homework.

    5) ice ankle and elevate for 30 mins - although it is feeling better, its still not where it needs to be.

    6) play 10 mins of mine (also known as tug of war) with the little dog... if you want an arm work out let me tell you this is one. he's about 45 lbs of 90% muscle (he's got a little bit of butt cleavage) - but he can tug and i like to pick him up by the rope lol - although i do feel sorry for whoever he first decides to bite as he has strong jaws and will hurt them. :laugh:

    Good to see all the new folks... good luck.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member


    I did it! Yeah! goals for 9/2
    1. Water 8 + done
    2. Clean equipment at shop-done
    3. Jillian 30 shred bummers!


    Well, ended up cleaning equipment, shelves and floors at shop. Helped niece with computer, helped husband with plumbing, (new hot water heater, but no hot water except to one faucet!) 11:30 bedtime sucked!

    1. water (weekend water is hard to do)
    2. brush dog for 1 hour (Pyrenees)
    3. Wii for 20

    Good luck ladies with all your challenges!
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    I am late getting here today, it has been a rough couple days in our house. We had to have our 23 hr old cat put down yesterday and it broke my heart:brokenheart: And I totally fell of the wagon last night and ended up falling into the old emotional eating happy.

    The difference this time however is that I am not going to let it get the worse of me. I am back on track today. Still feeling very sad but I know food isn't going to make it better.

    So my goals for today (9/3)

    1) drink at least 8 glasses of water
    2) do not buy any junk food while grocery shopping today
    4) walk and move more.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Jan, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Saturday's recap
    9/3's goals: 5k ...DONE
    3. finish laundry YES

    9/4's goals:
    1. have a nice breakfast with the fam.
    2. tae bo in the afternoon.
    3. make sure there are no left overs before I start to cook next week's menu.
    4. water, water, water.
  • dturnip1
    dturnip1 Posts: 8 Member
    9/4 goals!

    1. No sweets, no seconds.
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    I'm a nineteen-year-old primary teaching student. I'm happily married to the love of my life, who is three years my senior. (Old fart. ;))

    My goals for tomorrow are:
    1. Walk an hour and a half (kinda a cheat, 'cause I walk to uni... Decided to ditch taking our car. So it's a good 8km walk for me, one way. Hubby picks me up after he finishes work.)
    2. Put in my best with the 30DS.

    Non-fitness related:
    3. Actually complete my Effective Teaching of Writing self-directed work.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member

    1. water (weekend water is hard to do) done
    2. brush dog for 1 hour (Pyrenees) done
    3. Wii for 20 rrr

    Sunday 9/4

    Preparing for vacation, birthday parties, holiday car shows, busy busy! Got hot water working in all rooms, laundry going, dishes done, wall painted, tile sealed, Reckon I am getting lots of movement?


    1. Clean bathrooms (I hate doing!)
    2. Make wise food choices today (Golden Corral and probably dinner on the run)
    3.40 jumping jacks (I can spread them out during the day!)

    Have a great day!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    Jan- so sorry about your ct. That is a hard decision to make. ((hugs))
  • greybeh
    greybeh Posts: 72 Member
    Jan, I'm sorry to hear about your cat.
  • greybeh
    greybeh Posts: 72 Member
    Yesterday's goals:
    1. Get at least 10 minutes of exercise (DONE)
    2. Avoid a night-time binge (by choosing low-calorie or healthy, filling foods, by staying busy, by going to bed when my body says I should) - (DONE)
    3. Get some time outside so that I'm not sitting in the house being bored (and eating!) (5-6 HOURS OUTSIDE)

    1. Pick up 10 things and put them away (DONE)

    Today's goals:
    1. Get 10 minutes exercise
    2. Stress relief/relaxation
    3. Avoid a night-time binge

    Non-health related goals:
    1. Pick up 10 things and put them away