

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    Yesterday was a busy day…out for lunch with friends and out for dinner with friends. I tried to make the best choices. I definitely didn’t overeat but that sodium is a killer. Today I made all three meals at home for us and that felt good. My husband and I took a long walk tonight.

    Jane…glad things are better with your mom.
    Kackie…good for you doing all that walking. The woman who organized the Author’s night has a website (readingwithrobin.com) and I think her interviews and book recommendations are there if you’d like to see them. I love to read and a small group of us are trying to get a book club going this week. We started with The Soldier’s Wife….good book.
    Mary…Hope the wedding was great.
    Have a good night,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Jeannie - wouldn't surprise me one bit if one of the main reasons you gained is because you didn't post. I seriously find that posting and checking in keeps me in line (also logging).

    Mary - have fun at the wedding!

    Jam - what kind of stuff do you get from Netflix? Do you get exercise programs? How long can you keep them?

    Did an hour of yoga today after going to the farmer's market. Bought some okra today. One of the things I've been on lately is okra in my salad. Probably because that's just now going out of season. I'm also lately into roasted mushrooms, have them in my salad lots along with a tomato. The tomatoes are going to be disappearing, as a matter of fact, I thought I saw that the man who sells them doesn't have the stand any more until next summer. Now for the winter veges. Bought some spaghetti squash the other day. It was so watery! Guess that's because it's the first of the season.

    Tomorrow I think I'll do an hour of the training games on the Wii.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I was not going to bother logging today because of the wedding, but just got home and made myself do it anyway. I had to guess on a lot of things, but I think that I did pretty well overall. The ceremony was beautiful. It is so lovely to see two people so much in love and enjoying themselves so much.
  • sallyjcu
    ************Good Day to Everyone!

    Dear Jane,

    Happy to read through the posts that you and yours are doing so very much better! :happy:

    My last post got lost in space. (darn cat::explode: : )
    Hope it doesn't come back down and hit anyone. The upshot, not quite so poetically this time, is...
    how sublime you all really are! After two weeks of reading every word of these posts, it finally clicked. The motivation continuum.
    Want to feel better, so...
    you exercise, you feel good, you crave to eat better ( and not everything in sight), you exercise, feel good, eat better. Threw in some vitamin D - why not?? Clarification reigns! In the beginning, I simply could not wrap my brain around the amazing progress y'all showed on the charts. I was unable to identify with or connect to that even as a thought - far, far away from action.

    Thanks above thanks to ALL for posting; helping each other as well as those of us who are new to this - trying to learn and comprehend-.=[]--+-It does help to look up at the stars, Mary!!:heart:

    Tomorrow looks like a good day for basketball. The autumnal colors are almost at peak here in the western mountains of Maine. Great commotion late last night. Bravely peeked outdoors :tongue: to see three baby raccoons had dragged a blanket off the deck railing and were snuggled up asleep against the glass door. Very cute, where's the Mom??, and hope they soon find a new home.

    Love to all,
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Just a quick note to let everyone I'm thinking of them.

    It's Sunday and I'm off to the church kitchen - hope I have more control today than last Sunday.

    I have had a headache since Sat afternoon, finally this morning I took 4 ibuprofen and it's starting to ease.

    Well I'm off - pray for me. God Bless all and have a great day.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Morning all,

    I'm chipping away at my weight and feel confident that I will reach my goal this time.

    Had an Endoscopy and Dr. found a few ulcers. Now I have to mend them.

    Hope and wish everyone well.

    Kathy (plantlady)
  • marlouise
    Hello ladies, rain, fog and cool temperatures, I think Autumn has arrived. Spent a nice day in Kingston yesterday, nice to get away from the hum drum of habit life. I'm still fasting in the mornings, and thus far I can't say anything but good things have come from it. My head is getting much clearer, no mood swings overpowering me. I sense I am needing to awaken some emotions, senses again. I have been reading and watching Netflex movies, documentaries, and humor. Much to my surprise and enjoyment my mind is really enjoying it. My work efforts are proving much better concentration. faster, smarter and less stressful.

    I have learned that my body at this time needs less food, keeping the water down some too, a litre a day or one and a half a day. Cut, breads to one or two slices a day, unless I have no other choice. No cooked vegetables or starches (potatoes, corn etc); just raw vegetables and fruits cooked chicken or fish. No nuts, cereals, spreads == peanut butter, jam, cheese, etc. I will have jam on a slice of bread if I need some sugar, but that is all, or now I have been experimenting with diet sugar and cinnamon on toast. I have been using real butter in limited amounts and found no bad results, no fat feeling in the system.

    Back to work on a 110 hour two week rotation, hoping to cut a day from it but I'll have to do some fancy footwork. Hope all is going well here, I miss having time to sit and read through your posts. But simply time is working me at home too. Please drop me a line in an email, I would love to hear from you.

    Missing you all...

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    GOOD morning, All,

    This morning I am driving down to Jackson Hole to visit with 4 dear friends I don't get to see often now. Should be lots of fun. The friend we are staying with is promising healthy foods and long walks. Along with some late nights of bridge, I am sure. Can't wait!

    SallyCC: Thank you for the link to the book recommendations. I miss being in a book club for that reason. I hope that you are able to put one together. They are fun!

    Sally J: Your post is fun to read...I like the way you write. But also, you are right about how things click sometimes, and reading and logging regularly does help things click. We are all here for each other!

    Kathy: Hope you get your ulcers taken care of quickly!

    Marilyn: Good to hear from you! Take care!

    I better get going. To everyone else I didn't mention...thinking of you too and have a good rest of your weekend.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning lovely ladies,

    i had gone to bed last with the intention of getting up this morning and working out, but my youngest(21) son lives with me(he's in college)and had a late night, i dont really sleep until i hear from him or when he gets home(you would think that after 2, the 3 would be easier, not so)anyways, woke up late a little late and with a headache, so i am going take a rest day from exercise....i happy with my week, my numbers have in the green everyday, water has been excellent, and have burned over 3500calories, so i should see some sort of loss tomorrow(weigh in day)....

    looking forward to some football and just having a light day.....i hope you all LL have a wonderful sunday..:flowerforyou:

    @jane ...happy mom is better and that your back is not brothering you as much...

    @michele...great job on the hour interval on the treadmill...hope someone lets you know about the avacados

    @jeanne...continue with your food plans, logging, and exercise...maybe check your food diary see what was different this week

    @mary...glad you had fun at the wedding

    @jeannie/birdie...my kids have the Wii and they love the streaming off netflix also

    @sallycc...good job on making the best choices...THAT'S what its all about..kudos on the long walk

    @sallyjcu...exercise and eating well does make us feel so much better

    @kathy...take care of the ulcers ...feel better

    @marilyn,,,wonderful that you are so aware of your body

    @kackie...enjoy your visit with friends...

    @new jane....welcome , as i mentioned to minevera this is an awesome group of ladies....
  • grabbit97
    Well, where have I been??? Football games, and eating eating eating, all FREE food, was in a skybox for the game... ate 1/2 of a bratwurst, some chips, coleslaw, pork roast, pasta (not a lot), apples, sesame chicken, pig out... scale up 2 1/2 pounds this morning, but it will go down.. drink more water.. need to exercise, walk today before it rains.
    Had a busy saturday, but today, Sunday, its gloomy here in chicago, and suppose to rain.
    Better get out there before it does!!!
    Everyone else, have a good weekend..
    My KNEE is coming along, I have cut PT to 2x a week, and when I go to AZ for the winter, will continue there for 4 more weeks...
    Need to start riding the stationary bike.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Jam - what kind of stuff do you get from Netflix? Do you get exercise programs? How long can you keep them?

    Michele, Netflix just changed their rates. It use to be $8.00 a month for 1 dvd at a time and all the streaming you wanted. Now, they are separating the streaming from the DVDs and chargint $8.00 a month for each thing. We are cancelling the DVD rentals and staying with the streaming. There are a lot of streaming exercise videos and with streaming you can do them as often as you want. With the DVD rentals it depends on how many you sign up for at one time. If you have 2 at a time, then you can keep 1 for you and run through ones for you and Vince to watch.

    We are just angry at how they changed their plan and during the school year we do the streaming more. After homework is done we put something on from Netflix and watch it with the kids. It works out to wear we can watch a program in between homework and bedtime together. We just started season two of "that's 70's show" which we didn't watch when it was on TV. The kids are old enough now and we all enjoy it.


    (There are so many Jeanne and Jeannie now, I will go back to my initials which is where if that is OK with everyone.)
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just popping in to say that it is a gorgeous fall day here in Kansas! Crisp cool morning and glorious warm afternoon. To celebrate the arrival of fall, I am off to put on a pot of vegetable soup. Happy Sunday to all!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Michele, Netflix just changed their rates. It use to be $8.00 a month for 1 dvd at a time and all the streaming you wanted. Now, they are separating the streaming from the DVDs and chargint $8.00 a month for each thing. We are cancelling the DVD rentals and staying with the streaming. There are a lot of streaming exercise videos and with streaming you can do them as often as you want. With the DVD rentals it depends on how many you sign up for at one time. If you have 2 at a time, then you can keep 1 for you and run through ones for you and Vince to watch.

    We are just angry at how they changed their plan and during the school year we do the streaming more. After homework is done we put something on from Netflix and watch it with the kids. It works out to wear we can watch a program in between homework and bedtime together. We just started season two of "that's 70's show" which we didn't watch when it was on TV. The kids are old enough now and we all enjoy it.


    I agree. We are also canceling our DVD rentals with Netflix (which they are going to call Qwikster) and Netflix will just do the streamlining. I was a little upset that one month they were taking $16 out of my account and all of a sudden it's $22 for the same service:angry: Now that I'm getting the Nintendo console I can do it! :bigsmile: I haven't use the streamlining yet and am glad that you mentioned that there are a lot of exercise programs!:happy:

    I just did the Leslie S's 3 mile walk aerobic tape (and yes, I mean tape.....I went digging for it from when I did it a long time ago:embarassed: ) and I wondered how you determin the calories:huh: It is 45 min so I figure 5 min before and after for warm up (walking 3 MPH) and 35 min of intense exercise as walking 4 MPH briskly. :ohwell: Does anyone do it differently? Am I figuring too high? Hmmmmmm

    Have a great Sunday all. :flowerforyou: Still haven't caught up on post :embarassed: but saw Jeannie's and had to reply.

    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart:
  • cathys01
    Hi Ladeis:

    Happy Sunday. I had 2 of my grandchildren for most of the weekend, boy do they tire me out :yawn: I love them dearly but sure am glad to see the parents come to get them. On top of it the youngest was sick to his tummy all night, which did not help, poor little thing, so I did not get much sleep.

    I am having a very hard time with my migraines lately, the worse I have had in years and it is getting my crazy. Does anyone else suffer with migraines and find them worse lately? I saw the neurologist this week and he told me that the dose of medication I am on is already so high that he is not sure what else to do to stop these headaches from coming. Unfortunately I get affected by weather a lot so there is not a lot that can prevent that but I am having a really hard time right now, almost daily migraines. Not good. I am seeing an Ear Nose Throat specialist on Thursday to have my sinuses checked because they are pretty bad too (I have had over 20 sinus surgeries as well over the years) and this doctor just wants to make sure my sinuses are not part of the problem. So, we will see what is going on!! It's nothing serious though compared to what some of you are and have gone through.

    I hope you all are okay. Jane, I hope you are taking care of yourself.

    It appears I am getting back on track and managed to lose a bit this week, not a lot but every bit counts. Since I had gained, the lose is certainly well taken :laugh:

    Well, I welcome the new comers, you will enjoy it here. There are some amazing women here, with lots of wonderful insight and advice.

    Take care and I will talk to you soon.

    Love, Catjy xx
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Well good night to you all.hope you had a nice sun.Don`t want to be a complainer but my back has been an issue all day.Wanted to spend time on the computer.Went to church and could hardly sit still.Hopefully the dr has some answers for me.I hate being the person I have become due to pain and being miserable.
    Gonna close and hopefully,tomorrow is a better day.On a good note,mom sounds good,you would have never known she was so sick by talking to her.Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers for her.
    Thanks for letting me vent!
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Hello ladies, this looks like a wonderfully supportive group and I hope there is room for yet one more.

    I turned 50 this summer and celebrated in style :drinker: I live in Las Vegas during most of the year with my husband, where I am a full time graduate student at UNLV. I used to be a high school science teacher, before that I was in engineering, and before that banking. Have yet to find my "adult" career. My goal is academia and focusing on the best way to teach science in our schools. No children or pets, we had a pretty busy travel lifestyle for a while.

    I've tried for over 30 years to get to a healthy goal weight, primarily with Weight Watchers, but haven't been under 200 lbs in that time (except for one brief week in 1996). My exercise routine right now is divided between the elliptical trainer (45 minutes with intervals) and spin bike (40 minutes with various playlists). I have both pieces of equipment at home. I plan to add walking once my joints get used to the movement again, as well as hiking. Just waiting for the weather to cool a bit for those.

    I'm using this site to log my calories, that is the main number I watch each day. I really like this site and the people I have met so far. I can't wait to get to know you all better and to be able to lend support as well as receive it.

  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Oops, realize I forgot to mention that we live in Bend, OR during the summer. I don't know if I would survive full on Vegas heat!
  • AmyPearshape
    AmyPearshape Posts: 69 Member
    I posted on Sept 5 that I wanted to get down to 155 lbs by the end of Sept. It looks like I'm going to make it! I am about 155.5 now. I hope you are all doing well with your September goals.
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Good Monday morning!

    Cathy, sorry to hear about your migraines. Mine get worse in the fall when it's cold and rainy. They aren't as bad as you'r though. I'm going to see nuerologist and get EEG on Friday, he thinks I might be having mini seizures. Hope not, that will affect my ability to drive and I'm not willing to give up driving without a fight.

    Welcome Techno. I think you'll enjoy this group, everyone is supportive and ready to provide healthy suggestions.

    Congrats Amy on being so close to your goal. Good job!

    Sunday was a disaster for me. I went way over on calorie - I didn't know red could be so bright! It started at church by getting into the treats but then went to see The Help and snacked on popcorn followed by yet another meal cooked by DGS that was high cal all the way. I didn't eat much of it but it didn't take much.

    Well I can't afford to allow myself to get down about it because then I'll find myself eating from stress and depression. So today is another day. I'm starting over. I'll watch my food and Monday is a water aerobics day.

    Take care everyone. If anyone has any ideas on how to take Sundays out of my week please let me know. LOL
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Had a bad couple of days. Way too much sodium and not enough good healthy food. But I am just brushing myself off and getting back to it today. (I know I gave in because I didn't feel well most of the week with fighting a cold.)

    Today is healthy eating and exersize after work. If the weather is good I will do c25K on the trail, if it isn't good I will go and finally join the gym. We do have to take Bodi to get his shots today after work too.

    I hope you all have a great day.