

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning

    :smile: I'm feeling a bit better this morning. I felt dreadful yesterday at work but managed to get through it - I just rested up when I got home and watched TV all evening (I was watching DVDs of Dr Quinn Medicine Woman - easy watching when you are ill :bigsmile: ) had a hot lemon drink and went to bed. I had quite a good nights sleep too which is unusual for me, and woke up today feeling a bit more human.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy I hope you get back to your upbeat self soon. It's horrible when you feel depressed, but it's even harder when you don't know why and you think you should be happy because of all the good things you have in your life. Depression doesn't work that way though, and it's good that your hubby is being supportive. It could be many things and probably a combination. I think someone has already mentioned not to leave it too long before having a word with your GP. And we are here for you - cheaper than therapy :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: That's what I love about you all, if I feel the need to rant about something I know I can do it here and will get your support and good advice too.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi I wish I came from a large family, I'm an only one and although I have lots of cousins, we are not as close as we used to be when we were children. My hubby's family are always falling out with each other but I get on well with them, I just wish they could resolve their differences - life is too short and I'm sure they will regret it one day if anything should happen to one of them. Facebook is a good way to keep in touch as well, my cousins children are always on it, and I keep up to date with what they are up to and often "talk" to them through it.

    Well time I was getting ready for work. Thank goodness I have a day off tomorrow and all next week too, I'm so looking forward to it, mind you I have a lot of housework to catch up on :frown: :frown: If the weather stays good I'd like to go visit my sister in law (if I can afford the train fare :laugh: )

    Must dash
    Chat soon
    Viv xx
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!!!! I am up and having a cup of coffee :drinker: before I head to the shower....I work for the next 4 days. I got quite a bit accomplished yesterday, but still have laundry to do. It is a never ending job. I still have to pack away all my summer clothes since none of the consignment shops won't want them until around March. Then I can take the Fall/Winter clothes that I have. I don't think I can keep any of them.

    Kathy, exercise is good for depression. Those endorphins get released which help make you feel better. Perhaps searching your area for support groups for caregivers would help. There are even agencies that have Respit care to give you a break. Hang in there and vent all you want.

    Natalie, glad to hear that your knee is healing well. From experience, it was about 6 months until I couldn't feel the metal in my knee. The surgical pain was gone by 3 months but I could feel that the knee wasn't mine. That last about 6 months.

    Have a great day, everyone!!!!!!!! :smile:

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
    Hang in there. I know that many of us on this board share in your frustration. You have done such a good job overall with your weight loss. I didn't get to the gym for three days with our weekend schedule and I feel like a stuffed balloon. My eating wasn't that bad but when I don't move,it really shows.

    Today I am drinking lots of water...I had lots of decaf coffee (which I count as water) over the weekend but I don't think it is the same in my body. Going to the gym as soon as I finish our yoga planning for this week.

    Have a good day,
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    GOOD morning!

    Back in MT last night...a beautiful drive back here with my good friend. The time went by quickly as we yacked ourselves through the West!:laugh:

    DH got home after me and we had an unusual dinner of cheese, crackers, apples & chips:grumble: Have to do better today.

    We are off today to Bozeman to a funeral for a dear friend's brother who died suddenly at age 59. So sad. A good reminder to live every day like it's the last...you just never know, do you?

    Take care and hope that you all have a wonderful day.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I'm here plugging along. Waiting for the Gas company to change the meter. Can't go to the gym because we have to wait.

    It's really hard learning computer programs that I don't have at home. But, I will keep trying. I like getting out and feeling useful. I just wish my husband had something to do. (He is a retired Correction Officer) Money is tight so no traveling the country, plus caring for Dad keeps us close. Economy has hit us hard. So many things I can't even start.

    So my day will be waiting for the Gas Man and going to career center.

    Love all of you so much, so many have sent me messages that warms my heart.

    So glad I'm on track with my weight. I am at a standstill at this moment but, I know that will change soon. I'm at a place that my body wants to stay this weight. I know this is fight time. I have to tell my mind that my ticker wants to move past 160 to get to a healthy weight. My waist is my problem and I know that is where my doctor said, It is dangerous for heart disease. So it is battle time. I will lose it this year for sure.


    Kathy (plantlady)
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    "Waiting for the Gas Man" sounds like the title of a grade B movie. Just sayin.

    Hi friends! Still here, still busy, thought that I would check in. Wishing all of you the best Thursday that you will have this week!

    As my friend says, "Have a good day if you want to!" So true, isn't it?
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    RJ, great that you found a challenge that motivates you and works.

    Natalie, Seems like the "no sleeping" is going around. Hope they figure out something soon, that makes the days difficult.

    Cathy, awesome that your boss will let you leave early. Tell your son I say "thank you" for his service.

    Randy, I love New Year celebrations whenever they are. Now, January, February, they are all good.

    Pam, keeping my fingers crossed for you on getting rid of that sometime, but I do hear that oxygen is important.

    Mimi, go all the way and move in with him until the kitchen is done. Betcha that works. And I LOVE Tahoe only it's 7 hours away.

    (((((Viv))))) feel better.

    Pam, I think we view the drinking smiley a little differently. In my world, he's drinking beer. And so that no one thinks I'm an alcoholic, DH and I brew beer and I looooove good beer (sorry, no bud, coors, or whatever in our house). Also good wine and really good bourbon and scotch :drinker:

    Kackie, sorry for you friend, that is WAY too early.

    Kathy, what computer programs? Usually you can find open source equivalents that will get you the same feel. Or online tutorials. I used to have my students download Open Office since their families could not afford Microsoft Office.

    Just finished the elliptical, man those intervals really work the lungs and bottom. I'm at a loss for dinner tonight though I know I have to use the rest of the green chili spaghetti sauce so guess it's going to be some kind of pasta. Now off to study.
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Oh, and Kathy, if you are having trouble learning the software, always remember it's not you, it's the idiot who designed it. Truly. A good design is intuitive. Unfortunately most programmers are not good designers.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Went for a hour and half horse back ride. It was a perfect PNW sunny morning. I won't get many more of this days. So I have to take advantage when ever possible. I weighed in on my challenge I gained 2 lbs but the my scale from the day before had me at a 1/2 lb loss. My scale is the one I use for MFP. That is the one that matters.

    Pam-Just stick with it. all the hard work will show

    Jane- Sorry to hear about your back and knees. I just have fruit protein smoothies

    Kackie-Its great you take time for yourself. I have fianally started to do more for myself.

    Mary- That is great you are thinking how to plan for a temptation.

    Cynthia- Way to the go on the exercise.

    Kathy- You can rant & rave on us at anytime. We are here for you. way to go on the computer class.

    Viv- Christmas I don't wnt to think about that until the first of Nov. at least.

    Amanda- Can anyone tell me why that is the first place we lose weight. I had to by new bras but my hips have barely budged.

    Natalie-Hopefully With a little excerise pain will get better.

    and to everyone have a great day

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI! Ladies!
    Doing as the dr says,which is difficult at times.Finding myself bending as a reflex.Doesn`t seem as painful,it`s either the pain medicine or healing.
    Thanks for all the well wishes.i check in with the dr tomorrow.Hubby has his yearly blood work up.Is afraid the dr will tell him to give up something he likes.Really,The stuff I`ve given up to be healthy.I really don`t miss most of it.
    Have a good night!Will try to check in after the drs.appts.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I hope you had a good day. I had planned to play golf with my friends today. We play all summer (two are working teachers and two of us are retired from teaching). Because today was a holiday we were able to play. The forecast was for showers and possibly thunderstorms all afternoon....so I planned ahead and went to the gym this morning. I did try to talk myself out of it...but I got tired of fighting with myself and just went and did my workout. I figured with the weather our game would be washed out. Well...it wasn't ...so I had a nice day of activity today and it felt great.

    Pam…Great with the sleep study. Apnea can cause so many problems.

    Mary….what a busy schedule you have. It’s great that you are thinking of how to get exercise in today.

    TechnoSwami…. That flat tire was in line with the kind of day it was! Not having the regular scale at the Challenge was a relief for me because I think I would have posted a gain …so I lucked out (I guess). Things are better today…I have swings in my numbers and I am working at not getting crazy about that.

    Natalie…great news from your Doctor. You are on the road!

    Cathy…Have a great weekend with your son and his family.

    Randylevy…Happy New Year…and to all Happy New Year!

    Mimi….I hope the kitchen is all set when you get back. We did our kitchen a couple of years ago and I love it now. Going through the construction or the deconstruction was tough.

    Kathy (plantlady)…good for you for putting one foot in front of the other! Isn’t this a great place to get support?

    Have a great night,
  • sallyjcu
    Hi to All!
  • sallyjcu
    Hi to All!

    Had a massage (ache, ache) and was told that eating heavier carbs (pasta, potatoes/winter squash, etc.) separately from your protein by 3 or 4 hours helps the metabolic process. Okay, I thought. And then, in the grocery store, someone else told me the same thing - the same day.
    So, I tried it. I do find myself to be more energized and crave salt so much less. Spoke again with the grocery store person and she told me the same thing - everything now tastes too salty. Interesting. Other veggies can be eaten at anytime. Works great with a pasta, quinoa, rice concept.

    Did transplant some more perennials, weeded a patch and did those aerobics (did I say aching??) - an ol' Turbo Jam. ( Better than eating it! )

    Down to Portland Museum of Art tomorrow where a friend of mine has an photography exhibit. Last time her photos of Uganda (black and white) were very moving. I cannot wait to see what is there now!

    The apple orchards are bustling here in Maine. Northern Spy is really my fav - baked (aka zapped!) We just had an horrific thunderstorm
    for the past hour, though. Kind of odd; with the outdoor smell of wood burning from the fireplaces in the neighborhood.

    Happy New Year to Everyone! Each day is the beginning of a new year, and after reading all of
    your posts, I am assured that it is better being on the planet with all of you on it - gravitas and guadium (allelujah!) :heart:

    Now, I will try to upload a pic and find the weight loss tracker chart y'all have going on. Slow is really my best talent - perhaps the only!:bigsmile:

    Kind regards,
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello all, will not even pretend that I have been able to keep up with all the news. You are an amazing group of women. I am much better but still having some issues with this da*!**d lymes. But I am back in the game. Doing only 2 miles a day for now and 1 light workout. Will add more as it feels proper.

    Have been canning with the pressure cooker today. I do not like it. I have very clear memories of beans exploding all over Moms kitchen when I was a child. I confess to watching it hiss and sputter from the dining room for a while. My sister stopped by and she was no better than I, she eyed the kettle like it was an ugly alien who had just landed in the kitchen. Funny how those memories linger. She was so inspired by our success on the two loads of jars of beets that she thought she might break her cooker out and try canning in it also. She has one she has never used.

    I just have to say, Amanda I love your new photo. You look amazing!

    Long past time for bed. Windstorm here tonight makes a person restless, Nite all, Alice
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Went on the bike ride yesterday (Wed). It was very nice. I just wish that it wasn't scheduled for a day when we had the Newcomers bowling because I felt rushed to be sure I was back home in time to go bowling. It was such a lovely day, but am I glad that at the last minute I decided to bring my sweater. We stopped for lunch. I had a grilled chicken salad, ate all of the chicken, had a bit of the lettuce since it was just the iceburg stuff, had some tomatoes and cukes and peppers. It's so interesting how restaurtants always seem to want to pile on the cheese, etc. Then the other people decided to stop for ice cream after the ride. Personally, I would have been just as happy not to have lunch but the chicken salad was probably good to have, then didn't care to have any ice cream. Got back around 5:45, just had time to put out the garbage, etc. and get ready for bowling. Didn't even have time to make dinner, I just had some carrots that I'd brought and Vince got something at the bowling alley. Bowled a 134, 124, and 114. I could tell by the third game I was getting tired. Came home and went right to bed.

    Right now I'm making these oatmeal banana chocolate chip cookies. A friend of mine had gallbladder surgery, so I made some pork chops the other day, baked some potatoes, have mixed veges and now I'm making her some cookies. I'll take it all over to her. The rest I'll probably take to the people at the bowling alley (they are good to me, even tho I don't usually order any of their food) and to the people at the Y.

    sally - hope your weigh in for MFP goes well!

    barbie - who did you vote for on DWTS? That guy, I forget his name, the one who was in the military, I'm very surprised at how good he is. I don't think chaz Bono is going to last too long, he's already talking about his knees hurting. Then again, you never know. I can't get over the energy that Derrik Huff (is that how it's spelled?) has! He's such a good choreographer, too.

    Amanda - have fun at the wedding! Great about the clothes getting too big

    Today I'll do a Jari Love DVD Slim and Lean. Tomorrow...water aerobics. They're going to play mahjongg at 10, and there's just no way I can get there in time after water aerobics. So I'll just skip it tomorrow. Wonder how that place will work out?

    techno - you sound just like Vince "it's the idiot who designed it".

    Practice bowled 6 games today. I broke 100 five times, got really close the 6th. On that game, tho, there was a problem with the machine's scoring so it really could have been lower

    Don't know what it was, but I couldn't sleep this a.m. I was so dead tired last night after the bike ride and then bowling, yet I couldn't sleep. So I took the chicken off the bone for the pasta salad for the neighborhood picnic Sat. then made the cookies. I took some of the cookies to the Y and some to the gals at the bowling alley.

    jane - isn't it amazing how our tastes change when we give something up? Now if I have something that is high in fat, my stomach feels so "yuk" and it used to be that when I went to the store, I was tempted by all the cookies, pies, cakes, etc. Now I'm at the point where if I pass by them, I feel absolutely nothing, I don't even care for a taste. Sometimes I will have a taste if it's a sample, tho. Usually the store has samples of something else and I don't like it so I want to get that taste out of my mouth and use the cookies/cake etc to get that taste out of my mouth.

    randy - Happy New Year!

    sally - I tend to like Fuji apples, organic.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    When I started MFP I walked the dogs first thing before breakfast and then used my morning for computer activities. It wasn’t for a long time that I started riding the exercise bike first thing instead of getting onto the computer, then when the exercise bike broke, I started walking the dogs after breakfast for exercise. It works well for me to exercise first thing so if there’s no time later, I’ve already burned a bunch of calories. At first I’d walk the dogs for 20 minutes and gradually increased the time so that now we walk for about an hour. It’s all about making small changes.

    It was 42 degrees when I walked the dogs this morning so I wore the wool hat with ear flaps that I knit last spring. It is a fair isle stitch so there is a double layer of wool yarn and it was very warm and comfy. By afternoon it was in the 60’s and I worked out in the yard for awhile without a hat and jacket.

    NW Washington has the greatest weather. There are very few days when the weather is too bad to go out (a few days of icy roads and sidewalks in the winter).

    Michele, my hubby and I both vote on DWTS ( home phone, both cell phones, and the internet). We like J.R. Martinez (the Army guy) I liked him on All My Children and he’s a good dancer, Chaz Bono (he is charming but not such a good dancer), Ricki Lake, Carson Kressley (he is hilarious)

    Today I got an e mail from my friend who is making cake for an event on Saturday. She knows that I don’t eat cake and she offered to make a treat for me and wanted to know what I’d eat. I wrote back and said that I don’t eat treats and the nicest thing she could do for me is to make cake for everybody else and not be hurt that I didn’t it. She wrote back that she was happy with my answer.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning Ladies

    :frown: Well today is supposed to be the last sunny day for a while. After Saturday it is going to turn quite cold (so the weather forcasters tell us) and we may even have snow/ice. So I'd better make the best of today :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Alice so sorry to hear you still are suffering. Take it easy and hopefully you will soon start to see an improvement. You made me smile with your pressure cooker story, I can just imagine you hiding from all the hissing from the safety of another room :laugh: I've never had one explode, but I did boil one dry one time, I think I must have left it too long - food was ruined and it took ages to clean! :bigsmile: That's why I prefer to shove everything in the slow cooker.

    :huh: Has anyone heard from Denise lately? Must drop her a private message to see how she is doing.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie I'm back to square one with not saying "no" to people when offering me treats :frown: I did start to get better at saying no thank you to cakes/biscuits etc that others brought in at work. Since my holiday though I've just gone downhill. BUT I am now back to logging my food, I know I am the only one who can change me - no body is forcing food down my throat! I have to want it enough and then I'll be able to follow through. I am trading what I want most for what I want at the moment and it has to stop!

    Sending good wishes for everyone not mentioned.

    Bye for now
    Viv x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    The YouTube clip is my grandtwins and their daddy. It makes me laugh so I thought I'd share it x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I've got a busy day ahead, but I'm working quite quickly through my 'to-do' list. These include booking an appointment at the hospital, hanging out two loads of washing and organising a gift for my brother's birthday.

    I have also just booked a mini break away as a surprise for DH and myself. We are going to stay in a spa hotel for a couple of days next month. It is something to look forward to ... and I always like to look forward.

    Back to my to-do list now.

    Have a lovely day my friends. Hugs and good wishes to you all ... apologies for not commenting to you all individually, but I'd be at the computer all day if I started.

    Amanda x