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Senior Golden Sneakers............September



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    viliberty1057 and Chris...I have long legs. So, I am carrying most of my weight above my waist.:angry: But, anyway...I have never had any problems with my long legs reaching the floor. Has anyone try a bed mattress at a store. We are advised to do that but I feel uncomfortable lieing on a bed in a store.:blushing:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I hear your frustration. I lose posts here on a regular basis. I guess that you can't add your notes in an attachment. No, I guess that wouldn't work. It will not allow you to copy and paste?

    :flowerforyou: Claire...Wow, 11 pounds in the past three weeks or so? You are doing great.:happy: You also look great in your picture.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I just love it that you got 10,000 steps in before noon. I can't seem to get as many.

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, I also try to not keep temptations around the house. I find it hard to do when my husband buys lot of junk.

    Chris, please do post what you are doing as Barbie asked. I love to hear what others are doing so I can get some ideas for myself.

    I went to 1st aid to weigh-in but she had a parient with her. I have to go back later. And now I eaten a bowl of cereal. Hope it doesn't show up on the scales.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome to our group Claire ood to have you on board
  • Crazy night. I woke up about exactly every hour. Luckily it wasn't hard to go back to sleep. Much better than those nights when you just lie there in the dark trying to sleep. :grumble:

    We're having great weather. :smile: Enough overcast to keep it a little on the cool side. :smile:

    Wishing you all the best. :heart: Thanks for all the birthday wishes. My day was good. I splurged with a chicken fried steak for breakfast. I saved half for lunch. Wonderful! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Your breakfast sounds nice Irene. you are always in my thought.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Monday!! :bigsmile: Another rainy day here but the temps are warm enough to keep the doors open. :flowerforyou: Not much planned for today although I might go to Carson's where if you donate a used item of clothing you get a 20% coupon and I saw two things in their flyer that I would like. :blushing:

    Irene, I have those night often where I can't fall asleep and toss and turn for hours. I take Advil Pm occasionally but they make me feel so groggy in the morning. I am so glad you had good birthday, no one deserves it more than you do. :heart:

    Becky, I will venture to say that you lost weight since the last weigh in so don't worry about that cereal. :drinker: And yes I have sampled mattresses in a store to make sure it was okay for my back. I now have a mattress topper that conforms to your body and goes back to it's original shape when you get up and I love it. :blushing:

    Gayla, Becky is right, just copy your text from word by highlighting it with your mouse and then click on copy then paste it in your reply button here. Understand?

    Claire, 12 pounds is amazing in less than a month, you must be really working this program. Sorry about your RA, I am sure some days are more painful than others but you seem to be a strong willed person. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie, we do have a landscaper to cut our grass and take care of the lawn and bushes, but I plant our flowers and my hubby waters them daily and miracle grows them weekly. We always get great compliments on our flowers so I really have to thank him for always taking care of them. :flowerforyou:

    Chris, we enjoy your company also and glad you are part of our group. My weekends always kill me, mostly from too much sodium in the foods I eat such as pizza Saturday and Italian sausage Sunday. :grumble: At least Monday-Friday are good days where I cook for me and hubby. :tongue:

    Shirley, I hope the weather is good for your daughter's in laws and you can sail the seas. :laugh: However, the alternative doesn't sound too shabby. :laugh:

    Phoebe, even though your phone might not be charged and you are unable to read this, just wanted to say hi and happy two of the kitties are inside. Do you need help naming them or is that done already? :bigsmile:

    Marie, loved your tweety bird for Irene!! You are also doing great with your diet, how is the blood sugar? Today is Walmart day so I expect we won't hear from you until this afternoon.:wink:

    Have a wonderful day everyone and even though it is Monday, record your food, exercise and drink your water. :drinker:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :sad: I put on nearly three pounds over the weekend.:sad:

    :flowerforyou: Yey..Irene....I would love some country fried chicken. So good!!
  • Can't do without popcorn though, no sir,

    Just a quick note, finished placemats yesterday but have to get after napkins. Also need to wash a 101 year old christening gown & change blue ribbons to pink. (where did that whole blue/pink thing come from?)

    Marilyn, you are a woman after my own heart :love: :laugh: I could seriously live on popcorn! I used to give it up for Lent and let me tell you THAT was a sacrifice :happy:

    Later all!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :smile: SwissMiss: I feel your pain about the added three pounds. Shrug it off, next week
    will be better. I did manage to lose but I don't know how.
    :smile: Irene: I forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and many more :drinker:

    Hi Gals,

    With all my fretting about gaining weight this week, I did manage to lose .6 ounces.
    We ate out Friday night with my girlfriend and her husband.
    She is having her knee surgery as we speak. I hope all goes well.

    Saturday night we got together at the club with a couple who wanted us to see their condo so we went with
    other friends for wine and appetizers. Then we all walked to one of the restaurants in town for dinner.
    We did sail on Saturday and it was so cold and the lake was rough. I had to wear gloves and a rain suit
    to keep warm. Sunday was much better weather and sunny but we after staying the night we went out
    for breakfast and then headed home. Dave wanted to watch the football game anyway.

    Today back to work and back to routine.

    Have a good one.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all from sunshiny Saskatchewan. We are enjoying gorgeous Autumn weather after a couple nights with frost. My eyes are still a pain in the , well, I guess eyes!! I have been on steroid drops for the last several days but don’t really see any difference. Neil had a couple of meltdowns over the weekend but all in all it went ok. He is anxious to come home next weekend. I think he is going to be doing Special Olympic bowling on Saturdays starting soon so he will be staying at his home to do that. Tonight his brother and sil picked him up and took him to a movie which made him very happy.

    Claire – Welcome to our little group. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Barbie – You always say the right things. Thanks for your support. Glad you had a nice evening out and I know that you will be right back on track. I love your little exercisers at the top of your post.

    Becky – Good luck with your weigh-in. How many of your children do you still have at home. I used to say I wanted a whole in-field but we had to stop after 3 as there were blood incompatibility issues with our third son. I had to be induced 6 weeks early so that his blood could be exchanged. We were told that if the same problems arose with the next one it would be worse so that put a stop to our family. Three active boys turned out to be enough!!

    Buzz – Thinking about you so much this week. How are you doing?

    Chris – Glad you found a comfy recliner. Now the problem is getting out of it!! At least that is my problem. I love my chair and could sit in it for hours!! I know the short leg problem, I am 5’2” if I really stretch and my feet don’t touch the floor most of the time.

    Shirley – I hope you get a couple more weekends of sailing. It is always a bit sad to bring the boat home. Good luck at the scale.

    Phoebe – I will miss seeing post from you but maybe a week or so without being tied to the computer would be nice. I know I spend far too much time on it! When it isn’t working I get a bit into panic mode!

    Sandy – You are right, a few days with the two of us is nice but then I start looking for someone to shop with, coffee with, lunch with.

    Jeri – Congratulations on the new car. I have no thoughts on a computer as mine is getting a little old and I haven’t been out looking for awhile. How have you been feeling?

    Marie – How are you?? I was telling a friend about you and your decrease in insulin with your diet. I am just so impressed with that. I hope the diet is still going well and the blood sugars are stable. I expect your weather is a little cooler, hope so anyway. The trip we were thinking of taking was sold out so now we are trying to come up with an alternate plan. We may just wait a few months and go away during the winter. I love your quilt blocks. You are very talented.
    Marilyn – Are you back working that early, early shift at Tim’s? Don’t wear yourself out. I like popcorn too and find it good to get the single serving bags. It is not very environmentally friendly but that is the only drawback.

    I know I have missed some people but will hopefully catch you next time. Take care and keep smiling.

    Dave taught me a few things today and hope I will remember them! Not sure where the toolbar went at the top of MFP.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Thanks for your suggestions Sandy. The puzzle for me was that the way I used to do it was Copy in Word and then use the paste button at the top toolbar in MFP. It is not there now, so I had to learn a new way. Dave does get impatient with me but did once again work out the problem with me and i will now cut and paste right from Word. He thinks I am much smarter about this computer .... than I am. You would think he would be more patient after teaching this stuff for so many years. Then again you would think that some of it would have rubbed off!!

    I just got word that a cousin who I haven't seen for too many years died unexpectedly yesterday. I am so sad for her family and sad that I never made contact with her when I could have. I play scrabble with her sister on Facebook so I heard from her.

    Take care. G.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: My weight is going UP instead of DOWN....

    So I'm doing something drastic. I will try South Beach 1st week for 1 week, and see if I respond again. I used to do so well on it, until that darn hip replacement! Now I feel just too saggy baggy for words! (Can you glean that I went shopping for bras yesterday?:embarassed: ) :ohwell: ...This too shall pass!

    Gayla, so sorry about your cousin! We all have things we wished we had done...too late. But how would we have known?

    Hi everyone, late as usual, but don't know where the time flies! At least we got to the Fitness After Fifity Center today! :ohwell:
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Welcom Claire, you will love the people on this board, they are so warm and welcoming to all.

    Barbie, I start my line dancing on Thursday evening and I will let you know on Friday how it went, I can hardly wait. I hope it will be fun.

    Becky are you doing some crazy exercise too? I decided I would do the things I didn't have time for before. I am also going to try and learn the uekele ( I can't spell and my spell check isn't working), if I make music I will let you know. I will start that maybe next week.

    Buzz that picture is so cute and funny. You sound like a fun guy.

    Well, today went to the bank, then visited some friends 40 miles away for lunch. I didn't think I ate too much but this was the most I ever recorded on MFP. Oh well I recorded it and learned something.

    Tomorrow we are going to the senior luncheon in my small town. We have it every 2 wks. We get to visit with people that had kids our same ages and now those kids have kids. Then we are invited to dinner out . Oh well, I will really try to eat good.

    Thinking of all of you and wishing you a good night.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm blushing, Chris, but thank you dear one!

    With all my dear friends here who know how to navigate MFP better than I, has anyone seen a forum for South Beach Diet? I know it's changed a lot since I was on it, so it might help to read some posts to spur me on! Or I'll be eating the same thing day and night!

    Welcome to all our newbies, and I'll get back to reading everyone's posts so I know you all (if only I remember!)

    Just realized so much of my time disappears trying to be supportive to my dear sister who will be leaving her 47 year home to move to Colorado from Massachusetts. Selling her home (11 rooms) and furnishings and buying in a place close to her kids has been a dreadful trauma and she always was a long telephone talker to begin with, and my days disappear talking her out of her fear/depression! Since we almost lost her to late stage OV CA 12 years ago, she needs all the support I can give her! I actually didn't realize what's been going on with me here! So once her house changes hands in October, I should feel more free as far as time goes!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm watching "Dancing With the Stars" so this will be brief

    :flowerforyou: Becky, sorry about your weight gain. I looked at your food diary for the last few days and think maybe the weight is all or part from sodium and water retention. why not give up packaged and prepared food and bread and try eating broiled fish or chicken and steamed veggies and fruit......when we bought the king size bed for our new house, we lay down on several beds until we found the one that was comfortable:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Claire, welcome to the group and congratulations on your super weight loss.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, I have many nights when I wake up and can't go back to sleep. Some nights I take my book and move to the guest room and read myself back to sleep

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I'm not surprised that you are in charge of the beautiful aspects of your yard and someone else does the more ordinary stuff.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, if Neil had some meltdowns and still managed to stay in his home and not come back to you, that is a huge accomplishment:bigsmile: he has matured so much since I've known you and him.:bigsmile: sorry about your cousin:sad: :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Chris, I didn't line dance until I retired and found that it was my new passion:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, your sister is so fortunate to have you supporting her
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm watching "Dancing With the Stars" so this will be brief

    :flowerforyou: Becky, sorry about your weight gain. I looked at your food diary for the last few days and think maybe the weight is all or part from sodium and water retention. why not give up packaged and prepared food and bread and try eating broiled fish or chicken and steamed veggies and fruit......when we bought the king size bed for our new house, we lay down on several beds until we found the one that was comfortable:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Claire, welcome to the group and congratulations on your super weight loss.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, I have many nights when I wake up and can't go back to sleep. Some nights I take my book and move to the guest room and read myself back to sleep

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I'm not surprised that you are in charge of the beautiful aspects of your yard and someone else does the more ordinary stuff.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, if Neil had some meltdowns and still managed to stay in his home and not come back to you, that is a huge accomplishment:bigsmile: he has matured so much since I've known you and him.:bigsmile: sorry about your cousin:sad: :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Chris, I didn't line dance until I retired and found that it was my new passion:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, your sister is so fortunate to have you supporting her
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :bigsmile: It is a beautiful day here with bright sunshine and warmer weather!! :flowerforyou: I am going to the casino again today hoping for better luck. :tongue: Just wanted to check in and say good morning and have a wonderful day!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Beautiful day here too Sandy, we did have a lot of rain last night but
    clearing up today and I will get my walk in at lunch break.

    My daughter's in laws are coming to visit on Friday and we are holding
    our breaths that the weather cooperates for a sail. The plan is to sail
    and then cross over to the US side and have dinner at the other
    yacht club (Youngstown Yacht Club) across from our club on Saturday.

    Plan B will be getting what they call a wine passport. It's $30.00 and you
    get to visit at least 6 winerys with food and wine. So we are ready for
    anything. :wink:

    :smile: Buzz: The South Beach plan sounds like something I may be trying again.
    I am up right in weight and struggling to get back to my ticker weight.
    It worked for us before. Of course Dave will going on the same plan too.
    The poor guy, he always gets to eat whatever life change plan I am on. :tongue:

    Well its almost time for lunch gotta run.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Shirley, I would love it if my husband would eat whatever diet I am on.:wink: Much better than the chips he buys. The wine passport sounds great. I don't know if they have those in Ohio.:frown:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, beautiful weather here in Ohio also. So much better than all the rain we had yesterday.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I know that I should give up the Smart Ones but they are so convient.:happy: I drank at least 12 glasses of water. I counted 12 and then had more with dinner. So, I re-weighed this morning and am down two pounds. Water is sooo wonderful !!!!:heart:

    :flowerforyou: buzz, I will be praying that your sister has an easy transition.
  • Hi Claire! Our nephew and his bride are stationed at LR afb. We havent visited them yet but plan to. You have the prettiest leaves changing season thereabouts.

    I bought a charger for my phone, dh asked me if it was so I could call home and talk to the kitties lol!

    Where is Ms. Marie?
    Got to scoot
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello everyone, Well its cold here today but suppose to get to 71, I hope so it was 47 a little while ago. Went to town and hit the casino and won $55.00, I feel great about that. I made a nice salad for lunch and when I am finished on the computer I have to do some planting. A friend gave me some flower plants to put in the ground for next year. She gave me some bulbs to dry and put away until spring. So I am waiting for it to warm up first.

    Today is my oldest son's birthday, so I will be calling him tonite, we sing happy birthday to anyone in the family when its their birthday, we may sound bad but we always get a laugh. Wait until I start playing the ukelele. Watch out for noise then.

    Seniors, have a great day.