Senior Golden Sneakers............September



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lol@ Sandy! Good one. I would be the one with bad eyes. I cant keep up with baseballs in the air, much less the golf ball!
    happy Labor Day! For what its worth, lol, we get to work!
    hi Gigi, you havent been forgotten, glad you checked in with the sneakers. I hope your Mom will get better, either way, we'll keep you in our prayers. When my beloved mil was ill, it was like that, in hospital, get better, go home, get worse, and so on. She was tired of going to the hospital, and pleaded with her daughters not to take her there anymore. So, everyone finally agreed to respect her wishes and we kept her at home with the help of daily nurses. And then hospice. It was harder for the family, but she got what she really wanted.
    Marie, so glad to hear you are able to venture outside. We are having lots os rain and cool weather as well as tornadoes. Hope little kitties all found shelter. We left the door opened a bit on the garden shed, and put blankets down. I'll be curious to see who is still there when we get back. Oh dear, dh wants that kitten that he likes so much. He mentioned it today. I hate to say I dont want to put another one in the truck. Maybe I can get him to install the pet door for her,then she can stay home.
    We are almost at our destination, union city, CA. It is near San Francisco.
    I was almost useless this trip, so tired and sleepy.
    Becky, I thought about what you asked me about always having coffee after dinner. I tried Not drinking any coffee, did ok for a while, then it felt like. I needed my coffee, but I just drank water instead. I chewed gum, and didnt eat. So maybe you are onto something. Hopefully by mid Sept. We will begin this eating plan. We are both practicing a bit. We had breakfast at Dennys today, ordered grapefruit juice. We didnt have bread. I didnt think about it until we were leaving, I think our bread was forgotten by the server, not refused by us! Ok! That will work too.
    Hope you all have a wonderful evening
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    So good of you posting again Sorry to hear of your Mother.
    Take care
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we went outside and did some puttering in the yard for the first time since we moved into the new house.....there's not too much yard but there are some bushes that need some pruning and some weeds that need pulling and some rocks that need to be moved to better locations. We worked for about 30 minutes just to get acquainted.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, your explanation about the dog park was great. Our dog park isn't acres so I just walk along the fence around and around while the dogs run and play in the middle. I carry lots of "p**p" bags in my pockets and pick up whatever has been missed by others. I know that from time to time I have probably missed something one of my dogs left so I pick up for others knowing that someone has probably picked up for me in the past and will do so again in the future.

    :flowerforyou: when I got to the dog park today, the sprinklers were going in the yard for small dogs and they were spraying the :double gate entrance area where we take the leashes off the dogs before taking them into the yard so everybody had to time their entrance and exit to not get sprayed. Because of the sprinklers there were some smaller dogs in with the big dogs. A woman came with a tiny dachshund and express sadness that the sprinklers had been going the day before when she came and had been going for awhile today. I think there was something wrong with the sprinkler system and because of the holiday there was no one there from the city park employees to notice the problem. A lot of the large dog yard was wet because of the sprinklers but we had a good time anyway. There was a four and half month old black poodle puppy that played well with all the dogs.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sandy, that was a great joke, I'll try to remember to tell Jake to read it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Gigi, it's great to hear from you again. :sad: sorry to hear about your mother

    :bigsmile: Marie, it's nice that your food plan allows you the variety that you like

    :bigsmile: Phoebe, I know how hard it is to let kittens go once they've become part of your life

    :bigsmile: Becky, Labor Day has never really been a holiday for me. During most of my years of teaching in public school, school started the day after Labor Day so I was always busy in my classroom doing the final preparations. Yesterday Jake asked if I wanted to barbecue something and when I told him that I had chicken breasts defrosting, he suggested that we grill them on the George Foreman grill in the kitchen. It turned out great........we had a zucchini from a friend's garden and a salad that included tomatoes and cucumber from another friend's garden,

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I thought you'd managed to get out of going to your step-son's this week :sad: :sad:

    :sad: I made a big mistake in my knitting about ten rows back, so I need to get busy taking out the stitches and fixing the mistake
    a wonderful opportunity to practice patience :bigsmile:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Barbie.said: I made a big mistake in my knitting about ten rows back, so I need to get busy taking out the stitches and fixing the mistake
    a wonderful opportunity to practice patience.

    Ok,but what were you practicing between the mistake and the ten rows? 'See no evil'? ?lol! jk
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all. I hope you have all enjoyed the holiday weekend. Beautiful weather here. The family were all here for dinner last night and then for some games. Neil really loves that. Acually we all like playing table games so enjoyed that. I am madly getting ready for a quick trip to Winnipeg with my sister. We will only be gone a few days and Dave will be holding down the fort here. My only issue is that I seem to have a bit of thrush, likely due to being on antibiotic drops and ointment for over 3 weeks. Today was my last day even though the eyes are far from perfect. I will just have to keep rinsing. Ugh!

    Gigi -- So glad to you back! I missed you. I do hope that your Mom is starting to feel a little better.

    Buzz -- It is so funny that Dave and I were just contemplating a Panama Canal cruise. I hope that this one just may be the one that actually happens!! It seems every time we have something planned Neil gets sick. I am always afraid to book it but it is time to be brave! The one we were looking at goes from L.A. to Miami and is 14 days. It sounds heavenly to me and so exciting to go through the canal! I hope you have a terrific time.

    I have to run and take Neil back to his home and get back to do some packing. I will chat with you all when I return.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    by Gayla...

    Buzz -- It is so funny that Dave and I were just contemplating a Panama Canal cruise. I hope that this one just may be the one that actually happens!! It seems every time we have something planned Neil gets sick. I am always afraid to book it but it is time to be brave! The one we were looking at goes from L.A. to Miami and is 14 days. It sounds heavenly to me and so exciting to go through the canal! I hope you have a terrific time.

    GAYLA, we caught the Celebrity Summit, I think, at San Diego, and went to Mexico, Cabo St Luca (?), Aruba, Costa Rica and Panama City. But going through all the locks from the Pacific, down to the Caribbean, and turning and seeing a huge ship way up above and behind us, and watching us go through within an inch on each side of the ship...I cannot tell you how awesome the whole thing was! And now we'll perhaps be able to see the building of the new expanded canal...Oh WOW! Celebrity has ships narrow enough to pass through, and I recall their food and entertainment were excellent at that time. I probably would not waste money on the land tours again, as they sound much better than they actually are! Don't rain forests in the high Mountains of Costa Rica sound beautiful? I might someday go into THAT, and what we passed through on the way, and how little we had time to see before we might miss the boat! I suspect I'll remain on board and enjoy a pleasant lunch instead of inedible food and read by the pool or whatever! .....Do you think not mentioning it to Neil until the day before you leave might work better than having him anticipate you being away for a long period of time? By the way, ours ended in Ft Lauderdale. Be brave; you'll love it!

    PHOEBE, you clown you! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , but of course you're right about BARBIE's patience! My dear Taiwanese waitress won't allow me to order brown sauce. She gives me the white wine sauce (dry sherry) with added garlic and ginger instead of sodium anywhere! I keep meaning to bring them some of my Five Spice Seasoning, since they never heard of it. But I go to only one waitress at the same Chinese restaurant and she watches me very carefully; for me, no sodium, for Mike, no sugar!

    BARBIE, you seem to have fallen right into step with your new home; pruning , dog parks, the 2 of you BBQing again. Sounds like home sweet home again :bigsmile: ALso, I couldn't agree more with every word you mentioned regarding CONNIE. SHe's a treasure and we'll miss her, and hope she misses us, too, but she'll be too busy wherever she is since that's in her nature! Ever helpful :cry: me too!

    i had a Dr. tell me there is no such thing as low sodium soy sauce
    hey you betcha he knew what he was talkin' about!!! Low sodium soy sauce is still LOADED with sodium. I don't go near the stuff. ANd as much as I love Hoisin sauce, that's a no-no, too! I use pale dry sherry with a bit of clear chicken broth, ginger root or powder, and garlic plus a bit if Five Spice Seasoning and heat and stir in a tsp or so of corn starch. I wore out my Joyce Chen Cook Book way back cooking for my kids...AND POODLES!!! They also loved Chinese Food! That thickener can be used in any stirfry veggie mix, and I'm hoping to be as disciplined as you have become and start basing my intake on more vegetables! As that TV program said, if it has a mother or a baby, don't eat much of it! Plant based food is the way to go!:drinker: So glad about the cold wave; hope you're nowhere near those fires!:noway: And those ol cook books are priceless! Sounds like you're having fun!

    SANDY, I have a laptop, and only keep it on a few hours a day, unless I'm tring to fix a download I shouldn't have installed and it gets everything really mucked up! But I only just discovered, andd learne more than I ever wanted to know about how messed up some sites can be for us! Since Comcast gave me Norton Security, I've had to re-learn all about which malware sites are safe to install and which are not! WOT is terrific helping just that!

    BECKY, how the heck did you lose 55#s and have you kept most of that off? Incredible!:flowerforyou:

    We all missed you. So sorry about the pain you are going through and we are here for support and hugs whenever you need them!

    Well, I think my droopy eyelids are telling me something, so before a fall asleep on the keyboard again, I'm turning in! :yawn:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: buzz, I wish I had kept the 55 pounds off. But, no...I gain 25 back and lost some of it and I am now losing again. Last I weighed I was at 153. I want to be 140 at least. Maybe less. Like I said, I did this by following a diabetic diet. My sister was diabetic so I knew how to eat that way.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, you are a riot !!!!

    I don't have a lot of time in the morning anymore. My husband is on his winter hours now. That means we get here at 6:30 instead of 5:30. So, I will not be sure an early bird.

    I weighed myself this morning. Looks like the weekend didn't hurt me any. I was worried because of the party on Saturday and then the steak last night.:blushing:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I feel like today is the official "Changing of the Guards" in terms of Seasons. :flowerforyou: Something about after the Labor Day weekend, here in the states, that routines, temperatures, clothing, activities and projects ....take on a new look.

    I am a little discouraged today because, although I've been with MFP since Aug 14, 2009, I still have some bad eating habits and am over my calories for the last 4 days.

    So Barbie posted a list of good habits that I printed out to try to tweak my choices. I happily realized I do a lot more of them than I thought I did. This journey we are on is nothing less than an ONGOING journey and we keep learning and growing even (or should I say.....ESPECIALLY) when we are struggling.

    Losing the weight is pretty much why we all started with MFP but the longer you are working out your day to day choices, you realize that there are ALWAYS new things to learn and areas grow in. NO ONE EVER GRADUATES FROM THIS PROGRAM.....WE JUST KEEP SUPPORTING AND HELPING EACH OTHER IN THIS LIFE LONG JOURNEY.

    I have made many good choice but there is one area that I struggle in. I started having a glass of wine with hubby everynight instead of getting into ice cream and cookies. It turned into a lovely habit of spending quality time with him. :love: HOWEVER, I now have 2 or 3 glasses....sometimes more each evening and I know this is too much.:noway: (And that's the main reason why my calories are over most days.) :angry: I noticed eliminating alcohol was on the list, and although I don't want to totally eliminate it for social reasons, I definitely need to cut way....way back.:ohwell: I don't care about drinking during the day, but evenings have become a little too consumed with drinking. I need to find some replacements for drinking so much wine. I tried diet soda but that makes me gassy. I hate tea and can't drink coffee after breakfast. I have trouble sleeping and the wine has helped me relax, so I sleep better.....which makes cutting it out even harder. Besides water, tea, coffee and diet soda....are there any other non-caloric....or low calorie choices. Just looking for advice.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello and good morning Sneakers


    :heart: Gayla sounds so good to see you and Dave planning a cruise. I agree with buzz I wouldn't say too much about it in front of Neil.. Have a good time with your sister on your trip.

    :heart: :flowerforyou: Another beautiful day here in central Texas. Just got to love it. now if we can just get some rain. Jerry was out in our garden spot yesterday trying to did some and the ground was just like cement,Its been over 2 months since we have had a mesuring amount of rain You can imagine how bad the trees all look. well everything is in a bad shape.Rose bushes, hedges look like wintertime. But no snow.

    :heart: :heart: Buzz I am using the south beach diet as a guild line now. But still using my portion control. This morning I had 2 poarch eggs,. , 1/2 c grapes 1/2 c slice tomatoes I am in the phase 2 section. I am not ready to give up fruit.I have notice when I eat yogurt my stomach feel so bloted.. so want to lay off of it for a while. Had another real low reading this morning. I will be calling my doctor in the morning. She will be lower the lantus I take at night I imagine.I am taking 24 units at bedtime. now. It was 30 Hey maybe I will eventurally get off of it.That would be nice.

    :heart: Becky so glad you are losing.again. I was looking thru my diabetic diet cookbook and aeen a recipe for spanish rice cooked in a crock pot wnat to try that.
    And :heart: Phoebe is a hoot. she is the nicest person that I know. She has been a good friend to me for 8 along with :heart: Cayla.. can't beieve its been that long, my how times fly.

    :heart: Barbiecat I have always loved your attitude about dieting. You know How to do it.

    :heart: Sandy, Ypu have been so nice about keeping us altogether. Thank you And always enjoy reading about your life.

    :heart: :heart: Jeri and Irene you two have always touch my heart. such lovely ladies.

    :heart: Jackie, You are such a good story teller about your country Just love hearing about it.

    :heart: Birdie, You will get your evenings taken care of. Don't let wine control your life. You can control it. I know you can and you will.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    BBirdie, first Of all, good for you, your post was spot on and inspiring. Thank you!
    sandy mentioned diluting her juice to reduce calories. I dont know if that would work in wine, but grape juice might be nice, or grapefruit juice. There is a diet juice as well,but I forgot which one it is. Maybe a little wine mixed with it. My aunt always drank one glass of water with every glass of wine.
    We will be heading for Georgia this evening, just getting a start to the day out here on the west coast. Be safe today, dear sneakers!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, what a great glass of water for every glass of wine.:drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, love your puppies.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: BirdieM, I am doing the same thing with wine at night. I started out with one glass while my husband had his Coors. Now I usually drink three of them.:noway:

    It got cold here in Ohio. Saturday was sooo hot. In the 90s I think. In the 50s now.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    sandy mentioned diluting her juice to reduce calories. I dont know if that would work in wine, but grape juice might be nice, or grapefruit juice. There is a diet juice as well,but I forgot which one it is. Maybe a little wine mixed with it. My aunt always drank one glass of water with every glass of wine.

    Thanks Phoebe for the good ideas.:flowerforyou: You know my husband drinks a glass of water with his shot of Brandy but I never thought of doing that with the wine. Mixing it with juice (low cal) might be an option too. I DID try to mix it with diet soda, but it just made me bloated (if you know what I mean):laugh: .
    Have a nice trip to Georgia!

    Becky, isn't it so easy to slip into these habits. I DO like the unwinding part of it or should I say un "wine" ding part of it:laugh: , but I think I'll try some of Phoebe's ideas! Maybe you could too.

    Marie, thanks for the confidence boost! I hope you get rain soon. I thought of you this morning when I was watching the weather channel!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Whew! Got through most of the posts. Everyone is so busy.:bigsmile:

    We had a great weekend in Wilson, NY. The weather was hot and sticky.
    We had a storm on Saturday night and the boat was rockin and the winds
    were scary. It finally calmed down so I could go back to sleep. :ohwell:
    We sailed home on Sunday and left the boat Sunday night at 10:00pm
    and it was pouring rain.
    I had a great sleep in my own bed and felt great on Monday.

    Now back to the weight loss journey.:cry:
    I am going to give it hell and try my best this September to get down.

    :smile: Marie: CONGRATULATIONS! on your blood readings. You are doing marvelous :heart:
    I hope to get better readings too if I stick to my guns. :tongue:

    :smile: Becky: Don't you love it when people are dancing all over you.(Zumba) :huh:

    I didn't gain much over the holidays so I don't have to lose that much to get back to where I was.
    Great things ahead and Good Luck to all in their weight loss journey. Just think Christmas isn't
    all that far away.

    <<<<We turn not older with years, but NEWER every day.>>>>Emily D.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello, just found this site and thought I would brouse around. I am 64 and need to lose 25 lbs. I have minor disabilities but I walk 2 miles a day, I plan to join a line dancing class in a couple of weeks, I want to try some low yoga too. I use my stationary bike too. I will keep reading and wishing all you seniors a happy day.:flowerforyou:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi Chris and welcome, post as you want and help us keep motivated. Whatever your disabilities are you must be setting a great example in how to overcome them, walking biking and soon, dancing! Barbie is a great one for those line dances, as well as walking. , ask her how many steps she averages in a day! Go ahead Barbie, brag a little!

    Have a great day
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MADDIE...{{{{{{{{:heart: ))))))))...about time you showed your pretty face!

    CHRIS...Hi there, you certainly don't sound as if anything holds you down! Good for you and WELCOME to us SNEAKERS!

    SHIRLEY, happy to see you are an EMily ****enson fan, too! You look terrific, by the way!

    PHOEBE, Have you reached your destination? You sounded so tired yesterday!

    MARIE, monkeying around again:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I forgot to open in a new window, so this is it for today, or I'll lose my post! UGH! But I'll try to read everyone else's later, or I'l really fall behind!

    Have a great evening y'all!
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Thank you for the welcome, my disabilities are from in a year and a half I had 3 major surgeries. Both knees have been replaced and I had a major 3rd back surgery. They had to do surgery from the front of me as well as the back. Then I got a bad infection MRSA and that got me down for 5 months. The meds worked but boy were they expensive. Any way I am recovering but some pain and balance issues, but I just keep plugging away.

    I did my walk today and counted calories and I am right on target. Hopefully this will continue. Thanks to all of you for letting me into your message board. Talk to you later.

    Chris:smile::bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Chris, having had only a hip replacement, I say to you "RIGHT ON" lady! Knees are the worst, and that front back surgery, wow!!!
    But MRSA is a complete horror! Were you able to actually get rid of it completely? I know people terribly debilitated from it. Good reason to stay away from hospitals, huh?

    I'm off to sleep now. At 84, my NRG is not what it used to be! I'm in Delray Beach,Florids, where I moved 18 years ago from Long Island after 10 yuears in Providence, having moved there from Boston, where I was born. I have 3 kids almost your age, and my 3rd husband has the same, and we've been married going on 34 years, so there; enough to digest for an introduction. Now, where do you live, etc? Glad you're on board :drinker:

    :yawn: Buzz:yawn: