Senior Golden Sneakers............September



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone, I actually am seeing 77 degrees on my weather station this evening, Aah! deliciously cool for Florida!

    BARBIE, glad to hear you and Jake are bothe back to walking the poodles! It must have been a scare and I'm breathing easier for you both! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: at the thought of you surrounded by hoards of cats; you don't sit still long enough for that!

    JERI, happy to hear the infection is healing; another thing you definitely do not need! Photo is lovely, as usual; such talent!:smile:

    MARILYN, could it be you are eating too few calories? SOmetimes that prevents weight loss, as you know! Explain "back to the drawing board" please. I must have missed where it is part of your life and am interested in learning more!

    BIRDIE, I know you'll be in charge of that 2 pounds quickly. You've done so well. Holidays are the worst for me, so I try not to indulge, but usually fail anyway!:ohwell: I never saw a word about dear little R.I. after Irene! Of course it must have gone right through at least the western part! I lived in Providence when a hurricane came right up the Bay flooding the area about 16 feet, and then 2 days later a 2nd hurricane came through and did the exact same thing! Hurricanes Carol and Diane, back in 1952! Killed my guppies and scared the heck out of all of us! I was pregnant with my 3rd child at the time! Living in Florida is no problem after that experience!

    PHYLLIS...[img][/img] nice to hear from you again! Yes I got some mini-bialys, which I love toasted and eaten with a smidge of cream cheese. I don't know if you have eaten bagels; these are somewhat in that categorie except lighter, smaller, and crisper, depending on the bakery! We have a great one here , from the New York area where bagels and bialys are everywhere. Possibly it might be compared to a well toasted pita with onion on the surface! Some foods are just hard to explain! ...I agree that posting the diary is for me so important to controlling myself. Even then, I must lose what I've gained plus some! I'd like to not look like a blimp on our cruise this year-end! ... And as far as ending your Ramadan; fasting can be such a temptation when the big meal is appealing! You'll be back on track, too.

    MARIE, your blood sugar is amazing. So happy for you!

    SANDY, were you able to resist even 1 zeppole? I just love those "Italian doughnuts"!!! And see my poor explanation to Phyllis about mini bialys; I'm not a fan of bagels as they are made now. When I was young, they weighed only about 2 ounces and were 1/2 the size of these blown up bagels today! I used to like the chewiness, but not any longer. Bialys toasted are crisp on the outside, and difficult to find probably outside of Brooklyn!:laugh: Sandy, we used to see the twin towers from Jones Beach when I lived on Long Island, and though I never considered thos "boxes" beautiful architecture, they were the tallest part of the skyline and somehow the "anchor"! I still shocks me to remeber that infamous day, and to no longer see thos towers in pictures. But worst of all is the lives taken or affected by the unbelievable tragedy! And I do think in some way it has torn our country apart in ways we don't even understand yet!

    JUDY, have I mentioned how great that "dictionary" is? WOW, on the button!

    I've not seen a post in ages from CONNIE, yet I saw her mentioned here. I hope she's alright. and miss her posts.

    MADDIE, too! Always brought a smile to my face! Hope she is doing OK!:drinker:

    Everyone, have a good Sunday, and if I didn't mention you, it doesn't mean I don't think of you. Our list gets longer all the time:bigsmile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buss where are you going on your ceuise? Sounds like fun. never been on one and I really don't want to. We went down the Mississippi on a big boat and I thought we never would get back to land. not for me.

    Our weather is going to get cooler. down in the 80's Maybe the A/C can take a break.

    Had another good day. good food and good blood sugar. It was 110 before dinner. I just can't beieve it. All these years around 20 I have never had my sugar under control.What going on?

    my daughter is having problems with hers. The doctor put her on some oral med. But so far it has not help.

    I have been busy cleaning my craft closet out all day. I couldn't find nothing. , had to. Got it pretty well organize now.
    So did not get any sewing done today. But I am already for tomorrow.

    Have a good night you all.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Joining friends, Marie, for a cruise to the Panama Canal, Colombia (if everything is calm there this time!) , Costa Rica, basically western Caribbean from Ft Lauderdale, FL. Our one and only other cruise took us from San Diego through the Panama Canal and back home to Florida several years ago, and it was 17 days and worth every moment just to go through the Canal. I doubt this one will go through any of the locks. But we decided it would be a pleasant shared vacation, which we haven't really had in a very long time.
    Watched Dr Sanjay Gupta on CNN tonight with a fascinating story on diets, concerning how to "eliminate heart attacks"; no food with either a mother or a baby, was how he put it! Meaning no meats, poultry, fish, dairy, oils(?) and only fresh produce, beans, whole grains. He had Dean Ornish, Dr Agatston, and a Dr Esselstyn explaining how to eat strictly for good health. I've tried it several times and just could not stick with it as I ran out of menus and recipes, but Bill Clinton has stayed with it now since his daughter Chelsea's wedding, and he looks slim and trim and feels full of energy again after his quadruple by-pass! I should re-think the vegan way of eating!
    I had forgotten to add my fruits for today to my FOOD diary, so I just did it!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    I did some research on what is going on with Connie and found this post that she made to her friends four days ago.

    "I'm going to take a vacation from My Fitness Pal for a while. It's just one more thing I have to do every day, and my schedule is already full. I'll continue to watch what I eat, eat healthy, get my exercise, etc. I just won't be posting it here, reading forums, etc. What should take a few minutes always turns into an hour and I need that time for other things. "

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, I would love to have a kitten but there is a limit to how many pets we can have so even if you lived nearby, I couldn't take fact we stopped to see someone today who was adopted by six kittens and she offered us one and we had to decline. She told me that the kittens weren't really hers, she was just feeding them and I told her "If you feed them then their yours":laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, there are women in my line dance classes in their 80's who are as active as you and i so I figure I've still got a lot of active years left and the more I maintain a healthy lifestyle, the better my chances.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, today Jake walked both dogs at the same time and got up earlier so I know he's back to his old self.......he took me out to a delightful Mexican restaurant for lunch today for our "date"
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz this veggie diet is a good way to go. I did eat a little chicken today but i really like my beans better. It has done wonders for me on my blood sugar. I really can't believe it. He is the one that wrote South beach diet. I need to get my book out and check some recipes out. I really feel great. Keep me informed.
    Loce Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Enjoy being with you love ones this weekend.
  • Maggie5050
    Maggie5050 Posts: 10 Member
    Well Sept is here and just three more weeks until my knee replacement. The surgeon tells me that it can take up to a year for me to really feel totally back to normal. I guess it depends on how well I stick to the therapy. Thanks goodness we have a chair lift in the house so I do not need to worry about getting up and down the steps.
    Marie I am so happy to hear how well you are doing. You sure are ain inspiration to all of us. Keep up the good work.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome to the Sneakers Maggie #2 We have another Maggie and don't wont to get you two mix up

    Sneakers I met Maggie some where on MFP. Sure am glad I did for whe has become a real good friend .
    Maggie sound like you have a rough road ahead of you. We will all be with you. A very lovely bunch here and caring.
    Anyway WELCOME
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi friends.
    Just got back from a great day at school. ( even though going back after a 5 day break is never too easy.)
    I want to report that I went right in to the principals office this morning and told him that my son was going to
    graduate from University at the same time as the back to school night and that I thought we could work something
    out since it will be impossible for me to come. So he agreed to let me do my own Back to school information night next Monday instead. I am so HAPPY that I asked because I think I'd never forgive myself if I didn't attend this one.:smile::smile: :smile: :smile:

    Just to clarify this fasting in the month of Ramadan. I DID NOT ACTUALLY fast since I am not Moslem. but my husband and son did so they were the grumpy ones and I was the cooking one all the time so they would be happy after they broke fast each day. When I say I will be glad to get back to normal, I mean living with people that act the way they NORMALLY do not how they act when they are FASTING.:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

    I loved reading all the posts but don't have time to write back to each of you sweet ladies individually. I hope you don't think I am lame.. but need to use my time to plan my lessons for tomorrow. LOVE YA ALL. Phyllis:glasses:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :bigsmile: Beautiful day here with temps in the 70's.

    Maggie, any friend of Marie's is a friend of ours. :heart: Good luck with your knee replacement, those that I know that have had it done are doing great. I myself, am thinking of doing it this winter if I can fit it in to my schedule. :tongue:

    Phyllis, I am so happy you arranged it so you wouldn't miss your son's college graduation. I knew they would be understanding especially since you are a teacher. :happy: Thanks for the explanation of Ramadan, it is hard enough living with men without them getting grumpier than usual. :laugh:

    Marie, you are a computer wizard now with all your fancy graphics, you make me smile every day. :bigsmile:

    Barbie, Connie did post that she was going to be MIA for a while but she is still on face book and actually just posted a family picture with her grand kids whom she hasn't seen in a year. She looks great and looks happy, but will be missed here.
    So happy Jake is doing so well tell him to take it easy on himself. :flowerforyou: Love that you have "date" night. :heart:

    Buzz, your cruise sounds wonderful, I envy you. We are hoping to get a family cruise together in three years when two of my grandchildren will be graduating high school. Actually one will graduate in two years but we thought we would combine it and celebrate both together, and since my son is getting married in 2013 I hope that doesn't change our plans. One day at a time, right Barbie?? I did not have any donuts since I don't eat sweets as a rule, I did have a diet root beer float because it was so hot. :blushing:

    Going to the movie with my 16 year old granddaughter today to see the last Harry Potter movie and then we will go to dinner.
    Since my DIL had a party to go we are not going to my step sons today. :bigsmile: The men went shopping downtown Chicago so I am happy to spend time with Bryanna. :heart:

    Have a great day!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PHYLLIS, love your ticker photo! And the Ramaden month must keep you too busy at the stove! Glad it's finished, for your sake!

    BARBIE, I truly understand Connie's dilemma as it takes me forever to post here. Perhaps we should not try to include as many friends as we have made here all the time, huh? So pleased Jake is back to being your usual loving healthy guy! Keep it up, both of you!

    SANDY, you have so much to look forward to, and it's so nice to be able to plan the family things ahead of time. Can't get any 2 of our kids together at the same time so travelling north becomes a chore instead of a pleasure. And now with my DS moving to Colorado, I don't know how we'll get to see everyone again! Travelling by air seems like such a chore now, whereas we used to really look forward to it before 9/11! Though nothing of packing and going. Now I can't figure out what we can take!
    Off to ouyr favorite Chinese restaurant where they make everything for me without soy sauce; Mrs No Taste, they call me! But it's better than nothing...:wink:

    MARIE< yes Agatston is the Doc who wrote the South Beach Diet, and he's really a heart specialist down here, and I have friends who know and admire him. There may be a new cookbook for preventing heart attacks, and I usually liked his recipes. I know you are on the right track, sweetie! :drinker:

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lol@ Buzz, Mrs. No Taste! But you are so right about the sodium in soy sauce, even the low sodium kind. We order steamed everything, then dh dips it all into a bowl of brown sauce! Way too much salt.

    Welcome Maggie, hope your knee surgery goes as well as Joanns did.
    marie, I see you are getting a cool down in TX., hurray for you! We are too. And blessed rain.

    Sandy, have a great day with your girlfriend/granddaughter.

    Barbie, so glad Jake is up and at em, I think the Isagenix must be good for your energy levels, is it?

    My FB friends and I have been joking about Geritol today. Wondering if it comes in a gallon size! Lol, we'd be busy bees then! They are going home for a few days off, and they are tired from a few weeks of criss crossing the country. We are just getting back to work from our time off, and it is cooler out here now.
    Phyllis, is Ramadan where you fast until sunset?
    Take care everyone. Dinnertime
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe we are in for a cool down surpose to be down to 55 Tues Morning. Snuggle up time. Whew~~~

    I am still holding my on. after nearly 20years of trying to control my blood sugar. I have fianally found a way. and enjoy my foods oo. Meds wont do it for you, you got to control your eating. oh Meds help. Don't get me wrong. i had a Dr. tell me there is no such thing as low sodium soy sauce. but That is not a problem with me for I never used it. I used too much of the other stuff.
    What did you have for lunch? When will you start you new plan.

    Buzz who wrote the new cookbook Dr Agatston Must keep an eye on it. Alice lost good on it/ Wish she would go back on it. Her Dr. recomend it to her. She is having a bad spell with her Blood sugar.

    See you guys tomorrow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: it has been a beautiful sunny day here. I chose to avoid the dog park----likely to be too hot and too crowded and filled with people who don't usually take their dogs and don't know the rules and good manners----so Jake and I have been walking the dogs here separately and together and letting them play in the little fenced yard in the back. We encountered the deer twice this morning while walking. The first time, the girls ignored the deer and the second time they barked at them and wanted to chase them.

    :bigsmile: Jeri, your photo is beautiful:bigsmile: I am thinking healthy thoughts that your infection will heal've had enough challenges

    :bigsmile: Marilyn, thanks for sharing about your new has been years since we had a puppy (Sasha is four years old) and it brings back fond memories.

    :bigsmile: Birdie, one of the maintenance essentials in "The Thin Commandments" is "set a weight ceiling and defend it":bigsmile: you are such a great role model for me

    :bigsmile: Buzz, my mother was a cat lover but when she got to five cats, my father said "the supply has now exceeded the demand" :laugh: your cruise sounds wonderful.......I've been through two canal locks in North America but never through the Panama parents did that once and I loved seeing their slides and hearing about it.:bigsmile: I've heard about vegan diets being healthy but it feels too extreme for me......I limit meat and dairy but can't imagine limiting them completely

    :bigsmile: Maggie, I've heard some great stories from women who have had knee replacements and many were up and walking pretty quickly after the surgery......good luck to you

    :bigsmile: Phyllis, I'm glad you were able to work something out about your back to school night and your son's graduation. They are both so important and neither was something you could just "skip" in favor of the other :bigsmile: :bigsmile: thanks for sharing about Ramadan and the big meals after the fast.......we do an Isagenix cleanse day most Sundays, and my hubby seems to want to go out to eat the day before and have some special big meal the day after :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Sandy, I know you will enjoy the movie with your granddaughter much more than dinner at your step-son's :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :sad: I'm sorry that Connie has taken a break from posting on MFP......she had so much to share with all of us......I know that during this recent busy time when I wasn't able to respond personally to everyone, I was tempted to not post at all if I couldn't do a thorough job. I'm glad I just went ahead and posted a little when I had a chance. You all mean so much to me. :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Phoebe, I think the Isagenix is a major reason for our high energy level. When we started a few years ago, the first thing I noticed was Jake's increased energy. He have up his after lunch nap a few days after starting Isagenix. the weight loss came later.

    :bigsmile: Marie, I'm glad to hear that the weather is finally cooling down for great that you are sticking to your new plan and having such great results.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, just curious as we do not have a dog park here. What are the rules? Do all dogs need to be kept leashed at all times? Hopefully, everyone cleans up after their dogs !!:wink:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, you can't imagine how glad I am that your sugar in under control. Diabetes is such a destructive disease. But, then you know long as you have had it. By the way...I once lost 55 pounds by following a diabetic diet.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, wait til you and your friends are talking about Depends and reading glasses, etc. Awww, just a normal part of life.

    What is everyone planning for Labor Day? I will be grilling steaks. That is a treat that we don't get very often now. And, instead of baked potatoes we will be having a healthy salad.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member

    Happy Monday!! :bigsmile: Hope everyone has a great holiday (for those of us who have this holiday) and if not just a great day!!
    I had a wonderful time with my granddaughter yesterday, she is becoming a special young lady. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders and I am proud of her. :heart: We are supposed to go by my stepsons today since we didn't go yesterday, again not something I look forward to, but at least the weather is beautiful. :flowerforyou: Tomorrow I plan on taking my 95 year old ex MIL to the casino for a few hours, she loves the slot machines and loves to go to the buffet for lunch. :drinker:

    Becky, if Barbies dog park is like ours, they have a big fenced in area where you let the dogs off leash to run and romp with one another. I used to bring Daisy to one but some of the bigger dogs were getting to aggressive so I stopped going. I may try it again just to see what dogs are there and how they behave. The owners do pick up after their dogs, as long as they see them do their business. :laugh: We have one dog park that is acres so they dogs run while you walk, which is the kind I think Barbie goes.:tongue:

    Barbie, sorry I gave your explanation but it is so cool here today I thought about taking Daisy to the dog park for a treat. My husband hates when the dogs play too rough but in most cases they usually just chase each other. Since we are going to step sons Daisy plays with their Samoyed so she gets plenty of exercise and doesn't get so dirty as the dog park.

    Marie, it is amazing that you are controlling your blood sugar with diet, what a great accomplishment that is, you should be so proud of yourself. Are you missing other foods that you aren't eating?

    Phoebe, stay safe on the road and keep in touch.

    Buzz, as long as you keep checking in with us, we understand how busy some of us get at different times. I am one of those people who is at her computer most of the day unless I am busy doing something out of the house. :blushing:

    I hope everyone had a great day!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    It is just a glorioouse day here in North Texas. sammy and I just had a short walk. I tried to get off without him but he made Jerry let him out and he just came a running to catch up with me.

    I have some more cleaning to do in here. Trying to get it organized. After going so long without sewing I for got where I kept things so cleaning out all dawers and shelfs places Finding things I did not know I had. But I am so glad I am taking an interest in doing something. Which have been missing from my life so long. I feel like I got my life back again. I feel like i got my food under control. I 'm going to make me a mini meatloaf today.

    i made Jerry a little icecream rug to put on the end of my sewing table , the freezer is right net to it and he is always dropping ice cream when he dig his nightly ice cream out. Chcolate ice cream don't look so good on my table.

    Buzz, I been looking at my south beach diet book. I had some hamburger meat out !/4 of a lb and found his recipe for meat loaf out, I din't have some things he called for , but i mixed stuff up and cook it in one of My microwave containers with the vent and cook it 5 minute and turn out quite tasty. I slso look at a diabetic cook book and found a Spanish rice recipe to make in the crock pot i want o try.. Since i am eating portion control I feel like anything I cook is OK. I am seeing a whole new world out there. I may make the spanish rice Sunday when Alice comes out.
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone and Happy Labor Day !!!

    Since I got back from Italy, my life has changed so much, by the way the trip was amazing. The grand kids took over our lives, and in the month of August my mother has been very sick, we were in Florida all that time; taking care of her, then when everything was going well, we left and now she is back in the hospital:cry::cry: :cry: I know there is another trip very soon.

    I miss all of you, is hard not to be able to hear how everyone is doing and feels so good to be part of this group daily, hope to star logging again and exercising and reading everyone post.:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Have a great afternoon,

    Gigi:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Arthur is 90 years old. He's played golf every day since his
    retirement 25 years ago. One day he arrives home looking sad. "That's
    it," he tells his wife. "I'm giving up golf. My eyesight has become so
    bad that once I hit the ball I couldn't see where it went."

    His wife makes him a cup of tea, and says, "Why don't you take my
    brother with you and give it one more try."

    "That's no good" sighs Arthur, "your brother's a hundred and three. He
    can't help."

    "He may be a hundred and three", says the wife, "but his eyesight is perfect."
    So the next day Arthur heads off to the golf course with his
    brother-in-law. He tees up, takes a mighty swing and squints down the

    He turns to the brother-in-law and says, "Did you see the ball?"

    "Of course I did!" replied the brother-in-law. "I have perfect eyesight".>
    "Where did it go?" says Arthur.

    "I don't remember."