Senior Golden Sneakers............September



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :drinker: Hi Chris, glad to see you join the Sneakers :bigsmile: this is a friendly group :bigsmile: it sounds like you have had more than your share of challenges and you still aren't discouraged......slow and steady wins the race.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I hope you get to go on the Panama Canal cruise

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, you are right about Chinese food....the sodium is a big challenge----even most chicken broth is full of sodium.....the only time I've had chicken broth with manageable sodium was when I made it myself.........yes, we are very settled already in our new house......traffic patterns and routines seem to be established......the funny part is that our bedroom is at one end of the living/dining/family room area and the guest room and hobby room are at the other end and I keep turning the wrong way and ending up at the wrong end of the house wondering what I'm doing there :laugh:

    :bigsmile: :noway: a funny thing happened yesterday.......I was walking the dogs in the afternoon in the big meadow behind our house and a woman on the other side of the meadow started yelling at me to get out, that I didn't belong there and I couldn't walk the dogs in the green belt......she yelled loud and a lot.:frown: eventually I took the dogs to walk somewhere else and thought a lot about what the manager had said when I asked her about walking the dogs in the meadow and about how many other people I'd seen walking their dogs in some of the other green belt areas. Eventually I walked past the house where the yelling lady lived and as I was trying to be sure which house it was, I heard a man calling out to first I thought the woman had sent her husband to yell at me too, then I realized that it was a man and woman I'd met a few times before. They were the angry woman's neighbors and they heard her yelling and came out to tell me to ignore her, that she was crazy, and that I could walk my dogs in the meadow and all the other green areas. I thanked them while Brandy and Sasha solicited petting from them. When we got back to our own street, our next door neighbor came out to tell me that she had tried to catch me while I was still out in the meadow to tell me that it was OK to walk the dogs there and to ignore the crazy yelling lady. :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Birdie, I'm glad you enjoyed the list and can make use of was aimed at people who are maintaining their weight but I thought it could be useful to anyone. I don't have a problem with alcohol (I gave it up years ago) but peanut butter is the food I keep adding and eliminating :laugh: I have gotten used to drinking water and one kind of herb tea that i like

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I think your portion control diet is a little like the OA diet which includes planning ahead and weighing and measuring foods and not eating certain things....weighing and measuring food has been very helpful to me......before MFP I used to eat pretty healthy but my portions were so huge that I couldn't possibly lose weight

    :flowerforyou: Becky, the other problem about alcohol is that it is completely empty calories and often encourages you to have more after you've had the first one...I'll miss your early morning posts

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, welcome back after your great trip......glad you had a good time and no big scale disaster :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, going from Union City, CA to Georgia is quite a trip...even after all our traveling, that seems like a lot :bigsmile: thank you for your comment about all my steps. When I first got a pedometer it was a challenge to get to 10,000 steps a day,, but I kept finding new and different ways to walk and add steps, now I am constantly in motion and get over 10,000 steps a day pretty easily and often as high as 20,000 steps.
    my highest day was about 33,000 :bigsmile: It helps that I am not employed full time and have opportunities to walk my dogs a lot.......they love all weather so even rain, snow, and cold don't keep us down.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Maddie, glad to see you you need to add some words :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: time to brush my teeth and head off to bed.:yawn: I get up at 5 AM, walk the dogs in the dark (yes, I have a flashlight), eat breakfast and take them for the hour long walk starting shortly before sunrise.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Wow I've been away for a day or two and it looks like I have lots to catch up on. But I am afraid I'll just have to say hello because we are off camping again tomorrow until Sunday. Back into the mountains this time. Today we have been on the go since 9 am when we had window washers come to clean our outside windows.

    Yesterday we went for a wonderful drive west of the city. What a perfect day -- warm and sunny. We packed a lunch but ended up eating it in the car as it was so busy. There were so many families out in the recreational area we were in Picnicking, fishing, hiking, trail riding, you name it. My dh and I did a couple nice walks, I took lots of pictures and we drove around and really enjoyed the day. We live in such a beautiful part of the country. I'll share one of my pictures.

    See you all when we get back

    Forget-me-not Pond by FancyLady, on Flickr
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :smile: Jeri: Even though I am a US citizen I just love Canada. It is so beautiful. I have been to Banff, Alb.
    one of the most beautiful areas. Love your pictures they look like a postcard.

    :smile: Barbie: Don't you love it when you get into a new neighborhood and don't know the ins and outs yet.
    We have one of those on our street. He is retired and likes to call the cops when people
    make too much noise. He is also in bed by 8:00 pm. Not one of my favorite people.

    :smile: Marie: I just adore the pictures of those puppies. I am a dog lover. I would like another pet but
    Dave doesn't want one right now because of our boat trips in the summer. Maybe when we
    retire. You never know. I am still working on him. :tongue:

    :smile: Chris: Welcome to the group. These ladies are just awesome.

    Weather has been getting cooler and its my type of temperature. Summer will be back later in the week.
    My girlfriend will be having knee replacement on Sept. 19th and I will be losing my cleaning lady. She used to
    clean for me every other week. So Dave and I will be rolling up our sleeves and doing it again for a while. Once
    she heals from this surgery she will be having the other one done. So it will be awhile before she returns if she does.
    She has been cleaning for other people for 25 years.

    Food for thought:

    <<<<Stand tall, reach for the sunshine, and let your beauty show>>>>
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Chris so glad to see you posting again. we Love seeing our seniors back again.

    Maddie that goes to you too.Young lady Missed you.

    I really love hearing from each and everyone.

    Barbiecat I thought it was a lot like OA too. . I have put together a plan from all the plans I have been on and pick things I like and it is doing wonders for my blood sugar. I have woke up the past thee mornings with too low of blood sugar in the 60's 2 mornings and in the 50's this morning. Will talk to my doctor today about lower my lantus some more for I don't like being woke up and have to eat an unplan snack What a good well balance diet will do for you. I know I cannot. ot handle peanut butter and ritz crackers or icecream Jerry can for he will fixed him a couple of crakers with peanut butter and a fruit for his 3 Pm snack. He oess not overload his plates anymore either Like he used meal times. He only eat 2 meals a day Plus his 3 pm snacks and his icecream at night.

    Jeri another lovely picture of you beautiful country. Breathtaking.Would love living up there in the summer but would want to come back to Texas in the winter time.It sounds like you and your husband are enjoying your life to the fullest. Love hearing about it.

    Well all of you ladybugs Ladybugs.jpg

    and gentlemen have a wonderful day time to get ready to go to Walmart. See you laters
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :bigsmile: Beautiful day today, so nice to have fresh air instead of A/C. Didn't go to the casino with my ex MIL, she wasn't feeling up to it, so I went with two friends to a different casino where I lost money. :grumble: We went to dinner after the casino so it was a nice day with friends. :love: Today is the first day of the rest of my life, my ticker has been changed to reflect the extra 4 pounds I have gained over the summer and I will again start doing some extra exercise besides walking Daisy. I am still under he original goal I started with but I did get spoiled with losing an additional 5 pounds and would like to get back to that weight. :tongue: I will open my diary again to keep myself honest and even if I go over you can watch my good and bad habits. :glasses:

    You sound amazing, welcome to our group.

    Marie, another cute graphic, have fun shopping at Walmart. Please do talk to your doctor about the low blood sugar in the morning, we don't want any problems with your diabetes.

    Shirley and Barbie, we are lucky with our neighbors but we have all been here for so long we know each other well. Most people in our village know Daisy from our walks so they are all friendly because of her. :laugh:

    Jeri, another perfect picture. Have a great camping trip, I hope that means your infection is gone.

    Barbie, your story was funny and it always makes us feel good when we are right and those cranky people are wrong. :bigsmile:

    Buzz, you seem to know about all things everywhere, your life is full of life experiences. :love:

    Maddie............:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Phoebe, hope your road trip is going well, don't you wish you had that little kitty with you?? :laugh: I think I like the idea of having a glass of water with every glass of wine, I will let you know if it works. :tongue:

    Becky, whatever you are doing seems to be working, how is the rest of the team doing?

    Birdie, as most of you know I do have two glasses of wine daily, one while making dinner and the other with dinner and there are days where I like to sit and watch a movie and have some 100 calorie popcorn with my wine. I am sure that is why I gained back the extra four pounds and I have to take control before it gets out of hand. It is easier for me to exercise and gain those extra calories for my two glasses of wine even though they are wasted calories, but once I start recording again today with an open diary it will help me stay under calories so my choices might change and instead of a second glass of wine I might prefer popcorn and water and/or jello with whipped cream. I am going to try Phoebe's advice and have a glass of water when I have a glass of wine since in realty I know that it is just a habit that needs to be broken. I hope I am making sense. :tongue: So let's work on this together and lose those last pounds and keep them off. :heart:

    I think I am in the cleaning girls way so I better move so she can do her job.

    Have a great day!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Jeri, its easy to see why they call it Forget Me Not Pond, who could forget it? Just beautiful, Ms. Photographer!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    Hi everyone, runnung late, but had to tell Sandy when she gets to be my age, she'll remeber more than I ever knew!

    Read the latest posts, enjoyed, and have to go :ohwell:

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    To everyone thanks for the warm welcome, I think I found my main message board now, you guys are so nice.

    Buzz: Boy at 84 you sound like you are very active, and you have kids my age? oh my.

    Barbie: Nice to meet you and peanut butter gets into my diet daily too. I have instant oatmeal with fruit and 1 Tbl. P.B. Love it and it keeps me full until lunch. I use to have eggs and thought that would keep me satisfied but it didn't.

    Shirley: Thanks for welcoming me to this lovely board.

    Marie: I just retired ( 2 mos. ago) and I love it. Thanks for the welcome.

    Jeri: Your picture is so beautiful, do you camp in a RV? What places do you like best?

    Sandy: Your welcome sign looks like a rainbow of comfort. Thanks for the welcome.

    A little about myself: 64, married to the same man for almost 46 yrs ( Nov. 20th), 4 children and 12 grandchildren. I live in Montana but was born in Chicago, ILL. I just retired from working as a switchboard opr and receptionist for a hospital. I quilt, read, and love to visit people. My house is up for sale and I want to move closer to my daughter in Post Falls Idaho. I have a little chihuahua, (really big one 9 lbs) named Poquito. I am enjoying life to the fullest. Thanks for all the welcomes.
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone!!

    Thanks for all the welcome back, sure feels great to be here again, today I started to keep track of my meals and exercises,
    just getting back and posting feels GREAT:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm planning to take a friend to the Spa for a message and facil, that will be her gift, she just retired, will be good for both of us.:heart::heart: a message is what the Dr. order:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Pheobe : You're so right, about how my mom feels about hospitals, maybe next time we can go with her wishes.:love::love: :love:

    Gayla - Thanks for all the prayers, we need them, hope everyone is doing well.:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Marie - thanks for all you thoughtsand prayers

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Welcome Chris:flowerforyou: ! I am already inspired by how much exercise you do after having 3 surgeries! Wow what a role model! You can do it. Just concentrate on today and let tomorrow take care of itself! We only have control over the moment we are in!

    Marie, I am like you regarding the dieting. I’ve taken everything I’ve ever learned in OA, Weight Watchers, The South Beach diet etc. etc. etc. and have come up with positive and helpful ideas from each. By the way I like your little monkey and Lady bug!!! LOL:laugh:

    Buzz, you sure have been all over!:noway:

    Barbie, I can’t imagine trying to get use to a new house! You must feel disoriented a lot!:laugh: I just hope you are very happy where you are…..regardless of yelling, crazy ladies!!!!:laugh:

    Jeri, I can certainly see where Forget Me Not Pond got its name. How beautiful!!! Kind of…..unforgettable!!! Happy camping!

    Shirley, I wish I had a cleaning lady who was taking time off! The only cleaning lady in my house is….me and I’D sure like a break!!!! LOL:laugh:

    Sandy, I find it challenging sometimes to choose what to do about things like alcohol or wine because, as Barbie said….it certainly can relax your resolve to have just one.:ohwell: But on the other hand, I try to keep a balance between those things that I NEED to do to not put on weight & be healthy (like not having junk food in the house etc.) and those things I LIKE to do… keep my life in control but enjoyable!:bigsmile: It’s such an individual thing! What’s normal and comfortable to one person is not to another. On the other hand there’s the honesty issue that says…..How many glasses of wine does it take to live a HEALTHY and enjoyable life?????:noway: Hmmmm:ohwell: My doctor says we should not have more than 2 (5 oz.) glasses of wine a day if it is a daily habit. I’ve gone over that:embarassed: ……so I need to adjust the amount to be healthy and to lose the weight but still am able to enjoy having it.:flowerforyou: I too am going to try to drink water:drinker: with the wine and it should help me reduce the unhealthy amount that I am now consuming. Does any of this make any sense????:huh:

    Gayla, Phoebe, Gigi, Becky .....and everybody else......greetings!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I hope you all have a great day!
    BTW…I DID had a good day with my calories yesterday!:bigsmile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Hi everyone, runnung late, but had to tell Sandy when she gets to be my age, she'll remeber more than I ever knew!

    Read the latest posts, enjoyed, and have to go :ohwell:


    Love this one Buzz
    But will definete not beieve your will ever not to remember all of your knowledge.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    this sounds like our bunch again
    Love it



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    I am hear to brighten your day.
    Going for another great day.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: BirdieM, Congrats on staying under calorie.:smile:

    :flowerforyou: Gigi, I so want to try a massage. I can even get a discount with my YMCA membership. I just haven't gone for it yet.

    I wasn't here yesterday except to log in my food and exercise. And, I did that late last night. Busy day. I had a doctor appointment in the morning so I couldn't be here then. We had a luncheon at noon so that left out visiting here on my lunch hour.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am a red wine drinker. So to save some calories try half club soda and wine.
    The wine and water is good too if you are a designated driver. :laugh:

    Since I had Monday off for Labor Day I worked three days in a row this week.
    I am so tired this morning. Not used to steady days without my break.
    I know I shouldn't be complaining for you ladies who are working 5 days. :ohwell:

    Lots of excitement in the office yesterday. New office furniture arrived for the
    new attorney who arrives next week.
    We had a Video screen mounted on the wall in the conference room.
    I have had two service calls for the Copier so far. He has to order a part
    because it is making a creaking sound in one of the trays. This thing is new!!

    Have a good day!!

    >>>>Wisdom outweighs any wealth.>>>>
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :bigsmile: Another great day!! :flowerforyou: I have my meeting today so not sure I will get the bike in today, but will definitely walk Daisy later. :happy:

    Shirley, not sure I would like white wine with club soda but I do put it over ice. Doesn't club soda have sodium? Hope you get some rest soon, are you going to the boat this weekend?

    Becky, go for that massage, they are wonderful and relaxing. I usually get the Swedish massage but had the deep tissue the last time and it was great. How is the challenge going?

    Marie, love both your elephant and funny text. I agree, now that summer is almost over (for most of us) our group should be getting back to normal with postings and/or recording foods and exercise. We are awesome.

    Birdie, I do agree that we shouldn't have to give up everything we enjoy. I feel it is better in calories to have a glass of wine than it is to have a big dessert. Since I really watch my sugar intake and my calorie intake I feel that I can have what I want as long as I do it in moderation. I still want to enjoy my life and if I occasionally go over in my calories I will not beat myself up if I get back on track so as not to gain all that I lost. I am smart enough to know what is good for me and what is bad for me so since MFP it is easy to look at food and say no thanks especially if I don't have any extra calories. Everyone is different and maybe this won't work for everyone but so far it works for me. :bigsmile:

    Gigi, so glad your Italy trip was wonderful, I am jealous. I hope you have fun receiving your message, but wouldn't a massage feel better? :laugh: (just kidding please don't be offended)

    Chris, great hearing about you and love your dogs name. :happy: I am also from a suburb of Chicago, Itasca which is right next door to Schaumburg. I am 69, married for the second time to my wonderful husband Babe for 20 years (September 14) have six children between us, I have four he has two and six grandchildren, along with our Old English Sheepdog Daisy.
    I too am enjoying life and am grateful everyday for what God has given me.:heart:

    Buzz, I can't remember last week let alone years ago. :laugh:

    Phoebe, so I had a glass of wine making dinner and then instead of a second glass I had a bottle of water with dinner. After taking Daisy for her walk I got on the computer and decided to have jello and whip cream instead of a second glass of wine even though I had enough calories to do so. So your advice worked for me last night, I will give you updates if this trend continues. :laugh: :laugh:

    Better get moving, have a great day everyone!!
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good afternoon Seniors,
    How is your day going? We went to the store to buy cereal, our store had a super sale so we go and buy for ourselves and grandkids. We met our son there and spent over $50.00 on cereal and $50.00 on bars. This will last them a while. Then we went out for breakfast at the casino, breakfast is free ( 2 eggs, 2 bacon, & english muffin). I won $45.00 and my son won $20.00. So we were happy. We only put in $5.00 each. It's fun to do once in a while.:drinker:

    I sent in my money for the Country Line Dancing, can't wait. I will go for my walk when I finish posting ( 2 miles).

    Tomorrow we are going to Spokane, Wa. to visit my daughter and her family. Saturday we are going to a Fiddle Contest BBQ, my daughters friend is hosting it and playing in it. This is going to be fun.

    Well, have a great day.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI PALS,

    The Graduation was wonderful and my son was so proud as were his parents. It was quite a big deal with the ambassador from Canada speaking since he graduated from the Canadian University in Cairo. I didn't expect to have a buffet dinner served to all the parents and graduates at the end of the celebration either. WOW! I was also glad because I had not had time to eat much all day. It was a long day and much more fun than back to school night with the parents but that will happen this Monday instead, just for my class!!!

    Welcome all the newbies and HI to all the oldies and I don't mean that in a mean way!:wink: Better get to bed. I am tired and seem to be getting some kind of infection in my eyes. Hope they are not stuck shut in the morning. LOVE ya Phyllis
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Thursday everyone,

    Just another pretty day in central Illinois, got to the gym, feels so good.

    Sandy - sometime my fingers go faster than my brain, but I need to read over after I finish typing and I'm always in the run, so glad you tell me these things, thanks, a massage its better then a message any time.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Swissmiss - A massage is to die for, when ever you get a chance go for it.:love::love: :love:

    Just a note about my Mom, she is doing much better and getting stronger every day.

    Have a great afternoon everyone,

    Gigi:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi all, we are heading homeward.just got the news we are changing to a new truck this weekend, so we will be home til Monday or so, but busy.

    Gigi, glad your mom is getting better. I wonder if the barometric pressure affects people who are fragile? It gets to me, especially in summertime, so who knows?
    phyllis, gayla has been having eye infections and it sounded very unpleasant, hope you dont have what she has. That guy from Canada, maybe he brought it over??!!
    becky, yep you were awol yesterday, and we noticed, hope you are ok.
    chris, you live in a beautiful place, we dont get thru there often enough, but we love it. Ii just read Post Falls has a new Love's Travel center, they have good coffee. Exit 2. A mama bear and her two cubs ran across I 90 in front of me once. Whew, it was good I didnt hit them, and it was great to get to see them. Then my husband saw a grizzly, so we felt we had been to wild America!
    i like poquito too.
    marie, are you busy on the quilting sites? I won a quilt this week in our company's Relay for Life raffle. It's blue squares. Thats all I can remember.
    Sandy, glad you are trying the water/wine diet, lol! Only Jesus can make that work!
    Is Daisy perking up in the cooler temps? I remember those photos of her covered with snow, love that!
    i told my friend on FB that I wish fall could last right thru until Spring!