Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • taldie01
    @ Belgian lady, stay in there babies!!!

    I was planning a work out yesterday, but felt just icky and crampy yesterday so I didnt. Hoping to get a run in tomorrow and Sunday!
    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Nothing too exciting happening with me.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Just walked out of the ultrasound room... We are having a GIRL!!!!!! So excited.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    YAY!!!! Congratulations!!!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Atomdraco!!! SO EXCITED FOR YOU! A girl! :bigsmile: Congratulations!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Exciting baby news, Atomdraco! I'm hoping for a girl, too but will have to wait for several more weeks to find out.

    Re: heart rate during pregnancy, I've seen the recs about staying under 140 etc. and that they're outdated, but I have noticed that I feel much more intensity than my HRM shows, so that when I'm at 140, it's pretty intense, so I have been keeping it lower just because I feel better. My heart rate monitor seems to be a less accurate gauge of the intensity for me these days, anyone else found that to be the case?

    In happy news, I passed my dissertation proposal defense today, so I get to move forward with my project and also apply for clinical internships for next year. The applications are due in about a month, so now I will be shifting gears to focus on that. It's kind of nice to have so much work distraction, as it is so hard not to think about the baby ALL THE TIME.

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Thank you to everyone for the encouraging words!! Sometimes its not about knowing, but acknowledging and just being there for support. I appreciate that so much from you ladies.

    Hubby picked me up for a surprise lunch and we had a nice picnic with our dog and was able to get a little play time in with her at the local dog park. Beautiful 73 degrees here today and the sun is shining. Definitely lifted my spirits and helped calm my nerves.
    Doc said he wants to meet again on Tuesday and we'll be trained on how to take daily reads :ohwell: we'll do this for a while and keep a closer eye on the baby. All will be well and we'll work through the challenges ahead.

    Atomdraco- congrats on the baby girl!! Time to buy some cute frilly girlie outfits!! :happy:
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Atomdraco - CONGRATS on the baby girl!!! What is your due date?
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    I'm excited to join! My name is Karen, I'm 25, married for almost a year & 1/2, we've been together almost 7. As of today I'm 5 weeks along :) Since May of this year, I'm down 27 lbs (and am smaller than I was in HIGH SCHOOL!) I hope to continue with a healthy pregnancy and lose some more after I deliver. My EDD according to my OB is May 31, 2012, but according to my long cycles, I feel like it's more likely to be early June. We'll see :)

    so excited to meet you all!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Atomdraco - CONGRATS on the baby girl!!! What is your due date?

    Thanks all! Yeah, we'll definitely need girly clothes (have tons of boy clothes from my son). :-) My due day is Feb 23rd 2012.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Atomdraco: Congrats for a lill girl. I have hopes for a little girl too.

    Welcome Karen!

    Babeed: Best wishes, I read up on it after your post and there is some hope for both of you to get your blood levels normal after delivery, so I am hopefull for you both. Take care!

    MadBabysmama-Great job, on your projects. I am here with you about thinking about Baby all the time. lol

    Ugh i ve been sleeping and waking up with headaches. I think it's due to getting up so many times in the night to potty & then having to get up early & take Jason to the school bus. I plan on walking some more tonight, and doing a S/T session of LBrins DVD.

    Ok, so seeing everyone else have early U/S, makes me be :explode: at my doc for making me wait until I am 22 weeks. Then i think after my next appt how bad will it kill me to wait another 5 weeks? It will! :brokenheart:

    On another note our fridge gave out and (non budgeted) we had to buy a new fridge so needless to say, that pushes our baby budget down. :sad:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Ok, so seeing everyone else have early U/S, makes me be :explode: at my doc for making me wait until I am 22 weeks. Then i think after my next appt how bad will it kill me to wait another 5 weeks? It will! :brokenheart:

    On another note our fridge gave out and (non budgeted) we had to buy a new fridge so needless to say, that pushes our baby budget down. :sad:


    I hope that you get to feeling better soon, try to keep hydrated and know that this too shall pass. I'm right there with you on the u/s....I have to wait another 4 weeks!!! Our time shall come, no worries

    As for hte fridge, sorry toots....its always hard when unexpected things happen. Hang in there!! :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey gals!

    Quickly checking in!

    Blew it food-wise yesterday...went out for dinner for my husbands birthday and WAY overate...felt miserable all evening!! Man...I hate it when I do that!! Oh well. This weekend will be a toss up because I'll be at my parents all don't know what I'll get in exercise-wise. They live in the country so maybe a trail run...we shall see...

    Congrats to everyone who has just had their ultrasound!! There are a bunch of you!! I can't wait until mine (but I have a while yet) although we don't find out the gender. We like to wait and be surprised! :)

    Have a great day!!
  • BelgianLady
    MadBabysMama - wow congrats on your achievement! Already hard to pass a dissertation but doing so while pregnant deserves double congrats :-). Enjoy your success and good luck in your search

    atomDraco - so happy for you! yayyy a girl after a boy that's great

    All the ladies - enjoy your well deserved weekend what ever you do and keep the spirits up :-)
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I'm also a 20 week ultrasound to find out the gender. Anyone do the Intelligender test??? I just did it this morning & if it's correct, looks like we'll be having a boy....but 2½ weeks left until it's confirmed (not that I'm counting) ;)
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Great Weekend to all!

    I didn't workout last night as planned, but had a family movie night. I'm missing out on Jason's soccer game, they're delivering the new fridge.

    H-82: My friend mentioned the Intelligender test, but I didn't try it.

    Kristin: I have some of those days too, if i think about some food I want it and have to have it. lol

    Thanks Babeed, I am feeling better. Let's us know how your dr's appt goes.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hello ladies! Wowzers it is ALREADY October! (Okay it is October 2nd...I'm kinda slow) Join us on the October board!