Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Wow ladies! We managed to top out the last board and get booted over to another one! That means we had over 500 posts and we still have a week left for the month!

    Glad all of you ladies are doing well!

    Amy you rock! Glad you and the kiddos are doing well. I was gonna ask you what your plan was as far as getting back into the workouts. Sounds like a great plan! And I can't believe you've dropped weight so quickly! That is awesome!

    Congrats Rayna on the classes! What luck!

    Went for a nice long hike/walk with Al and the pooch yesterday. The weather has been absolutely perfection for being outside and having my windows open and the fresh air blowing through the house. I love it! Al is gonna do the lawn today while I work on 'thank you' cards from the party (it has been 2 weeks...I'm such a procrastinator!).

    I hope all of you ladies had a wonderful weekend. Rest and regroup and get ready for another week of eating healthy, getting sweaty, and growing those babies! :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Wow....2nd board. Hope you're all having a nice weekend. Relaxing today. May walk the doggie in a bit.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    I've gotten so so so far behind. I did a general read through and it looks like everyone is doing great, which is awesome! Keep up the great work!

    AFM: This past weekend hubby and I went out of town. We went down to Homer, Alaska. It's only about 4 1/2 - 5 hours away, but it was really nice to get out and away, even if it was only for one night. I did a lot of walking around. We decided to walk instead of take the car to explore some of the local areas. We also went walking along the "beach" at the Spit and along the Cook Inlet. Coolest part though was being able to see the Time Bandit from deadliest catch. I"ll be sticking only with walking until I'm cleared by the docs. I'm too paranoid about the placenta bleed and I spotted again on Thursday. But I did really enjoy my walks over the weekend. It also helped that hubby was with and the weather was actually nice and sunny.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    So onto another week, last weeks goals were a bit of a bust. I’d say I accomplished half of them. So this week I’m putting in the same goals in hopes that I make it work this week!
    Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    Eat out only once
    Exercise at least 40 minutes every day

    Oh, and I have my first appointment with my new Dr. tomorrow! I really hope I like her, it was so hard to find a Dr. that would take on new patients, I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t like her. Wish me luck!

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning All-

    Well, the roadtrip with Neena and the carseat was a fiasco. She kept jumping over it and trying to get into the carseat. something we'll have to keep working on.

    Managed to get some good walks in this weekend and lots of fishing!

    Goals for the week:
    1. Eat healthier (I don't eat out but need to eat healthier at home)
    2. Walk at least 3 x this week (working late this week)
    3. Try not to stress over drinking "the drink"
    4. Find a Halloween costume

    have a great day ladies!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    bump for later :)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    New week...
    1. Run/jog at least 2 times
    2. Strength/cardio at least 3 times
    3. Yoga at least 3 times
    4. Drink LOTS of water (this is the hardest for me!)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Well I didn't make my walk yesterday but got some cleaning, grocery shopping and cooking done. I'm also attempting to finish Atlas Shrugged before the baby comes and got about another 50 pages of single spaces tiny word pages done. I'm about 1/6 of the way through.

    Goals for this week:
    1. Monday: Run/Walk 45 minutes
    2. Tueday: It's my birthday!!
    3. Wednesday: 30 minutes strength, 30 minutes cardio
    4. Thursday: Run/Walk 45 minutes or swim 1 mile
    5. Friday: Walk?
    6. Saturday: Walk
    7. Eat a piece of fruit everyday

    I did decently on my goals last week. It's probably the most I had worked out in a few weeks and the run really got me motivated. I'm feeling really good lately. I've not been overly tired and generally am just comfortable. I have been sleeping well and even slept through getting up for the bathroom a couple times! I must have a bladder of steel.

    I also saw a bunch of old college friends over the weekend at the UK/FL game (if you can call it that) and several told me I looked great so that always makes one feel good. :smile: The rest of the weekend was fun - pretty low key. I fell asleep watching a movie around 10 Friday night and slept till about 9 Saturday so that was nice. We ran some errands, bought some paint samples for the nursery and enjoyed the weather. It's cooling off here and feels like fall! Our dog had another accident Saturday night while we were are the game. I know she can hold it for as long as we left her in for and she peed in the same place as last time so I am wondering if she is sensing change and marking teritory or something. She is 13, but is usually really good about that. Unfortunately where she peed has no sub floor so it goes right throught to the basement new dry wall and onto new floors. :grumble: Good thing she is so cute and loveable.

    Hope you all had great weekends and have good goals for the week! I'll be 31 tomorrow!

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi all!! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Can't believe we managed to tap out the posts on our September board! Crazy.

    So I completely organized myself for this week food-wise and I'm feeling really good about it. I got a big shock to my system on Saturday when I weighed myself and the scale said I had gained 23 pounds!! (WHAT??? It is so hard for me to put that number on here but I have to!) I'm only 18.5 weeks I should NOT have gained that much! And the weird thing is, I don't feel or look like I have?? I can still wear some of my pre-pregnancy clothes...well the pants I can't do up, but I can get them on! SO needless to say it was SHOCKING and did NOT feel good :( but instead of giving up and saying oh well might as well just pig out because I've already lost it already...I decided to make a plan and stop making excuses....I only wanted to gain 25 lbs in total for my entire pregnancy and I'm at 23 and not even at the halfway point...yikes. SO I cleaned out the fridge yesterday and went grocery shopping and made an amazing slow cooker recipe for lemon blueberry oatmeal that I can have all week (so no more eating tim hortons for breakfast!) and I made brown rice and blackbeans which I will have for lunch with salsa and avocado, and brought some fruit, veggies and nuts for snacks...
    I also have a personal training workout tonight at 5:00 - so I'm feeling pretty good about the way my week is starting.
    I'm not going to beat myself up, but I'm not going to make excuses either, I went from losing 25lbs before I got pregnant from strictly tracking what I ate and eating VERY clean to not tracking and eating whatever I feel no wonder I am where I am now. Live and learn, hopefully I can turn it around for the last half of my pregnancy.

    In other news...sorry I know i'm annoying but I'm excited!! 3 more days until the ultrasound!! YAY!

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic Monday morning :flowerforyou:

    My goals this week:
    1. No eating out/prepared meals at home
    2. Exercise: Mon- Personal training, Tues - walk Sophie, Wed - Spin bike, Thurs - 90 min Yoga class, Fri - Spin bike
    3. Drink lots of WATER
    4. No candy or chips!
    5. Incorporate veggies in to every meal
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Rayna...way to get yourself in check!! My first pregnancy I was the same, had gained almost as much as I wanted for the whole pregnancy within the first half! But instead ot getting on top of things, I let myself go and ended up gained 50-60 pounds! HORRIBLE!! So, you are doing a great job getting yourself back into check's harder to do it later! Good luck!

    Ashley...Happy Birthday tomorrow! Mine was last Friday! Enjoy it...and let youself indulge a little! :)
  • 9Honey16
    9Honey16 Posts: 34 Member
    *bump* for later :)
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Ashley, How are you liking Ayn Rand? I’ve been meaning to read her something of hers for a while but another book always catches my attention first.
    Oh, and Happy birthday!

    Rayna, I thought I was driving myself nuts about the weight gain! I’ll be at 12weeks tomorrow and gained 4 1/2 lbs as of this morning. I was sure I’d be able to maintain the first trimester, but nope! Your weight gain may slow down for a bit though, my cousin gained the majority of her weight in the first and second trimester instead of the third like most of us assume to, so don’t stress to much. Best of luck buckling down on food, I’m finding it hard to pre plan my meals because so many things still make me nauseous still and it changes from one day to the next. But that lemon blueberry oatmeal sounds yummy!

    Speaking of weight gain, when you all start noticing the baby bump? I noticed that the little belly pouch I was never able to get rid of before getting pregnant is now impossible to suck in, making me look like I have a little baby bump all the time (and even worse while bloated). Anyone else experience that this early (on the first pregnancy)?

  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi everyone!

    It looks like everyone has a lot of great goals! Here are mine!
    1. Limit my sugar intake on-candy,sweets, chocolate etc. I usually eat fruits, no problem with that it's just the candy.
    2. Do the yoga & cardio workout 3 X this week & walk!

    I had a busy weekend, did alot of walking around the stores. I bought 2 maternity pants, and need to buy some more blouses.
    I am still congested just when i thought i was getting better, and it's really interfering with my sleep.

    I haven't gained weight on the scale but my body is thicker, and since I was already a big girl I think it'll be ok,as long as the baby is growing adequately.

    Question: Do any ladies feel the baby's:heart: if you touch your belly? I think I have, but it's hard to determine if I really felt it.

    Rayna: Congrats on winning that mini vacation.

    Ashley: Happy Birthday!

    AMy: Beautiful picture, congrats on losing the baby weight.

    Midnight: Take it easy, and hope your spotting stops.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I was wondering where everyone was all weekend!!! Thought it was just a quiet weekend. Anyway, I just wrote a huge thing on the last blog to find out it was locked!! That's awesome though!! Lots of convo, questions, answers and interesting topics!!! I love it!

    I had a great weekend!!! Friday went to bed early and slept in on Sat. a little bit! Snuggled with my lil' man, cause hubby didn't get to come home. :( Saturday I spent 10 hours shopping, my mom was great company, but it was tiring waiting and waiting, she is a slow shopper!!!! Sunday I cleaned, organized and even managed to watch a movie. I got everything I wanted to accomplished though!!!:smile:

    I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!! My hubby is working out of town again, and wasn't going to make it to the u/s. Well his hours got changed this week only!!!! So he will work 9 hours, then drive for 6, but he will make it!!! I rescheduled the u/s to this FRIDAY!!!! Woo Hoo! I can't wait, I'm nervous though!!!! Hubby will be tired, but at least he gets to go. My son is also going and is almost excited as me!! :smile:

    I ate a lot of food this weekend, mostly healthy, and got a lot of exercise so I'm feeling great. Slacked on the water a little, so I'll be making up for that today! Should be another busy week!!! Work will be crazy, 2 football games, football pictures, and wrestling practice, and now my u/s. :love: Busy will make the week fly by!!!!!

    Rayna - A lot of people gain a lot of weight in the beginning, then it smoothes out throughout the remainder of the pregnancy. Don't feel too bad, you work out a lot too, so you'll be fine!!! If you do happen to gain more than planned, as much as you work out, it will come off fast!! I was a little suprised to see I've gained 4lbs in the last 3 weeks!!!! Last time I only gained 4lbs in 5 wks. So baby must be growin!!! :love: I gained 32lbs with my first pregnancy and lost pretty much all of it within 6 weeks. Don't worry to much about it!!! Good luck with your goals too!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Ash - I read some Ayn Rand before in high school, but her shorter books. This is about the 4th time I've started Atlas Shrugged. It is hard reading; it's as if no one has a converstaion without it relating to the overall theme of the book. But the theme is interesting and I like the characters so if I put in at least a half hour, I really get into it. I love to read and I have been reading a lot of easy stuff lately so thought I'd challend myself. And I know if I don't finish it before the baby comes, it may have to wait for months.

    Lunarokra, on feeling the baby - If I want to feel movement from the outside, I will push in a little in areas I have internally been feeling movement and when I do that with my fingertips, I feel a pulsing, but I think it's actually my heartbeat as it's not as fast as the baby's. I don't know how or why; I figure it is similar to when I get really hot (pre baby too) and I can feel my own heartbeat pulsating in other parts of my body. Speaking of movement, I had my husband put his hand on my belly the other day when she was dancing around in there and he was able to feel her. It was very sweet; his face all lit up. Weird thing was, he felt a movement from the outside I actually didn't feel from the inside and said he could even see his finger bump out. It is so totally weird and also very very cool.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi Fit Mommas!

    It's a new week, finally! I completely busted last week (Ash, I'm right there with you!), so it is time to get moving! :happy:
    1. Eat out only 2 times!
    2. Zumba-Monday and Thursday, DVD-Wednesday, Walk- Tuesday and Saturday
    3. Water, water, water (8-10 glasses a day)

    Had a pretty busy weekend with my in-laws making and additional 7 people and 3 dogs in the house. But they helped us immensely with the rental! We couldn't do it without them! So hopefully it will completely ready in a week or two.
    2 more days till the doc! :bigsmile: Yay!

    Rayna- That's SO neat that you won the contest! WTG!

    911Girl- Glad to hear things are going well!

    Heather- I love those type of days, where you can open the windows and enjoy the fresh air throughout the house!! Hope you have a fantastic week as well.

    Midnite- Sounds like you had a nice little get-away.

    Ash- Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow!! **LUCK!**

    Goals are looking good ladies!! Let's keep moving! :flowerforyou:
    Happy Birthday to those celebrating this week!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hi ladies! Awesome goals set for this week!

    I did good at accomplishing all of my goals for the week so I will pretty much stick to them:
    Only eating out twice this week
    cardio 1 hour 5/6 days strength training 3/4 days

    I am going to add some goals as well...Since I've become pregnant I've craved soda (which I NEVER EVER drank at all before getting pregnant). I only have one here and there. I've had probably less than 10 the entire pregnancy but I know it is horrible crap and I need to stop putting it in my body. It makes me feel gross and it isn't good for the baby. So my goal is to not have another soda the entire pregnancy (this one is gonna be hard...).

    I am going to try out a cardio kickboxing class at the community center this week. How hard can it be?! I will just listen to my body and if it is too much then I will tone it down and do what I can.

    The weather here is awesome and I got in another hike/walk this morning. I hope this beautiful weather sticks around until at least next Tuesday when I have my maternity pics done! I'm also loving that I keep the windows open and my electric bill should be cut in half of what it has been all summer (which with this heat we had was completely ridiculous!).

    Rayna I admire you reorganizing instead of throwing in the towel. As you know I struggled with gaining a lot of my weight within the first half of my pregnancy as well. My goal had been 25lbs as well but by 20 weeks I had gained 20 lbs and I knew I was just going to be in serious trouble. It wasn't for lack of exercise or eating is just what my body did (along with the medication I was on). As of now at 34 weeks I have gained 27lbs (according to the doc office and 31lbs according to my home scale). So my weight gain has slowed down dramatically and I've not changed any of my habits. By eating healthy and continuing to be active your body will gain what it needs to. Try not to restrict and keep feeding your body to fuel itself and the growth of the baby. You are doing awesome and you truly look fantastic!

    Kristen Happy (late) Birthday!

    Ash I looked "chunky" for quite a while. It wasn't until 20ish weeks where the bump started to show itself instead of my entire belly just looking like I let myself go.

    Ashley happy early Birthday! :)

    Kim happy to hear the rental is coming along. Hopefully the next tenants are normal and don't trash all of your hard work!

    For everyone else...I hope you have an awesome and healthy week!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ashley, How are you liking Ayn Rand? I’ve been meaning to read her something of hers for a while but another book always catches my attention first.
    Oh, and Happy birthday!

    Rayna, I thought I was driving myself nuts about the weight gain! I’ll be at 12weeks tomorrow and gained 4 1/2 lbs as of this morning. I was sure I’d be able to maintain the first trimester, but nope! Your weight gain may slow down for a bit though, my cousin gained the majority of her weight in the first and second trimester instead of the third like most of us assume to, so don’t stress to much. Best of luck buckling down on food, I’m finding it hard to pre plan my meals because so many things still make me nauseous still and it changes from one day to the next. But that lemon blueberry oatmeal sounds yummy!

    Speaking of weight gain, when you all start noticing the baby bump? I noticed that the little belly pouch I was never able to get rid of before getting pregnant is now impossible to suck in, making me look like I have a little baby bump all the time (and even worse while bloated). Anyone else experience that this early (on the first pregnancy)?


    Ash...I can totally relate!! I will be 12 weeks on Wednesday and I have also gained 4.5 pounds. And little belly is very noticable already! I'm already in maternity pants! Although, they say it's common to start showing this early in your second pregnancy, so I'm not too surprised! We'll have to keep in touch since we are about the same amount along! So, are you due April 10th? I'm due the 11th, but will probably be having another c-section a week before that.
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Hi, everyone! I've been more or less MIA for a week or 2, I've been working on my dissertation proposal, which I will be defending this Friday. It's been pretty stressful work-wise but if the defense goes well, life should be a little more relaxed for awhile. The worst part was that between fatigue and work crisis, I haven't been getting to the gym. However, today I went back and met a friend for a treadmill date, and I hope to get in some Zumba tonight, so let's hope I'm back in the saddle!

    My next doctor visit is on October 6th, I don't know if I'll get an ultrasound this time but I hope at least the Doppler. I want to hear that little heartbeat again!

    My goals are pretty general - get back in the workout habit, at least 3 times this week; start drinking my fruit smoothies again (they've made me want to gag so I've been avoiding them, but I want to try again); get to sleep earlier to rest for the baby.

    Glad to see you ladies have still been posting lots while I've been off the grid, keep up the great work and good luck on all your goals!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Thanks Ash, Misti & Heather - you guys made me feel SO much better! I am definitely not going to restrict or try to diet or anything but I am going to cut out the treats, I've been letting it slide and having way too much sweets and fast food :frown: mostly because I wasn't planning ahead and have to eat out almost everyday during the week while at work. I'm just going to focus on making my meals at home in bulk so I can always have something to bring to work and not have to go out for lunch and then have whatever I am craving that day! lol - I have been feeling anxious because I'm scared I'm going to have a huge baby because my belly popped so early and it is pretty big for 18.5 weeks. My belly is hard and completely round and sits a bit high...people keep asking me if I'm having twins :embarassed: so embarrassing. My boss even said to me that I should really reconsider the epidural situation because it looks like I'm having a big baby (who says THAT??? Seriously?)

    Heather, it is so funny that you are craving soda - I am TOTALLY on that train, root beer and anything grapefruit related in the soda department and I'm ON's SO weird. I really need to cut back on those myself! So bad!

    I just finished a really good lunch of brown rice, slow cooker black beans, salsa, avocado with a little cheese all mixed together with some taco was really good & so filling! YUM, feels good to not have gone out for lunch today!

    I'm really looking forward to my workout tonight at 5:00...only 4 more hours to go :wink: