Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi to all my fit, fabulous and pregnant/mama friends!

    I love seeing everyone's great goals for the week. I can only speak from my personal experience, but I think eating healthy and generally clean, as well as working out throughout my pregnancy has made a HUGE impact on my ability to drop the weight. As of this morning (19 days past delivery) I am at my pre-pregnancy weight. I only officially weigh-in on Fridays so we'll see where the weight is at the end of the week. Granted, I am breastfeeding and eating like an NFL player so I think that also plays into it. I've been doing my approved 30 minutes of easy walking everyday, but may have some challenges this week as my husband went back to work today. I'm still not approved to walk the dogs and they would go insane if I went to walk without them. It's raining and nasty here today, but if it clears up this afternoon my sister will come and help me walk the dogs. Goal - at least five walks this week.

    Amy, glad to hear you are doing so well! Love your post c-section goals! Your doctor doesn't sound as strict as mine - are you allowed to light exercise already?

    Heather, yeah for the great weather, probably a nice change after all the heat you had this year. My advice on the thank yous is to get going. The gifts continue to come even after Charlee arrives so staying on top of it makes a big difference! As usual, inspired by your workouts - keep up the great work!

    Ashley, happy early birthday! Great goals once again from you. You are doing amazing with your pregnancy. Glad to hear you are sleeping so well.

    Midnight, Oh my, I love Homer. Beautiful place and sounds like you had a nice weekend. Thinking good thoughts for you and the placental bleeding.

    Ash, good luck with the doctor tomorrow. It has to be such a relief to have found someone. Good luck with your goals - you can do this!! I looked chunky through the early 20's, it was around week 26 before my bump was really obvious. Remember we all have different body types and carry differently.

    Babeed, good roadtrip, sounds like a great time! Neena will probably do better once the baby arrives, you will be surprised and amazed at how well they adapt too. I think you asked a while back about how the dogs reacted to crying. My girls bolted out of the room the first time Ellie let out a loud cry, but that was it. Now they just seem very concerned when she cries. While I was pregnant we pointed out every crying baby to the dogs and I even have a tape (yes, a tape!) that has baby noises and crying on it that we played for them occasionally.

    H_82, love your new picture!

    Kristin, Ahhh...jealous of your workout goals, they are excellent!

    Rayna, congratulations on winning the birth class! As for your goals and outlook, they look great! We all gain so differently, I gained the majority of my weight second trimester and really leveled off once in the third. With you heading back to the clean eating and with your continued workouts, I have a feeling your weight gain will stay in the healthy 25-35 pound range. Many of us here have such a hard time with the numbers and we get kind of stuck on a particular one. Remember you have that wonderful life growing in you and the weight gain is totally worth it!

    Brenda, I have a sweet tooth too! No candy corn allowed to enter my will not survive! My cravings for candy is much less and I think it's because I am breastfeeding and only want to be filling my body with the best foods for Ellie. Guess it's a good motivator. As for your congestion, I had lots of it off and on, it is a very normal side effect of pregnancy.

    Misti, all your weeks sound so busy to me! Happy to hear your husband will make it for the ultrasound and your son is going to be so amazed! Can't wait to hear the news.

    Kim, your in-laws sound amazing! You've had lots on your plate and now it's a new week to start over on your goals. You can do this! Enjoy your doctors appointment, I know getting the confirmation from the doctor helped to make the whole pregnancy more real for me.

    Best wishes to everyone for a great week ahead!


    oh, forgot to mention for those of you buying maternity clothes and planning to breastfeed - stock up on the nursing tops as you will need them!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    I love seeing everyone's great goals for the week. I can only speak from my personal experience, but I think eating healthy and generally clean, as well as working out throughout my pregnancy has made a HUGE impact on my ability to drop the weight. As of this morning (19 days past delivery) I am at my pre-pregnancy weight. I only officially weigh-in on Fridays so we'll see where the weight is at the end of the week. Granted, I am breastfeeding and eating like an NFL player so I think that also plays into it. I've been doing my approved 30 minutes of easy walking everyday, but may have some challenges this week as my husband went back to work today. I'm still not approved to walk the dogs and they would go insane if I went to walk without them. It's raining and nasty here today, but if it clears up this afternoon my sister will come and help me walk the dogs. Goal - at lease five walks this week.

    Holly!! Wow...19 days past delivery and you are at your pre-pregnancy weight! Amazing! That is so inspiring and makes me less nervous about how the HECK I'm going to get all this weight off after the baby ;) I too am planning on breast feeding - hopefully I have as much luck as you! Way to go! Must feel great!
  • taldie01
    Hello ladies and hello maternity pants! Yup 9 weeks and rocking maternity clothes, ahhh I can breath. Looking around 5lbs aready :noway: I am having a heck of a time trying to eat healthy all the time, I do find myself craving healthy food so thats a good sign right? I managed a 4kms run yesterday with alot of walk breaks, seems like Im huffing alot anfd my heart rate is getting up there way too fast. Start my swim class tomorrow!

    Goals get in two more run this week
    Swim on tues
    Wieghts 2x
    walk 30 mins on lunch break
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Smilegirl- wow that is amazing already at pre pregnancy weight. Love it and I admire that.

    I did my very first 5k yesterday. I'm so oroud if myself. I completed it in 46 min at 11 wks pregnant. I jogged it in the beginning and ending and brisk walked in between. Had some incline which I was quite huffing. But it was sure an accomplishment. Plan to do another nxt month.

    Question - I read some of the ladies have not done the first trimester screen/ sequential screen? May I ask why. Just want Ur opinion as I'm having 2nd thoughts....and its this Friday. Thanks in advance
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning chicks! I got in a great run/walk last night. The weather was crisp and perfect. I did longer running intervals on flat areas - typically around 10 minutes and found the pressure in my lower belly I had last week was pretty much gone. I also ate some grapes so check on those goals for the day! I am taking today off since its my birthday.

    Svgarcia - I opted not to do the testing b/c my dr. explained that it is not a yes or no result rather a range of how likely your baby is to have downs, spina bifita and/or the other one they for I can't remember the name of. So if I got a 6, would I opt for an amnio or just worry for the rest of the pregnancy? Plus if anything was wrong I knew I wouldn't terminate the pregnancy anyways. I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason so just also put my trust in that. Just my opinion.

    Better get to work and get the boring part of my birthday out of the way. We'll have dinner out tonight; I need to figure out where I want to go. I'm thinking Cuban maybe. Have a great day ladies!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Got in a strength/cardio workout last night. Tried out a new HR monitor (I got it for my birthday). I love it except I have to wear the chest strap pretty tight to keep a connection on my skin...hoping I get used to it because I really like the watch! It's a New Balance N4. I did have a Polar and loved it but the battery died and the face got all scratched, and now they don't make that one anymore. Oh well.

    Well...have a great day! And Better Balance...Happy Birthday!!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Happy Birthday Better_Balance!! I hope you have a super day! :)

    Well, I had a nice, long reply written out on the previous forum and hit Reply only to be told it was locked. DAMMIT! lol So, I'll try to recap a little. Here goes:
    Eric and I went to the mall and Babies R' Us on Saturday. I got two pair of jeans from Motherhood, one with a small band and one with a full band. I hate how terrible they make your booty look!! lol They have some REALLY cute jeans, but I'm not spending $70 on a pair of maternity jeans. I'll stick to the $30ish pairs. lol They were buy one, get one 1/2 off so that helped too. We bought our car seat/stroller travel system at Babies R' Us. We had a 15% off coupon and a $10 gift card so we couldn't pass it up. Eric put it together on Sunday and put the pups in it and pushed them around the living room. It was adorable. Haha! Yesterday he actually had Pia, our Chihuahua, strapped in the stroller and pushed her around outside. She loved it! haha!!

    I completed my goals of working out 4 days and eating healthy last week (yay!!) and I plan on keeping the same goals for this week. Eric and I went to the gym yesterday and I was able to run for longer intervals and that felt great. We had baked tilapia, steamed squash, rice, and a salad for dinner. Today is yoga and I'm excited for it! We'll probably have chicken, rice or quinoa, and steamed veggies for dinner.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Ashley Happy Birthday (again)!!! :) I hope you have an awesome day! And of course you should splurge on your is of course your day :) Great job on the workout last night!

    svgarcia I ended up going ahead and doing the Triple Screen blood test even though I totally agree with Ashley on the reasons not to. I would have probably stressed and I would not have terminated the pregnancy no matter what....but my doctor did say that women who have a higher score for the possibility of carrying a baby with a genetic disorder, even if it is a false positive, tend to have other issues including preterm labor and they like to watch them more closely regardless. So I went ahead and had the blood test. I did question my choice while I was waiting for the results, but they ended up coming out just fine. I think it is a choice that only you can make. And if you have more questions about it don't hesitate to talk to your Doctor about it.

    taldie great job on the workout :)

    Holly I'm so glad things are going well for you and Ellie! I did end up doing most of my "Thank You" cards. I try to be on top of things, especially when it comes to letting people know how grateful I am for all they do for me. I am truly blessed to have such amazing people in my life. I really hope I am like you and shed the weight. My close friend that I always talk about on here that I workout with who just had her baby 4 months ago is struggling with the last 10/15lbs. She did workout until the day before she gave birth but her diet wasn't and isn't that clean. She is more of a "processed food = low calories" kinda eater. I am more of a clean diet and eat until I'm full kinda eater so we shall see... What is your plan for when you can begin working out again? I have another 4-8 weeks until Charlee makes her would you and Amy wanna hang out around here until then or do we wanna start the Post-Pregnancy thread now?

    Today is going to be a very busy day! I am working out this morning then I have my 34 week appointment (which I can't believe I only have one more appt in 2 weeks and then I go to weekly appts!!!) and then I have to drive an hour to the city cause we ran out of dog food and of course we can only get it at specialty pet shops...I am going to go ahead and return some items while I'm in the city so it won't be a total bust.

    I hope all of you ladies have an awesome day! Stay healthy! :)
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    OMG, cannot believe we are "overboard" :-D It's awesome to see so many posts, except I'm having hard time to keep it up with you all. So, I'm just checking in for the time being.

    We have family visited for more than a week. I haven't seen my sister for 7 years and my parents for 3. It has been very busy and all my regular routines broke loose. I only managed to have a few walks.

    Time to get back to healthier eating (ok, my family cook with so many oil and I've been having hard time with it...), and workout. This weeks (raining all week I think) I'm planning to alter 2 of my prenatal DVDs, and try a couple of walks if it stopped raining outside during lunch hour.

    I have an ultrasound this Friday to find out the sex of the baby. Keep up with the good work ladies.

  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Ashley-Happy Birthday!

    Atomdraco-So exciting, any hopes for boy or girl?

    heather- Yay! You're getting close, good job working out too.

    kristy- Awesome completing your goals.

    Kristin- That is great I think the HRM is the greatest tool, except i have a cheap one. lol

    SVGarcia- I think it's it's great you were able to do your first 5K, and preggo. Way to Go!

    Last night we did a 20 min walk & then I put in Lindsay Brins prenatal cardio & tone DVD and worked out for another 20 mins.
    I will slowly decrease my candy intake. I hope!! I plan on continuing walking and doing more workouts from the DVD. I brought a healthy lunch today: Whole wheat couscous, steamed veggies & half a sauteed chicken breast. :noway:

    Thanks ladies for helping us stay in check for our babies!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I found a place in the DC area that has a $40 special on Monday's for gender determination 2D ultrasounds. They do them as early as 16 weeks. I'll be 16 weeks on October 7th . Eric and I both have Monday the 10th off for Columbus Day and I REALLY want to schedule an appointment! :) We're going to South Carolina to see family October 14th so it'd be awesome if we knew the gender when we went! :)
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Than u lunarokra.

    Betterbalance & heather- thank u for sharing your opinion. I too don't wanna be worrying. I have until Thursday to really make up my mind.

    Kristy- $40 for the ultrasound! Wow that's a goodt deal.

    I need to start eating better. I've just been eating whatever I can hold down. My taste buds are so off. Coffee doesn't even taste good. I even throw up after eating a banana. So weird!!!
    Went to my very first prenatal enrollment appt yesterday and finally met my OB. Im not sure I like him. I felt rushed being that I was his 2nd to the last patient. I've always seen his nurse practitioner. Im thinking I wanna try the other Dr in the same office on my nxt visit. My regular OB retired (boohoo).
    However I did not gain since Aug 25, my last visit. In fact I lost 8 oz. I have bought the lindsay brin prenatal dvd on sat. I have yet to try it.

    Eat more fruits and veggies
    Strength 2 days, cardio 2 days at least 30 min.

    Happy Tuesday everyone.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Atomdraco-So exciting, any hopes for boy or girl?

    Ha, I do but I'm grateful just to have a healthy happy baby right now (due to a miscarriage and being a bit older age having a baby). We have girl's name picked (from the first pregnancy). So if we are having a girl, we got names, otherwise, we'll have to try to find a boy's name.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I'm not sure if I want to do the 16 week ultrasound or not. I'm worried about getting a false determination that early. Should we just wait for the 20 week? It IS only $40 though and we'd get to see the baby, which is still awesome. Ugh, decisions decisions. lol
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Kristy if you want to do it "for fun" I'd say go for it! I've had friends that had an early u/s at 16-18wks and it was clear as day what the baby was (he was a boy so his "parts" were hard to miss! lol). I just wouldn't go out and buy anything until you have the 20wk u/s to determine if it was correct. I say go for it...$40 is worth the fun of it in my opinion! :)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Happy Birthday Ashley - Cuban for dinner sounds awesome! hope you have an amazing day!

    Heather - wow 34 week appointment! You're getting so close now! So exciting!!

    Atomdraco - can't wait to hear about your u/s :)

    Today is so busy at work! 2 of lemon blueberry oatmeal and a green smoothie for breakfast, so YUMMY :wink: haven't eaten out yet so I'm pretty happy about that! I have all my snacks for the day and my lunch (brown rice, beans, avocado, salsa, cheese mixed) so I am set for the day!
    Hoping to get a workout in tonight, not sure what I'm going to do yet? Might take my dog for a walk? Or maybe do some spin bike and walk my dog if I'm feeling ambitious :)

    1 more sleep and it's ultrasound day tomorrow! I am so excited I can't stand it!! (I'm not so excited for the full bladder part but it'll be worth it! lol) our appointment is at 12:45 and my mom is coming with us lol - I can't believe I may be able to find out if we're having a boy or a girl tomorrow! Keep your fingers crossed for us that the baby isn't shy!!
  • BelgianLady
    Heather good luck and keep us posted on the results, not very long now until D day!

    Rayna let us know the result tomorrow,its so exciting - we found out at 18W as well, could have been earlier but both babies were a bit shy

    Next week I'm having my 32 weeks appointment, and pregnancy leave officially starts at the end of week 32, so that's exciting.

    I have done a few maternity / delivery preparation classes, and will do the one on c section as the doctor says we definetely need one as one of the babies is transverse. I always hoped and trained LOL for natural birth but it is better for the twins health. Not too sure about the recovery though?

    I m getting huge but you ladies are an inspiration and I try to stay active every day even if just for 30 mins yoga on bad days. Cardio and abs + butt tightening exercises on good ones :=)

    Keep up the good work ladies
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Better balance - ♪♫♪ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♪♫♪

    Kristenbee- gotta love the HR monitor...I have the polar one and I use it every chance I get!! So congrats on getting that for your bday! What an awesome gift

    Kristy- So how do you like your materinty jeans? I bought a pair of the low band but haven't had a chance to try them on yet. Waiting for it to get a little cooler...and Kudos to you guys for getting on the ball with the carseat/Stroller!! I also say for $40 go ahead and live it up a little and get the 2d U/S. But like Heather said just keep it low until you get your real one...

    Heather - can't believe that your already at your 34 week apt, how time flies!! Be sure to keep us updated!!

    Atomdraco- I love when family visits so I'm sure you loved it as well, especially now. Be sure to try to get a break every now and then, I know sometimes it's easy for us to keep going even though our bodies gave out a while back.

    Luna- I'm so proud of you for sticking to your goals!! KUDDOS!! it's so hard to stick to them especially when your not really feeling them.

    Svgarcia- I also did the triple blood test. My age doesn't help and since this baby has been a LONG time coming my doctor and I are being over precautious. He did tell me that it was not 100% but we chose to do them anyways. They came back negative and all is well.

    PS. if your not feeling your doctor, then I would say by all means change now before you start getting into a routine. they are going to be your best bud for the next 9 months so you have to make sure to have a connection with them.

    Rayna, good job on the oatmeal and the shakes!! Keep up the good work and way to organize yourself!! Step #1!

    As for me, busy busy day ahead and I will only be working half day tomorrow. I have my doctors apt in the early afternoon and I'll be "drinking the drink"...I'm a bit concerned about my sugar numbers being this high this early in the pregnancy.

    :smooched: Happy "APPRECIATE YOUR HUBBY" Tuesday!! :smooched:
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Great goals, Ladies! Looking forward to more baby news soon... It's going to start happening in big waves with this growing thread. I love it!

    Heather - I can hang on until you're ready for a post-baby thread. I love this board!

    Holly - Like you I've been doing some light walking (usually not pushing the double-stroller) daily. Doc said it was good for recovery. Nothing hills...slow going... But hopefully only for four more weeks! Feels good to just get outside and breathe.

    Heading out the door shortly for Annie's two week appointment. Seems our little girl may have blocked tear ducts (something her brother had, too). Hopefully they 'unblock' soon. I remember Colby had goopy eyes for many, many months. Hard for a Mama to see, but it doesn't hurt baby. As I said to my husband, if that's the worst our otherwise healthy kids get, I'm a happy Mom.

    Hanging onto the 'last ten pounds' but I'm sure it won't hang on much longer. As Holly said too, my appetite is huge and I'm doing a pretty good job of putting the right foods into my body for baby and I.

    Although some weight is still with me my stomach is relatively flat! I'm impressed at the rate in which it has gone down:


    Look forward to checking in again soon!

    ~ Amy
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    babeed...which Polar do you have? I'm seriously thinking about returning the one I got and getting a Polar Ft40F. Haven't decided yet though.