Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    18 weeks today :o) 6 days to go until my ultrasound and only 2 more weeks until the halfway point! I can't believe how fast time is flying! :bigsmile:

    So my hubby and I had kind of a rough night last night...we fought a little bit about names, he doesn't like Gemma - and says he doesn't want that to be the name :frown: so it's back to the drawing board with Girls names, I'm really sad because I love it so much...this compromising thing can be SO hard! lol I feel like we have such opposite tastes when it comes to names I think it will be a miracle if we can agree!
    Then we're also having some issues with our precious little fur baby Sophie. Some background, she is an Italian Greyhound (weighs only 10lbs soaking wet ;)) She is 2 and a half and such a darling, she is seriously like our baby and we love her so much.
    She is especially attached to me. She has the best temperament you could hope for and is fairly timid around strangers, doesn't bark much except when playing fetch with my hubby ;) and she's a BIG cuddler, sometimes I think she's more cat than dog! lol ANyway....trying to keep this short...we made the mistake of letting this little cuddle bug sleep with us in our bed long ago and now she's a permanent fixture in our bed! Recently, she's been drinking way more water and having to go out more and with me going to bed earlier (usually latest 8:30) she doesn't go out as late as usual so she's waking me up throughout the night more than I'd like! Also, we have put a dog bed on my husbands side to try to get her to sleep there and she keeps peeing on that bed!
    Anyways long story short - I made a vet appointment for Monday just to check if her increase in water intake and needing to go pee is something to be concerned about. But my question is does anyone else have a pet that they are trying to get out of the bed before the baby comes?
    I'm not concerned that Sophie will hurt the baby - far from it, I'm just concerned about having her in the bed and loose in the room when the baby is in there because she gets so excited about babies and she jumps, I don't know if she would do that at night? And also I don't want her in the bed with me when I'm breast feeding at night.
    Any suggestions? I don't necessarily want to crate her at night because she's in her crate during the day (my husband comes home everyday at lunch and lets her out for an hour)...anyway sorry for rambling on but just wondering if anyone else is facing similar issues and what your strategies are! lol

    I guess too it might not be the worst thing in the world to just test her out when the baby comes and see if there is even an issue??

  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi all,

    I only did the 1st trimester screening because I wanted the u/s. I have opted out of most of the other tests. I had to take my glucose test today. It was not too bad. You drink a liter of what tastes like flat orange soda. Reminds me of field day back in elementary school. Hannah normally is pretty quite in the morning but after drinking that she got all crazy, kicking and rolling around. You have to have your blood taken after 1 hour of drinking the stuff. For once I did not faint or feel like fainting, wohoo. The doctor said Hannah is facing head down right now but still has enough room to still roll over more. I guess at 36 weeks they start to want to see the baby with it's head down ready for labor because they have less room to roll around... I now have to go to the doctors every 2 weeks. Time is flying. My doctor says she is ok with waiting until 41 weeks but does not like to go much more than that. At least she is not a 40 week doctor although we will see.

    Hope you all have an awesome day. I have lots of work to do today so I better go:0)

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hi all,

    I only did the 1st trimester screening because I wanted the u/s. I have opted out of most of the other tests. I had to take my glucose test today. It was not too bad. You drink a liter of what tastes like flat orange soda. Reminds me of field day back in elementary school. Hannah normally is pretty quite in the morning but after drinking that she got all crazy, kicking and rolling around. You have to have your blood taken after 1 hour of drinking the stuff. For once I did not faint or feel like fainting, wohoo. The doctor said Hannah is facing head down right now but still has enough room to still roll over more. I guess at 36 weeks they start to want to see the baby with it's head down ready for labor because they have less room to roll around... I now have to go to the doctors every 2 weeks. Time is flying. My doctor says she is ok with waiting until 41 weeks but does not like to go much more than that. At least she is not a 40 week doctor although we will see.

    Hope you all have an awesome day. I have lots of work to do today so I better go:0)


    I hope you get your results back quick and that everything is ok. I'm currently at 15 weeks and will also be taking this exam next Wed...
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Then we're also having some issues with our precious little fur baby Sophie. Some background, she is an Italian Greyhound (weighs only 10lbs soaking wet ;)) She is 2 and a half and such a darling, she is seriously like our baby and we love her so much.
    She is especially attached to me. She has the best temperament you could hope for and is fairly timid around strangers, doesn't bark much except when playing fetch with my hubby ;) and she's a BIG cuddler, sometimes I think she's more cat than dog! lol ANyway....trying to keep this short...we made the mistake of letting this little cuddle bug sleep with us in our bed long ago and now she's a permanent fixture in our bed! Recently, she's been drinking way more water and having to go out more and with me going to bed earlier (usually latest 8:30) she doesn't go out as late as usual so she's waking me up throughout the night more than I'd like! Also, we have put a dog bed on my husbands side to try to get her to sleep there and she keeps peeing on that bed!
    Anyways long story short - I made a vet appointment for Monday just to check if her increase in water intake and needing to go pee is something to be concerned about. But my question is does anyone else have a pet that they are trying to get out of the bed before the baby comes?
    I'm not concerned that Sophie will hurt the baby - far from it, I'm just concerned about having her in the bed and loose in the room when the baby is in there because she gets so excited about babies and she jumps, I don't know if she would do that at night? And also I don't want her in the bed with me when I'm breast feeding at night.
    Any suggestions? I don't necessarily want to crate her at night because she's in her crate during the day (my husband comes home everyday at lunch and lets her out for an hour)...anyway sorry for rambling on but just wondering if anyone else is facing similar issues and what your strategies are! lol

    I guess too it might not be the worst thing in the world to just test her out when the baby comes and see if there is even an issue??

    We have a 60 lbs dog named Neena that we love to death as well. Although she doesn' t sleep with us, there are a few things that hubby and I knew we would have to "fix" asap before this baby gets here. I googled it and found a quite a few articles online about house breaking a dog for a baby. So we have changed we do a few things (feeding in the morning, potty breaks, how we walk (since I'm waddling) and petting standards) I also went to my local CCA (goodwill) and bought an old doll. I carry it around the house and am teaching her the word "baby" at first it was all play and heavy petting from Neena. When you have a 60 lbs dog her form of petting isn't exactly gentle. We have come a long way!! She is learning her new routines, and catching on to a change coming. She's also become a bit more "needy" since I've introduced the doll which is fine. We have time now to giver her what she needs so she doesn't feel left out.

    Hope things go well with the Vet and you might as about the introduction of a baby to the family. Go

    Ps. Don't fret on names to much there are TONS of them out there!! :wink:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    As far as names go, my husband and I have always like Aiden Jon for a boy as far as a girl we are not for sure yet. We like Jordyn(not decided on spelling yet), Reagan, and Haiden(also not decided on spelling)...I think we might be leaning towards Reagan. We still have quite a while, so I'm sure we'll come up with some more!

    ANYways...have a great day ladies!! I'll check back again soon!

    My name is Jordin, so I vote for that one :)

    I actually almost typed it in spelled Jordin...we like it that way also!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    babeed854 - glad you had a good appointment for the most part. My sugar was a little high at my last appt. but it was probably from eating lunch right before I went, we'll see what happens in a couple weeks. Diabetes runs REALLY high in my family so hopefully it won't be GD. Never had that the first time, so hoping I won't this time either. I don't eat a lot of sugar, the most sugar I get comes from things I drink, iced coffee once in a while, and oj. Good Luck with your appt next week!!!

    Kristinbee - Reagan, and Jordyn are both super cute names!!!!

    Rayna - Good luck w/ your dog. I'm a little nervous for my dog, Newfie/Rot 90lbs and 1 year old. She's a little hyper and crazy at times, which makes me nervous for her to be around a baby. She loves kids but is not very gentle. She will be almost 2 when baby comes, so maybe she will settle down. She is an outside dog and is only allowed in once in a while, and sleeps in the house in the cold winter months, so we'll see how she does. I'm nervous though.

    Ashley - 11lbs is so good at your stage of pregnancy. I was at 8 but I can tell I've gained a few, haven't weighed myself, but my belly has gotten bigger in just the last four days, so we'll see. I keep telling myself I'm over the weight gain thing too, but in my head it's irritating me. I know it's a good cause, but I worked so hard Jan 2011 - April 2011 losing 25lbs and now here it comes.............

    I am SO EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!!!! Way too much this week and it has caught up with me. Hoping to have a quiet relaxing weekend. 12 days til' my u/s!! Can't wait. I want a girl really bad, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much. Either way as long as my baby is healthy, then I'm happy!!!!! I felt baby movement on the outside last night, YAY!!!!! I was just about to fall asleep watching TV and the baby was moving like crazy, but I felt it with my hand twice!!!

    Funny conversation between me and my son:

    Isaac - Mom, does our baby eat food? Me - yes, I ate that salad so our baby ate salad. I said it eats what I eat and just takes what it needs from me. He looked at me for a minute totally serious and said, well you better start eating baby food then. LOL!!!!! He's trying so so hard to understand all of this and is SO interested in how it all works. He's so cute!!!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member

    Your Sophie sounds a lot like one of my furbabies! We have an almost five year old Whippet. Personality wise it sounds like she and Sophie are twins. I think due to their low body fat and next to no coat, they just like to snuggle to stay warm. Our little one loves to get under the blankets so she has lots of blankets scattered about the house. We were very weak parents with both our dogs (our first fur baby is a 10 year old Labrador)! They have one couch they are allowed on and they can be on our bed when we are awake, but they have their own bed (with tons of warm blankets!) that they sleep in when we turn off the lights. I too find that when I get up in the night, sometimes it seems to wake her as well and she wants to go outside - occasionally, she just comes and wakes me because she needs to go out. I don't have a good solution for that - I just am happy that she comes and gets me and doesn't have an accident in the house. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I started to subtly change the way I interacted with the dogs. I didn't let them snuggle into me as much, but still let them lay next to me and gave them lots of love. I also used the word bambina or baby very frequently and especially anytime we heard a baby cry we pointed it out to them. Any time we did anything in the nursery we talked about the coming bambina. I love Babeed's idea of using a doll, what a fabulous idea!!

    When we brought Ellie home, my girls were so excited to see me and didn't understand why they could have their crazy mom's home race around and jump to see me (I was having to be extra careful with the c-section). They also seemed very confused as to why I wasn't the one walking them everyday. We let them both have a good sniff of Ellie and they were definitely very curious and our Lab just wanted to lick and clean her. Now our Lab is almost indifferent, which surprises me a little, but still wants to lick her any chance she can get. Our Whippet has become the 'Ellie patrol', she feels like it's her job to be there and watch everything going on with Ellie and she whines and cries if we put Ellie in the carseat to take her somewhere! It's too cute!! Anyway, two weeks in they are both doing quite well with the whole ordeal and seem to be adjusting to their new roles.

    Maybe find some good snuggly blankets (if you don't already have some) that you can put on Sophie's bed. Lay down with her in her bed and let her get cozied in. Praise her for being good in "her bed". We tell our girls its time to go night-night and give them a small cookie when we send them to their own bed. Oh, and my girls also seem to like being elevated vs. bed flat on the floor. You can find some pretty inexpensive frames that you can set her bed on. Not sure if any of this helps! Good luck!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Wow, I fell SO far behind!

    Glad to see many of you are doing well. Sorry, for those who are having some rough times/bad news. Wish I could take the time to respond to everyone, but I'm afraid I would be able to get anything done at work if I do.

    I'm doing well, just waiting (not so patiently) for my first appointment next Wednesday. I just think it will feel more real once I see my doc. (Silly I know) Lately, I have had an extremely hard time finding the motivation to get moving. I was doing pretty well, but my bad weekend really shot my good emotions down. So needless to say my goals have most definitely NOT been met this week, but Zumba is tonight and I am making myself go weather I want to or not! I have been quite crabby lately and I think it’s the lack of movement getting to me, so let’s hope Zumba will put me in a better mood.

    Tonight Hubs and I are going to be working on the rental too. I have the BEST in-laws in the world, because they took Tuesday off of work and came down (2 hour drive) and helped my Hub clean out the house of all the left items and all the dog feces (you couldn’t walk anywhere in the house without stepping in some). My MIL wouldn’t let me even step foot into the house with the way the renters left it. So, I’m so happy that it is now in a state where I can actually go in and start helping. Tonight will consist of washing walls, washing kitchen cabinets, and ripping out doorframes to be replaced. This all has to be done before the weekend. Then the rest of the family will be down again to help fix the pluming, replace the doors, and start the massive painting throughout. And that’s just to get it ready to show. Ugh, the joys of being a landlord.

    Names~ DH and I have had Caleb pickd for a boy for years! So that’s what we are calling the baby now. I hope we aren’t jinxing anything. For a girl I always wanted Zoe Mackenzie, but not too crazy about it now… So I started tossing around the idea of using my mother’s middle name Cecelia (CC for short) and Grace for the middle. I think it is very pretty and I would love to surprise my mom and not tell her until the hospital!

    Furbaby~ My 60lb Shelby sleeps with us every night. She starts in her bed, but around 2-3:00am she gets up with us. She usually sleeps on DH’s side and doesn’t even come near me until it is time for me to get up, just because she wants my side of the bed when I leave. Can you say SPOILED? LOL I’m really not that worried about her. Rayna, I think your thought to just wait and see if there is an issue is what I would do. Crating her is an option, but I understand your reserve to do that. We tried to crate-train Shelby but she didn’t want to have anything to do with that!

    TTFN Gotta get some work done! LOL Maybe…
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Smilegirl - thank you so much! That really helps too just as babeed's advice!
    Sophie and your little whippet do sound like twins! Sophie is SUCH a cuddler and is very attached to me. We have blankets all over the house for her ;) we even tuck her in at night on her own bed. Sophie is usually SO good about telling us when she has to go, during the day/evening she will go to the door and bark to tell us she has to go. (amazing, not sure where she learned that!) But now when we go to bed and try to put her in her bed she has peed on it a few strange? I'm sure too that my getting up numerous times in the night to pee myself hasn't helped her sleep through the night lol - because she's basically spooning with me in bed so she knows as soon as I get up.
    I am going to buy a baby doll at lunch! That is SUCH a good idea, I also found some really good articles online:

    I am feeling so much better about this whole situation now and feel like I have some really good things to try! Thank you ladies so much for your advice!!
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Rayna: I think she'll be fine. My suggestion is that you incorporate her bed into her routine, so that she doesn't see it as a pee-pad. I think what I would do given that you crate during the day, is place the clean bed in her crate for a couple of weeks so that she understands it is an item for sleeping. Dogs do not like to eat or relieve themselves where they sleep. Then you can try having her use it outside of the crate environment. And what I've learned with my two pups is that consistency is the only way to go. If you really want her off the bed, you have to physically make her get down and go to her bed EVERY time. If you (or your husband) falter, she won't understand the new rule. The other things I would say to try, after determining there are no health issues, is to take her water away several hours before bed. If that doesn't work, maybe crate for a couple of weeks at night to get her to understand that she needs to hold it during the night, and then see how she does outside of the crate.

    babeed: Thanks for the doll suggestion. Definitely going to get myself one because I am a little anxious about my Abby. I have two pups-Mia is a puggle (pug/beagle), very friendly with everyone, and she's fairly small. She is a yapper, but nothing that cannot be subdued. Though I am always on alert, she is amazing with kids. Abby is a pitbull mix. We got her from the animal shelter, and based on her appearance we believe she is pit/dalmatian. She is an amazing dog. She is extremely submissive (Mia is the boss) with all dogs, and loves adults, but she gets nervous around kids. I'm not sure if its because she feeds off of the children's nervous energy, or if its their size (as tall as her) that makes her nervous. But she takes a lot of warming up whenever there are kids around. She has never (knock on wood) been aggressive towards anyone including kids, but she is obviously much more insecure when around little ones. My husband and I do believe she went through some form of abuse as a puppy before being brought to the shelter. She doesn't jump on people, we were adamant about teaching her big dog rules as a puppy. She doesn't stand at the counter or table. But I really need to work on getting her used to small people (Baby). The doll is going to be the introduction!

    I didn't work out again yesterday! Really disappointed with myself, but I couldn't get over my back pain. I ended up laying with a hot pad (and falling asleep on it) all night. But I did wake feeling much better this morning. Its a new day, and I'm going to get a nice walk in. The air is fall-crisp, and I'm really loving it. I think I'm going to shoot for that yoga again, hopefully to keep the back pain from getting as severe as it did last night.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Glad you ladies liked the doll idea....Its definitely been a working progress in our family. Both hubby and I have been working very hard on it and we can officially say that Neena is a lot more comfortable and recognizes a lot more of the commands than before. So remember to give lots of praise (we don't do treats) and have been rewarding her with extra long walks.

    Rayna, something to consider. Some dogs "pee" when they are nervous or change is in the air. That is the first sign for my Neena. But definitely ask your vet. I would also ask your vet about keeping the bed. As Rosanna said once a dog pee's they are seldomly ever return to that spot/place/thing.

    Smilegirl, glad to hear that everything went well on your journey home and as time passes I'm sure your furbabies will become use to the new routine.

    Question: how have your doggies responded to the crying?? that's the one thing that I'm not sure how to show Neena or teach her about crying??

    Goal: Hubby is buying me a belly band so hopefully this pain will subside and the band will help. We should be able to get a good walk in. My polar is ready!!
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Short note to let you know Ellie Olivia arrived at 1813 on 7 Sept. She weighed 8 pounds 13 ounces and measured 21.5 inches. I am in love!! We had a rough go during labor and after three de-cells (pretty sure that's not correct spelling) my doctor felt it was in Ellie's best interest to be delivered via c-section, Happy to report she is healthy and doing great, beautiful too! I am feeling a bit battered, but doing well too.

    Also did a final weigh in before heading to the hospital - total gain 28 pounds. Didn't have the energy to read all the posts, but I am definitely breastfeeding.

    More after I get home in another day or two.

  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    How many of you had the gentic testing done for down syndrome?? Also if this is your 2nd baby... how fast did you start to show?

    Weekly goals:
    Excersise Thur, Fri, Sat, and Sun.

    I didn't get the genetic testing. Only becasue I was told the test only gives you a percentage of how likely you are to have whatever it is they're looking for. If you're a higher percentage then they'd schedule the actual procedure to test.
    This is my 2nd pregnancy and my first I started to show physical symtons right away. I looked like I gained weight all over not neccesarily preggos. That was 12 years ago. :D With this pregnancy, I just started to show and I just hit 5 months yesterday. Hope that helps.
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Just found this thread and love it!! I'm 5 months pregnant as of yesterday!! yay!! I've ran 1 half marathon pregnant already and will be doing Women's Nike in San Fran in a few weeks!!! EXCITED! I won't be running that one for sure. I'm starting to show and I get uncomfortable. So I'll be walking this one. :)
    I did do my bootcamp class Monday and Wednesday of this week and it was GREAT!! Had me sweating in the warm up! :D
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Welcome emrogers! Congrats on having a healthy pregnancy and getting in your workouts! Way to go on the half marathon as well!

    Rayna you might want to check and make sure your sweet pup doesn't have a UTI or some kidney issues. A lot of times house broken dogs that start going inside have medical reasons. We have a 70lb German Shepherd and white bedding so she has never been invited into the sanctity of our bed (I had a golden/lab mix and mutt before that pushed me out of the bed literally so I knew not to start that bad habit again! lol) so I can't help ya there. Good thing she is itty bitty!

    I got in an hour of strength training but have just been pretty exhausted today. I feel guilty for not getting in an hour of cardio... I already worked out for an hour today and I'm still hard on myself for not getting in that other hour of cardio. I've had to be kind to myself today and recognize that we are hardest on ourselves. I am a true believer in pushing past the "I don't feel like it"'s but to be hard on yourself isn't fair either. So today I want to remind us all (especially myself) that we should make sure to push past the "lazies" but it is also important to be kind to yourself and not push yourself too hard.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Heather, really good point about pushing past the lazies...I need more of that in my life! But like you said also good not to be too hard on yourself! As for my dog, I have a vet appointment booked for Monday to have her checked out. Better safe than sorry!

    Welcome emrogers! Congratulations on your pregnancy & completing the half marathon! Wow! I did my first half marathon last summer :o) you're amazing for doing that while pregnant! Wow
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Thanks! What's up with the tickers and how can I get mine put up? :( I can't figure it out!!!
    ok, figured it ou!! HA!
  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    hello Ladies!

    This is my 18 week with my first baby and i'm feeling a lot better now, but a the same time i feel so guilty because i don't exercise enough, i do my 30 min walk at lunch time but when i get home i feel so tired ( i know is a excuse) .
    i'm looking for prenatal classes or prenatal yoga around my house but i'm no sure at how many weeks i should star doing it.
    and i'm sad too because i'm no showing yet and i don't feel the baby moving neither :( some times i think that something may no be ok. (thank God my husband always push those thoughts out).
    well sorry for this i think i'm just a little down today but i'm looking forward to my next appointment on Monday and see that my baby is doing good.

    Question: Any of you have problems with Proteinuria or Preeclampsia before?
    my doctor said that i have a high risk to get this at the end of the pregnancy for a condition with my kidneys :(
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I am also with the group of mommas that do not want the testing done. I walked yesterday, and I can tell my muscles miss working out becuase i am sore, and tired after a 20 min walk??? :noway:

    Welcome Elcie!

    Paulandrea: I understand because sometimes I get all these negative thoughts and I remind myself everything is ok. It's worrisome being pregnant and having to make choices for another little person and knowing if they are right or wrong. I think it's part of our mood swings to worry so much. I feel as equally tired so no worries, I think many of us are struggling getting our workout. I get up at 6am to take my oldest to the bus or school and when i get home around 6 I serve dinner, wash dishes take or p-up Jason from soccer and I am drained.

    Rayna: Good luck to your furbaby, we have 2 mixed poodles. Pixie & Phoebe that are part of our family and :heart: the hubby. He spoils them and I keep telling him they'll be jealous around the baby, I am also trying to get him to keep them out of the room. They sleep in their bed in the living room, but come in to our room when he watches TV. They are passive dogs so hopefully everything will be ok.

    Now I am off to wash dishes and see if I can come back & try the prenatal yoga DVD. Got it done, 20 mins of Lindsay Brins P Yoga!

    Night to all the mommies.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Rayna, I’ve got no advice for you on the dog front whatsoever! Bobby and I really aren’t pet people, and even when I had a dog as a kid there was no way he was ever going to sleep with me (I lived in the countryside growing up, so my dog was an outdoor dog and only allowed in one part of the house during really cold nights in the winter). But I wish you the best in that scenario, and keep us updated.

    Kim, so sorry to hear that the renters left your place such a disaster! Did the dog(s) ruin the door frames? Is that why they need to be replaced? By the way I Love the name Cecelia, but it’s partially because I get the Simon & Garfunkel song in my head every time I hear it. Evelyn as a middle name for our girl will be a surprise too, we’d only tell his mom at the hospital. I should mention that my husband was raised by his mother and grandmother, and it was really hard on his mother and the whole family when she passed away 7 years ago, so that’s why we want to use that as a middle name.

    Yesterday I left work early because I thought I was going to be sick all over the place. I’m at 11 weeks, should this nausea be subsiding around now! Well between that and my bruised knee, my workouts have been pretty pathetic. On the good news front my eating has been pretty good this week (except for the cracker and flat ginger ale day yesterday) so maybe I just need to get back into things one thing at a time.
    I had planned to tell the whole family this weekend, but then my cousin decided he’s having his kid baptized on Sunday. So now I can’t very well tell my family during a gathering for someone else, so we decided to tell everyone after our first appointment Tuesday. My mother in law is pretty upset, she will be seeing a bunch of her friends Sunday and really was looking forward to telling them all the she was going to be a grandmother (all her friends are already grandmothers, she’s the only one left). I really don’t want her to tell her friends then have it come back to my family before I tell them though. I should mention that even though Bobby and I live in the city, both our families live in a small town (population 2700). Times like this make me very happy that I moved out of that small town into the city! I hate that everything is everyone’s business in a small town!
