Half Marathon training support group?



  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    Got my official time...2:18:24!
    Thanks for all the congratulations!!
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    Ran my first half yesterday in Corning NY. 2:07:14!!!!
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    Congrats, me too, its an amazing feeling to accomplish something that you worked so hard for. Congratulations again!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Ran my first half yesterday in Corning NY. 2:07:14!!!!

    Thats awesome time!! COngrats!
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    Ran my first half yesterday in Corning NY. 2:07:14!!!!

    Great time! Congratulations!!!
  • mrsmorris13
    I'm in! I just started training for a half that is in January. Carlsbad Half, in San Diego. I've been out of commission for 6 weeks due to surgery and I just got back into the gym and outside runs about a week ago. I would love a group to keep me accountable!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Going for 12 tomorrow! Eep!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Congrats SLB and Funrun on your amazing half marathon finishes!!!

    I Pr'd my half marathon yesterday. I had wanted to come in around 2:20 but made it in 2:23:03 which is 5 minutes less than when I finished a half marathon in the spring. I'm super stoked with my time and the fact that with the exception of a potty stop and walking through one water station I ran the entire 13.1 miles, which I have not ever done in training at all! :)
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member
    Kimert - Again, GREAT job on your half!

    Urbanhippierunner - You can do it! Let us all know how it goes. I've yet to run that far before, so I'm sure i'll be "EEPing" the day before as well :)

    For fuel I prefer Clif shotblocks or Powerbar Energy chews. I don't like the texture of Gu, and the sport beans for me seem to be a choking hazard.

    I was out of town in the mountains this weekend, and wasn't able to run (squeezed it all in last week) But after 3 days of no running, I was itching to get back this morning! (I like to say running is my boyfriend, and I cheated on him with my husband this weekend, lol)

    7 weeks til my HM!
  • kated930
    kated930 Posts: 132
    Congrats to everyone who did their halfs over the weekend! You guys all had such great times, very motivating for me to work my butt off!

    I ran 12.4 miles on sunday in 2:07. My goal for the race is to finish under 2:30, so I think I'm looking good!
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    I just ran my first half marathon on September 24th!! Wish I would have seen this sooner...but I am aiming to do another one in the spring :-) My time was 2:06:16! I LOVE to run and am addicted to halfs...looking towards a full someday! Anyone want to friend...feel free!! Good luck to everyone that will be running one and congrats to all that have!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    What does everyone use for nourishment/energy during races? Gels? which are best?

    I like the Sports Beans Extreme. I'm a little unnerved by the gels and gu for the texture. Plus I like the extra caffeine. I also like chocolate covered espresso beans.

    I usually use glucose jelly beans from the chemist, but I'd like to try something a little less processed - I'm wondering about sultanas or other dried fruit. I hadn't thought of chocolate coffee beans I may hunt some out and try them... I'm sure the caffeine would be a good thing. The only problem is going to be melting in the heat - probably not a good option for a long run in the Australian summer :)
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    What does everyone use for nourishment/energy during races? Gels? which are best?

    I like the Sports Beans Extreme. I'm a little unnerved by the gels and gu for the texture. Plus I like the extra caffeine. I also like chocolate covered espresso beans.

    I usually use glucose jelly beans from the chemist, but I'd like to try something a little less processed - I'm wondering about sultanas or other dried fruit. I hadn't thought of chocolate coffee beans I may hunt some out and try them... I'm sure the caffeine would be a good thing. The only problem is going to be melting in the heat - probably not a good option for a long run in the Australian summer :)

    This might seem random but I was at a 14m trail race over the summer and they had skittles at the halfway point. A small handful chewed slowly really helped me get through the second half of a hard race. I have never tried gu or sports bean because they make me nervous and my stomach is sensitive to caffeine when Im running. I tried skittles on a couple of long training runs and have really liked the rush of sugar without any stomach issues.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    What does everyone use for nourishment/energy during races? Gels? which are best?

    I like the Sports Beans Extreme. I'm a little unnerved by the gels and gu for the texture. Plus I like the extra caffeine. I also like chocolate covered espresso beans.

    I usually use glucose jelly beans from the chemist, but I'd like to try something a little less processed - I'm wondering about sultanas or other dried fruit. I hadn't thought of chocolate coffee beans I may hunt some out and try them... I'm sure the caffeine would be a good thing. The only problem is going to be melting in the heat - probably not a good option for a long run in the Australian summer :)
    I haven't tried any of the beans or gels instead I've been eating dried cranberries. I eat a few before I start running and then about a tablespoon at the one hour mark. They seem to be working for me. I like the Skittles idea, too, mostly just because I love them.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    3 miles on the treadmill (it's POURING) and a 60 minute plyometric class. I'm feeling a strain in my right IT band, which is freaking me out a little with the race coming up on Saturday. Trying to go easier until that clears up, and wearing compression socks in the meantime.
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    Congrats SLB and Funrun on your amazing half marathon finishes!!!

    I Pr'd my half marathon yesterday. I had wanted to come in around 2:20 but made it in 2:23:03 which is 5 minutes less than when I finished a half marathon in the spring. I'm super stoked with my time and the fact that with the exception of a potty stop and walking through one water station I ran the entire 13.1 miles, which I have not ever done in training at all! :)

    That's awesome! Congratulations! I can't believe you beat your time by 5 minutes, and with a potty stop!! Great job on running the whole thing too!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I ran 12 miles today! I am so happy. I ran faster than I did my 10 miles last week. It was raining the entire time, but it was awesome. I felt great afterward. I inhaled a banana and raw nuts afterward.
    I tried Gu Chomps during my run and I really think that helped a bunch. I don't feel completely drained. I feel pretty good about my half on the 15th!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Congrats SLB and Funrun on your amazing half marathon finishes!!!

    I Pr'd my half marathon yesterday. I had wanted to come in around 2:20 but made it in 2:23:03 which is 5 minutes less than when I finished a half marathon in the spring. I'm super stoked with my time and the fact that with the exception of a potty stop and walking through one water station I ran the entire 13.1 miles, which I have not ever done in training at all! :)

    That's awesome! Congratulations! I can't believe you beat your time by 5 minutes, and with a potty stop!! Great job on running the whole thing too!
    Thanks..the potty stop really frustrated me but I am glad it hit when it did because it was convenient. There were no other porta potties along the rest of the course that I could see. AND I ran the entire thing without music...alone, which has never happened before.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Great job on the race finishes - especially the PR!

    I started Month 2 of Insanity for my training, and I"m SOOO sore. Tomorrow is recovery day, I'm looking forward to it - however my 12 has been begging a run with me in the AM, and I'm working too late this week to do it after work. So I may need to run with him in the AM and do recovery at lunch, not much of a recovery day. I will do 12 miles on Friday, my second 12 mile run before my race so may go 13 if I'm feeling it at mile 10. Thursday, I'll stick with upper body weight training, but may swap out for Yoga to get that extra recovery day in if I don't do well on Wednesday for it.

    It's started to rain - I got a new rain jacket to run in - but it's a little on the tighter side, can't decide if I should send it back or try it. I'm worried too loose will chafe somewhere, but it's tight on my shoulders - any opinions?
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I ran 12 miles today! I am so happy. I ran faster than I did my 10 miles last week. It was raining the entire time, but it was awesome. I felt great afterward. I inhaled a banana and raw nuts afterward.
    I tried Gu Chomps during my run and I really think that helped a bunch. I don't feel completely drained. I feel pretty good about my half on the 15th!

    Awesome work on speeding up! Make sure you get in your proteins, nuts are good, but there may be something better to help with your recovery and DOMS.