Half Marathon training support group?



  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    What does everyone use for nourishment/energy during races? Gels? which are best?

    I like the Sports Beans Extreme. I'm a little unnerved by the gels and gu for the texture. Plus I like the extra caffeine. I also like chocolate covered espresso beans.

    I usually use glucose jelly beans from the chemist, but I'd like to try something a little less processed - I'm wondering about sultanas or other dried fruit. I hadn't thought of chocolate coffee beans I may hunt some out and try them... I'm sure the caffeine would be a good thing. The only problem is going to be melting in the heat - probably not a good option for a long run in the Australian summer :)

    Ok this may sound stupid, but how do you carry your gu pacs and other nutrition during your run? I'm doing my first 1/2 in Nov and I have used the gu pacs before a long run but I don't carry anything with me while I'm running.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I ran 12 miles today! I am so happy. I ran faster than I did my 10 miles last week. It was raining the entire time, but it was awesome. I felt great afterward. I inhaled a banana and raw nuts afterward.
    I tried Gu Chomps during my run and I really think that helped a bunch. I don't feel completely drained. I feel pretty good about my half on the 15th!

    Awesome work on speeding up! Make sure you get in your proteins, nuts are good, but there may be something better to help with your recovery and DOMS.

    I ate lunch shortly after I got back. I had a big plate of butternut squash mac n cheese. :) I am feeling pretty good. I also made a large latte out of almond milk, too. I got lots of protein in! :) I think I might have some low fat keifer with some protein powder I have here in a few minutes though, too as I am starting to get hungry again.

    Sharons ~ I carry everything in my camelpak waist belt. There lots of pockets. I keep my keys, GU, ipod and phone all in there.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Glad to know you fueled up urban...I'm speaking from experience of being sore all week I think :)

    Sharons - I so can't go without a fuel belt on me, it's like my rt arm, I have to carry everything but my house with me.
  • robmaguire1
    For the first time I ran 7 miles. A little sore, but feeling pretty good.
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    3 miles on the treadmill (it's POURING) and a 60 minute plyometric class. I'm feeling a strain in my right IT band, which is freaking me out a little with the race coming up on Saturday. Trying to go easier until that clears up, and wearing compression socks in the meantime.

    Similar issue happened to me and I tapered for a full week no running just cross training and lots of yoga. It helped a lot!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    For the first time I ran 7 miles. A little sore, but feeling pretty good.

    Great job on that first 7 miles. When people ask about my running another half marathon - I tell them, once I figure out I could run 7 miles, I could run 13 and once I could run 13 I could do 26. You're on path to greatness :)
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    For the first time I ran 7 miles. A little sore, but feeling pretty good.

    Great job on that first 7 miles. When people ask about my running another half marathon - I tell them, once I figure out I could run 7 miles, I could run 13 and once I could run 13 I could do 26. You're on path to greatness :)
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Did 4.5 miles this morning, but nervous about the twinge in my leg. I don't want to end up hurting myself for my race on Saturday!
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    Urban, great job on the 12 miles! You're going to do great at your half!

    Sharons, I realized after my half that I really need to carry a drink or snack with sugar with me during my runs. So now I'm trying to figure out if I would like a belt or camelback better.

    Rob, congrats on the 7 miles! Glad it went well!

    Summertime, I hope your leg pain doesn't turn into anything major! Are you going to rest now until your race?
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I'm leaning towards just cross training. I'll ride and elliptical, maybe a class or two, but I'm going to try not to run, at least not run hard, until after Saturday.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Sharons, I realized after my half that I really need to carry a drink or snack with sugar with me during my runs. So now I'm trying to figure out if I would like a belt or camelback better.
    I bought a Nathan belt with two 10 ounce bottles two weekends ago and wore it for the first time on my 7 mile run last Saturday. I found I have to really shove it down over my hip bones to keep it from bouncing around and then shove it back down after a walk interval/taking a drink. But I like it.

    I took the big plunge this week and asked to switch my canceled mini marathon to a Half for the PF Chang's Rock N Roll Arizona in Phoenix this coming January. I sure hope I'm ready for this! My first official race is a 10K on the 23rd of this month (in place of the aforementioned mini marathon).
  • lae1227
    lae1227 Posts: 30
    I'm thinking of doing the Pittsburgh half in May as well!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    Aren't there water stations along the run? I just figured there would be. If not I need get a belt.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Aren't there water stations along the run? I just figured there would be. If not I need get a belt.

    There are, but I like to carry my own water, so I can drink when I need it, not have to slow down and try to move through a crowd to get water. I can never drink out of those cups without spilling all over myself. I mean it is a personal preference.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm thinking of doing the Pittsburgh half in May as well!

    Are you in Pittsburgh? I am going definitely do the half. I need to sign up and pay for it.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Anyone done the Bryce Canyon Half? I'm looking into this one. I'm a bit worried about the altitude though. I live in NJ so everything is higher altitude!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Anyone done the Bryce Canyon Half? I'm looking into this one. I'm a bit worried about the altitude though. I live in NJ so everything is higher altitude!
    I live at 2400 feet above sea level. My in-laws have a cabin in the White Mountains at around 7400 feet. I LOVE going up there to run. I haven't done anything longer than 4 miles there yet but I'm a newbie runner (started in April) and really didn't notice that much difference in how I felt even though it's also a lot more hilly than flat Tucson. I have gone hiking closer to home on Mt. Lemmon at above 8000 feet many times and THAT I notice. Huffing and puffing a lot. :laugh:
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I ran 4 miles of hills today. The last 1/2 mile was pretty big uphill grade. Not sure what it was but it felt like I was digging my legs up as I moved to the top.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Yesterday I ran my first time since the half Sunday. I ran just a little over 5k on the treadmill at 2% incline (I suggest doing this if you run the treadmill!!). I felt pretty good and strong. Just a slight irritation in my right knee, which started towards the end of my race on Sunday. I'm keeping an eye on it and it really doesn't bother me otherwise so I think that's good.
    I'm planning on BodyPump tonight and maybe a couple of miles on the treadmill or elliptical...maybe even the ARC Trainer.

    Hubby and I have a half at the end of the month, hopefully. So, he is planning 8 miles this weekend. Not sure if I want to go over 6 but I will be doing a long run Saturday either way.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Help me figure out what to do..... Do I?

    1. Yoga Today, Run 13 miles tomorrow, Hill runs Saturday - Hills run would be up the 4 mile hill that is from mile 7-11 on my half marathon in 2 weeks.

    2. Insanity Today (intense cardio), rest tomorrow - hill runs Saturday.
    3. Yoga today, 12 miles to include the hills tomorrow, rest Saturday

    I really want to "test" run part of the route of my half in 2 weeks. I'm out of town on business next weekend so this will be my only opportunity. However, I run alone, and not sure I feel safe being out there by myself. It's very desolate and industrial. I really want to run the route but safety is a concern. Our family friend said he would drive the route and walk the hill and hang out in the area while I ran it if I wait until Saturday since DH is out of town. So this is really a smarter plan and gut tells me to not run it alone, but also messes with my typical schedule. (That type A personality of mine get me every time).