Fit For Future Families - September 2011



  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    So I'm got mixed up about what happened at the end of the other thread (maybe because we went over 500 posts!?), and I'm sure I'm missing out on some stuff, so I'm just restarting my loving board supportiveness with September!

    beckyobsm - Thanks for the encouragement!!

    Nancy (panteragirl) - Stress has been known to mess with my cycle, but I'll still cross my fingers for you!

    Kim (kcurtis05) - Keep it up with your goals - great job!

    Ashley (abeare) - Thanks for stalking! :wink: Hope you're doing well and have been feeling ok.

    Jalara - *HUGS* As if the physical part wasn't already crazy enough, I completely understand about the financial piece being overwhelming. A lot of the clinics here in the US offer financial planning as part of their services, maybe you can find something like that. Just take a deep breath and work through your options together. I'm confident that you'll figure it out!

    Amanda (e_amanda) - Hope everything goes well with your procedure. The waiting sucks, doesn't it?! Oh & I love my Wii Fit too. It's such good filler exercise and breaks up the monotony from the gym. If you get Wii Zumba, let me know how you like it.

    puggleperson - Welcome! Yes, you're in the right place. We are in all different stages. Some losing before TTC, some just staring the process, and some very far along. For example, I'm actively trying, but we're not on any specific medical treatment yet until I lose some more weight.

    Mandy (imarunner8908) - Welcome! Love your fun fact. Maybe you're a bit crazy to work with all guys (my old job in a warehouse was like that, I don't think they ever figured me out), but I think it's awesome that you're a firefighter!!

    ** Note to all newbies ** - Don't be worried if you don't respond to everything or just want to follow along. There is so much wonderful support on this board, you can pick and choose what you want to take away from it. We're glad to have you join us and hope your stay is as short as you want it to be.

    Pam - Oh, so close! Thinking happy thoughts!!

    thinthought - Good luck with your research. Try not to let it overwhelm you. Unfortunately, I've been on the TTC journey for a long time so I'm really in tune with my body, but I still don't try to spend too much time jumping to conclusions about what it all means. I'm a good observer and try to ask good questions at the doctor. But, I'm also more of the slow and steady wins the race, if I were more aggressive, we'd have probably jumped to new levels of treatment already - oh well, to each her own. :tongue:

    EmilyRanae - My cycle has gradually changed over time, and I don't think that's unusual. As long as it isn't dramatically changing month to month, you're probably fine.

    AFM - I'll probably not be weighing in on Monday. If I remember, I'll check in on Tuesday, but I'm headed to Florida to see a girlfriend from college for the long weekend - yay! DH has to work all weekend, so I jumped at the chance for a girls getaway. The only downside is I think I'm on the verge of AF. I was feeling pretty positive during my 2WW, especially since we hit the fertile days right on the nose. I was hungrier, felt a little dizzy at random times, was generally more tired & had unexplained heartburn - which are all pregnancy symptoms. BUT...I'm a day away from my normal cycle start and all the regular spotting and crampy symptoms are right on schedule. Oh well. :frown: My silver lining thought is that now I have another month to take off another 5+ lbs. Trying hard not to let this thing drive me batty!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I'll see y'all next week!
    :flowerforyou: Stephanie
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    *Bump* so I can continue to follow all you wonderful ladies :)
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    ps- thanks, I will check out fertility friend. as for the luteal phase thoughts. I will have to read more, but I just wondered if it could be connected since my cycle has been getting gradually longer every month, and cycles are different. Darker, more painful for the first day... I don't know like I said I need to read more.

    Mine has been doing the same thing except that it is lighter the first day, then I think it's gone then I get slammed with major cramps and heavy flow! It's all so you think part of it might be because you haven't really paid attention to your cycle before? I'm wondering it this is actually "normal" for me but I just haven't cared to pay attention

    Emily, yeah I'm not sure about much right now. We got pregnant so easily previously. I have always been regular (to the day) and very light flows with little pain. If anything only back pain. So to have cramping, and a heavier flow does feel different for me. But I really have no idea about my luteal stage (when it is, how long it is etc.) I will start taking my temp in the morn and see if I can chart... I don't have a basal thermometer-- only an ear thermometer... will this suffice?
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone!

    I haven't had time to really keep up this week, so I'm sure I've missed a lot. But I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend! Welcome to all the new ladies!
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Jalara, HUGS!!!!!! I want to reiterate what PanteraGirl said, this does NOT make you a bad wife! And I understand the frustration of not being able to perform wifely duties (or womanly duties for that matter) by becoming a mother, but it doesn’t define you!
    All of your questions and fears will be answered one by one (most likely by you, because I doubt you’ll just sit there and wait for the answers, you’ll go out and look for them), and I’m sure you and your husband will find a plan that you’re comfortable with. But until then, please remember to breathe, it’s so easy to focus on the problem that we forget to take a breather (I’m not saying to try to relax, because man did I hate it when someone said that! Just to take moments to breathe so that you don’t always feel so constricted).
    As for why you need to pay for something others get free, I’m sorry. I think that’s all I can say because it’s not fair at all. It’s not fair that some people get to get pregnant the moment they start to try, it’s not fair some have to go through every procedure there is, it’s not fair that some people have to suffer loosing a pregnancy. I’m sorry that this is the course of events for you, you deserve so much more!
  • newleafbeth11
    Jalara: I wish I could give you advice, but I don't know a single thing about that. All I can say is that I will send prayers your way for peace while you make all of those decisions. And like everyone else said - don't get caught up in guilt. It's not like you could do anything more than what you already do/have done to make everything function better. I am sure you are a fantastic wife. And also, lots and lots of virtual hugs!

    Sorry guys, I will get caught up with everyone else later... Gotta run.
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Jalara-HUGS, that sounds like such a difficult situation and I am sending you good vibes.

    AFM- My AF came yesterday so hopefully after about a week of this, the hubs and I can get to the babby makin. I'm very excited to for this month to come to an end so I can (hopefully) be preggo. My son is constantly asking if we can have another baby, and suggesting names. His original pick was Three. Yes, the name he wanted for his baby brother or sister was Three. We told him if it was a girl it would be Willow, so now he goes around talking about his baby sister 'Willwow'. I suspect he told his babysitter that Mommy is having a baby because I get the feeling like she was fishing to find out if I'm pregnant the other day.
    I couldn't help myself today and I went to ROSS and bought some cute maternity clothes. I still have all my old maternity clothes but I was significantly larger (30 lbs) when I got pregnant with my son. So, my maternity clothes from my first pregnancy are much larger and I probably won't be able to wear them until late in the pregnancy.

    For the ovulation test strips (blue package from Amazon), I know I've read in some places I should put them in room temp. urine. Is that really necessary?
  • flutatious1
    flutatious1 Posts: 120 Member
    Hey there - I'm Beth :-)

    Age: 32
    Where you live: Rochester, NY
    Job: High School Instrumental Music Teacher
    Length of time on the board: just got here!
    Marital Status: 6 years
    Length of time you've been with SO: almost 11
    Do you have kids: just my furbaby, Jasper.
    Length of time TTC: 1 month
    Diagnosis: bad timing?
    Do you chart your BBT: yup - tracking on FertilityFriend for a while now
    Do you use OPKs: not yet... maybe this month?
    Are you on any meds for TTC: nope
    Height: 4' 11"
    Weight: 163
    Goal Weight: 133
    Strange fact about yourself: name a tune.... I'll play it in all 12 keys by ear.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hi Beth! :-) I'm Mandy...I'm new here too!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone! It really does help!

    Julia - yay shopping! It's so excited t finally start trying! I like the name Willow BTW.

    Beth - welcome! You're the 2ns Beth we have :) That's a very awesome 'strange fact' you have!

    Ash - thanks for pooping in, and thank you for your support. I'm following you on the 2 pregnancy threads and I'm glad things are going well with baby!

    Pantera - I'm so glad you're feeling better and I'm very excited for you to join us on the Shred on Monday. It's pretty awesome that DH is going to do it with you - mine runs away!

    Amanda - when I had my lap & hysteroscopy the doc said to take it easy until my 6 week follow up and then to try as hard as I could. I've never heard of waiting 3 months.

    Thinthought - About your luteal phase, have you been tracking your temperature at all? I ask because a cycle can differ by many days but the only caause for concern is when it's the luteal phase that is changes (which is rare) but the only way to know that is to know when you are ovulating. If it is the luteal phase it's likely either a progesterone issue or an egg quality issue.
    We'll help you through this!

    Emily - thanks Hun! I hope it doesn't take more than once too, but unfortunately here in Canada we don't have the type of guaruntee offers you're refering to. Also, before I met my husband I was never one to really track my cycles (I would often use my bank statements to see when the last time I went to the drugstroe was). It's laughable, I know but I wasn't into casual sex and I didn't really think about it. It had been a few years since I'd been in a serious relationship. But wow! When I started temping and stuff, i couldn't believe how much I learned!

    Steph - when the thread reachs 500 posts it automatically rolls over to a new thread, it's normally around a month but we've been super busy lately!
    Sorry about AF - I've had months like that too. But like you said it's an opportunity and you are kicking @ss with losses!! Enjoy the girls' weekend!

    Well, I'm off for brunch. TTYL!
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    thanks jalara-- and thought of you today, hope you are feeling better (which is to say less hard on yourself)!

    Hi Beth and Mandy... I too am relatively new!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Okay ladies, the annual belly pic contest for TMZ is in. Enjoy!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Well, a few years ago my sister-in-law and her friend decided they were done having they gave me all their maternity clothes. Up until now, I have been in career mode, so babies were not on my list and I decided that lending the clothes out to others who need them was much better than storing them away. HA! Every time I lent them out, I would get back twice as much as let the person borrow! I have tripled the amount of clothes. And since we are moving in a few months, I decided to go through all of our stuff to pack what we don't need, sell what we don't want, ect. The maternity clothes happened to be on today's list.

    O.M.G. Going through these clothes has made me want a baby even more. No more on the fence...I WANT a baby.

    So, here is to making healthy choices for the future...CHEERS!
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    Hi, I'm Ali

    Age: 26
    Where you live: Eufaula, Alabama
    Job: Circulation Librarian, but I was also a registered nurse in Australia. I'm just not registered in the US yet.
    Length of time on the board: Ummm since now?
    Marital Status: Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: On and off since I was 14, but we have been married for 4 years.
    Do you have kids: Just furbabies.
    Length of time TTC: We haven't ever really tried.. but we had a suprise pregnancy in June that ended in a miscarriage in July.
    Diagnosis: None yet
    Do you chart your BBT: Not yet
    Do you use OPKs: Not yet
    Are you on any meds for TTC: Nope
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 198.6
    Goal Weight: 120
    Strange fact about yourself:
    I listen to Christmas music on Pandora all year round.

    Hope to get to know you ladies better!
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    well girls, it is monday morning here in Turkey, thought I would post my goals and progress while most of you are sleeping! :)
    Last week-- I did work out daily and take my prenatals, never got to make a Dr. apt because all of the clinics are closed for the post-Ramadan holiday, and I went over on my calories twice :(

    So, this week.
    CW-153.4 (same as last week which is okay since I went over twice from holiday eating and just finished AF)

    Stay within 1200 calories
    Drink 8 glasses of water daily
    keep working out daily
    read for 30mins daily
    make that Dr. apt
    remember those prenatals
    spend more time with my daughter. :)
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Happy Monday!!

    So I have some news that I can finally share with all of you...

    I got my BFP last Monday!!!! Eeeekkk! We're so excited! It was so hard not to say anything but my mom and sisters are on here and I didn't want them to see my posts before I told them in person. And i had to wait for my sister to come visit from GA. She just so happened to be coming up for a visit. I'm only 5weeks 2days, so I have to wait till the 28th until seeing my doc.

    Thank you all for your amazing support, it has been a long year. I wish you all the best!

  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Kim that's fantastic news! I'm so thrilled for you! Many congratulations.

    Jalara, I'm so sorry that things are so rough for you at the moment. I know it doesn't help much but all those questions and fears are only to be expected especially when you've been through so much. I think taking some time to clear a bit of head space is a good idea, I'm sure you will come to the best answer for you. I'm also certain that you are not a terrible wife.

    Welcome to all the new people, enjoy your stay and I hope it isn't any longer than you want it to be
  • jarrettfam
    jarrettfam Posts: 186 Member
    bump, will come back and drop info!
  • 9Honey16
    9Honey16 Posts: 34 Member
    Congratulations Kim!!! What exciting news to start the week off with! :)
    Thank you ladies for your support and advise regarding my low temps. Good news is that I finally had a temperature spike, though it was pretty late in my cycle. CD30 and still waiting on AF, so we'll see. New insurance just started this month, and with that all my docs are changing so we'll see what the new one thinks. This bbt charting has been really interesting though and I'm becoming much more in tune with my body! I've realized Google can sometimes be a dangerous tool, though informative, is also a great way to freak yourself out LoL
    Weigh in for me this week down 2.6, which is exciting since I was up one last week! I had a sort of half good half bad week regarding calories and sugar, but I'm ready to refocus this week! I think the key for me is to get that sluggish metabolism going! I think I'm going to check out that 30 day shred I hear you all talking about. I also did a check in on body measurements this week at the gym--since Feb I have lost 4 inches in my waist! I've got a waays to go- but hey it's great motivation!
    Happy Monday and hope everyone has a great week!!