Ripped In 30 September!



  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    well I just finished day 2 and my hamstrings are definately sore today!!
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    well I just finished day 2 and my hamstrings are definately sore today!!

    Don't worry - the soreness goes away!
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    well I just finished day 2 and my hamstrings are definately sore today!!

    OMG Mine killed me. Stretch stretch stretch is all I can say. Throughout the day. And more before doing her warmup lol
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    well I just finished day 2 and my hamstrings are definately sore today!!

    OMG Mine killed me. Stretch stretch stretch is all I can say. Throughout the day. And more before doing her warmup lol

    Mine hurt to sit on the toiliet.. lol.. It was always a very easy down.
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    Day 3: I can see a difference in my legs. All that soreness is paying off ALREADY! I went from 5 lb weights to 10 and when it came down to the 3rd circuit I downgraded to 7.5. I need to work on my cardio - I have to stop half way through her cardio circuits. Running man slays me. And when I do butt kicks after all those squats I feel like my leg is about to cramp. Seated flies SUCK and so do the squated arm raises with weights. My upper body is way weak - but the fact that I can do all of the pushups now whereas 1 video ago I couldn't means there's some progress right? My leg muscles are deciding to join the Jillian Michaels party! Observe:
    How is everyone else doing?
    P.S. I'm going to try intermittent fasting each day from 8pm-12pm.
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    Day 3: I can see a difference in my legs. All that soreness is paying off ALREADY! I went from 5 lb weights to 10 and when it came down to the 3rd circuit I downgraded to 7.5. I need to work on my cardio - I have to stop half way through her cardio circuits. Running man slays me. And when I do butt kicks after all those squats I feel like my leg is about to cramp. Seated flies SUCK and so do the squated arm raises with weights. My upper body is way weak - but the fact that I can do all of the pushups now whereas 1 video ago I couldn't means there's some progress right? My leg muscles are deciding to join the Jillian Michaels party! Observe:
    How is everyone else doing?
    P.S. I'm going to try intermittent fasting each day from 8pm-12pm.

    That is awesome! You'll get the cardio. Just trying stopping for no longer than 3 secs. Slow down a little if you have to. Speed will come. (I learned that from couch 25k and 30 DS) I was killing the jump rope at the end where before I had to alternate legs and take short breaks. Just keep at it! It'll come! You're legs are starting to rock! Just wait until the end! You're going to feel SO proud of yourself!! I hope you took before pics.. and/or measurements!!
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    I took before pics but not measurements. It's not really inches Im wanting to lose per se, I just want to look good and feel good! My butt/thigh area needs some work along w/my tummy that jiggles :) Aw hell, my arms need work too. I just want to be toned all over! I wish I could jump rope... I can only do it with both feet and lack the rhythm to alternate legs. So frustrating because I like jumping rope and it's great exercise!
  • asw1077
    We just started Week 3, my legs/thighs KILL!! But I hated week 2. I need to do more on my abs. Any suggestions?

    I have noticed about an 1 1/2 in loss in my waist so that makes me feel a little better, but honestly, only 2 maybe 3 lbs! And I'm doing 1200 or less calories a day... I still got 38 days til vacation in the Caribbean, but would LOVE to get below 150 lbs and have a firmer tummy (I had a Csection 18 months ago and my stomach is just moosh)
  • hennyben
    We just started Week 3, my legs/thighs KILL!! But I hated week 2. I need to do more on my abs. Any suggestions?

    I have noticed about an 1 1/2 in loss in my waist so that makes me feel a little better, but honestly, only 2 maybe 3 lbs! And I'm doing 1200 or less calories a day... I still got 38 days til vacation in the Caribbean, but would LOVE to get below 150 lbs and have a firmer tummy (I had a Csection 18 months ago and my stomach is just moosh)

    Oh I hear ya on the stomach, I've had 3 C sections and I so wish I could afford a tummy tuck! I've done 30DS twice, now ripped and I've been doing BFBM regularly as well as walking. It has shrunk considerably but it still wobbles :blushing:

    Today is my last day of week 1. Can't wait for week 2
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    so I finally got around to doing this again. on week 2, like my 3rd workout. It is easier but still I sweat like crazy... makes me realize all those hours at the gym I wasn't working hard enough?

    My upper body is strong, it's my legs that kill. But it helps knowing that other people are hurting too :)

    Thanks for keeping me motivated !!
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    When are you guys switching to week 2? My plan was to take sundays off (I slacekd a little on week 1) and workout 6 days (totalling 1 week) then switching, so I'd start week 2 tomorrow. Is that what y'all are doing too?
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    so I finally got around to doing this again. on week 2, like my 3rd workout. It is easier but still I sweat like crazy... makes me realize all those hours at the gym I wasn't working hard enough?

    My upper body is strong, it's my legs that kill. But it helps knowing that other people are hurting too :)

    Thanks for keeping me motivated !!

    Woohoo!! Rock it girl!!!
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    When are you guys switching to week 2? My plan was to take sundays off (I slacekd a little on week 1) and workout 6 days (totalling 1 week) then switching, so I'd start week 2 tomorrow. Is that what y'all are doing too?

    Not sure. I missed 2 day this weekend. So I'm trying to decide. I'll probably do week 1 again tomorrow then move on to week 2 Thurs. Which will suck because I'll be running that day as well! lol.. Boy what fun!
  • hennyben
    Week 2 Day 1 done! I did NOT enjoy it one bit!! Some of the moves are a bit technically difficult so I kind of spent time trying to watch how to do them so missed out on a few reps here and there.. The crow push ups are impossible! No, not liking this one. Oh and I wore my HRM and burned 134 lousy calories. I thought I lost that in sweat alone lol!
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    Just had to tell ya'll! Since starting this I've been stuck at 130.2/6lbs. I was once at 128.6. The scale actually was 129.8 this morning. Which isn't much, but I'm hoping that my body is starting to adjust to some degree and I'll see it scoot back down some! We'll see what it says tomorrow then do an official weigh-in Monday! :)
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    Just had to tell ya'll! Since starting this I've been stuck at 130.2/6lbs. I was once at 128.6. The scale actually was 129.8 this morning. Which isn't much, but I'm hoping that my body is starting to adjust to some degree and I'll see it scoot back down some! We'll see what it says tomorrow then do an official weigh-in Monday! :)
    That's excellent! I love a little confidence boost! My scale went up a couple pounds...
  • StarlaDesiree
    StarlaDesiree Posts: 33 Member
    So, I should be starting week 2 today. I did 5 days of week 1. One rest day and one day I did the elliptical instead of the video. Not looking forward to week 2! I just got used to week 1! :'( Lol. Eating isn't exactly in control though, I am super hungry ALL the time from all the exercise. I hate it.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    I am behind you guys so I am not switching to level 2 until monday....I think mondays will always be my switch days and thursdays are my days off.....but I cant wait to see level 2!!! Let me know how it is
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    I am also starting week 2 today. Eeek I'm scared! I lost my dvd remote so I have to watch all 36 mins of week 1 before moving onto week 2. Grrrrr.
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    I need to invest in some smaller weights. For 5 lbs this is ridiculous! Really hard to do the moves with awkward, bulky weights!