Ripped In 30 September!



  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    I need to invest in some smaller weights. For 5 lbs this is ridiculous! Really hard to do the moves with awkward, bulky weights!

    Girl, go to walmart and spend you $10 and get some real weights!! :)
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    No kidding! I'm really frustrated. I stopped the video @ the sumo squats bc the weights kept hitting me in the back of the head.
  • Rebekah2918
    Rebekah2918 Posts: 22 Member
    I have only completed 2 days of week one and then derailed due to camping. But, at 24 minutes a work out I can def get back on track! I will due 3 more rounds of week one and then move on.
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Week 2 here we come !!!!!!
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    Week 1 done! I missed 2 days, but today made up 1 of them, so I'll just call the other my rest day :-P Week 2 tomorrow and I'm excited after watching it! Just trying to figure out how my body is going to like it and running tomorrow. I was already tired and a little sore tonight. lol, more tired than sore though. I'll make it work some how! I think I might take Sat off as we have some business outings to attend. We'll see though!

    Great job everyone!! I'm SO glad that I have everyone where to keep me company! Really makes it fun and has that extra push! How is everyone doing!? Anyone else that wants to join in, feel free!! Even if you're just starting!
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Wow OMG...... I really think I was gonna die... Omg is she insane??? Week 2 it's hard I can just imagine week 4 holy cow!!! I love you Jillian but you can be annoying some times!! Was up with the barking?? I that I was going crazy and was hearing a dog bark but no it was crazy Jillian ahahahahahhahahahahaha!!!!!!!

    Ok sorry I just had to vent! Just finish w2 a couple of seconds ago so I'm still pretty hot about it lol....
  • kastastrophe
    Hi, I started week 1 on 5 September. I had today off as my hamstrings are absolutely killing me so I'll finish the week off tomorrow. I've done 30DS too but I think I prefer this, as hard as it is.
  • hennyben
    Week2 Day2 done! It's not as bad 2nd time round but boy am I sweating! My arms are a bit shaky after it. My weight hasn't changed at all this week but I'll worry about it at the end of the 30 days. I always find at the beginning of a new workout I seem to hold on to the weight a bit but it drops after a while.
  • StarlaDesiree
    StarlaDesiree Posts: 33 Member
    Having a hard time with motivation the past couple days. I should have started week 2 yesterday, but I watched TV all day instead, then did the same thing today. I just feel so TIRED. and HUNGRY. This is ridiculous. Is anyone else feeling absolutely ravenous appetite-wise while doing these workouts? I almost can't stand it!

    I've been through the DVD before, but don't really remember week 2. I remember week 3 is evil because it has so much quad work, it was almost impossible to get through without pausing a million times. Not looking forward to doing it again.
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    Having a hard time with motivation the past couple days. I should have started week 2 yesterday, but I watched TV all day instead, then did the same thing today. I just feel so TIRED. and HUNGRY. This is ridiculous. Is anyone else feeling absolutely ravenous appetite-wise while doing these workouts? I almost can't stand it!

    I've been through the DVD before, but don't really remember week 2. I remember week 3 is evil because it has so much quad work, it was almost impossible to get through without pausing a million times. Not looking forward to doing it again.
    I haven't been eating before noon or after 8pm the past couple of days and feel just fine. Not starving, very satisfied. I do know I'mr eally dehydrated, as I haven't had but maybe a glass of water each day - tomorrow I hydrate! I went to the fair, ate some bad food, and got so much sun that i passed out cold @ 5:30. No workout for me either. I'll just have to pick up where I left off tomorrow and maybe skip my Sunday rest day! Poo!
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I will be starting tomorrow if it is not to late to join. I will post stats and will be taking my before photos. I am trying to shrink my tummy and tone my arms.
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    Much better!
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    Week 2 day 2 and my shoulders are KILLING ME. I can do the modified crow push up - but not today. My shoulders are spent! And my cardio needs MAJOR work. I keep stopping and sitting the rest out.When I was doing the sumo squats I let out a big "*kitten* ME THIS IS TOUGH!" Lol! That's what I think about that! How is week 2 going for you guys?
  • Ineedtolose20
    I do 30 day shred, level 2 & 3 alternating them. I have done Level #2 of Ripped in 30 a few times but I have not mastered Level 3. I find level 2 challenging enough. I find in level 2 she really works our shoulders with all the cardio in plank position and strength training too. The crow push ups are almost impossible, so I do regular male push ups. The sumo squats are pretty brutal as well. I just signed up to my fitness pal today, so I will try to follow along with you all at level 2. I just did Shred today after a full week off so I will likely be sore tomorrow but will do my best to get through Ripped in 30.
  • kastastrophe
    Finished week 1. I tried sinking into the lunges and squats more today and everything aches so much now! Starting week 2 tomorrow and dreading it already haha.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    I finished level 1 today also....I am dreading level 2 tomorrow....hopefully I make it through!!!
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Week 2 day 2 and my shoulders are KILLING ME. I can do the modified crow push up - but not today. My shoulders are spent! And my cardio needs MAJOR work. I keep stopping and sitting the rest out.When I was doing the sumo squats I let out a big "*kitten* ME THIS IS TOUGH!" Lol! That's what I think about that! How is week 2 going for you guys?

    Same here my shoulders are really sore!! And I'm having problems with that move I don't remember how it's called sumthing about table?? Where u sit on your butt and try to pick it up... Well I don't know if my arms are to short or my butt is too But I just can't do them!
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    My shoulders are so tight! Still struggling w/the cardio and crow pushups! I just finished week 2 day 3 and I am the sweatiest I've been. The only part I really took a break from was cardio and the serving lunges. I hate those!
  • hennyben
    Week 2 day 4 done! It's getting better. I am doing all advanced moves except the crow push ups - I just can't get them. Those sumo squats are rough! Also that ab exercies where you walk up your leg - what's that all about, a bit silly I think. Anyway only 2 more for me and then week 3
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    Week 2 day 4 done! It's getting better. I am doing all advanced moves except the crow push ups - I just can't get them. Those sumo squats are rough! Also that ab exercies where you walk up your leg - what's that all about, a bit silly I think. Anyway only 2 more for me and then week 3
    I agree about the walking up your leg ab workout. You do what, 4 reps? I don't really feel a burn there. Today my goal is to not crap out on the cardio. I try the advanced cardio and burn out so bad that I quit all together rather than do the modified. Today I'm going to suffer. I am loving the results so far. I can see arm muscles! Props to you for doing all those advanced versions! What do you think about the squatting leg lifts! My right side is ok, but left is so weak for some reason. I like reading status updates from everyone - love to hear how you're all doing!