Mommy Challenge Part 3: Hot Mummies for Halloween!!!



  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    hello mummies :) i ate too much this weekend...shocker...right! but i am on it now and started the day with a workout and will end the work day with a work out also!! i am not weighin in til next monday since i am trying to reverse what i did for the last month or so. good job to all of you that lost and stuck to your plans last week!! have a great day all!!!!!

    i wish i could skip breakfast!! i am ready to eat as soon as my eyes are open :( thats all i do all day is want to eat i fight it all day and it is a huge problem for me. i agree that the eating part is most important! i work out like a crazy lady and do not have my food in order and i am not losing anything!!!
  • Twin22twin
    Hi wonderful Mommies!

    Well.....I really lost a lot after my TOM finished. I tried to be good throughout it, and not overindulge like I do. I have been doing no exercise this week, but have been great with keeping up the water, and staying away from the salt. I am SHOCKED I am now in the 140's!!!!!!!!!!

    I havn't been in the 140's since 2008!!

    Here are my results below:


    Week 9/5/11--- 156.5 lb
    Week 9/12 --- 152 lb
    Week 9/19 --- 150.5 lb
    Week 9/26--- 146.5 lbs
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: 10 lbs

    I have lost 10 lbs!!! I still went over my calories both Fri and Sat, but went on track yesterday, and most of last week. I think consitiency with eating is teh key for me. I am still avoiding any refined sugar, and sticking with limited whole grains, and fruits and lean meats.
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    YEY!!!!!!!!! it's official, I broke 150lb today :) Mummies, these are great news and I am SOOOO excited. This is the push that I needed to motivate me to keep going on....

    Week 9/5/11-- 152.6 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 150.0 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 150.0 lbs
    Week 9/26--- 149.3 lbs
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __3.3__lbs
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    Hi wonderful Mommies!

    Well.....I really lost a lot after my TOM finished. I tried to be good throughout it, and not overindulge like I do. I have been doing no exercise this week, but have been great with keeping up the water, and staying away from the salt. I am SHOCKED I am now in the 140's!!!!!!!!!!

    I havn't been in the 140's since 2008!!

    Here are my results below:


    Week 9/5/11--- 156.5 lb
    Week 9/12 --- 152 lb
    Week 9/19 --- 150.5 lb
    Week 9/26--- 146.5 lbs
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: 10 lbs

    I have lost 10 lbs!!! I still went over my calories both Fri and Sat, but went on track yesterday, and most of last week. I think consitiency with eating is teh key for me. I am still avoiding any refined sugar, and sticking with limited whole grains, and fruits and lean meats.

    CONGRATULATIONS! what an awesome accomplishment :)
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Good morning Mummies!
    Week 9/5/11-- 144.8 lb
    Week 9/12 --- 141.7 lb
    Week 9/19 --- 141.8 lb
    Week 9/26 --- 140.9
    Week 10/03--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __3.9__lbs

    I am sooo very happy for those of you who have broken into the next lower 10's. I hope I'll be breaking into the 130's next week. It was so close for me. But I'm happy with 0.9 - still moving down and on-target.

    LaToya -Maybe you can wrap your scale up in a box with pretty paper and a big bow and put a tag on it that says "Don't open until Oct 5!'.

    Breakfast- I'm normally very good about eating breakfast but I would have skipped today (running behind) if not for the challenge. No time for my normal omelet but I'll at least grab some cereal.
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Good Morning ladies....this is a very dreary day for me. I hit 150 days yesterday and today marks the first time since that i have to report a gain for the week.. Guess i shouldnt be surprised after my losses the past two weeks and the weekend i had but i will not let it get the best of me!! I have no one to blame but myself and now i am more determined than ever to get back on track. they are.....

    SW - 161.4
    9/12 - 158
    9/19 - 154.8
    9/26 - 156.2 :mad: :explode: :grumble: :devil:

    Loss to date 5.2 lbs

    Hope you all have a wonderful week!!
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    Good morning Mummies....I didn't weigh in this morning for it being maybe I will weigh in later this week, or just wait till Monday....what ya'll think?
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    Week 9/5/11-- 220 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 220 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 219 lbs
    Week 9/26--- 218 lbs
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __2__lbs

    Please pray for me this week Mommies. I have a very very good guy friend (been friends 20 years) that passed away suddenly yesterday. We were out Saturday night dancing our butts off and having the time of our life. He seemed fine. He dropped me off at home at 2:10 a.m. Sunday morning, he texted me at 2:30 and said he made it home. At 9:00 yesterday morning his daughter woke up and found him dead in his bedroom floor. Coroner estimates time of death at 3:00 a.m., just 30 minutes after he texted me for the last time. Please pray for his poor daughter that found him, she is only 13 and was the light of his life. This is going to be sooo hard on her.
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    HAPPY MONDAY!!! I hope everyone has a great start to their week!!!

    Week 9/5/11-- 271.2 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 268.1 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 266.5lbs
    Week 9/26--- 264.3
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31--
    Total Loss--- _-6.90_

    I had a nsv this week too. I tried some of my size smaller jeans and a few of the pairs fit. Some of them would be only to wear with a big sweatshirt, to much of a muffin top to wear them. BUT one pair did fit comfortably!!! yah yah yah!!!
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    I am so so so sorry for your loss!!! I will send postivie thoughts your way!!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Oh Lisa, my heart breaks for you, I am so sorry for your loss. & his poor daughter to have to find him, just unthinkable. Praying for you!!!:cry:

    Great job everyone. I love that Im an shredding while doing this challenge as well, because for once im actually losing weight during a challenge!:laugh: Today is Day 2 of Level 3 of my shred, after today 8 more days. Really looking forward to a break! :wink:

    Week 9/5/11-- 149.1 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 149.0 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 146.9
    Week 9/26--- 145.3
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __3.8__lbs

    Edit- Just realised next monday is our half way weigh in, I've lost roughly 4lbs which means im half way to goal! woohooo!!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    HAPPY MONDAY!!! I hope everyone has a great start to their week!!!

    Week 9/5/11-- 271.2 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 268.1 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 266.5lbs
    Week 9/26--- 264.3
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31--
    Total Loss--- _-6.90_

    I had a nsv this week too. I tried some of my size smaller jeans and a few of the pairs fit. Some of them would be only to wear with a big sweatshirt, to much of a muffin top to wear them. BUT one pair did fit comfortably!!! yah yah yah!!!

    so happy for you!! u are doign amazing....yaaaaaaaay to the the jeans!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Week 9/5/11-- 220 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 220 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 219 lbs
    Week 9/26--- 218 lbs
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __2__lbs

    Please pray for me this week Mommies. I have a very very good guy friend (been friends 20 years) that passed away suddenly yesterday. We were out Saturday night dancing our butts off and having the time of our life. He seemed fine. He dropped me off at home at 2:10 a.m. Sunday morning, he texted me at 2:30 and said he made it home. At 9:00 yesterday morning his daughter woke up and found him dead in his bedroom floor. Coroner estimates time of death at 3:00 a.m., just 30 minutes after he texted me for the last time. Please pray for his poor daughter that found him, she is only 13 and was the light of his life. This is going to be sooo hard on her.

    oh lisa i am so sorry for your loss!! prayers to his family and yours..
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Oh Lisa, my heart breaks for you, I am so sorry for your loss. & his poor daughter to have to find him, just unthinkable. Praying for you!!!:cry:

    Great job everyone. I love that Im an shredding while doing this challenge as well, because for once im actually losing weight during a challenge!:laugh: Today is Day 2 of Level 3 of my shred, after today 8 more days. Really looking forward to a break! :wink:

    Week 9/5/11-- 149.1 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 149.0 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 146.9
    Week 9/26--- 145.3
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __3.8__lbs

    you are doing so amazing!! i just love your dedication..
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Good Morning ladies....this is a very dreary day for me. I hit 150 days yesterday and today marks the first time since that i have to report a gain for the week.. Guess i shouldnt be surprised after my losses the past two weeks and the weekend i had but i will not let it get the best of me!! I have no one to blame but myself and now i am more determined than ever to get back on track. they are.....

    SW - 161.4
    9/12 - 158
    9/19 - 154.8
    9/26 - 156.2 :mad: :explode: :grumble: :devil:

    Loss to date 5.2 lbs

    Hope you all have a wonderful week!!

    dont let it get u down....u are still in a losing status from your start weight..
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Good morning Mummies....I didn't weigh in this morning for it being maybe I will weigh in later this week, or just wait till Monday....what ya'll think?

    i say give it a week...but if u are a scale addict like me that will be hard, lol.
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    Week 9/5/11-- 220 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 220 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 219 lbs
    Week 9/26--- 218 lbs
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __2__lbs

    Please pray for me this week Mommies. I have a very very good guy friend (been friends 20 years) that passed away suddenly yesterday. We were out Saturday night dancing our butts off and having the time of our life. He seemed fine. He dropped me off at home at 2:10 a.m. Sunday morning, he texted me at 2:30 and said he made it home. At 9:00 yesterday morning his daughter woke up and found him dead in his bedroom floor. Coroner estimates time of death at 3:00 a.m., just 30 minutes after he texted me for the last time. Please pray for his poor daughter that found him, she is only 13 and was the light of his life. This is going to be sooo hard on her.

    I am so sorry for your loss. Will be praying for you..
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    YEY!!!!!!!!! it's official, I broke 150lb today :) Mummies, these are great news and I am SOOOO excited. This is the push that I needed to motivate me to keep going on....

    Week 9/5/11-- 152.6 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 150.0 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 150.0 lbs
    Week 9/26--- 149.3 lbs
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __3.3__lbs

    WAY TO GO !!!!!!! that is awesome:)
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    Hi wonderful Mommies!

    Well.....I really lost a lot after my TOM finished. I tried to be good throughout it, and not overindulge like I do. I have been doing no exercise this week, but have been great with keeping up the water, and staying away from the salt. I am SHOCKED I am now in the 140's!!!!!!!!!!

    I havn't been in the 140's since 2008!!

    Here are my results below:


    Week 9/5/11--- 156.5 lb
    Week 9/12 --- 152 lb
    Week 9/19 --- 150.5 lb
    Week 9/26--- 146.5 lbs
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: 10 lbs

    I have lost 10 lbs!!! I still went over my calories both Fri and Sat, but went on track yesterday, and most of last week. I think consitiency with eating is teh key for me. I am still avoiding any refined sugar, and sticking with limited whole grains, and fruits and lean meats.

    That is so wonderful!! i am happy for you :)
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    Week 9/5/11-- 220 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 220 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 219 lbs
    Week 9/26--- 218 lbs
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __2__lbs

    Please pray for me this week Mommies. I have a very very good guy friend (been friends 20 years) that passed away suddenly yesterday. We were out Saturday night dancing our butts off and having the time of our life. He seemed fine. He dropped me off at home at 2:10 a.m. Sunday morning, he texted me at 2:30 and said he made it home. At 9:00 yesterday morning his daughter woke up and found him dead in his bedroom floor. Coroner estimates time of death at 3:00 a.m., just 30 minutes after he texted me for the last time. Please pray for his poor daughter that found him, she is only 13 and was the light of his life. This is going to be sooo hard on her.

    So sorry to hear this!! All my prayers are with those involved !!!