

  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My daughter gave me an NSV today. She said that she can tell that I've lost weight and it's very evident. Coming from her, this is such a compliment. Thought I'd share with my favorite people.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Hello Dears...
    I am so glad to be back too!! I will eventually do individual replies to all like you guys do... It is very inspiring. I do read everyone's posts and it helps to motivate me. Today was a great day form me. Ate some really yummy food. For lunch I made meatballs (baked) with rotini and a bit of rice and for diner I made hamburgers with fries. We went to SeaWorld and I figured straight walking was about 2.5 hours. Not bad.

    I have been thinking about my goals for next week and have the below.... what do you think?

    1) Eat breakfast everyday
    2) Drink 8 glasses of water everyday
    3) Exercise 1hr three times per week
    4) Log everyday... try to log food BEFORE I eat it
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    c25k w4d3 sucked i will have to repeat this week prograqn no way I am moving on to 8 mins then a 20 min run on day3 yet.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Kris, way to go on pushing yourself even when your body was exhausted. 30DS was a killer for my shins, but if you can do that much jumping you should be fine. I was feeling stronger each day.

    Aim2lose, is there any type of physical activity that you enjoy? I found I was poorly motivated to exercise until I accidentally stumbled on Zumba. Once I found that, it just came then it just started building from there. Maybe something more strenuous with your dog training routines? That alone has got to be good exercise.

    10more, way to keep shining on your goals!

    Lttee, protein is a challenge always. I personally can’t stand the powders, but love the meat. Maybe one day I’ll find a good healthy balance. Way to keep rocking your goals! As for your NSV, I think those are the best kind. It’s hard for people who see us everyday to notice these differences and coming from a daughter, you know it has to be true. Awesome!

    Mak, love the greek yogurt more than I thought. I am so proud of you for exercising! You are rocking it this week!

    Hearts Desire, sometimes just having the right groceries in the cabinet help out a lot. I know I was eating poorly without my fresh fruits and veggies. I missed them, that’s for sure. Glad you’re doing so well on your goals! And yes, we are a supportive bunch aren’t we? Keeps me coming back, that’s for sure.

    Philosohoe, great job on the goals. I think the plan for a quick breakfast is a perfect way to avoid the temptation of weighing. Smart job!

    La_nanita, we all have times like these. The best thing to do is go where the support is and then just keep swimming. Sometimes I log in advance to make it easier and then I stick to it, especially exercise because my MFP peeps have already applauded me for it so I feel guilty if I let them down. BTW, love your new idea for goals. They sound very manageable.

    Hzminda, I don’t have classes and have trouble with always wanting to cook something homemade. Sometimes things out of a box are easier. Then again, I try to only do that if I have the sodium available in my day. Great job on the lunches. That’s half the battle!

    Papillion, you’re doing amazing.

    My progress:
    1. In bed no later than 10:30.-last night was asleep by 10 and it’s 10 now and I’m heading to bed as soon as this post goes through.
    2. Return to healthy meal choices, this weekend reminded me how poor ones make you feel exhausted.-did a good job today and a decent job Friday.
    3. Get in week 3 of chalean and return to zumba. I missed the last three weeks of zumba and am having withdrawals.-did Burn 3 yesterday and Zumba today along with Recharge. Woo hoo! Felt so good to do Zumba again!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Sat. Check-in

    Still drinking water, pretty sure I got my regular amount in but wanted to down some extra because of sodium recently.
    No workout today
    Logged all my food and the choices were good, WOW, does grocery shopping ever help!:blushing: :laugh: Least now I have choices so I can actually plan meals.:wink:
    Bedtime last night...UGH! Really really late and I was so tired by the time evening rolled around I really should have tried to go to bed when I planned. It was rough sleeping since I stayed up so late.

    Bedtime tonight, I can still make my deadline...I might make it 10pm tonight.

    Planning on going from Sunday -Sat. on my goals this week and see if it makes any difference mentally for my week. Some reason Monday always seems like the first day of the week to me. But it might be good to give tomorrow a shot for the new challenge.

    I'll likely keep the same goals since it's been a short week for me. Looking forward to the new thread & meeting up with you all again this upcoming week.:smooched: :flowerforyou:

    Looks like some good choices were made this week by my awesome fellow challengers! :drinker: :heart:
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    I'm in
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I'm in
    2uge4p4.gif You're going to have a great time here, a wonderful group that's incredibly motivating!:drinker:

  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    laninita - great goals for next week, I know I'm already thinking of mine as well

    HeartsDesire - great job on your goals, love your positive outlook, now get to bed ! lol

    LadyGloria - wow on the activity, way to go, absolutely amazing!

    Kris - I think it's wonderful how you are listening to your body and what it needs and doing things right until you feel that you are ready to up the ante :drinker:

    My check in:
    Excercised today (yay Philosohoe!!)
    Stayed within calorie range, even going out to dinner!!
    Wise decision: decided not to go out for a second swim due to lightning storm
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Saturday night check in--even though half the group is probably already in bed :)

    1) Exercise everyday including 2 non swim workouts--yes! This is 5/7 (since I missed yesterday), but I did two different solid workouts today: hour long swim and 50 min elliptical after dinner to earn back my dessert calories and end the day in the green! Oh and with Tuesday's walk and tonight's elliptical, that makes 2 non-swims!
    2) calories in the green--yep, see #1
    3) no meals over 1000mg sodium except for bf's birthday dinner--gah! I was doing so well on this one all week, until I had lunch at El Pollo Loco, and forgot that the salsa has a ridiculous amount of sodium. I knew I was going to go over sodium on dinner tonight (along with several other categories) but I totally blew it at lunch--1200 :(. That's okay, I've had about 12 cups of water today to help compensate. Looking at my week so far, my average is just slightly over 2000mg/day, so I'm good with that for tonight.
    4) Watch potassium--wow, today was my lowest day all week for recorded potassium, but I think it's because I ate out twice, and the nutritional guidelines don't have to show that, so my actual was probably a tad higher than it looks like today.

    So I just have to give a great big shout out to my girl Ittee...she was with us for bf's bd, and she knew what she was going to have before we went out, stuck to her order, and turned down dessert because she knew it would put her over her calories. I'm soooo proud of her!! She even said no to a BROWNIE! You don't understand, that's like a fish saying, "that's cool, I'll just walk instead of swim." Chocolate is this woman's kryptonite. Inspiring!

    Alrighty then, so Sunday will finish off my week, but I'm totally looking forward to checking in with everyone's new goals. This was such a weird week of weather and emotions and randomness, but hey, we're pulling through it, so BIG HI-FIVES ALL AROUND! (Wish I knew how to make a hi-five smiley)

    Catch you on the flip side!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    She even said no to a BROWNIE! You don't understand, that's like a fish saying, "that's cool, I'll just walk instead of swim." Chocolate is this woman's kryptonite.

    Oh my goodness, I love you! It's so sadly true. Yesterday my daughter joked that she went into my purse and I could've cared less, but she just glanced at my stash of chocolate in my room and I warned her to back off. What's sad is it's true: I truly did that yesterday. And great job to you, hopping on the elliptical to earn back your dessert!

    Excercise calories rule!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member

    Just wanted to say everyone had a great week! Here's to next week! :drinker: