September Weight Loss Challenge (CLOSED)



  • linbaby4
    linbaby4 Posts: 96 Member
    Starting weight for September - 148 lbs
    This week's weigh in - 145 lbs (9/29) I'm a little late :blushing:
    Your goal for September - 142-140 lbs
    Total Loss so far in September - 3 lbs
    How you are doing on your personal goal-I have started back up on packing my lunch to school. Although I was buying a salad everyday I #1 did't like spending $8 a day and #2 felt more comfortable making my own salad and knowing whats in it. I have slacked off for about 4 days and clearly it shows in my numbers. But I'm back and ready for October!!

    Any comments you'd like to make -Can't believe september is basically over. where the heck did this month go?!
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,130 Member
    Starting weight for September: 218
    This week's weigh in: 218
    Your goal for September: 210
    Total Loss so far in September: 0
    How you are doing on your personal: i am getting exercise done everyday
    Any comments you'd like to make: getting really frustrated with things going the wrong way even though i'm working hard
  • SW: 156
    GW Sept: 152
    Final Weigh in: 152.8
  • Yvette2u
    Yvette2u Posts: 35 Member
    Sept SW = 246.9
    This weeks CW = 235.8
    Sept weight loss = 11.1lbs
    Sept GW = 236.9

    Personal Goal = To drink 8 glasses of water daily. This week it did not happen, but I am at least I am drinking min 6.

    I can't believe I passed my goal!! Yah!!!
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    Starting weight for September 5th, 2011: 154.4
    Current weight for September 30, 2011: 150.4
    September weight loss - 4 lbs

    I'm 4 lbs down!!! Granted I did not get down the amount I wanted, but I know my 4lb lost was a healthy one. I enjoyed everything that passed my lips eating what I wanted and with in moderation. I also noticed a difference in my endurance when taking my boot camp classes! I also make better choices when eating and do not over eat! I am up to 8 glasses of water a day! I'm happy with my progress. My goal for October is to be 4 more lbs down!
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    SW 280
    CW 274.6
    Sept Goal 270
    Sept loss 5.4 lbs
    Not what I wanted to do, but injured my leg 2 weeks ago and haven't been able to go jogging any. Still, lost over 5 lbs...I'll take it.
  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    Well done everyone - keep it up!
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Starting weight for September 197.5
    This week's weigh in 188
    Your goal for September 189
    Total Loss so far in September 9.5
    How you are doing on your personal goal? GREAT!
    Any comments you'd like to make.... Buh-bye 190's NEVER AGAIN!

    **passed my goal by one pound :0)
  • Sorry. I've been on holiday. It's 152 I think.
  • Oh gosh, ignore that, I confused my challenges, I will update this tomorrow.
  • lolomichelle13
    lolomichelle13 Posts: 56 Member
    Starting weight for September: 165
    This week's weigh in: 161
    Your goal for September: 160
    Total Loss so far in September: 4 lbs
    How you are doing on your personal goal: Well today is the last day of the month. I almost made it! I will take a 4 lb loss though, very happy with it, but know I can do better next month. I've been drinking much more water than I used to, so I did good on that part also!

    Hope everyone was happy with their results!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Well- i didn't get to 140- but I did get to 145!!! VERY HAPPY AOUT THAT! I have lost 15 pounds in 45 days! I"ll take it!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Starting weight for September: 200.4  
    This week's weigh in: 197lbs
    Your goal for September: 190 lbs  
    Total Loss so far in September: 3.4lbs 

    How are you doing on you personal goal?  
    I had a funeral, biopsy, & was gone for church for 8hrs this week, so I had to take 3 days off from working out.

    Any comments you'd like to make:  
    i hit a plateau, and then i ended up missing 3 days for other things. so i didn't do as well as i thought i would with losing weight
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Starting weight for September: 169.6
    This week's weigh in: 165.8
    Your goal for September: 159
    Total loss so far: 3.8

    Bleh, I had a rough month and am kinda disappointed I didn't even lose 5 lbs. However, I still lost some pounds so that's still a plus! Onto this month!!
  • Starting weight for Sept - 246.5
    End weight for Sept - 244.5
    Goal for Sept - 242.5
    Total loss for Sept - 2lbs
    Sorry I have not been online recently due to chaos at home with a kitchen being fitted and wood flooring layed in the hall and lounge. All done now :happy:
    Personal goals - I have managed only 2 work outs per week over the past fortnight so I need to get back on track with that and I've still not bought any new clothes!
  • dsadler81
    dsadler81 Posts: 13 Member
    Starting weight for September: 308
    This week's weigh in: 303
    Your goal for September: 299
    Total Loss so far in September: -5
    How you are doing on your personal goal: My goals are to set up my home gym and exercise 5x a week - I'm going to hit the exercising 5x a week and I'm hoping to set up my home gym this weekend!
    Any comments you'd like to make: I'm determined to be under 300 lbs!