Brides to be! Sept-Oct. (closed group)



  • princessmikayla5
    princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
    I am so sorry I have been so absent lately. I am stressed to the max, haven't been eating well, and haven't been exercising. I know it sounds like a cop-out, but life has just been killing me lately. I'm going to keep trying to get back on track.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am losing serious inches off the waist! :drinker: And Iam down this week!!

    In wedding news...we put the deposit down on a venue!!! I am so excited, we can finally move forward with the planning! We are having the ceremony and reception in the ballroom of a historic building downtown. It is gorgeous! :love:

    I meet with a photographer today. This has been my biggest headache. :sad: The decent ones all cost a fortune (in comparison to our budget) and the "affordable" ones are all crap. :explode:
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    Got my invites today! 32 days and counting till the DAY. Got to get them out ASAP. My FMIL told me yesterday right before I went to pick up the invites if it was possible to change the time for the reception from 5 pm till 6 pm! I was like WHAT? No they are hand made and my friend just sent me a text saying they were ready to pick up. Then she wants me to write by hand the time change on all 100 invites! Ummm Stressed Much? Yes I was. I decided that for the ones that are local I will just turn the 5 to a 6 with a pen that I am mailing out and give her, her invites and she can do that herself for hers. She is the one that told me the wrong time (she booked the reception hall, or possibly she needs more time to get the hall ready. The wedding is at noon as it is. What is everyone supposed to do for 5 hours before the reception? IDK but at least all the bridesmaids dresses are ordered and flower girl dresses are in my closet and so is my dress and I have 12 days until my last fitting on my dress. I feel like things are on track :)
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    @Natasha26 Congrats on booking your venue! I know what you mean about photographers. It such a pain and I feel like some photographers aren't even that great and they charge an arm and a leg!

    @trisharrell I'm sorry to hear about the mistake on your wedding invites! That's horrible to hear! I hope everything worked out.

    I've been a little off track lately but I'm trying to get back into it. I haven't been very active on MFP with posts but I continue to track my foods. Just a little tired and annoyed. Annoyed of my MOH. I think it's time to fire her but I feel really bad about doing so.... Oh well, we'll see what happens.

    I hope everyone has a great day! :)
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    @Natasha---congrats on finding a venue! We are also doing a ballroom, so we're going with a kind of vintage theme.

    @ vannabehr---sorry to hear that your MOH isn't being there for you. Maybe you should have a heart-to-heart with her first before firing her? That would be really hard to do, but maybe if you let her know how frusterated you are, she'll clean up her act. IDK.

    As far as my own wedding planning goes, I didn't get to go dress shopping on Monday as planned:sad: because my FI's grandmother fell and broke a vertebrae in her back, so we went down to go see her in the hopspital instead (6 hour round trip). So now, I'm going on Sunday to dress shop, and hopefully buy a dress! I'm pretty sure I know what I want, but we'll see how it looks when I'm wearing it. Also going to meet with a florist and a DJ company Monday, so hopefully we can make progress on getting all of our vendors booked.

    Fitness wise, it's been a great week so far! My FI told me last week that he wants to start working out to lose the weight he gained when he quit smoking, but that he would only realistically go if we went together in the morning. We've gone 3 times this week, and are planning on going tomorrow morning as well. I'm so proud of him! :love: Getting up at 5:30am sucks, but I'm getting used to it.

    Wow. That was a lot. Hope all you lovelies have a fantastic weekend!!!
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    My bf have talked about just getting married in front of our immediate families and one or two friends since my extended family is huge and we don't even have very many close friends. The only "needs" for the wedding are a cake, a dress and a photographer. I had quite a few wants but the desire for them dropped dramatically once I realized that they cost more than a couple of bucks. My boyfriend just wants to pick the cake topper. I've stopped caring about catering, center pieces, insulting people that I never talk to, brides maids and their dresses, etc.; pretty much everything involved in a wedding besides my three needs.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    My bf have talked about just getting married in front of our immediate families and one or two friends since my extended family is huge and we don't even have very many close friends. The only "needs" for the wedding are a cake, a dress and a photographer. I had quite a few wants but the desire for them dropped dramatically once I realized that they cost more than a couple of bucks. My boyfriend just wants to pick the cake topper. I've stopped caring about catering, center pieces, insulting people that I never talk to, brides maids and their dresses, etc.; pretty much everything involved in a wedding besides my three needs.

    I totally agree with you. Our wedding was supposed to be a drive thru wedding (so his family couldnt feel bad about it being just us) something very intimate with him wearing something nice and me in a tea length gown. Then go have lunch at our favorite restaraunt and THEN go tell his family and let them take pictures etc. But once his parents found out about it, they said they wanted to throw us a party, then his mom insisted on his neices being flower girls and I am like "there are no attendants" OMG now there are 8 groomsman (his mom picked them, all his brothers and cousins) and I have two bridesmaids and 2 junior bridesmaids (my two daughters a friend and my fh other neice) as well as his two neices for flower girls, his mother has tried to control everything from flower girl dresses to the bridesmaid dresses to the centerpeices and flowers, the hall, the food, where we get ready etc. I did get to select the flowers and centerpeices. She picked out the cake and the food and the hall, I got my way on the dresses and the tuxes but it was a battle. And I told her she could pick who she wanted to do hair and make up but the girl who has been cutting and doing my hair for 4 years is going to be doing my hair. I didnt want any of this. but FH says to do this for his parents as a favor to him. And our 400 dollar wedding has now cost me almost 2000, his parents are paying for the rest. *hangs head* I still dream longingly of the drive thru wedding and the intimacy and simplicity of it.
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    Are we ready for weigh in tomorrow? I need to come up with a new mini challenge. Any ideas?

    I hope tomorrow is better than last week. I hope I was just super bloated that morning from weekend drinking. I doubt I could put on 6 pounds and 2 inches in a week but I did eat like crap.
  • MrsSmith1112
    MrsSmith1112 Posts: 169 Member
    Just got my measurements in! My waist measurement is FINALLY smaller than my boobies!!! Wooohoooo! This means I'm finally starting to be shaped like a girl again! Fantastic! I just tried on my wedding dress...for fun! I'm gonna have to take out a loan to pay for the alterations! I slipped it up without ever touching a button or a zipper! Thank you guys so freakin much! My goal for the end of this challenge is to be out of the obese catagory! 4 pounds to go! <3
  • poisongirl1
    poisongirl1 Posts: 93 Member
    My weight is the same as last week which actually makes me verrrrrrry happy because it's Thanksgiving. I had a big turkey dinner Saturday with my family, and then fiance and I had our own little Thanksgiving dinner last night (with chicken instead of turkey since there's only two of us!), so I expected to be up a couple pounds from all that eating! Woo-hoo for staying the same!! As for inches I ended up breaking even, I lost half an inch on my waist but gained half an inch on my hips.
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks Nico... sorry I am just now replying. I need to check in with you ladies more often. I do need to get used to my fiance paying for things. I think letting him help me with some bills will really help me out. The way my income has dropped, I have no choice but to ask him for help. At least we're almost there! I initially had a hard time grasping that what's mine becomes his, even if it's debt that I racked up when he was no where around. I began thinking that I don't mind a single bit helping make payments on his car loan and student loans, so that's what he must be feeling too.

    Congrats on everyone's continued good progress, and for sticking it out through the wedding plans! I know it's always stressful at least a little, no matter how hard we try to not let it be! Venues were stressful for me, invitations were a bit, and some other details. Doesn't it feel SO good when you get that stuff finalized?

    My next major project is sending out invitations. I got them Wednesday, and I LOVE them. I am hand delivering some, because I think that is personal, and it does help save on postage. My first shower is planned for the 29th of this month. I will be much more relaxed after November 3 because that's when my senior clarinet recital is and I am so anxious about that. I am down another pound and a couple inches (have no idea how!) so I am just happy about the slow and steady. I am going to Pensacola for my fiance's graduation from nav training this weekend, and part of my trip includes picking up and bringing my dress home, which I found down there!

    My latest stress has been with my fiance's schedule. He has SERE (Survive, Evade, Resist, Escape) training from 11/10-12/2 so he will not be home for Thanksgiving. I know being a military spouse I need to just get used to that! Then he has to redo water survival and he will not be home until December 16th... the day before our wedding!!! We haven't been able to apply for our marriage license since we've been engaged because he hasn't been able to be home on a business day. He says he is going to come home next week, but he has to get leave approved. Grr!

    I hope everyone has a fabulous week, and I will try to check in more often so that my posts aren't essays!
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    Am I going nuts or am I finding vintage wedding dresses in my size? I stopped looking for a while because it was so disappointing that I would never be able to fit into these tiny dresses. Now most are my size! The ones that won't fit perfectly will easily fit with a little help from a corset that I plan to wear anyways to smooth out my lines.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    that is awesome nico! Have you picked out "the" dress yet?

    I wish I could remember to post my measurements on Mondays...I'm always late. lol

    In other news...I picked out my wedding dress on Sunday!!! It's very anti-poofy (since I'm not really a poofy dress kinda girl...I work on cars. lol). It's lacy, and has an open back, so now I really need to kick my workouts into gear! First fitting is in a month.
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    Congrats on finding dresses, Girls! I am not going wedding dress shopping until two months before my wedding! Talk about stress but I have to wait until we have the money!

    Just booked a DJ! So excited since he was the sixth one I had called and all the others were already booked on my day! Also, for six hours of playing he is charging us a little under $700! I have heard him play before and he is awesome so I am glad that we found a good one at a great price! A little less stress gone!
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    I had picked out "the" dress but it sold before I had the money. I still don't have the money. My boss talked me out of going for the big poofy princess dress I wanted. I think I'm going for a wiggle dress to show off my new hour glass figure. I'm trying not too attached to any one dress before I have the cash. Oh yeah, I quit my second job after the second day. The place was trashy.
  • achasnis
    achasnis Posts: 119 Member
    I am sorry fellow Brides, I have been slacking with my posting lately. Hope to have time today to catch up on everyones posts and see everyones successes so far!
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    Ok ladies, we need a mini challenge this week. I'm doing JM30DS and C25K. I think I could also add on a 10 minute random youtube pilates video for some extra core work.

    So challenge is 10 minutes of Pilates! You can do any video, or if you know some moves or whatever, just 10 minutes a day.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    Found a new bra (since I lost the one I had when I brought home my dress) and when I brought it home 7 weeks ago it wouldnt zip up all the way over my bust. (I went from a size 16 to a size 12 from June thru the middle of August)

    And now the dress zips up! Now granted I cant take a really deep breath but I still have 3 weeks till the wedding. If I continue as I have been with my 30DS and eating right. Hopefully it will be good. My fitting is on Tuesday and I am thinking about not having them take it out in the bust. What do you think?
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    measurements in! No difference but that also means no gain! So I will take it!

    FINALLY, got my bridesmaids to agree on a dress and out of the four, only two have made plans to purchase it. Told my other two they have until the end of the month to get it or I get someone else! It should not have taken them over six months to decide on a dress! I am getting so stressed out thinking about how close this wedding actually is! ugh!
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    @Kansas---same here, and same sentiment! After spending 4 days with my FIL's, I feel like I gained 10 pounds, and I think that I look like that, but my measurements are the same. As far as bridesmaids dresses go, did the other 2 tell you when they were planning on purchasing?

    @Trish, that is awesome that it fits without alterations! But, if you can't breathe, maybe just a teeny alteration so that you're comfy on the wedding day? Now that I'm looking at your post again, I see your fitting is today, so my advice probably doesn't even matter at this point. :laugh: So, how did it go?

    As for myself, we're just plugging along planning. I'm working on DIY centerpieces, and we booked our florist, whose estimate came in $100 under budget!!! :glasses: Feels like the first thing that's been underbudget so far though, lol.

    Hope yall have a great week! I'll do my pilates tonight :)