Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    So aside from Jillian Micheals workouts has anyone else tried any other fitness plan DVDs? I'm not a big fan of those jump all over the place ones, mostly due to my bad knee, but I think I'm really getting burnt out on running and I'm not sure what to do! At this point its either go back to a gym membership or some type of DVD program. I was looking at the Tracy Anderson DVDs today and those looked interesting, anyone familiar or have any others they have tried?

    Have you ever tried They have A LOT of workout programs. You can download some exercise DVDs right away, or you can have them shipped to you. If you have cable-on-demand, you can already access many of their workouts -- just follow their online plan. can sign up for the Premium Pass ($9.99/mo) and access their 200+ video library from your computer, and even that comes with 30-day workout plans. It's changed a lot since I tried the monthly pass a year ago. I almost want to sign up again! I originally quit because the workout plan I wanted wasn't in the monthly package.

    Right now, I'm having a hard time adjusting to my new full-time job schedule and working out at nights. I'm looking for SHORT workouts to do at nights, mainly to get into the routine of doing something every day. I was thinking about starting ExerciseTV's 10 pound Slimdown or Bikini Revolution, mainly cuz I own those DVDs but never put them into a 21-day or 30-day plan. Some of them are knee killers (that would be YOU, 10 pound Slimdown Lower Body), but you won't know until you try it. One of these days, I'll get around to purchasing their Butt Bible series, which is another 6-wk plan. Gotta love those detailed plans! And I ESPECIALLY love it when they give me a variety, instead of the same Jillian Michaels level each day.

    Check them out online:
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    That's so funny you mention exercise tv because that's what I ended up deciding to do! They added a new one on there called yoga bootcamp that I'm going to try. It will be a complete change from running! We'll see how it goes but it should be really good for all my overworked and aching parts. You basically just do a workout every other day so I think maybe I'll go for walks on the off days to try and keep everything low impact.

    I did try 10 lb slimdown shortly before I joined MFP last spring. I ended up dropping it because I was trying to do the recommended food plan at the same time and I found it to be too strict and just gave up. But man those are some tough workouts! By the end of the first week I was so sore I could barely move! I'm sure it would have given good results if I had stuck with it. I've heard really good things about Butt Bible on here, a gal I'm a friend with on here who does fitness compitions does them and really likes them so maybe that will be the next one! The nice thing with ther exercise tv ones is that you can try them out first before you buy.
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    Did a lot of cleaning out yesterday. Today is another day and it is football season and our teams play today. I say teams because my husband has 2 teams that he never gives up on. Anyway, the big decision is what snacks/food to have while the games are on. I would be ok without snack but family/friends are coming over.

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
  • kathied41
    Haven't been watching and definitely cant exercise for now. Ended up in er thurs night. have a 7.5MM kidney stone. had pain across my waist all day tues but just thought it was normal ddd pain for me. then by 8pm swore I had bad gas/constipation. woke up wens fine, then wens night before bed my urine looked like coffee, and again thurs morn.Ive had a cpl before but never blood with them. I'm taking it easy-may have to see urologist for lithotripsy. Plus the ct scan found a small spot on my adrenal gland, so thats worrying us.And if that wasnt enuf, its also tom-oh joy!!
    I'm still journaling my food n water here tho.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Evening...
    Today was much better. Feeling a bit better and after my husband and I took had a nice walk about the city, I did get to the gym this afternoon. I did an easy workout but at least it was a workout. When I think of this week and the challenge, I have really gotten some things done around the house. I got my porch ready for winter, changed over my upstairs bathroom and cleaned cabinets and stove in the kitchen far. Great challenges this week. I am worried that my two days under the weather may effect the next weigh in ...but I know I need to keep moving!!!

    Have a good night,
  • hopelyss
    hopelyss Posts: 145
    Hey guys, I feel so bad because I haven't posted anything except my weight for a few weeks now. I gotta be honest, I haven't been keeping up with the challenges one bit. :ohwell: My life has been so hectic. Work, my girls' dance, soccer, girl scouts, church, and visiting family this weekend, there has been no time for cleaning, much less DEEP cleaning. Fall break is coming up after this week, so hopefully I'll tackle some of the rooms then. :smile: Hope everyone is doing well!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Well, it's Monday and I'm tired cause I stayed up too late last night with hubby and friends celebrating his birthday. At least I was DD so I didn't get hungover too :ohwell:

    I'm really stuck. I'm fluctuating between 160-163 for a few weeks now, maybe even longer. There's something about the low 160s that are like a vortex to me. This happened to me the last time I was on a weightloss program. I eventually busted through it, but it took some hard work to get there. It's not that I'm opposed to hard work, but when the weather changes to fall, which it's certainly done here, my bear instincts kick in, meaning I am so hungry and trying to pack on fat/calories for the long winter.

    A couple of weeks ago I upped my cal intake, I was thinking that I had been at 1200 calories for too long, so I was stagnating. However, bumping back up as only made it worse, well that and I'm straying from the 1600 cals more than I should. So, I'm going back down to 1200 and I'm really going to focus this week. This week for me is all about portion control, NO BEER, and working out every dau, even if it's just a little itty bitty workout. (And I'm doing Tuesday's challenge, so watch for these things to show up there).

    Have a lovely Monday and looking forward to seeing good numbers on the scale for you all tomorrow:flowerforyou:
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Well, it's Monday and I'm tired cause I stayed up too late last night with hubby and friends celebrating his birthday. At least I was DD so I didn't get hungover too :ohwell:

    I'm really stuck. I'm fluctuating between 160-163 for a few weeks now, maybe even longer. There's something about the low 160s that are like a vortex to me. This happened to me the last time I was on a weightloss program. I eventually busted through it, but it took some hard work to get there. It's not that I'm opposed to hard work, but when the weather changes to fall, which it's certainly done here, my bear instincts kick in, meaning I am so hungry and trying to pack on fat/calories for the long winter.

    A couple of weeks ago I upped my cal intake, I was thinking that I had been at 1200 calories for too long, so I was stagnating. However, bumping back up as only made it worse, well that and I'm straying from the 1600 cals more than I should. So, I'm going back down to 1200 and I'm really going to focus this week. This week for me is all about portion control, NO BEER, and working out every dau, even if it's just a little itty bitty workout. (And I'm doing Tuesday's challenge, so watch for these things to show up there).

    Have a lovely Monday and looking forward to seeing good numbers on the scale for you all tomorrow:flowerforyou:

    I think my vortex is 170-173. I'm kinda stuck right now too. I had started eating my exercise calories since I'm getting closer to goal weight, but that made things worse. I think I'm going to drop my daily calorie goal by 200 and I just need to do a better job of planning my meals. I haven't gone to the grocery store in way too long and I keep eating the crap that hasn't gone bad at my house. Totally get you on winter coming and coming into bear hibernation mode.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I honestly think there is something to be at the end of a 10lbs marker. I got stuck at 160.. I got stuck at 150.. and here I am.. stuck around the low 140's. I honestly have to go back and remind myself how much I struggled at those markers to even begin to stay motivated to where I'm at now. Its taken me 2 years to be where I am. granted that gives at least 10-15lb extra per year that I always gain during holiday... but still.. if I think about the long haul I have always struggled at these markers and always made it through.

    The no drinking is the hardest for me. I enjoy my weekends of drinking but it really ruins my entire week when I do that.

    I did sooooo good this weekend. I stayed within calories, worked my butt off, and my house is CLEAN! :drinker: Here's to a new week!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Some of it is probably in my head. If I got stuck at 175-177 I wouldn't notice as much cause I'm not dieing to see the next number on the scale. The difference between 175 and 174 doens't seem like as big a deal as 170 and 169. I just really want to be in the 160's.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I'm posting a bit early for the challenge week starting tomorrow, Tuesday, because I fear that I just won't get to it tomorrow if I don't. So here goes...

    Food: Find your trigger foods and avoid them like the plague. :laugh: Seriously, for many of us there's one food in particular, or types of foods, that send us into a spiral of poor choices. So identify your achilles heel of food and work to cut out completely or at the very least curb considerably. Post your food early in the week, then check back in at the end of the week and let us know how you did.

    Exercise: Find the little ways to boost your calorie burn throughout the day, each day. This is something that worked really well for me when I first started this journey, but lately I've been lazy about this. Here are some ideas:
    take a mini-speed walk on your lunch break
    park your car at the end of the parking lot when going to stores
    jog in place/around the house while doing chores
    fit in desk workouts (see these websites for ideas:,,
    sneak in
    Share with us your other ideas

  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I actually cut out chocolate over the weekend and ended up eating other stuff to compensate. Plan for this week 3 pieces of Hershey's bliss dark chocolate a day total. Satisfy the craving without going over board.

    My exercise suggestion - I do a couple rounds of yoga sun salutations a couple times a day (sometimes at the office). Wakes up my brain in addition to my muscles.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Great challenges, Olivia! You MUST have been reading my mind! Just last night, I decided to "challenge" myself with these 2 goals:

    **FOOD -- Keep treat calories under 100 cals/day. I have SUCH a hard time avoiding sweets! I've had to "blacklist" some items, mainly because I know I can never eat them in moderation. You know how it goes. You buy the big bulk bag on sale, saying, "This will last me forever!" and then it's gone the next day. My blacklist items are cookies, Hostess, any bakery items, and ice cream. Even then, it's easy for me to consume 500 calories/day in just sweets. I'm limiting myself to 100 cals a day this week. AND I even met that goal by only having 90 calories today. Six days to go!

    **EXERCISE -- 10,000 steps/day (5 miles). I found this article last week about how many steps sedentary to highly active people take. (Here's a link, if you're interested: Based on their classifications, I need to take 10,000 steps a day to keep my MFP "active" status. I was shooting for 10,000 today, but my pedometer broke! I'm buying a new one tomorrow night. Even without a working pedometer, I went to the far bathroom (600 steps each time), walked 20 minutes before buying lunch (2000 steps), and did calf raises waiting for the elevators. I can't wait to see if my estimates are correct when I get that new pedometer!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Weighing in at 155.8.

    No tears about it his week. I followed the challenge and logged everything and man did I eat horribly!! I mean bad, like to the point where I was embaressed to complete my food log and encourage other people to look at it bad. My stress level is way back up for a few different reasons right now and I've really got to be diligent not to fall into the comfort food and binging pattern.

    So for the challenges this week. I have about a million trigger foods, but in particular things that are salty so I'm going to make my goal to stay under my sodium for the week which would mean I'm eating less salty foods in general.

    Going to have to think about the exercise one....
  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Checking in at 146.8. I think I am down .2

    A big pat on the back to everyone who attempted some type of cleaning and hard core logging. Good luck with this weeks challenge.

  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Weighing in at 186.0 this week lost a pound . I have lost 50 pounds since January !
    I love these challenges for this week !
    I do get to walk at work so thats a good thing to get some more exercise in .
    For my trigger food it would be to stay away from the chocolate this week . I do love chocolate and sometimes just want to get a candy bar but not this week !
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    CW- 170.4

    Going the right direction again. I really want to see 16 as the first two numbers on the scale for next weeks weigh in.
  • parvy123
    parvy123 Posts: 206 Member
    Hi Everyone, I hope it's never too late to join this challenge. I checked out the spreadsheet and you are all having good successes so I'd like to join in.

    CW (Tuesday 11 Oct) = 302 lbs
    GW (by 22nd Nov) = 290 lbs

    Hope I can be added :smile:

    My trigger foods are anything super carby... I love stodgy pasta, bread, potatoes, but also need to stay away from biscuits

    Boosting my exercise - I will always try and do something while watching TV (instead of eating or playing on my iphone!)

    Parvy x
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Welcome, Parvy! I've added you to the group spreadsheet. You can access it at anytime, so go ahead and bookmark it:

    Checking in!

    9/6 SW: 196.0
    9/13 WK1: 193.4
    9/20 WK2: 194.2
    9/27 WK3: 193.4
    10/4 WK4: 193.8
    10/11 WK5: 192.6

    Yay! FINALLY a weekly loss over a pound! Hasn't happened since week 1. But, BOOOOO, I'm still in the white. Looks like I'll have to lose 1.3 lbs this week to get into the yellow next week. Let's do this!!
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 963 Member
    10/11 weighing in at 194
    2 down:smile:

    Not so good on the challenges last week.
    Cleaning- Started strong but kind of let it go toward the end of the week and totally blew it off this weekend.
    I did log in ALL my food, though

    I like this weeks challenges. I am going to try to add a walk around the block in the afternoon. Trigger food would be Mc Donalds, I will try to avoid it.