Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • xreinvention
    xreinvention Posts: 82 Member
    Great job on reaching your goal already!!!

    Update on my NSV....
    I've been outside walk/running for the past 5 workouts!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,945 Member
    Did a 46 minute walk today and did a plank for 30 seconds twice so 46 minutes total today.

    I am unable to drink 10 glasses of water but I am at 4 glasses as of 4pm so may be able to achieve 6 glasses of water before the day is through.
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Singer - well done!! :bigsmile:

    I have been missing in action - not been well, and forgot about weighing in last week! :ohwell:

    Then the past 2-3 days I have been eating to make myself feel better - what's with that! AND it seems when I am close to my goal , I sabotage myself! Go figure :mad:

    Well, hopefully back on track as of today!

    I have been drinking my water and have been for a walk - very slow mind you - each day.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I got outside and spent 2 1/2 hours working on my yard today. It's been wet here for the last couple of weeks, so I desperately NEEDED to get the mowing, fall fertilizing, and over-seeding done before it gets any wetter and colder-- all DONE now!

    I'll say it again, I can SEE where my exercise calories have been expended this past year--I just look at my yard and smile! This winter, I plan to work on the inside of my house, painting and getting it ready for sale in the spring. With luck, in the next year, I'll be moving to where I can have my horse again and spend tons of calories doing my favorite exercise.
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Just wanted to stop in and say hey...have a big meeting on wednesday, and then I should be able to post more often...miss getting on here, you all have been so much support, I am so grateful to my MFP family! Anyhow, will get on later to post the challenge for this week :) I am so excited that we are all making progress, and I finally moved up to yellow...maybe green next tomorrow? Hope so!
    Happy Monday!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I had a great conversation with a few of my co-workers (fellow MFP'ers) today about how we've lost our MFP / weight loss mojo. We all looked to each other for support & motivation. As one of us began to decline it was like a tumblling house of cards. We will be starting over again...finding the daily commitment to exercise & log our meals. But I know we can do it! I want my MOJO back!

    I'm returning to Jillian & the 30DS. Today was L1D1 and it felt AWESOME! Surprisingly, all I could think about during the workout was when I first did 30DS back in February and how I felt. I am happy to find that unlike February I can do the full workout without stopping & catching my breathe. I'm sad to think that just a few months ago I could do both 30DS & Ri30 in the same day...the thought of doing that now makes me cringe....but is a good goal to work towards.

    Happy Monday to all!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    For the first time in a long time I'm feeling good about tomorrow's weigh in. Weekend was a bit rough but the rest of the week has been good so fingers crossed this week! I did 5 of 7 days exercise this week and I've done good with the water too.

    As you may recall I decided to start a yoga exercise video program this month and today was day 16. I gotta say, I actually think I can really see a difference in my muscle tone already! I can definately tell a difference in my strength doing the poses. I know a lot of people like the big burns, but I think this really may be a better way to go for me to exercise. I've (more or less) just been walking or doing something light on the non-yoga days. I'm finding it really relaxing, but still working up a good sweat. I really wish yoga studios weren't so expensive, though! I don't think I could afford to join one so I'll be stuck with the videos if I decide to stick with this, but that's okay there's a lot of options out there.

    Ailene, you can abosultely get your mojo back! We're here to cheer you on too :smile: Glad to see some NSVs coming through for people recently too, congrats everyone! Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Ailene, glad you are choosing to re-discover your mojo, I totally am at that place where I need to get back there myself. My weight loss journey is almost over, but my get healthy journey, that's for forever, and I don't want to lose that passion I started with when I got on MFP to get slim, fit and strong!
    Challenges for week of 10/25, Week 7
    Food: In the spirit of trick or treating fun, find a fun, healthy treat that you enjoy, something you can eat without feeling guilty. We all need some sort food treat that is good for us and that we enjoy having that we can reward ourselves with. Share your treat ideas on here :tongue:
    Fitness: Increase your intensity. Vamp up your workouts this week, go harder.
    Lastly, as it seems that some of us have lost our way and our trying to find our mojo, share with the group what was it like when you made the decision to get healthier and lose weight. Maybe it was when you got on MFP, maybe before, but share what lit the fire under your butt to get up and get moving to really make a change in your life.
    Hope everyone is doing well! Looking forward to refinding my way on here with ya'll!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    feel so behind on our board. Haven't had time to catch up today, but I'm sure I will tomorrow. Had a blast at my ultimate frisbee costume tourney this weekend (you can see my with my team here.... can you spot me?). Can't wait to hear about how your week has been!
  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Check in....Last week 145.4

    This week 145.2 Down .2

    Hope that y'all have a great week!!!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am down a pound this week to be checking in at 185.0 ! Thats 51 pounds for me since January ~ I love these challenges for this week too !
    And what really got me moving and when i descided to really take care of myself this year was when i seen a picture of myself with my 2 neices and their cousin last year at christmas time i was like and i was really not happy with how i looked in that picture and now i am excited to have my picture taken this year ! And i am never going back either to the person that i used to be ! Myfitnesspal has really changed my life and im so excited to be on this journey !
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    154.4 this week :smile: Going in the right direction for once!
  • jenniferjgayfield
    128.6 this morning, so glad to be moving towards my goal weight...
    Kris, I'm glad that you are excited to take your picture this year, and wow, 51 pounds since January, that really is awesome, congratulations!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    168.8 Up this week.

    That's better than I thought it would be. Spent Sunday nigtht/Monday morning at the casino playing blackjack with my mom. I didn't count calories until I got back. My choice of oral fixation at the table is small pieces of dark chocolate. Not great but way healthier than the oral fixation of everyone else at the table. Plus we ate out at a restaurant on the river. Best Calamari I've ever had.
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    174.6 this week!:smile:
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 963 Member
    Todays weigh in 191, down 2 lb this week. Only 1 lb till my goal, I am so excited!!!!!! Can/ should I change my goal?
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Congrats Tammi, you're almost there, and it seems like you have been consistently losing weight. You may want to change your goal weight, so that you don't lose motivation, just make sure you keep it reasonable. Again, congrats!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    holding off on weighing in until tonite. My number is a little high and I think it's because my muscles are so sore from running all weekend, so they're holding water/lactic acid.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    CW: 183.2

    hey all,

    Im' sorry I haven't posted but been super busy with work...and going camping this weekend. I did great this week, and lost 2.2 pounds, so I hope to keep the momentum going. Have to run and get some more work done, but I'll catch up later.

    Stay safe!
  • xreinvention
    xreinvention Posts: 82 Member
    Starting Weight on September 6, 2011: 158.4lbs
    Goal Weight by November 22, 2011: 143.0lbs

    Week One on September 13, 2011: 156.4lbs
    Week Two on September 20, 2011: 154.8lbs
    Week Three on September 27, 2011: Didn't weigh in. TOM.
    Week Four on October 4, 2011: 153.0lbs
    Week Five on October 11, 2011: 151.8lbs
    Week Six on October 18, 2011: 150.6lbs
    Week Seven on October 25, 2011: 150.4lbs (or 149.4lbs)

    I kept getting either 150 or 149 every other time I'd step on the scale this morning (and I did it 10 times!) I'm logging it at 150.4 because it is my TOM so I figured I won't see much of a loss anyways.