Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    Can't wait to see what challenge you bring Ellen. My own challenge bit me in the butt until the weekend I finally sucked it up and got on the treadmill. Ended up with 10 miles this week and now I have sore hips and I also ate decently over the weekend.. not GREAT but not horrible either and I burned enough on the treadmill that I didn't worry about my not so good day Saturday.. although I have quite a few not so good eating days to make up for. I'm confident i'll get my swing back though. If nothing else I just want my energy back. Ive been totally tired and lagging and bruising easily and I thought my iron was down but I never got a call back on my blood tests that I took a couple of weeks ago so I'm assuming everything is fine. the bruising I can deal with and Its normal to be tired in the morning but I cannot handle these mid-day downers where all I want to do is curl up in a ball and go to sleep.

    I'm hoping starting my routing back up will nip that symptom in the bud.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Can't wait to see what challenge you bring Ellen. My own challenge bit me in the butt until the weekend I finally sucked it up and got on the treadmill. Ended up with 10 miles this week and now I have sore hips and I also ate decently over the weekend.. not GREAT but not horrible either and I burned enough on the treadmill that I didn't worry about my not so good day Saturday.. although I have quite a few not so good eating days to make up for. I'm confident i'll get my swing back though. If nothing else I just want my energy back. Ive been totally tired and lagging and bruising easily and I thought my iron was down but I never got a call back on my blood tests that I took a couple of weeks ago so I'm assuming everything is fine. the bruising I can deal with and Its normal to be tired in the morning but I cannot handle these mid-day downers where all I want to do is curl up in a ball and go to sleep.

    I'm hoping starting my routing back up will nip that symptom in the bud.

    10 miles is awesome, you did great!! I totally understand about the mid-day downers you are talking about...this time change has thrown me off somewhat, I haven't been sleeping good at night and am really tired during the day. I've been trying to up my time on the elliptical though so hopefully I can boost up my energy and sleep better at night. Hopefully we'll kick this thing in the butt!!! I really hate when the weather turns colder, the winter blahs.

    Good luck to everyone on the weigh in tomorrow, I'm not sure what mine will be, I've been up and down a few pounds lately, of course! It's been easy to get discouraged...
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Glad to hear that so many people are looking toward getting back on track. I really turned things around for myself a few weeks ago and I'm really riding high right now. It amazing how the momentum really amps up when you get things going again. I think a big thing that has helped is upping my strength training. I've always heard how a muscular body burns more cals at rest than a non muscular one, so I've been focusing as my NSV on getting stronger. I've been adding strength on top of my usual cardio, not do instead of and I think the increased burn during non-workout times is making a big difference.

    Hope that advice helps others too. Looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Challenge for Week of 11/8
    Well we are nearing the end of the Challenge and a lot of us are struggling so I tried to come up with a couple things to help us get back on track and get in that extra push at the end!

    Exercise - This week try to add 10 minutes to your workout routine! Add a 10 minute walk to your run, do one of those 10 minute workouts On Demand, or just spend an extra 10 minutes doing whatever workout you love to do!

    Food - Personally, I find that I don't feel like I have a many options for healthy fresh fruits and vegetables in the colder months and that can easily turn into going back to some of those old convenience foods for snacks and meals. Well turns out there are plenty of options for fall produce out there so this week I challenge everyone to give some of it a shot! Try for something you haven't had before or a new recipe. Just to give you an idea, fall produce includes some familiar items like squash, root vegetables, and apples but also things like kale, cauliflower, and figs. There is a great section on the food network website that talks about fall produce and gives some great recipes, check it out if you're looking for some inspiration. (and don't be afraid of the food network, Paula Deen is only one of many chefs on there and we have that wonderful recipe calorie calculator on here!)

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Challenge for Week of 11/8
    Well we are nearing the end of the Challenge and a lot of us are struggling so I tried to come up with a couple things to help us get back on track and get in that extra push at the end!

    Exercise - This week try to add 10 minutes to your workout routine! Add a 10 minute walk to your run, do one of those 10 minute workouts On Demand, or just spend an extra 10 minutes doing whatever workout you love to do!

    Food - Personally, I find that I don't feel like I have a many options for healthy fresh fruits and vegetables in the colder months and that can easily turn into going back to some of those old convenience foods for snacks and meals. Well turns out there are plenty of options for fall produce out there so this week I challenge everyone to give some of it a shot! Try for something you haven't had before or a new recipe. Just to give you an idea, fall produce includes some familiar items like squash, root vegetables, and apples but also things like kale, cauliflower, and figs. There is a great section on the food network website that talks about fall produce and gives some great recipes, check it out if you're looking for some inspiration. (and don't be afraid of the food network, Paula Deen is only one of many chefs on there and we have that wonderful recipe calorie calculator on here!)

    Hope everyone has a great week!

    Ellen, this is great. Thanks for this very seasonally appropriate and well-timed challenge. I was craving kale last week, so this weekend I bought a bunch and planned recipes that call for it, as well as cauliflower. Sounds like my seasonal food alarm is right on! Also looking forward to 10 extra minutes to my workouts. I'm always amazed at how these little bits can really add up, and I find that most often the weeks I lose it's because I've pushed just a little bit more to my workouts.

    Come on everyone - let's kick it up and finish this challenge like the STRONG women we are! :wink:
  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Checking in:

    Last week 144

    This week 144

    Looking forward to trying some seasonal foods.

    Good luck everyone!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Weighing in at 155 this week, that up a little but much, much better than yesterday.

    I'm really going to try hard to stay on track this week and get myself re-motivated. No cake, no cookies, no late night snack attacks. Going to finish the last two weeks strong!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    9/06 SW: 198
    9/13: 198
    9/20: 199
    9/29: 198
    10/4: 198
    10/11: 197
    10/18: 197
    10/25: 199
    11/01: 199
    11/08: 199

    11/22 GW: 185

    Wk #9: No Change

    It will will happen.....the weight will go will happen.....
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    Checking in at 172.2 this week! That is almost 2 lbs down from last week! Yay!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    weigh-in for 11/8: 158
    So glad I got my mojo back! I don't think I'll hit my goal of 155, as I'm losing about .5/week the last few weeks, but if I hit 157 by the time this is done I'll be DELIGHTED!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I stayed the same this week at 184.0 . I am getting better back on track with my eating this week .
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 963 Member
    11/8 weigh in 188. Yes! I met my goal. I have personal goal of 175 by the New Year, I can do it if I stay on track with exercise and eating habits!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    hey all,

    My current weight is: 179.4

    I did pretty good and lost about 2 pounds. Here's to good results all!!! We can do this!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    170.1 - Exactly the same. Seriously I'm a daily weigher and the scale has said that exact weight for the last 8 days. I need to get back after my workouts.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    143.5 this morning.. 1/2 lbs gain.. based on how sore my legs are I'm going with build up of lactic acid. we'll see what this week brings. I bought all kinds of beautiful fresh foods yesterday and have 3 vegetarian dishes for my dinner menu! super excited.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    Ellen, LOVE love the challenge!! mainly because I feel like its so achievable for me this week....

    these are the 3 new recipes i'm trying this week, all vegetarian dishes. (making this one tomorrow night)

    Its just me and my kids 3-4 nights a week so these are quick and easy (with the exception of the polenta bake, but I actually have people coming over for dinner tomorrow night).

    eggplant is something i've never had before that will be going into the polenta bake... buying it for the first time was weird! :happy:
  • xreinvention
    xreinvention Posts: 82 Member
    Starting Weight on September 6, 2011: 158.4lbs
    Goal Weight by November 22, 2011: 143.0lbs

    Week One on September 13, 2011: 156.4lbs
    Week Two on September 20, 2011: 154.8lbs
    Week Three on September 27, 2011: Didn't weigh in. TOM.
    Week Four on October 4, 2011: 153.0lbs
    Week Five on October 11, 2011: 151.8lbs
    Week Six on October 18, 2011: 150.6lbs
    Week Seven on October 25, 2011: 150.4lbs
    Week Eight on November 1, 2011: 147.4lbs
    Week Nine on November 8, 2011: 145.8lbs

    Loss of 1.6 this week. Getting so close to that goal!! 2.8lbs left for this challenge and 15.8lbs left till my ending goal. :]
    Purchased an exercise bike this week, so I can start exercising again!
  • Michelle228
    Michelle228 Posts: 69 Member
    Checking in ! :) 3lb loss this week putting me at .......... 298 !!!!! im under 300 its been a long time and it feels freaking awesome !!!! My goals this week are to be on the site more and get back on track with tracking my food and exercise :) Going to do some Just Dance 3 this week woot !!!!
  • carrielofton
    carrielofton Posts: 89 Member
    SW MFP JUNE 21ST - 208 LBS
    SW CHALLENGE - 189.2 LBS
    1ST WEEK - 188.8 LBS
    2ND WEEK - 184.8 LBS
    3RD WEEK - 186.8 LBS
    4TH WEEK - 183.6 LBS
    5TH WEEK - 184.8 LBS
    6TH WEEK - 180.8 LBS
    7TH WEEK - 184 LBS
    8TH WEEK - 184.2 LBS
    9TH WEEK - 184.8 LBS

    GW MFP - 137 LBS

  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Love the challenge Ellen! Thanks for sharing your recipes Stacy, can't wait to check them out...if anybody has some nice veggie recipes please post them, I'm always wanting to try something new!

    My weigh in today is 154....seems like I'm stuck in that realm but I'm not getting discouraged, I love the challenge Ellen because upping the minutes in my working out has been my major focus for the past couple of days bum and upper legs are so sore from the elliptical, but that is just telling me something needed to be worked :) Let's finish this challenge strong like Olivia said!