The OFFICIAL University/College Challenge



  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Not massively well. Still not managed a run - far too cold here to run outside, and the gym is crammed! The timetable issues that I thought might crop up are actually allowing me to get a lot of work done though, so not all bad! :)
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    How is everyone doing?? I've been back and forth on the bandwagon thing... nice 5 mi run today, and some midweek bike adventures. Hopefully next week gets more consistent.
  • andforpoise
    I feel like I'm doing pretty well! Feeling in control again... that's a good thing :) I've decided that this week is a no-weigh until weigh-in day week! It's tempting! But I'm doing it so far! I find it makes me more likely to stick to plan... got back into running yesterday with a 4K with only a 3 min walk break half way... and I get to go to two fitness classes this week with friends! (Hope to make that a weekly commitment). I've also been toying with some new recipes :)
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    I'm am officially being rubbish. The weather up here has been so cold that I've done one 3.6km run (which was painful, I might add), and that has been it. I've not even been sticking to the calories. My fiance and I have rediscovered the joy of baking... and I haven't stepped on the scales in days. I really need to get my act together and get back into it. Otherwise my relatively stable weight won't stay that way for long.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    seriously me too! Ha d such a bad weekend at the first snowboard race, ate cookies constantly. Grr.

  • andforpoise
    You girls got this!! Sometimes we have slip ups... it happens... mine happened over Christmas... I gained 5 lbs... it's gone now plus another lb because I got back into running and switched up the meal plan. I've been following recipes from the Clean Eating magazine and Eat Clean diet... I feel so much better! Before I was just restricting calories and eating whatever I wanted (so ice cream everyday was acceptable!) And even though I lost the majority of my weight that way, I was tired and hungry still...

    I'm so scared about moving back home though... but I've already started a great support system! It'll be hard cutting back on contact with some of my old friends - but they've got such unhealthy habits! The friends I have that are interested in being healthy are going to start running with me (we've got a team together to fundraise for the MS Society of Canada) and play ultimate frisbee. Plus one of my really good friends is going to be my gym partner :) So there's a support system in place, but I'm still sort of scared that I'll want to eat the crap that my other friends eat and the stuff that my grandparents have laying around the house when I go to visit (and I visit often) or even the snacks that my dad has!! Yikes!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    At least you have all of this support in place already, so if something does go wrong you're well prepared to get back on track again. It always takes a little while to get into a new routine, but it sounds like you've thought it through really well :)

    I've started back up with my running again. Did 5k today, felt like someone had stuck knives in my shins and was twisting them - luckily short lived once I stopped! I don't think my body is massively appreciative of having to move again! But the nights we're not running, my fiance and I are going for walks of at least 5k, just to burn a few calories, and it's so nice to have some time together to just talk, instead of just watching tv. And I've got some healthier plans food wise - going back to making my own snack boxes, now I've established a few more dried fruits and such that I like. So, fingers crossed, my 5lb will drop back off soon!
  • andforpoise
    I think I've thought it through so much, and am so afraid of it happening that I'll actually make sure it doesn't happen :P And I have the resources now to get back on track if need be!

    Just like you! You've got this, hands down! You know where things went wrong and how to get back on track... so give yourself a high five for that! And good luck with your running... the pain will disappear after a few runs... and the walking on your days "off" will help significantly!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    haha, we should call ourselves the 5lbs over christmas group! Mine seems to be almost gone again too, and I've definitely recommitted to the gym. Gotta go extra extra hard if I want to make it to my goal by the end of this quarter. 5 weeks left... I dunno if I can do it :(. Gotta drop another 2 of my christmas weight, then the whole 5 lb goal for the quarter. That means I basically need to do perfect until the end of the quarter. Funnily, it was about this time last quarter that i got back on track again. I think honestly, I'm so stressed about / tired of school, that I'd even rather go to the gym than study at this point. lol.

    Anyway, sounds like everyone is pulling it together / preparing well! We can do this! (ps, I think it's high time to start thinking about swim suit season...)
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Oh the dreaded swimsuit season. I'm lucky this year in that respect. Sort of. I failed my exam before christmas, which means I have resits in July (again, damn it), so no lying out in the sun for me. Nevermind! My exercise routine works better when I'm at uni anyway.
  • andforpoise
    Oh yes ...swimsuit season!! I'm actually going to go for one this year...instead of shorts and a tshirt :P I'm in love with this one from urban outfitters right now:

    And it covers trouble spots :P

    And 5 lbs over Christmas group - brilliant! lol
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Oooh, I quite like that. Very vintage!

    I've got a gorgeous one which is a full swimsuit but it has a skirt attached to it at the bottom, which makes me feel so much better because I alway worry about my thighs, lol.

    I would so love to go on holiday :P
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Man, story of my life right now... I was doing really well for a good three weeks... then had a crappy weekend. Now I'm fighting to get back. But starting to get more serious about the bike racing stuff...I'll hit like 200 miles this week. Starting to think my semester goal isn't going to happen... but I'd like to atleast halfway hit it... 142.5
  • andforpoise
    200 miles is awesome!! Just keep on truckin' girls... that's all ya got to do!! We're still ten times better than we were before any of us started this journey right?

    I need to vent for a moment - about the judgement I've been receiving all throughout this. One person (my sister) decides it's okay to call me flubby and make me feel like an *kitten* because I don't know how to pose in pictures. And then on the other hand, a girl I went to highschool with starts texting my best friend last night (while she's visiting me in Halifax) and telling her that I look "freakishly" skinny and that she wonders if I even eat. Really? We get judged for being "too big" or "too skinny" ... does it ever stop? I'm making healthy choices, I feel good about myself for once, and now I feel like I'm being attacked by people - thinking I have an eating disorder - what the? If only they knew how hard I've been working!

    Thanks, needed to rant!

    Hope you guys are doing awesome!! :)
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    In the end, you'll never please everyone. Some people just like picking on others. They've never really grown out of the high school stage. You've got to do what makes you happy - I'm pretty sure neither of the people you're talking to will be making as much effort to be healthy as you, and you can take consolation in the thought of outliving them :P
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    I had a friend up from home this weekend, so food wise we didn't make healthy choices, but we walked 32km in total - crazy how much just general wandering adds up.

    My half marathon schedule started today, but I've skipped the run because I think I've pulled a muscle in my calf - but on wednesday, I'm going to start following it properly.
  • cyuenkel
    cyuenkel Posts: 10 Member
    My name is Christine- soon to be graduate from UWW. I am a 22 years old and am currently 5'5 and 235 lbs. I've lost and gained and lost and gained weight so many times I've lost count. Since new years I've been trying to get my life back on track and eat better and workout more-but I'm having a really hard time maintaining that. I find that I struggle with binge eating (especially at night) and I have a real lack of motivation to work out, partly due to the fact that I feel intimidated to go to the campus gym. My goal is just to be healthy and happy with who I am. I have a short term goal of 190 and a longer term goal of 140. I need all the motivation and support I can get!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member

    I'm not a huge fan of the campus gym for that matter, so I go to one in town for the general public. If you don't have other options, could you try different times to see when it's quietest?

    The binge eating I deal with by only having healthy snacks in the flat, so if I eat, there can't be that many calories to go over by :)
  • JuStDoIt87
    JuStDoIt87 Posts: 18 Member
    I feel similar! I've always had a dream to be more toned and have a more athletic body type. Right now I weight 143, but I would love to be around 120. I am 5'1 so everything is more condensed :P Basically, I'm a petite person, so I'd love the weight to match.
    My problem is motivation....I always start a diet and then lose it over the weekend. The weekend is my diet enemy. Another challenge I have is my difficulty to put time aside to work out. I feel like the only time I have to work out would be if I woke up early in the AM, but I'm a night owl so it's hard for me to go to sleep. :P

    Anyways..i have high aspirations---but I finally wanna start getting closer to my goal!
    Nice to meet you and to hear about your goals!
  • JuStDoIt87
    JuStDoIt87 Posts: 18 Member
    annnd i forgot to add that I am a senior in a bachelors of nursing program so that keeps me busy!