The OFFICIAL University/College Challenge



  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Welcome! If you want friends and support... :)
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Yay! Welcome all the new people! I hope you all stick with us! We can do it together!

    I'm still struggling to get back to where I want to be right now... Stupid Christmas eating. Working out is on a good track though, so hopefully eventually I can get there.
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    You're not the only one. I'm really struggling to find the time to even get all of my work done, let alone do any exercise. Have an exam in 3 weeks, and then two more in 7 weeks, but in between those two I have placements during the day which means virtually no time to study so my plan is to try and learn it all now. Argh! Lol. Have taken to planning my weeks out in advance so that I know exactly what I want to achieve that day, which worked really well workwise this week, so am adding in exercise for next week and we'll see how that goes - I'm a bit OCD with regard to plans!

    And yes, Beth, I have exactly that problem. My Mum keeps refering to my diet - which it isn't so much anymore, more maintenance and healthy lifestyle - but then feeding me exactly the same portion sizes as I used to eat and more frequently than I would eat at home, and then there's all the snacks! I avoid going home as much as possible, for a variety of reasons.

    And ooh, C25K is awesome. Depending on what you want to achieve (I'm very competitive and wanted to beat someone elses time) I really recommend backing off with the running training the week before the race, because then you're more able to go fast on the day. Worked for me, anyway.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    How's it going for everyone??

    I still haven't dropped my 5lbs, but I'm starting to thinly they may be at least partially leg muscles. I know I've gotten a lot stronger on the bike recently, and hopefully that's translated to some muscle gain.
    I did a fit test at the gym yesterday, which included an impedance body fat percentage test. Not super accurate but should be good enough as a comparison standard. I got someplace between 16% and 22% depending on whether I was considered athletic or average. (their standard for athletic is 10 hrs a week of excercise or more, which I definitely hit, but I honestly thought 16% was really low for me) its a cool reminder for me though, because I'm so used to thinking 'I need to lose weight', when realistically I fall to the low end of healthy / lean...
  • andforpoise
    andforpoise Posts: 185
    So, I've totally fallen off the face of the earth - I'm in a bit of a crummy place right now... bleh... how is everyone doing? End of term approaching?
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Yeah I've kinda fallen away as well. I've been logging in but not tracking calories at all because I've literally been all over the place the last few weeks. Dreading getting back on the scales as I suspect the 5lb I had to lose before will have gone up further. Life gets a bit less hectic in a couple of weeks, so hopefully back to normal then.

    How is everyone? Sorry to here you're in a bad place right now. Need to talk about it?
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    So, I know I've been saying this for ages, but tomorrow I'm going to start getting back on track. Have half marathon on the 27th May (so 5 weeks), and I'm getting sick of feeling like I'm getting a belly. From tomorrow, I'm going to start logging my calories again on here (I've been really slack with it lately because life has been manic), and I'm also going to start running again. Hopefully up to 10k minimum by this time next week. Not going to worry so much about what I eat, as long as I log it, because have an exam on Friday and I need brain food to revise. But after that, I'm going to be strict with myself.

    Helps that my man is on a 120 day plan to lose his weight - no cheat meals or anything, but if he loses his weight at the end of it, he gets an ipad (which we can't really afford (and I doubt he'll use), but he kinda needs motivation to get out the flat).

    Not feeling particularly motivated though, to be honest, but I'm hoping after a few days of kicking myself out in the mornings, I'll be back with it. I really want to finish the half marathon, as I've already pulled out of one (meant to be in Feb), and this one is in my home town so I don't really have excuses this time. Maybe I should view it as a competition. Don't want him to finish and me to give up part way round the course :P

    Hope you're all doing well. We're all a bit quiet lately!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    We're being a bit rubbish these days!

    My good intentions fell apart somewhat, but I've restarted, and I think the important thing is consistency. And I realised that this time last year when I was trying to lose weight, I was eating entirely different foods. So, I'm swapping back to that.

    Come on, people :) I miss you guys! x
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Good to hear from you again!!! I think you're right... consistency is the key.

    I'm doing ok, I think... I'm training for a summer of about 5k miles of biking... starting out in San Diego, then biking to colorado, driving with friends to the midwest, then racing for a month... then biking back to San Diego. (Maybe)
    I've decided that operating at the level of caloric deficit I was trying to was pretty stupid... I'm biking like 300 miles a week, and I was still trying to stick to ~1500 calories. I basically decided not to try to lose weight right now. Focus on gaining strength, and hope to very gradually lose weight over the next year. Drop 10 lbs before next january would be ideal, but that's a long time from now. Scary scary scary... :) Upped my *net* calories to 1700!!

  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    That sounds like an awful lot of biking! I miss my bike. Outdoor biking is so much fun! Definitely agree, good idea to up the calories. It's not like it's a race, anyway.
  • andforpoise
    andforpoise Posts: 185
    So we all kind of fell off the face of the planet eh? Oh dear... I miss chatting here that's for sure
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Yeah me too!

    Don't know, maybe we should start again?
  • Hollyana
    Hollyana Posts: 55 Member
    Hello - can I join the University Challenge if it's still going? I'm 26 and a postgrad, in the 3rd year of PhD and (after 9 years of uni!) finally trying to get fit. I'm not too bothered about losing weight but I want to be able to run faster and have more muscle!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Hi guys! My name is Cassie, I'm turning 20 in October and I am a first year student nurse. I am starting my second semester in a weeks time and hoping to finish in the next 3 - 4 years. I come from Australia, QLD.

    SW: 115kg
    CW: 102.6kg
    GW: 80kg

    Would love to join!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Hey! Welcome! Course you can join. Would be nice to have some new activity on here. We were all really chatty to start with but I think lives got in the way for some of us.