Stuff you don't eat or drink anymore...



  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I have really limited my pop (mostly pepsie) but other than the limit on that I have not given up anything and I don`t plan on giving anything up either :)
    as long as my goals are being met and I`m looseing I`m very happy in this choice :)
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    I havent given up too much. Only pop and meat, and both were choices, nothing i felt i was depriving myself from.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    --I only have a pop once in a blue moon... Maybe every other week, if that. (though twice last week! Oops.)
    --I didn't intentionally cut out fast food, but didn't eat it for a while, and then the kids wanted it so we stopped in and it just made me sick. I couldn't even finish my food. It tasted so bad! I think that is a good thing!
    --I've made substitutes for lots of things, so I don't have to feel deprived.

    Hopefully it'll work for me! I'm starting out, so hopefully it'll come! Though my profile says I began in Feb., I really started this journey in August. I'm trying!!
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    There is only one thing I have cut out of my diet. I have cut back on a few things, most white stuff for wheat, most sodas more to increase water, etc. The only thing I have cut out entirely is Reese's Peanut Butter cups because I am just one Reese's cup away from me in a bathtub full of Reese's with a few gallons of whole milk.
  • ShapingAgnes
    ShapingAgnes Posts: 45 Member
    POTATO..anything and everything. Potato chips, baked potato, french fires. I have to be made up mainly of potatoes! I love them!! I would have a bad day grab a bag of chips and some dip and eat every last one. If I HAVE to have chips now, ill go to the store and buy a single servving bag. This way I get my fix and then throw the bag away, instead of having 1/2 a big bag of chips haunt me in the cabniet.
  • cree_d
    The only thing I've completely eliminated from my diet is Coke. I drank probably 3-4 cans a day before. Luckily it started tasting nasty to me anyway so it wasn't too hard giving it up. I don't ever want to drink a soda again. There is no nutritional value in them and the potential for addiction (for me) is just too great. Well, I also stopped eating beef, bell peppers and citrus fruits, but that's because I began with an elimination diet and found that these foods make me sick (I already kind of knew that beef and oranges did, but found out the others as well)
  • SeattleLove
    Oh god, that could take me all night, so I'm trying to keeo it as short as possible

    Drinks I avoid:
    or in general: anything besides coffee, tea, water or diet-coke

    Food I avoid:
    -white bread
    -ice cream
    -fast food (fried food,burgers etc)
    -mostly anything with artifical sugar
    and sooooo much more, that i don't really miss and don't feel the need to mention
  • navjhaj
    ---diet coke (sodas and juices in general, cut out the sugar in juices and since I only drank diet, no more sodas)
    --sweets/desserts in general, ice cream in particular--the god-forsaken "refined" sugar :(
    --most remaining fast foods (I'm a vegetarian, so my choices are limited)---i.e, Subway, Taco Hell, et al.

    BTW, just joined, this is a great site and an amazing inspiration to get off the butt and do something.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    There is only one thing I have cut out of my diet. I have cut back on a few things, most white stuff for wheat, most sodas more to increase water, etc. The only thing I have cut out entirely is Reese's Peanut Butter cups because I am just one Reese's cup away from me in a bathtub full of Reese's with a few gallons of whole milk.


    As for me, I haven't really cut anything out recently. I switched to whole wheat bread several years ago, and I haven't had a soda since about 1992. I have switched to brown rice and whole wheat pasta. I rarely eat fast food, maybe once a month (if that). As far as things like ice cream, cookies, etc., I don't usually keep them in the house. I'll have a little every once in awhile. So, while I've cut back on a lot of things, I certainly won't deprive myself of a treat every now & then. :happy:
  • belinda_b
    belinda_b Posts: 70 Member
    They just don't mean enough to me to add as calories, but things I really love like chocolate I could not give up. I will work my calories around that.
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    There is only one thing I have cut out of my diet. I have cut back on a few things, most white stuff for wheat, most sodas more to increase water, etc. The only thing I have cut out entirely is Reese's Peanut Butter cups because I am just one Reese's cup away from me in a bathtub full of Reese's with a few gallons of whole milk.

    Hilarious! I have a soft spot for Reese's too - especially in ice cream. Bad combo.
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    I still eat and drink everything, at least on occasion, but most sugary treats or empty calories like cheese-its are a once in a while thing, and I've cut way back on juices, alcohols, and fast food.