Muscle Masters (closed group)



  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I'm doing well today - probably got about a 20 minute walk in, but that's it. Going to count the cals for it since it's the only amount of exercise I can count for the day - soon we will be going to a birthday party for my cousin that died 2 years ago - he would have been 30 (golden birthday). Kinda a sad day/night, but days like this make me appreciate life all the more. I'm sure you all know what that's like!

    Going to be a busy weekend - my oldest daughter has a softball tourny and then afterwards the kids and I are going to do a corn maze...should be a really fun time as long as: 1. all 3 kids are happy at the same time... 2. The weather holds out. 3. No one has to go "potty" have way through the maze - this maze is 3 miles long, so imagine how tragic that would be!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Robin, you've been doing awesome and hopefully 1 or 2 days doesn't do too much damage...

    Maria, the corn maze sounds fun...we're going in two weeks to a local one

    I'm not working out today and I have a massive hangover....Going out for dinner soon with my kids...It's been a lovely day, I spent most of the day with my daughter. We tried to go horseback riding, but didn't have enough time. Then, we went shopping. I scored clearance lingerie for 2.99 cute

    My friends have a boat and we are riding it to treasure island casino tomorrow and will crash on their boat. It should be fun. Might be cold, but fun.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I survived b-day weekend and now have to do damage control. I'm up 4 lbs as of this morning. Time to run my little booty off today and tomorrow to make up for some calories. I'm hoping to be at baseline for loss, no gain. I'm supposed to be starting Ripped in 30 today. However, I can't find the brand new copy I just bought a month or two ago.

    How's everyone else doing?

    Sadly, I think we're about due to lose someone. What are the odds that we could pull off another week?
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    My weekend wasn't the best.....did good Friday and Saturday during the day.....went out to dinner Saturday night. Kept track of my calories and they were high, but that was okay because it was one of my high zig-zag days. Redmond (my 10 month old) woke up Saturday morning with a cough and now officially has his first cold :cry:. Pretty hard to get anything done because his naps are so sporadic and he's super clingy/cranky when he's awake. Oh, and he was kind enough to pass it along to me.....which is why I ate a bunch of crap yesterday and talked hubby into ordering pizza for dinner last night. :grumble:

    But, I'm doing much better today - went to the grocery store to get food and got a huge salad from their salad bar for lunch, having tacos for dinner and lots and lots of water. NO soda for the next two days - only water and the occasional glass of OJ. Not sure if I'll get a workout in today or not, but hope to at least get something in tomorrow. Unfortunately it's cold and rainy out today or I'd at least get a walk to Starbucks in today. :ohwell:
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Kim - hope you had a wonderful birthday - when I went to the casino, I came home 5 lbs up - their food is full of sodium (but ohhhhh so good). Drink lots of water and I bet Wednesday you'll show a maintain or maybe a tad bit of a gain, but not bad.

    So far the week has been good for me. I'm feeling better every day - just not ready to run even 1/2 a mile at this point or do exercise besides walking. I went on a walk today between classes - gorgeous outside!! It felt nice to finally do something. :bigsmile:

    I'm looking forward to the weigh in on Wednesday as long as I can do well tomorrow. :drinker:
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    My weekend wasn't the best.....did good Friday and Saturday during the day.....went out to dinner Saturday night. Kept track of my calories and they were high, but that was okay because it was one of my high zig-zag days. Redmond (my 10 month old) woke up Saturday morning with a cough and now officially has his first cold :cry:. Pretty hard to get anything done because his naps are so sporadic and he's super clingy/cranky when he's awake. Oh, and he was kind enough to pass it along to me.....which is why I ate a bunch of crap yesterday and talked hubby into ordering pizza for dinner last night. :grumble:

    But, I'm doing much better today - went to the grocery store to get food and got a huge salad from their salad bar for lunch, having tacos for dinner and lots and lots of water. NO soda for the next two days - only water and the occasional glass of OJ. Not sure if I'll get a workout in today or not, but hope to at least get something in tomorrow. Unfortunately it's cold and rainy out today or I'd at least get a walk to Starbucks in today. :ohwell:

    Oh, it is so tough having a sick baby. I remember that like it was yesterday! :cry: :brokenheart: Hang in there!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I survived b-day weekend and now have to do damage control. I'm up 4 lbs as of this morning. Time to run my little booty off today and tomorrow to make up for some calories. I'm hoping to be at baseline for loss, no gain. I'm supposed to be starting Ripped in 30 today. However, I can't find the brand new copy I just bought a month or two ago.

    How's everyone else doing?

    Sadly, I think we're about due to lose someone. What are the odds that we could pull off another week?

    I am trying to remain positive but I will be fortunate to get back to 170 by tomorrow. the 160's are a stupid carrot on a string. Just out of reach. Or maybe it is me with a little too much slacking on the weekends. I will blame job stress but that is really just an excuse. I hope we all hang tough, I will do an hour on the dreadmill when I get home and I am keeping the cals low Monday and Tuesday (sort of cycling right? ) good luck all.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Robin, you just do the best you can. The '70s are evil, evil, evil.

    You have lost a lot of weight thus far, 9 lbs and you can't be upset with that. That's why it's team based and we have the second chance so that if you don't have a good week your still in.

    Just get your frame of mind back for the following week.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I had a date with my "dreadmill" too. Love how you say that! My scale was up a litlte this morning. 173.6 yesterday, 174.8 today. I hardly ate yesterday but ate big last night to reach my cal goal - not sure if that's why? I do well on my weigh ins when I eat a lean meat with vegies the night that is what's for supper. :heart: And of course, lots of water! :drinker:

    I get to shadow a physical therapist today - can't wait!

    I agree with Kim. The 170's are EVIL :devil:
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Exciting news for next week.... I'm going back to my diet guru guy! That sounds kind of shady huh?

    He's a real doctor that specializes in metabolism, obesity and endocrinology. His office actually told me about MFP. I’m so excited. They help you with food options and give you tips and all sorts of great stuff. So excited, be prepared to watch me shrink! Yay!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Yay!!! I did it. I broke the barrier (170's) and I actually posted a loss this week. :drinker:

    How did everyone else do? think positive!! it makes all the difference.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Heather, that's awesome that you are going to get extra support. Endocrine is so important. My daughter was just diagnosed with narcolepsy this morning. It's been over three years trying to find a solutions. I have HOPE!! You must be excited for the new changes to come for you!!

    Robin, there you go!! You did it!! Over 10 lbs now according to my chart...You'll definitely get a kudos in the summary!!

    Ron and I both had a gain today. It's not looking good. B-day weekend killed us!! 4 days of celebration does not equal a healthy weight loss. I will post after my run.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Yay for narcolepsy! :wink: Or at least finding an explanation that you can treat or adjust to or whatever.

    Great job smashing the 170's Robin :drinker:

    Love how you call it the "dreadmill" Irish. For some reason, I keep putting that to the batman theme in my head. bu-nananan-nan-bu-nananan-nan dreadmil, buna-nanana, dreadmill buna-nanana
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Yay for narcolepsy! :wink: Or at least finding an explanation that you can treat or adjust to or whatever.

    Great job smashing the 170's Robin :drinker:

    Love how you call it the "dreadmill" Irish. For some reason, I keep putting that to the batman theme in my head. bu-nananan-nan-bu-nananan-nan dreadmil, buna-nanana, dreadmill buna-nanana

    It's Robin's awesome word. Just hilarious!! Love the song...hahaha
    I will post my weight soon - not a huge loss. It was so much better Saturday morning. I did well all week but must have had higher in sodium food yesterday.

    I signed up for a 5k today - it's in Novebmer. I'm pretty excited, since I haven't done a race since August and I need something to motivate me. I'm actually walking one on actually that will be my 11th race - 12th in November. Whooot!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    bu-nananan-nan-bu-nananan-nan dreadmil, buna-nanana, dreadmill buna-nanana
    well my name is Robin after all so Batman theme fits.

    time to hit the dreadmill again. Hoping for an hour but I don't feel so good so we will have to see.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I managed to break into the 160's too!!!! Last Thursday I actually weighed .4 lbs less than what I weighed in today, but I ain't mad about it. :smokin:

    I feel like absolute crap today - I got spicy Thai food for lunch hoping to clear my sinuses, but all it did was char the inside of my mouth :ohwell:. Took Redmond to the dr. today and am kicking myself for not having the dr. check me out and write me a script too. I'm such a baby when I'm sick.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Sara, I'm so proud of you for breaking the 170's too - wow, you girls are inspirational!! WHOOT!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Sara, I'm so proud of you for breaking the 170's too - wow, you girls are inspirational!! WHOOT!

    Maria, where's our 160's????
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    WTF Kim, I have no freaking clue.

    I thought I was 175.8 last week...but nooooooooo, 175.2. So I lost a stupid .2...frick. Bet tomorrow will be better, but I ate really salty food last night. Drank a 1 liter bottle of water before I went to bed and it didn't even help.

    What happened to Connie!!!????:grumble: :frown:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Options week, new day

    Ya know what I choice I made today...not throwing the scale out the window. There!! That was a good choice!!

    Anyway, if you saw the prizes, you know that we get to pluck a player and make the team stronger...with the gain this week, I should have a loss next week. I just hope a big enough one. Maybe, I just won't feed Ron. That should help.

    If we were to win, who would you pick?

    Maria, we are hitting the 173s this week, right? I am so sick of being in them!!