Butt Bashers Support (closed thread)



  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    NICE TO MEET you all :bigsmile:

    well tonight ladies i will be drinking i drink every saturday... and sometimes a couple during the week depending the stress lol... And tonight im also getting hot chips :noway: in my mind im not happy about it but i am craving some potatos as i do not have them very often.... Can't wait to work out tomorrow and get up a sweat ... and then i have training monday and hopefully by then i will be running again (toe infection is going down)

    gosh it sucks that we cant enjoy food with out stacking on the kgs/pounds :sad: i love food..

    I was a heavy 118kgs before me and my sister faith no longer wanted to be fat for my wedding photos LOL i was down to 106.3kgs.. i cant wait to be under 100kgs and im needing the push and shove to get me azz into gear more to lose more weight so this will help me work out more then 3 times a week with a trainer...and sometimes i go to boxing on tuesday nights..

    anyways hope your all having a great weekend .. really having a battle with me self now about the hot chips i dont want to let any one down or be taken out in round one :sad: stupid *kitten* chips.... god damn... ok im just going to eat some going to be over with drinking anyways ... UGH why dose alcohol have to be so much too LOL

    do guess have battles with your self's??? when you go to eat something you know you shouldn't ??? what plays in your mind???

    ok not to bad -880
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hey, Butt Busters

    MommyRobot did not weigh in as scheduled. So, we have two choices as I see it. One, is just remove her from the contest - or - the other is to have her be the first eliminated player. Or, I can try to have that one person who weighed in and I could not accept. I will contact her.
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    I'd say contact the other girl first. Then if she can't join for whatever reason... count robot as the first eliminated player.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Seems our team always has the first missing member!! grrr :laugh:

    since we are introducing ourselves I am Debbie, 56 years old (on Wednesday) and mother of a 34 year old and two grandsons. So you can see why I was so proud to be one of the last 4 in the last competition, everybody else was at least 20 years younger than I am! I will try not to let you down this time around.

    My birthday week has finally come to a close, I did not do any exercise except swim and only gained a pound, hope to take it off and more between now and next Wednesday. I had chips and candy both today and didn't give a flying flip, I think it is only when you do it day after day that it becomes an issue.

    Looks like we have all the Aussies on our team (except Faith) which is great in one way (very determined) but bad in another way because they don't weigh in until late in our Wednesday which keeps up the suspense. Always keeps me on edge. Well and Erin too, she has a habit of weighing in late, just to torment us I think.... :bigsmile:
  • jamiejum
    It's so nice to meet everyone. Kim, not sure if we should have her eliminated bc I will lose my motivation to exercise...keep us in suspense so I can at least lose 1 lb :)

  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    yeah i say contact her first and if she dose not want to be in group i say be first eliminated LOL so then we all get another safe week :bigsmile: cus we will be one member down.. :( what do the rest of you butt busters thinks..

    WE CAN DO IT even if were one less ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill work me azz off even harder :blushing:
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    It's so nice to meet everyone. Kim, not sure if we should have her eliminated bc I will lose my motivation to exercise...keep us in suspense so I can at least lose 1 lb :)


    UMMMMM like hell ill keep your *kitten* move if ya need it :bigsmile: YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO LET THE REST OF US DOWN.... i want to see a lose from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO GAIN AND NOT THE SAME WEIGHT come on girl haven kids was harder we can lose this fat LOL...... were gana kick BUTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS :laugh:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    She did contact me and I told her that I would use the weight that she posted on Wednesday and would have to weigh in on this Wednesday. It's a slight disadvantage for her; but, may save someone already on the team. I will keep you guys posted.
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 681 Member
    Good morning ladies...

    Looks like I am your replacement :-)...

    My name is Cathy. I am 40 years old and I have 3 children. I live in Colorado. Sounds like we have quite a few Aussies in the group, nice! My husband is English. A little about my weight... I was never "skinny" but with each pregnancy, put on more weight, and then i quit smoking 4 years ago and I gained another 40 on top of that... I topped out at 240 lbs. I joined Nutrisystem in 12/2008 and I lost 90 lbs. I plateaud then for about a year and a half, and then I started yo yoing up and down 10-15 more lbs. I am hoping to finally get rid of that extra and the rest I never lost the first time.

    I hope I can help the group out. We will see.. I am a notoriously slow loser anymore, but I work hard and exercise like no other! I am a runner and I love turbo jam and just got the Chalean Johnson Extreme program as well!
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    Welcome Cathy!

    Debbie... Oh I do love suspense. LOL... I just don't give myself enough time in the morning to post my weight. At least now I have a better excuse with my late weight postings. Hehehehe
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    welcome to the group ^_^ wtg on the smoking i have quite now for 8years now i think it is :D
    love hard workers im the same i be at my best when im exercising i push my self .. feel free to add me :) and let me know if need pushing or what you are wanting in the way of support ..me i need pushing told what the hell you eaten that crap for.. :bigsmile:

    ill have to reconvert you all into kgs as i have no idea in pounds LOL

    let me know what kind of support all you ladies are looking for as i seem to have not given the right support already with one lady :sad: im kinda a hard *kitten* when it comes to exercising but i guess that's cus i love getting pushed in that part just suck at food choices specially chocolate :((((

    well time to get me clan ready and then off to training for me ... ugh burpies and mountain climbs today now my toe is getting better i HATE THEM... LOL but suck it up and do it...... have a wonderful day ladies and hope we all make better food choices today...
  • jamiejum
    Welcome Cathy! We are a great group. Naomi has motivated me to get my butt off the computer and in the gym....we are going to kick some butt in this competition :)
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Welcome Cathy! I am a slow loser too and just quit smoking 8/01/11 which really killed the weight loss for that month. Hoping for better numbers this month. Slow and steady is fine for me.

    I found the challenge alone was great motivation for me, the fear of getting eliminated or our team being the losing team. I got an early weigh in penalty last round - had to weigh in on Sunday instead of Wednesday - and I can tell you that REALLY made me move. :laugh:

    Does everybody have their breakfast and lunch menu's planned for the week?? I am great with that but have trouble with dinner. I imagine those of you with kids at home have a hard time with that too. Suggestions for dinner menus would be great.
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 681 Member
    Thank you all for the welcome! Good job on the nonsmoking ladies! We rock!! I dont even miss it...

    My weight in KG is like 72.12?? Means not too much to me!! LOL
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    Welcome Cathy! I am a slow loser too and just quit smoking 8/01/11 which really killed the weight loss for that month. Hoping for better numbers this month. Slow and steady is fine for me.

    I found the challenge alone was great motivation for me, the fear of getting eliminated or our team being the losing team. I got an early weigh in penalty last round - had to weigh in on Sunday instead of Wednesday - and I can tell you that REALLY made me move. :laugh:

    Does everybody have their breakfast and lunch menu's planned for the week?? I am great with that but have trouble with dinner. I imagine those of you with kids at home have a hard time with that too. Suggestions for dinner menus would be great.

    i suck at breakfast i feel sick if i eat to early usually im eating at 10pm lol.. dinner times i love i make a lot of different dinners.. but usually there any where from 270 to 600 LOL... yes i have the fear of i dont want to be the first few to be gone :( i need to stay in :smile: well im off ladies for a nice cuppa and then warm shower and beedy bye for me been a very busy day.. found out me son starts prep next year :( thats means he starts school we have prep to year/grade 12 in australia ..
  • shelltree
    shelltree Posts: 169 Member
    Hellooooo butt bashers!!! After a horrible sickness that just didn't seem to want to END, I am back on the wagon! Had an amazing workout tonight, still fit as, woot! And under calories for the first day in about 9 days...eek! Not sure what the scale will hold for Thursday but I'm determined to work my butt off until then and beyond! Glad to be back in the game, I was getting quite sick of being sick and just wanting to sleep all the time!

    Let's do it!!!
  • jamiejum
    Let's work our BUTT's OFF today and tomorrow for way in Wednesday (Thursday for my Aussie friends). Take a flight of stairs, park the car a bit further, burn an extra few and we will be the winning crew!!

    Off for a long walk :)
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 681 Member
    I worked my butt off today!! I did 35 minutes this morning of a new Chalean EXtreme weight training program and then an hour turbo kickboxing class tonight, burned about 800 calories or more today!! We can do it team!!
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    I worked my butt off today!! I did 35 minutes this morning of a new Chalean EXtreme weight training program and then an hour turbo kickboxing class tonight, burned about 800 calories or more today!! We can do it team!!

    holy **** well done :) awesome job :bigsmile: ...
    i have a lot of hip problem i could never work out that long :grumble: UGH... my trainer nelien thinks its due to how much weight i was and still caring my body is adjusting :/ i every now and then get very sore hip were it pinches and leg collapses under me and then i get very sore leg muscles and i have tennis elbow LOL but have learnt now not to fully extend the arm in boxing and weight lifting :) so that is no where near as bad as it was.. muchly jealous .. so wish i could work out like that :blushing:
    so very proud of you that are working out as much as you can do and a bit more well done team :drinker:
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    i can do up to 1hr :)