SAHMU Regroup (Closed Group)



  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Good morning all.. Hope you all are feeling better than I am today. Stayed up in to the wee hours of the morning having a very frank discussion with my hubby-- are dealing with some serious marital issues, ( I discovered last night he was having facebook sex with one of his old high school female contacts)which is only ONE of the issues. And, I've heard his side of it so many times that I can practically recite it. I just.. I'm at a loss. We are working to make this better, and he has promised that he's going to get some therapy ( which he has NEVER done before..) so I'm going to see how it all plays out anyway. Top it all off with the fact that he's off again today for the next 11 days ( he's working 3 provinces away) and is only home every other weekend , and it's pretty easy to see how things that need to get resolved and dealt with get pushed off and ignored for another 2 weeks... Ugh.
    BUT-- while he's gone, I can make myself the best and strongest person I can be. Things get back in to routine, and I too can put off having that in the front of my brain ALL the time. The plan is to go for a nice long walk today, and not let myself get sucked down by this more than I already am. I can't do anything about it, and I'm not going to give it more power than the situation already has.
    I'm just.. yeah. I'm thankful for all of the support of all of you.. it means more than you know.

    I am sorry to hear that, but I must say you are a very strong lady and you are staying focused on top of this... I know its really hard, but you can do it.. I cannot even imagine of what you are going through.. But yes, we are always here for you, feel free to vent anytime you want to.. Stay strong.. :-)
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Good morning all.. Hope you all are feeling better than I am today. Stayed up in to the wee hours of the morning having a very frank discussion with my hubby-- are dealing with some serious marital issues, ( I discovered last night he was having facebook sex with one of his old high school female contacts)which is only ONE of the issues. And, I've heard his side of it so many times that I can practically recite it. I just.. I'm at a loss. We are working to make this better, and he has promised that he's going to get some therapy ( which he has NEVER done before..) so I'm going to see how it all plays out anyway. Top it all off with the fact that he's off again today for the next 11 days ( he's working 3 provinces away) and is only home every other weekend , and it's pretty easy to see how things that need to get resolved and dealt with get pushed off and ignored for another 2 weeks... Ugh.
    BUT-- while he's gone, I can make myself the best and strongest person I can be. Things get back in to routine, and I too can put off having that in the front of my brain ALL the time. The plan is to go for a nice long walk today, and not let myself get sucked down by this more than I already am. I can't do anything about it, and I'm not going to give it more power than the situation already has.
    I'm just.. yeah. I'm thankful for all of the support of all of you.. it means more than you know.

    Im so sorry to hear that you are going through all of this! It really makes it hard to focus on what you are trying to do when there are so many outside factors making it hard to focus! Dont get too down though, everything will work itself out, life has a way of sometimes taking its own roads even if we arent aware that thats the way things are going, but in the end it turns out just fine. You will get through this!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    OK so I havent been "checking in" like a good girl at all! I kinda fell of the wagon this weekend as far as working out but I really didnt over eat or eat bad stuff even yesterday on my birthday! Peaked at my weight today just to see how much work was ahead of me and...I lost another 2.6 lbs! I am officially out of those stubborn 240's! Im officialy the smallest I have been since I lost all the weight after having my son, that was almost 3 years ago! A few people asked me yesterday if I was feeling old...(because turning 25 seems so ominous right?) and I told them NO because A. 25 is NOT old and B. I feel better now then I have in the last 5 years, im healthy im working out and im losing weight, and on top of all that im actually pretty happy with who I am right now. I really cant wait for the new challenge to start Im so excited!!!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Good morning all.. Hope you all are feeling better than I am today. Stayed up in to the wee hours of the morning having a very frank discussion with my hubby-- are dealing with some serious marital issues, ( I discovered last night he was having facebook sex with one of his old high school female contacts)which is only ONE of the issues. And, I've heard his side of it so many times that I can practically recite it. I just.. I'm at a loss. We are working to make this better, and he has promised that he's going to get some therapy ( which he has NEVER done before..) so I'm going to see how it all plays out anyway. Top it all off with the fact that he's off again today for the next 11 days ( he's working 3 provinces away) and is only home every other weekend , and it's pretty easy to see how things that need to get resolved and dealt with get pushed off and ignored for another 2 weeks... Ugh.
    BUT-- while he's gone, I can make myself the best and strongest person I can be. Things get back in to routine, and I too can put off having that in the front of my brain ALL the time. The plan is to go for a nice long walk today, and not let myself get sucked down by this more than I already am. I can't do anything about it, and I'm not going to give it more power than the situation already has.
    I'm just.. yeah. I'm thankful for all of the support of all of you.. it means more than you know.

    I am so sorry you are going through this hard time. We are all here for you as support and a sounding board!!! Hang in there!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    OK so I havent been "checking in" like a good girl at all! I kinda fell of the wagon this weekend as far as working out but I really didnt over eat or eat bad stuff even yesterday on my birthday! Peaked at my weight today just to see how much work was ahead of me and...I lost another 2.6 lbs! I am officially out of those stubborn 240's! Im officialy the smallest I have been since I lost all the weight after having my son, that was almost 3 years ago! A few people asked me yesterday if I was feeling old...(because turning 25 seems so ominous right?) and I told them NO because A. 25 is NOT old and B. I feel better now then I have in the last 5 years, im healthy im working out and im losing weight, and on top of all that im actually pretty happy with who I am right now. I really cant wait for the new challenge to start Im so excited!!!

    Yay on the loss! I'm excited for the challenge too; maybe we all just need a "break" now & again! :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Well I just wanted to share with you my before and after pix of JM"s 30DS. Here is the link to my post.

    Nice! Way to go!!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Hello everyone!
    This last week without the challenge has not been bad, but not great either. I haven't been exercising as much as I should have, but I think my body needed that rest. I am back at it today though! I have been stuck in the 270s for ever it feels like, the last three days I have gotten on the scale and it has said 270.4... UGH!!! But this morning I got on and I am finally out of the 270s at 268.6! I was so excited!!! Hope everyone is doing well. Can't wait for Wednesday to get back into a new challenge.
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I'm on day two of a 7 day clease. So far I feel no difference but I hope to see/feel some good results. The hardest part so far has been eating mor than I normally would. When I spoke to my doc and told her my plan she told me to make sure I am up calorie intake so that I don't make my self sick (and the instructions in the cleanse were very specific on this point as well). So I'm adjusting my calorie intake goal for the week to higher than usual but I'm making sure that the choices I make are healthy ones... hence the oatmeal for breakfast. Seriously, one of my least faveoritte things in the world. For one week tho, I can force it down.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I spent it with family and friends and reading the first 2 books of the Hunger Games trilogy. So good! I hated to put them down I only have like 25 pages to go on the 2nd book but I left it at home otherwise I knew I'd be too distracted to work. lol!

    Happy Monday everyone!

    I have a lot of opinions on "cleansing" however I don't want to bore you here (plus I should be running out the door); check out: I have done this program & it is based on solid nutrition & science; they have classes all over northern california but you can also do the classes virtually/ online; check it out & let me know what you think!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Good morning all.. Hope you all are feeling better than I am today. Stayed up in to the wee hours of the morning having a very frank discussion with my hubby-- are dealing with some serious marital issues, ( I discovered last night he was having facebook sex with one of his old high school female contacts)which is only ONE of the issues. And, I've heard his side of it so many times that I can practically recite it. I just.. I'm at a loss. We are working to make this better, and he has promised that he's going to get some therapy ( which he has NEVER done before..) so I'm going to see how it all plays out anyway. Top it all off with the fact that he's off again today for the next 11 days ( he's working 3 provinces away) and is only home every other weekend , and it's pretty easy to see how things that need to get resolved and dealt with get pushed off and ignored for another 2 weeks... Ugh.
    BUT-- while he's gone, I can make myself the best and strongest person I can be. Things get back in to routine, and I too can put off having that in the front of my brain ALL the time. The plan is to go for a nice long walk today, and not let myself get sucked down by this more than I already am. I can't do anything about it, and I'm not going to give it more power than the situation already has.
    I'm just.. yeah. I'm thankful for all of the support of all of you.. it means more than you know.

    I hope that both you AND your husband seek therapy, separately and together. I think that it is very important given where you are right now in your marriage; I know what a struggle it can be to repair trust/ work on a relationship (going through it myself). I wish you tons of positive light & energy; if you ever need anyone to vent to, just send me a message! (I've got strong shoulders)
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    I am back up and running again...thanks to a friend who did his best to fix my laptop. I am looking forward to a new challenge. I've miss all my ladies! :-)
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Thank you ALL so much for your outpouring support... I knew that I had you all before, but yeah... it means so much. There's so much stuff going through my brain right now, and I'm just trying to function and make sense of things. Luckily, it's also TV premiere week, so I have some decent distractions!!! (uuughhh.. bad laugh...)
    Jennifer-- I'm not actually placing the blame on this woman-- it's not her that I had the relationship with. And, knowing my hubby, he may have very well been the instigator. Sure, there's the whole "we shouldn't hurt each other as women" thing.. but it's John that violated the trust in our marriage. My issue is with him. (although, I'm not looking to spend time with her either!!)
    Amy-- Part of our discussion last night was actually my suggestion that we BOTH have counselling, seperate and together. He has some stuff through his work that he was going to check in to today and tomorrow. I've always been on that bandwagon.. for him to get on is a pretty big deal. SO yeah.. we'll see...

    Again, thank you all so much. It sounds like a lot of us have our own marital problems, and all of you offering to be an ear for me means so much. BUT on that note.. I don't want to turn the thread into a sad story about my goings on. You're my happy place!!! Lol..

    And.. went for a 90 minute walk with the kids in the trailer.. my heels are killing me ( new blasted shoes!!) but the rest of me feels awesome. Plus, I got to enjoy the mostly decent weather today-- yaay! I'm sure that TOM that is due ANY time will nicely mess that up.. Ha!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I wanted to check in and ask if an "official" start for the Regroup Challenge has been set/ agreed upon? I just want to make sure that, after taking a week "off", I don't miss it! ;)
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Powerful thing to think about this morning, something that I am really just now starting to figure out. This journey is about BALANCE, learning to take care of yourself, as well as everyone else...which is SO hard for me. Im always putting everyones needs in front of my own and its been harder to change that then it has been to change my eating habits! I hope everyone is having a good week!
    I also had some what of an epiphany the past few days, I cut back my workout Ive only been burning about 400 calories a day this week and last week, but the weight is coming off faster then it was when I was burning 700-800 calories. Im not really sure why this is but its nice to not feel like I have to kill myself just to lose the weight.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Good morning all.. Hope you all are feeling better than I am today. Stayed up in to the wee hours of the morning having a very frank discussion with my hubby-- are dealing with some serious marital issues, ( I discovered last night he was having facebook sex with one of his old high school female contacts)which is only ONE of the issues. And, I've heard his side of it so many times that I can practically recite it. I just.. I'm at a loss. We are working to make this better, and he has promised that he's going to get some therapy ( which he has NEVER done before..) so I'm going to see how it all plays out anyway. Top it all off with the fact that he's off again today for the next 11 days ( he's working 3 provinces away) and is only home every other weekend , and it's pretty easy to see how things that need to get resolved and dealt with get pushed off and ignored for another 2 weeks... Ugh.
    BUT-- while he's gone, I can make myself the best and strongest person I can be. Things get back in to routine, and I too can put off having that in the front of my brain ALL the time. The plan is to go for a nice long walk today, and not let myself get sucked down by this more than I already am. I can't do anything about it, and I'm not going to give it more power than the situation already has.
    I'm just.. yeah. I'm thankful for all of the support of all of you.. it means more than you know.

    Been here, done this! Good Luck with counseling, I hope things work out for the best. For me the best was to put the trash by the curb and never look back, but my ex, eventually went from on-line sex to the real deal. Just know that no matter what happens, his behavior has NOTHING to do with YOU. The best thing I got from counseling was that my actions did not cause him to do the things he did, his choices were his own. So never blame yourself or wonder if you had done this or didn't do that, would things be different. Stay strong and keep your head up!!
    P.S. I also found that exercise is powerful medicine!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I have a lot of opinions on "cleansing" however I don't want to bore you here (plus I should be running out the door); check out: I have done this program & it is based on solid nutrition & science; they have classes all over northern california but you can also do the classes virtually/ online; check it out & let me know what you think!

    Thanks for the tip! I'm a little indecsive on where I sit on the "cleansing" issue. The only reason I'm trying it (and sorry if this is TMI) is that I'm atempting ot sort out some irregularity issues I've been struggling with. I've had digestive problems my whole life and when I orginially started this new lifestyle 4 months ago it seemed like things were finally operating as they should. Then I tried Activia yogurt. That stuff had the excat oppposite effect on me than it claims it will! And I haven't gotten back into my groove since! Argh! So annoying because it seems like everyone who tries it gets excatly the results its promised and for me it totally tied my colon up in knots. But, I digress...

    So anyways, I'm hoping that if I give my system a little flush things might be back to normal. I eat a lot of fibre and drink tons of water on a regualr basis so I'm hoping that this will be the extra push I need. Cross your fingers for me :smile:
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am working on the spreadsheets today, trying to get ready to start tomorrow. If there is someone you would like to buddy with let me know ASAP so I can put it on the spreadsheet, otherwise I am going to pair people up. Send me a msg on my profile if you have someone in mind.
    I also need everyones starting weight please.

    My son is a bit sick today so I will be working on this on and off today.
    Hope you all have a great day,
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hey ladies, so I just wanted to tell everyone, that even though we are going to be buddied up for this challenge, I am here for each and everyone of y'all. I know I dont know some of you as well as others but if you ever need a shoulder or somebody to vent to im always on here throughout the day. I absolutely LOVE being a part of this group of strong amazing women. Im so happy that we have decided to continue on to another challenge!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I hope everyone is ready for the new Challenge. I woke up this morning sick so I have been slowly trying to get the spreadsheets together with the help of Tasha. The challenge this week is going to be a repeat challenge but I thought it was a good one. I will get a new group page started for us so please come and say hello either tonight or in the morning, I have put all of you in groups of 2 seperated by color so friend your partner if you weren't already friends and say hello. This will be your ultimate support buddy, the forum will give us all great support but sometimes when need to have more of a one on one type of support.
    I hope you all have a great night and I will post the link to the new thread soon.
    Here is our new page:

  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Powerful thing to think about this morning, something that I am really just now starting to figure out. This journey is about BALANCE, learning to take care of yourself, as well as everyone else...which is SO hard for me. Im always putting everyones needs in front of my own and its been harder to change that then it has been to change my eating habits! I hope everyone is having a good week!
    I also had some what of an epiphany the past few days, I cut back my workout Ive only been burning about 400 calories a day this week and last week, but the weight is coming off faster then it was when I was burning 700-800 calories. Im not really sure why this is but its nice to not feel like I have to kill myself just to lose the weight.

    LOVE what you have to say; you are so right!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    F. 9/23 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    Input calories burned? yes
    Points: 2/7
    Nutrition: Under fat? yes
    Exercise: Crunches? yes
    Points: 6/14

    I both enjoyed the break & also missed the accountability; I felt a little "disorganized" in my eating habits, even when I still ate under my calories... I had several rough days where my stress level hit some pretty high levels- I am a recovering emotional eater, so I struggled with my food relationship (I have stopped saying that I "slipped up" because I try to not think in the negative- it becomes a real trap for me); I know that at times I have an adversarial relationship with food and while I have improved, I still have road to travel.
    Points: 1/1

    Kind of bummed because my husband left today for a business trip; here's to three days alone with my two hyperactive kids; SO I can't make it to the gym BUT I guess I just might burn something trying to keep one step ahead of them! :wink: