60 lbs by March- September

I meant to start this last week.
This is an open group, for anyone who needs support. You do not have to have 60 lbs to lose. We weight in on Sunday's, measurements the 2nd weekend of each month. Have fun and good luck!!!

Wanna join? Just fill this out...

September GW:
Right Thigh:
Left Thigh:
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
The plan:
Water Intake Goal:


  • tjandjmkahrs
    tjandjmkahrs Posts: 53 Member
    I will re-weigh in tomorrow, but this is where I am at today! :wink:

    CW: 187.5
    GW: 130
    September GW: 182
    Waist: 42
    Hips: 39.5
    Right Thigh: 23.5 Left Thigh: 23
    Right Arm: 13 Left Arm: 13
    The plan: Walk 2 days a week, Rec Center 2 days a week, Wii Active 1 day a week
    Water Intake: 6-8 oz cups or 2 of my steel water bottles a day, 3 full meals a day, with 2 small snacks. Get 8 hours of sleep a day.
  • jesstroxel
    So I figured out how to make a chart....Here is the basics I will fill the rest in after tomorrows weight in.

    Start weight Current weight total loss waist hips thighs-R thighs-L Arm-R Arm-L Total inches lost
    Jessica......120 181 177 4 38.5/ 42/ 24.5/ 24/ 13/ 13/
    Silvery...160 215.6 37.25/ 46.75/ 27.5/ 28.25/ 13.75/ 13.75/
    Tara....112 139.8
    Shell 264
    LCD 205
    tjandjm...130 188.3 43/ 39.5/ 23.5/ 24/ 13/ 12.5/

    ok so I need to figure a few more things out....
  • jesstroxel
    Here is the website to the chart...

    It will automatically update when I update the chart.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    my stats from 9/7/11

    CW: 129.2
    GW: 112
    September GW: 125
    Waist: 28
    Hips: 36.5
    Right Thigh: 20
    Left Thigh: 20
    Right Arm: 11
    Left Arm: 11
    The plan: zig-zag cals, finish RI30, higher protein intake
    Water Intake Goal: 64oz/day
  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    This will be my first group. Do we just use this thread to share progress, concerns, etc?

    My info:

    CW: 178.5

    GW: 140

    September GW: 174

    Waist: 37

    Hips: 42.25

    Right Thigh: 26.25

    Left Thigh: 25.75

    Right Arm: 13.25

    Left Arm: 13

    The plan: track food daily, work on cutting out sugar, cardio every day (either P90 or walking)

    Water Intake Goal: 3 liters
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Catherine-you got it!! any questions feel free to ask...any pointers feel free to share! weigh-ins are on Sunday...good luck on your goals!
  • EllieElephant
    EllieElephant Posts: 19 Member
    I don't have the measurements beyond weight right this moment, but I'll update as soon as I do!
    My info:

    CW: 183
    GW: 145
    September GW: 173
    Right Thigh:
    Left Thigh:
    Right Arm:
    Left Arm:
    The plan: count calories, gym twice weekly, yoga once weekly, work on cutting out sugars, especially in coffee and soda
    Water Intake Goal: 8 cups daily

    Even though I don't have measurements yet, I hope I'm still good to go to join this challenge! :)
  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you, Tara! I started out great on MFP, but have lost some motivaiton & started slacking, so I'm glad to have found this group.:)
  • BttrflyKisses925
    BttrflyKisses925 Posts: 43 Member
    k idk if im doin this right or not but here goes

    SW: 260.8

    SOW: 256

    8/22/11: 254.6

    8/29/11: 251.6

    9/5/11: 251

    CW: 250.8

    September GW: 240

    March GW: 170

    GW: 123

    MEASUREMENTS (i will put my 1st measurements taken then the new 1s after a dash so you can see how im doing)

    Neck: 16 - 15
    Forearms: 11.75 - 11.5
    Upper Arms; 14.75 - 14
    Hips: 46 - 45.5
    Bust: 48.75 - 46
    Waist: 44 - 43
    Upper Belly (flab b4 belly button) 41.5 - 41
    Thighs: 25 - 24.5
    Calves: 19 - 18.5

    so ive lost 10 and quarter inches in my body so far!
  • jesstroxel
    Current weight: 177.
    The plan: Stay under calorie goal, Gym 6 days a week Lower sodium and sugar
    Water Intake Goal: 96 oz

    Kids "borrowed" my measuring tape...so I will update that later
  • jesstroxel
    Welcome Catherine and Ellie.
    You do not have to have your measurements. Main thing we are here for is to support each other in a healthy weight loss!!
    Good Luck!!!

    Great job Bttrfly!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    my WI today: 127.8lbs
    my WI last wk: 129.0

    Ellie-great goal for Sept...just FYI...10lbs is kinda high to shoot for in 1 month, so don't get discouraged if you don't quite reach it!

    Catherine-welcome to the group and hopefully this will help keep ya motivated through your journey :)

    Bttrfly-congrats on your losses so far!

    Jess-was that a loss for this week?? 3lbs and you will reach your next mini goal!!
  • jesstroxel
    Tara- Yeah that was for this week, I had a 1 lb loss. I am excited for my mini goal I will no longer be in the obese category for bmi. I'd like to shoot for that 3 lb loss this week but I dont want to get high hopes.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT!! just stay focused and keep moving....and you should have no probs hittin the 3lbs this week!!! I'll be rootin ya on!

    Tara- Yeah that was for this week, I had a 1 lb loss. I am excited for my mini goal I will no longer be in the obese category for bmi. I'd like to shoot for that 3 lb loss this week but I dont want to get high hopes.
  • tjandjmkahrs
    tjandjmkahrs Posts: 53 Member
    Everything I posted above is accurate for today as well!! I hope everyone has a great week!!

    Keep up the good work!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Everything I posted above is accurate for today as well!! I hope everyone has a great week!!

    Keep up the good work!


    thanks!! and same to you too! :)
  • silveryflutterby
    Ok, sorry I was MIA last week. I see we have some new ladies in the group. Welcome!! :D I am not counting my weight from Sunday because I went out with my sister for her 21st on Saturday and had Mexican and lots of alcohol. Plus we celebrated my nephews bday that afternoon with pizza and cake...yeah, I was definitely up! lol. I am doing a scale diet all week and going to weigh again next Sunday and then I'll update you on the true damage of my (way too many) cheat days...

    Goal for this week is to stay under the whole week and get at least 12 cups of water a day while shooting for 14-16! Hope everyone has a great week!!! And great job to everyone on their losses. I will take my measurements this evening and post those later. :)

    Jess- Awesome that you are almost out of the obese category. I'm sure that will feel amazing!!!

    Tara- Great job on the loss! Seems like the zig zagging is working for you! :D
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    CW: 260.5
    GW: 150
    September GW: 255
    Waist: 51.5
    Hips: 61
    Right Thigh: 29
    Left Thigh: 29
    Right Arm: 15.5
    Left Arm: 15.5
    The plan: work out at least 30 minutes/day 5x/week
    Water Intake Goal: 8 cups a day minimum
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Tasha-it happens girl!! Now kill it this week, and you should be fine!! Good luck! oh a dp.s. I will find out on Wed WI if ZI like this zig-zag thing or not?! LOL

    shell-welcome to the group and great goals!

    AFM(as for me)-got in my last day of L3 ripped in 30 today...and feeling pretty great! def ready to start L4 after my rest day tomorrow!!! YAH!!!
  • jesstroxel
    Great work this week ladies!!!