60 lbs by March- September



  • silveryflutterby
    Jess- Thanks and great loss for you also! :)

    Tara- *cheers* back at ya! ;)

    Bttrfly- WOW!! 2 pounds in 2 days is great! Definitely seems to be working. Here's to its continued success!!! :drinker:

    I'm already up in weight this week because TOM decided to pay me a visit...I'm hoping it will level off by Sunday because I was really looking forward to seeing a new low on the scale. Not going to let it bring me down, though. If I'm up a little at this weeks WI then I'll just keep on going and expect that loss to show up at the next WI!! :D Hope everyone has a good week!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Tasha-keep doing what you have been for these past 2 weeks...including a ton of water, plus keep an eye on your sodium, and you should see that new low on Suday for sure!!!
  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    Wow, that sounds like an excellent nutritionist! Hope you keep seeing such wonderful results.

    This week's been okay for me - - doing well with water and so-so with food. Will be on the road tomorrow for a funeral 3 hours away followed by a luncheon. I'm already giving myself the "you must behave" lecture. Luckily, I get overcome with such sadness at these things that I usually don't eat too much at the luncheon...but know I'll be tempted by the easy fast food along the way.

    Hope everyone's been having a great week! Fingers crossed we all have the weigh-ins we're hoping for. :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Catherine-sorry for your loss....just do the best you can...and try to make the best choices possible while on the road. seeya when you get back!!

  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks for the support, Tara. I packed some healthy snacks and a jug of water. Time to hit the road.

    See you all tomorrow!
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Heres my info for the week:

    CW: 255 - down 4 lbs
    GW: 150
    October GW - 245
    The plan: work out at least 30 minutes/day 5x/week
    Water Intake Goal: 8 cups a day minimum
  • tjandjmkahrs
    tjandjmkahrs Posts: 53 Member
    I will not have time to weigh in tomorrow (I belive that I forgot to weight in at all last week! :blushing: ), but this is where I am at today!

    CW: 184.5 ( I missed my September goal weight by 2.5lbs. :sad: )
    GW: 130
    October GW: 174 (Reaching high, I leave for vacation on the 27th!! :noway: )
    Waist: 42
    Hips: 38.5 (Lost a whole inch!!)
    Right Thigh: 23 Left Thigh: 22.5
    Right Arm: 13.5 Left Arm: 13
    The plan: Walk 2 days a week, Rec Center 2 days a week, Wii Active 1 day a week
    Water Intake: 6-8 oz cups or 2 of my steel water bottles a day, 3 full meals a day, with 2 small snacks. Get 8 hours of sleep a day. (I am sticking with the goals I put in place at the beging of September, because I still have not fully accomplished them yet. :blushing: )
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Catherine-great job on the snacks...and good luck!

    shell-CONGRATS on your 4lbs.....that rocks!

    tj-don't get discouraged on not quite hitting your Sept goals...every lb lost is another lb in the right direction!! And again, great goals for this week!

    AFM-I had a horrible binge on my cheat day...so I am hoping for a loss of ANYTHING tomorrow! I don't mind a cheat day every week...but not a cheat binge!! Good luck to everyone!
  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    Wow shell, 4 lbs is incredible! Good work.

    tj, I agree with Tara. Moving in the right direction is most important. Where are you going for vacation?

    Tara, I'm thinking about starting an eating plan that allows some cheat meals, but I worry that they'll turn into binges every time, so I haven't embraced the program yet. You, on the other hand, have seen magnificent results, so you get a pass every once in awhile. :)

    The funeral luncheon went well. I picked small portions and stayed at a good calorie total (well, considering what my options were). I didn't make food stops on the way there or back, so that was a big success. Hoping to have lost at least a lb tomorrow!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Catherine-great job on your road trip today!!! Hopefully, the resistence will pay off, and you will have a great loss tomorrow!! As far as cheat meals...on occassion (as you saw) mine do turn into binges (unfortunately)...but we all have our days I guess!!! I just know if I didn't take a cheat once a week, those binges would probably come a lot more often for me!!!
  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    I am SUPER happy with this week's weigh in. I think all of the water drinking and saying no to treats is starting to pay off. My husband rewarded me with a Starbucks coffee this morning - - and got my lecture about how much sugar & calories were in it. I'll drink it since I know he really got it intending to reward me. But next time, I asked him for a new sports bra. ;)

    My numbers:

    CW: 173.6 (down 2.6 lbs and I met my Sept goal weight which I didn't think was possible!)

    Final GW: 140

    October GW: 169

    Other than 1/2" off my waist, my measurements didn't change much.

    Plan for this week is pretty close to last week's plan: Continue to shoot for under calories and exercise every day. I'm going to start a new nutrition plan working toward cleaner eating and this will be week 1 of a two week starting phase.

    GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE on their weigh ins today!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Catherine-CONGRATS on the loss this week...and on hitting your September goals!! Oh, and as a reward...you could also just let him know how to "lighten up" SB a lil too....a venti caramel frap light with no whip is less then 200 cals still and super good! Great goals for the week and for October!!!

    my weight last week: 127.0
    my weight this week: 126.2

    so I lost 0.8lbs....I'll take it!! After my almost 4000 calories binge on my cheat day on Thursday I can't be too upset with a loss still right?!

    my weight goal for October: 121.2 (-5lbs)
    my weekly goals: I am gonna shoot for 6/7 under cals (which will NOT be a prob for me), but I am also gonna try to keep my cheat less then 2800cals (which seems to be a increasing prob for me)!! I am gonna shoot for 12 cups of water on my work days (Sun-Tues) and and least 8 on my days off! and I am gonna try to be under my sodium 6/7 days!

  • BttrflyKisses925
    BttrflyKisses925 Posts: 43 Member
    247.8; 1 lb down;expecting a better loss this coming week as i have seen a nutritionist and she gave me a new "diet" which i started this morning and so far feeling great! :D

    244.4; down 3.4 :D


    Neck - 15 (same)
    Forearms - 11.5 (same)
    Upper Arms - 13.75 (down .25)
    Hips - 45.5 (down .5)
    Bust - 46 (same)
    Waist - 42 (sown 1 inch)
    Upper Stomach - 40.5 (down .5)
    Thighs - 24.5 (same)
    Calves - 18.5 (same)

    altogether down 2.25 inches :D
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    CONGRATS on your loss too Bttrfly!!! i guess that nutritionist gets paid to do what she does, since she knows what shes doin right?! keep up the great work!
  • jesstroxel
    Great job ladies losses for everyone!!!

    Last week: 178
    This week: 177
    I didnt met my September goal, but I didnt met with a nutrionist and got some good tips. I am also meeting with a new personsal trainer this week, hopefully they will be better than the last one.

    I will try to get things on the spreadsheet caught up this week. Sorry its been a busy month and Im running behind on everything!!
  • silveryflutterby
    CW: 204.6
    September goal weight: 207 - Made it!! :D
    The plan for the week: Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days, workout 2 days/wk
    Water intake: 10-12 cups
    October goal weight: 196

    Catherine- Sorry about your loss. Proud of you for resisting fast food on your road trip, though. :) Great job on your loss, too! Awesome that you met your September goal.

    shell- congrats on your 4 pound loss! Keep that up and you'll have no problem hitting your October goal.

    tj- I know how it feels to miss a goal, but you are still going in the right direction and that's what counts. you haven't failed until you stop trying. ;) Nice loss on inches!

    Tara- Awesome that you had a loss so soon after your cheat. :) Getting 12 cups in and staying under sodium will hopefully balance you out by your official WI.

    Bttrfly- Great job this week! That's an awesome loss!

    Jess- Nice job and don't worry about not meeting your goal. October is a new month so let's do it!! :D
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jess-congrats on the loss...every lb down is a lb in the right direction!

    Tasha-you killed your Sept goal...and I can't wait to see you kill your October one too!
  • jesstroxel
    Are you ladies up for a challenge this week?

    Under calorie goal 6/7 days
    8 hours of sleep a night 6/7 days
    80oz of water a day

    For me::
    Sunday: under calorie, 8 hours of sleep, 80 oz

    Tasha - Great loss!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Are you ladies up for a challenge this week?

    Under calorie goal 6/7 days
    8 hours of sleep a night 6/7 days
    80oz of water a day

    For me::
    Sunday: under calorie, 8 hours of sleep, 80 oz

    I'll join the challenge...but be forewarned...I RARELY get 8 hours of sleep!

    Sunday: under calorie, 9 hours of sleep, 96oz of H20
  • silveryflutterby
    Took my measurements today so they can be at the first of the month from now on. So here are all of my stats together. :)

    CW: 204.6 (-1.4 pounds this week)
    GW: 160 @ 5'8"
    September goal weight: 206 - Made it!! :D
    Waist: 35.5 (-1.25)
    Hips: 45.75 (-.25)
    Right Thigh: 26.75 (same)
    Left Thigh: 27.5 (same)
    Right Arm: 13.5 (same)
    Left Arm: 13.5 (same)
    Total inches lost since 9/13: 1.5"
    The plan for the week: Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days, workout 2 days/wk, 8 hours sleep/night
    Water intake: 10-12 cups
    October goal weight: 196