60 lbs by March- September



  • jesstroxel
    I rarely get over 5 hours of sleep so that is why I added it to the challenge because I know I need to sleep more than that a day.
  • silveryflutterby
    Tara- Thanks girl! I can't wait to reach my October goals either!!! :D

    Jess- Thanks and I will join you on your challenge, but I rarely get 8 hours either, so I will probably FAIL on that one, but I'll try! ;) Sunday CI: Over calories (cheat day), 112 oz. of H2O, 3ish hours of sleep...eek! I told you...that wasn't typical, though.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Sunday: under calorie, 9 hours of sleep, 112oz of H20
    Monday: under calorie, 6 hours of sleep, ????on H20 until I go to sleep tomorrow AM!!
    Tasha-huge loss off your waist...woot!!!!
    Jess-I will try my best...but it is IMPOSSIBLE on Mon and Tues for sure...I get off at 6am, get my son to school at 7, sleep from 730-130, workout for 30-35minutes, and then spend sometime with the kiddo, and get ready for work and leave at 430pm again!!! But I will try my best on the other days for sure :)

    LMAO!!! this should be interesting to see...I wonder how will get the most sleep by the end of the week?!
  • jesstroxel
    For me::
    Sunday: under calorie, 8 hours of sleep, 80 oz
    Monday: under calorie, 5 hours of sleep, 104 oz

    Tara-It will be interesting to see who gets the most sleep...lol
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Sunday: under calories, 9 hours of sleep, 112oz of H20
    Monday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 96oz of H20
    Tuesday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, ?????
  • silveryflutterby

    Sunday: over calories, 3 hours of sleep, 112oz of H20
    Monday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 104oz of H20

    Yeah...not doing so well on the sleep! It's always an issue...
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Tosha-no worries girly...looks like Jess, you, and I are in a race to see who can sleep the least!! LOL just do the best you can, life get's busy!
  • Cammy_girl
    Cammy_girl Posts: 115 Member
    Hi all!
    Hoping to start losing some weight again! I lost about 30 pounds a year or so ago, but put t back on(and then some) when I hurt my back and couldnt work out for a few weeks

    I am pretty new to MFP. Have been using it on and off on my phone, but have found i just stop logging when I eat crap.
    I am hoping by getting involved in the forums I will have a bit of extra motivation and support. Feel free to share suggestions :)

    CW: 275
    GW: between 130-150, see how I am feeling and looking when I get closer
    October GW: 270

    Other measurements - need to find a tape measure!!
    Right Thigh:
    Left Thigh:
    Right Arm:
    Left Arm:
    The plan: Get back into working out, starting at 3-4 days per week 2-3 miles per day plus some weights.
    Ideally I would love to be at my goal weight by this time next year, but as long as i actually see results I will be happy
    Water Intake Goal: 2 litres a day. Am usually pretty good with this, but get a bit slack on the weekends
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Welcome to the group Cammy!!! Fell free to post your measurements on our next weigh-in day on Sunday!! We weigh-in every Sunday, and check in here during the week! Sometimes one of us throws out a challenge too!! Jess' challenge for us this week is: to be under cals 5 out of 7 days, get 8 hours of sleep/night, and drink 80oz/day...feel free to join in this challenge if you would like :) also share any questions or concerns as they arise :)

    good luck to you!
  • silveryflutterby
    Sunday: over calories, 3 hours of sleep, 112oz of H2O
    Monday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 104oz of H2O
    Tuesday: under calories, 5.5 hours of sleep, 80oz of H2O

    So far...

    Total days under calories: 2/7
    Total hours of sleep: 14.5/56
    Total ounces of water: 296/560

    Tara- I know...it appears none of us are getting the sleep we need...let's try again tonight! lol.

    Cammy- Welcome to MFP and to our group! Great goals. Hopefully you will have some good results on WI day (Sunday)! :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Sunday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 112oz of H20
    Monday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 96oz of H20
    Tuesday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 96oz of H20
    Wednesday: ???, ???, ???

    Total days under calories: 3/7
    Total hours of sleep: 18/56
    Total ounces of water: 304/560

    Had to figure out my sleep...I slept 9 hours Sat, but that was for Sat and Sun night (I worked Sun night), then I slept 6 hr during the day on Mon, Tues, and Wed, and then I go back to sleep Wed night to try to convert back to a day shift shedule!!! So I will enter what I sleep tonight for tonight I guess!! LOL

    Tosha-I stole your "totals" section....let's just do the best that we can, and see where it takes us!!
  • silveryflutterby
    Tara- Happy to share it! ;) It must be hard having to switch back and forth from days to nights all the time...
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Tara- Happy to share it! ;) It must be hard having to switch back and forth from days to nights all the time...

    it's not TOO bad...but it has gotten harder after 9 years of doing it!!
  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    Hello, gals!

    The last few days have been AWFUL. I went away with my mom & family and didn't take the time to do restaurant research and turns out I made VERY bad choices. Ugh.

    Back at it today - - hoping to keep a very tight leash on calories for the next few days. I'd hate to have a big gain this week after a good weigh in last week.

    Welcome to the group, Cammy!
  • silveryflutterby
    Sunday: over calories, 3 hours of sleep, 112oz of H2O
    Monday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 104oz of H2O
    Tuesday: under calories, 5.5 hours of sleep, 80oz of H2O
    Wednesday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 88oz of H2O

    So far...

    Total days under calories: 3/7
    Total hours of sleep: 20.5/56
    Total ounces of water: 384/560

    Tara- Yeah, I'm sure that would get old after that long!

    Catherine- Don't worry...we all have times like that. Just do your best to finish out the week strong! :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Sunday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 112oz of H20
    Monday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 96oz of H20
    Tuesday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 96oz of H20
    Wednesday: under calories, 8.5 hours of sleep, 64oz of H20

    Total days under calories: 4/7
    Total hours of sleep: 26.5/56
    Total ounces of water: 368/560


    Catherine-it happens....lesson learned right?! :) The important thing is that you still logged it, so you could see what the food you ate was truly worth!! Great job!

    Tosha-well seems like I overtook you in sleep last night...and you over took me in H20 yesterday!!! LOL
  • silveryflutterby
    Yesterday was a very stressful day...had some stuff going on. I wanted fast food and decided I wasn't going to have it, but then realized that I forgot to set out the meat to thaw for dinner, so I gave in and over did it...gonna try not to have my normal cheat on Sunday to make up for it. Hopefully I can get all that extra sodium out of my system by Sunday WI!!!

    Sunday: over calories, 3 hours of sleep, 112oz of H2O
    Monday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 104oz of H2O
    Tuesday: under calories, 5.5 hours of sleep, 80oz of H2O
    Wednesday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 88oz of H2O
    Thursday: over calories, 7 hours of sleep, 104oz of H2O

    So far...

    Total days under calories: 3/7
    Total hours of sleep: 27.5/56
    Total ounces of water: 488/560

    Tara- lol...I guess we kind of balance out! I will hopefully make up some sleep over the weekend.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Sunday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 112oz of H20
    Monday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 96oz of H20
    Tuesday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 96oz of H20
    Wednesday: under calories, 8.5 hours of sleep, 64oz of H20
    Thursday: under calories, 9 hours of sleep, 64oz of H20

    Total days under calories: 5/7
    Total hours of sleep: 35.5/56
    Total ounces of water: 432/560


    today is my cheat day...so I WILL be over cals....such is life :)

    Tosha-I hate when I forget to prepare for dinners...makes it really hard to not give in and go get something quick?! I always leave some chef boyardee on hand for these situations...may be not the best for you, but def better than a double quarter with cheese!! (which is what I would get from fast food!!-LOL!)
  • jesstroxel
    Sorry ladies Ive been sick and had a house full of sick little ones all week, this got the back seat.

    Cammy- Welcome!!

    Tara and Tosha- Great job in the challenge!!!

    For me::
    Sunday: under calorie, 8 hours of sleep, 80 oz
    Monday: under calorie, 5 hours of sleep, 104 oz
    Tuesday: over calories, 12 hours of sleep (sick) 48 oz
    Wedesday: over calories, 6 hours of sleep, 32 oz
    Thursday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 96 oz
    Friday: over calories, 4 hours of sleep, 80 oz
    Saturday: under calories, 8 hours of sleep, 80 oz so far

    Total days under calories: 4/7
    Total hours of sleep 49 /56
    Total ounces of water: 520 /560

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Sunday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 112oz of H20
    Monday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 96oz of H20
    Tuesday: under calories, 6 hours of sleep, 96oz of H20
    Wednesday: under calories, 8.5 hours of sleep, 64oz of H20
    Thursday: under calories, 9 hours of sleep, 64oz of H20
    Friday: OVER calories, 7.5 hours of sleep, 80oz of H20

    Total days under calories: 6/7
    Total hours of sleep: 42/56
    Total ounces of water: 512/560


    I just need to add today...which I will do when I post my WI tomorrow...might have a small gain tomorrow as, I took my cheat day later in the week then normal, since it was my mom's b-day!

    Jess-not too bad of a finish for the week!! :) any new challenges for this upcoming week?!